Death of The Marvel Multiverse (Secret Wars 2015 Full Story)

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what's going on guys this is Rob if you guys enjoy my content make sure you hit the subscribe button and make sure you hit that little bell so you never miss out on my sexy voice what's going on guys this is Rob and we are finally here we are finally here at Secret Wars issue number one the start of Secret Wars 2015 and I am so excited here I am so psyched because Marvel has basically taken the axe to all but like ten people from the earth-616 universe everybody else's dish it's insane what they've done here so if you guys recall in our last video what we had talked about was that with the incursion beginning to happen with the incursion taking place between the earth-616 universe and the ultimate universe that if one of the planets wasn't destroyed if one of the earths wasn't destroyed that both realities are going to be destroyed entirely and so in response to this Nick Fury from the Ultimate Universe launched an invasion against the earth-616 universe in order to annihilate the superheroes and destroy that earth so that both universes could continue to exist and so this is where the story picks up the story basically picks up here where the in care the invasion is taking place now in the midst of this invasion we see a multitude of heroes it's basically all hands on deck the guardians of the galaxy are present the x-men are present Luke Cage iron fist Danny ran Carol Danvers spider-man the Fantastic Four all these different characters have all popped up from all over the planet earth to try to stave off this invasion but what's also taking place here is that Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four are trying to organize this multiversal life raft again this is a life raft it's basically been designed to house a certain number of people presumably around sixty that will allow all these individuals to survive the collapse of the multiverse should it take place and then survive into the next whatever the next step multiverse happens to be and so what we find here is that there eventually comes a point whereby it seems as though nothing can be done that too much time has passed it's impossible to destroy the the earthly ultimate universe without destroying both earths in the process simple because of their proximity and the fact that if the ultimate universe version of the earth or if the main earth was destroyed it would simply just blow up both of them just due to the fact that the explosion would be so extreme and so what happens here is the Fantastic Four implied Panther effectively use the the multiversal life raft to begin reaching out to the various heroes that they need that will help them move on into the next multiverse and so the following heroes are picked up the following heroes continue to be part of what we'll see going into battle world we see Peter quill joins this team along with the all-new version all new a female version of Thor followed by Peter Parker spider-man Carol Danvers and Cyclops who has basically readjusted or retaken back on the Phoenix force and this is it this is all we get now of course this is in addition to the Fantastic Four and to out Black Panther but this is really always see these are the only characters these about nine or ten people are the only ones for the main earth-616 universe that are presumably going to live on into whatever this new battle world is going to be and so what happens here is that while the group is trying to make their escape trying to simply survive the collision of both of these earths that there's all kinds of electrical storms there's all kinds of chaos due to the instability of these realities colliding with one another and that during this time these section which basically holds Susan storm Johnny Storm Ben Grimm and the fantastic four children is ripped away and so what happens is Reed Richards tries to launch this kind of rescue attempt in the sense that he tells the chala to lower the shield's now initially to tell it doesn't want to and the reason being because if they did it might cause some kind of an instability within the ship and it would end up destroying the multiversal life raft entirely and so what he says is that he'll be able to lower it down for five seconds but after that five seconds is up if the integrity of the ship goes below 90% then he's going to have to raise the shield regardless of what's happened and so once the shield goes down Reed Richards tries to reach out to Susan storm and to grab that section of the ship but right before he gets there that section of the ship disintegrates entirely and so basically Reed Richards is the only member of the Fantastic Four left everybody else has been completely annihilated and so what we find is that as everything seems to come to an end as this entire multiverse begins to collapse and to basically be destroyed that we see that this multiversal liferaft seems to land on what this new battle world is I guess on the the formation of the conglomeration of all these different realities that have been merged on to what battle world is going to be but again this is what we get we don't really know what's going to happen next the only indication we have is from what Marvel has told us through various interviews and so on that Secret Wars issue number 2 is going to cover all these different realities but the fact remains in terms of the earth-616 portion of battle world that is to say the portion of battle world that's going to house the characters from that were previously part of the earth-616 continuity these are the only ones we're going to see that we're going to see Reed Richards we're going to see Black Panther we're going to see Carol Danvers Cyclops with the Phoenix force Peter Parker spider-man the only version of for Peter quill and maybe one or two other people but that's it this is all we have left so keeping with our series of videos on secret Wars we pick up now with Secret Wars number two and I won't tell you guys right now this is a damn good story the super secret Wars number one concluded with the end of everything the end of the Marvel multiverse and the destruction of presumably a multitude of characters The Secret Wars number two picks up with the beginning of battle world with the beginning of everything now as we get into this video what I want to make clear here is that some of the things that we're gonna see in this video we're simply just not gonna have answers to yet we don't know what a lot of these things will turn into and so while I'm sure you guys will have a lot of questions I'll answer them as best I can but some of them we just don't have an answer to what I also want to guys to keep in mind here is that the notion of alternate realities is no longer part of the equation that there are no more there's no more earth-616 there's no more ultimate universe there's no more as Marvel Zombies universe none of that stuff and said there's simply just battleworld and so over the course of this video while I referenced things like earth-616 and while I referenced things like the ultimate universe that's simply just to give you guys perspective that's to help you guys understand these characters and reference to who they used to be as opposed to who they are now so what we do as we start this series is we pick up with some young man who has successfully lifted the hammer of Thor which is basically our introduction to the Thor core as is explained to us by Odin Thor who appears to be basically the leader of the Thor core the Thor core is essentially the police force of battleworld and they carry out the will of the god of battle world or of this reality who's actually revealed to us to be Doctor Doom and what we also do is we join Odin Thor as he takes this newest recruit of the Thor Corps on a tour of battle world what were given is this sort of origins story where prior to the existence of battle world there was nothing and then everything came into existence presumably at the hands of Doctor Doom what's this basically telling us here is that the four core are pretty much unaware of anything having ever existed before the end of the Marvel multiverse and the establishment of battle world now again we don't know this for a fact this just appears to be the case more so than that we don't know if anybody else on battle world believes this at this moment is simply just given to us this seems to be the perspective of the four core but what we do is we find that in the key note of you topless we actually move away from the Thor core here and we find that we pick up with the Captain Britain core and the Captain Britain core under this under the kingdom of you topless appear to have several scientists that have uncovered some kind of a vessel and this vessel appears to be the raft that was used by Reed Richards and the various heroes from earth-616 to escape the collapse of that universe the destruction of everything and survive into the I guess the the creation of battle world and this a new reality now from here we rejoined I guess Odin Thor we pick up with his character and this recruit as they arrive at bar-sinister which is the kingdom of mr. sinister and again as they basically exist to carry out the law of doom this is what they're doing what we're told is that sinister has been ordered in the I guess order to the presence to appear before Doctor Doom himself and again this really seems to give us some very I guess a large amount of insight into the world that dr. doom plays as the god of battle world in the sense that it seems as though Doctor Doom is really believed to be this kind of God because what happens here this sinister makes no attempt to refuse the order to appear before doom and the earth-616 continuity sinister was a character who really didn't know didn't take orders from anybody he will just kind of did his own thing but in this circumstance when he's ordered to appear before cardoon while he is very cavalier about it while he has a lot of attitude about it he still does it and so the second thing that we learned here is that it appears that models basically chosen some of the most prominent villains from the earth-616 continuity to be the leaders of is to be the leader of these are different these different kingdoms within battleworld of course mr. sinister being one of the more prominent members of our 6-1-6 is the leader of bar sinister itself and so again what we find is that we basically pick up with the arrival of the four core and what's referred to as doom stat which is the home of Doctor Doom and it appears as though this place is guarded by some form of Galactus now this is a little bit different from the Galactus that we're used to in the sense that this version of Galactus is on fire he has a fiery head and so on and so forth but again this simply just appears to be some version of the Galactus character and at some point along the line we may get a little more information about this but what we end up doing here is once we join doom inside I guess join another Thor core and sinister inside of doom stat Doctor Strange is revealed to us to be the sheriff of battleworld who basically upholds the laws of doom across all of the kingdoms there for any reason a dispute arises between the rulers of these various kingdoms the dispute itself is settled within the house of Doom in order to basically maintain peace and to keep Kingdom from waging war against each other and evolving about a world into a state of chaos what we're told is that sinister apparently has allied himself with Hyperion the ruler of the kingdom of the the squadron supreme and that the intention of them seems to be to overthrow Jamie Braddock who is a leader of you topless now as a result Jamie Braddock is basically requested a hearing in front of Doctor Doom to settle this to settle this matter to settle this dispute but the problem is that while sinister basically lies to maintain his innocence he's eventually found guilty by dr. strange and so as a result sinister basically chooses to challenge Brian Braddock the brother of Jamie Braddock to a battle to the death now while we're told that sinister has the right to earn his innocence by battling someone to the death were not told why he's able to challenge Brian Braddock instead of the person who's accusing him Jamie Braddock but I'd go as far as to say here that most likely because sinister is a representation of his own territory or possibly because he's the one being challenged he has the right to challenge anybody from the kingdom that's challenging him and so in this instance he chose a child challenge Brian Braddock but again I don't really have any confirmation for this I have no real basis for this it's just kind of a theory on my part because I want to make this make sense in my own mind but regardless the result is that during the fight sinister appears to be victorious but before he's able to deal the deal the killing blow he's basically stopped my dr. doom and the reason for this is I guess his doom explains because dooms basically uncovered some knowledge which indicates that there are individuals who have been plotting against his position and that these individuals may exist inside the kingdom of you topless and so while Jimmy Braddock claims a lack of knowledge well he says he doesn't really know anything about this what doom says is that if Jimmy Braddock is the ruler of you topless then as a king of that area he should know everything that's going on within his kingdom and that failure to achieve this failure to do so means that he's basically not fit to be the king and so the result is that doom have to be hesse of Susan storm has Jamie Braddock taken away Brian Braddock elevated to the position of the king of Utah Palace and sinister sentenced to a series of lashes now what I want to do here is I'm going to take a break from this entire segment for a second and I want to talk about Susan storm and the reason why is because as we know if Secret Wars number one it appear that all of the members of the Fantastic Four with the exception of Reed Richards had been killed when the universe collapsed when their lifeboat had basically kind of broken away and so on but it appears that dr. doom has saved them and so while we don't really know where Ben Grimm or where Johnny Storm is what we do know is that Franklin Richards valaria Richards and Susan storm are alive now we don't know if some of the other individuals that we've seen for example mr. sinister or some of those other characters were saved by dr. doom we simply just know that they're here but regardless what we do here is we pick up with the Thor core as they prepare to deliver Jimmy Braddock to his faint after having after Jimmy Braddock was basically sentenced by Doctor Doom and what happens is the group arrives at the shield wall which appears to be a giant wall stretching the entire length of battle world which very seems very similar to the Great Wall of China here but what happens is Jimmy Braddock being sentenced is basically thrown over the wall and so what we learn is that on the other side of this wall which is designed to isolate or to protect all the kingdoms of battle world there consists three groups the first group are the zombies from the Marvel Zombie universe the second group is the annihilation wave and Annihilus himself and the third group is appears to be just a vast number of robots now what Odin basically tells his recruit here is that it appears as though somewhere along the line that when this wall was built that various people had been placed there to defend it and they've been defending it for years and that people had died so again it seems as though if doom really did create battle world if he really did create this reality then perhaps he planted the thoughts in the minds of Aalesund happened so they've been here for as long as they can remember though or that for some reason this is really just kind of a temporal thing again this is really kind of confusing here and we don't really have an answer to this question although I'm sure that as time progresses we'll understand why it is that Odin Thor believes that he's been here for years when in fact this isn't the case and the reason why this is not the case is because what happens is we jump back to the scientist from the Kingdom of Utah police who are investigating this raft that appeared to belong to the survivors of earth-616 but what's revealed to us is that the Thor Corps or at least a small contingent of the Thor Corps had been assigned here to basically bring it into this excavation to take all the items that have been uncovered by the scientists and to take them back to to castle doom but when does up happening is one of the scientists basically opens this raft opens the ship and when it does it's revealed to us this is not the ship that belongs to earth-616 instead it's the ship that belonged to the ultimate universe to the ultimate universe Reed Richards Thanos and the Cabal and so what happens is thousand the Cabal come out and immediately incapacitate this small contingent of the four core we didn't see the Thanos is basically confused about where he's at he has understand where this world is how this world got there or how they even got there and so what happens if Thanos basically questions the scientists and the scientist says that while this place is referred to under a multitude of different names depending on who it is that you're talking to it's a highborn as referred to as as one name if it is a common person there to it as battleworld what this basically means here is that either a very long amount of time is passed between the collapse of the universe and the birth of this new universe which would explain why Odin says or why Odin Thor says that they've been protecting it for years or it could simply just be that almost no time has passed this reality came into existence and then now Thanos and these individuals are coming out of the raft again this is a little confusing here but again as we continue with the secret war story this will all be made to make sense I have no doubt about that so as we get into Secret Wars number three keep in mind that we're going to be running over these as the release to us and so we may find that there are relatively large gaps between each telling of this story but what we're gonna find in this portion of the story is we're going to receive a large bit of information regarding the origin of battleworld having said that in secret Wars number two if you recall we were given this sort of tour of battle world and that we learned that the Thor Corps is composed of alternate versions of Thor and individuals from alternate realities that were deemed worthy of wielding Thor's hammer and that the Thor Corps itself basically functions as the police force of this new battle world now what we also learned was that Doctor Doom had apparently constructed battleworld although we weren't really told how this was done but due to the vast power that he seems to possess Doom operates as the ruler of battle world as a God with Doctor Strange I guess acting as the sheriff and second-in-command to Doctor Doom what we also learned was that under Doom are a series of barons with each ruling their own section of battle world under their own authority although there is some measure of what they can and can't do now at the end of the last story if you recall we discovered that the life raft used by the Ultimate Universe to escape the collapse of their of the multiverse was discovered and accidentally opened resulting in Thanos Maximus the mad neighbor the Submariner and the rest of the Cabal basically escaping and getting out into battle world proper now from here we jump to Doctor Strange as he investigates the wrath if Thanos and the Cabal emerged from when after speaking with several members of the Thor Corps Doctor Strange tells them to basically search out and defy of all but to bring them back alive what we also find is that dr. strange realizes that not everyone who was on board the raft left with a nose revealing that Miles Morales had actually stowed away and didn't seem to be detected by the Cabal themselves in addition to this as miles begins to explain how it was he came to be on the raft dr. strange actually stops him once he realizes that Miles Morales remembers everything before and during the collapse of the multiverse now from here we transition to dr. strange the newest Thor recruit in Miles Morales inside of what's referred to as the Hidden Isle of agamotto which is to say dr. Strange's own territory that's hidden away from the eyes of everybody else presumably with the exception of dr. doom what we're told here is that dr. strange was actually able to preserve elements of the main Marvel Universe version of the planet Earth within his own sanctum sanctorum but that he's also in possession of the raft that was used by the heroes of the main Marvel Universe to escape the collapse of the multiverse and after Thor is able to actually open the raft at the request of Doctor Strange the group is initially greeted by Peter Parker Carol Danvers Jane Foster Thor and star-lord now the initial response by both Doctor Strange and the remnants of the earth-616 superheroes is one of skepticism in that they don't know if they can trust the others or not but when the group is actually joined by Scott Summers as the Phoenix Black Panther and Reed Richards Doctor Strange becomes convinced that these are indeed his friends and so what we do is we get this sort of explanation from Doctor Strange with regards to how it was that battleworld came into existence what Doctor Strange tells them is that they've all been in stasis inside this raft for about eight years or so and that when the multiverse collapsed doom began reaching out to what was left of the multiverse and began rounding up various pieces of those earths to form battleworld now keep in mind as Doctor Strange is giving this explanation he's not actually referring to Doctor Doom he's simply referring to this being as God now in addition to this no one on battleworld with the exception of a handful of people have any idea of what their past universe was like or that it even existed is for they're concerned they basically just came into existence with battleworld and the reason why they believe this is because quite literally dr. doom had modified their memories now when Reed Richards asked the question who this God is this is when Doctor Strange reveals that is Victor Von Doom that dr. doom had effectively saved all of their lives now from here we switch back to the Cabal as they continue to figure out this new world and as the as the group basically kind of sits around and they kind of eat and they debate and so on the consensus among those talking is that they should not have killed all the versions of Thor and instead they should have basically questioned those members of the Thor core who are present but the result is that Thanos responds by simply saying they will have all the answers they seek that they seek shortly and when the questions asked how it is at Thanos knows this panel simply says that that he's looking up and so what this basically tells us is that the Thor core as it was assigned by Doctor Strange to track down the Cabal has successfully done so and it seems as though the four core is basically descending on Thanos and his cabal and this is where the story ends were kind of left to find out what happens next in issue number four and so what I want to do here is cover the fourth part of Marvel's Secret Wars but because we've already done a video on why Secret Wars was launched in the first place and because of the fact that we don't yet know what the fallout of the inclusion of this comic is going to be what we're going to do here is we're just going to basically cover the story and as the events unfold in future publications we'll tie those in to give a more well-rounded understanding of what else going on here in secret Wars number three we had discussed that following the collapse of the multiverse ultimate universe Reed Richards Thanos Namor the Submariner and the rest of the cabal from the mainstream Marvel Universe had escaped the collapse using a raft from the ultimate universe itself in addition to this in Peter Parker Captain Marvel Black Panther Thor Jane Foster star-lord Scott Summers as a Phoenix force and Reed Richards had all survived the collapse in a second draft from the mainstream Marvel Universe and while eight years had passed on the outside only a few hours had passed inside the RAF's and so when Thanos his group emerged and after being met with the arrival of a contingent of the Thor core operating as a police of battle world Thanos and the Cabal killed all of them and then left the area now where Secret Wars number three had ended on the arrival of the remaining Thor core after tracking down fan o's and his group following their massacre the secret voice number four picks up with Doctor Strange providing a narrative relating to the formation of this new world what Doctor Strange tells us is that following the multiversal collapse Doom Doctor Strange and the molecule man Owen Reese had killed the beyonders the orchestrators of the great multiversal collapse and taking their power doom reshaped reality and for embattled world of the process by taking what was left of alternate universes and placing them in a singular location although we're not told exactly how it was he was able to accomplish all of this while Doctor Strange serves doom as his second-in-command his stance on the function of battle world seems to be a disappointment and that his view of the world being a place of constant struggle and strife is a far cry from what it should have actually been now while the group debates the decision of Doctor Strange in turning away from omnipotence and allowing doom to take the mantle instead the hammer of one of the four core recruits lights up indicating a request for aid from those battling Thanos at this point the story transitions to one of the Thor core members speaking directly with Doom and forming him that the battle with Thanos goes poorly and while the group may be successful it would cost the lives of many of the Thor Court members in order to defeat Thanos himself in addition to this when valaria Richards is asked by doom to use her vast intelligence to analyze a situation Valerius states that the result of this battle is impossible to determine the power wielded by Thanos from the mainstream Marvel Universe Dwarfs any of his alternate reality counterparts that currently exist on battleworld while doom states as such a conflict is below his concern the Susan storm tells him that the power demonstrated by these individuals goes beyond everyone present on battle world save doom himself and maybe dr. strange while doom debates whether to act or not he witnesses the arrival of Doctor Strange on the battlefield alongside the heroes from the mainstream Marvel Universe and Miles Morales from the Ultimate Universe however with the arrival of Doctor Strange and his forces also comes the arrival of Reed Richards from the mainstream Marvel Universe and after stating that he has spent years searching every corner of battle world for him doom states that he's finally managed to find him and taking this time to act doom appears on the battlefield confronting all forces involved while he explains to read that his new power makes him a virtual God if Thanos responds by simply stating that there exists a difference between playing God and truly being a God in addition to this Scott Summers attached Doctor Doom is stating that Doom is like every man playing with a power that he doesn't understand with a planet being composed of a multitude of realities each one home to its own occupants Doom is forced himself into the role of a leader with no true understanding of what it means to lead and that while Scott Summers is able to hold his own against doom for a time doom is able to overpower Scott Summers and in the process seizes him by the neck and breaks it killing him in the process during the entire conflict between doom and Scott Summers however Doctor Strange takes the opportunity to use his power and send the various heroes and villains away to various places in battle world although we don't know how now when asked by doom as to why he had done this Doctor Strange simply replies that doom would have inevitably held them all due to the fact that they would never have bent their knees to his power but furthermore dr. strange touches on the inherent fear of doom in that after all the power he's gained and his stance as a ruler of this new reality that in the end he still fears Reed Richards and so in response to what seems to be the incorrigible nature or perhaps the insubordinate nature of Doctor Strange Doctor Doom kills him entirely so starting off at the funeral of Doctor Strange there are a few key things here I would like you to pay special attention to the first is the eulogy that's being given the unnamed man of the Thor Court tells us that in the beginning there was nothing and that the great god Doom had created everything and alongside him stood his first disciple in the form of Doctor Strange if you notice there is no mention of the molecule man the third man who stood beside doom and strange and the battle against the beyonders in order to save the multiverse now this is something I'd like you to keep in the back of your head because this will become particularly important as we continue with this part of the event the next thing I'd like you to take notice of is Franklin Richards when the funeral proceedings complete Franklin Richards offers a gift to the statue of dr. strange in the form of a leaf that he turns into a wreath now again this is also important because Jonathan Hickman is telling us the Franklin Richards still has the power to work reality furthermore because Jonathan Hickman stories all tie into each other with the events of Franklin Richards making Galactus is Harold during the Future Foundation in the mainstream continuity it's entirely possible the dispersion of Franklin Richards does possess the same power now whether this power rivals that of dr. doom is unknown but what Franklin tells us is that he plans revenge against whoever it was that killed dr. strange indicating that a battle will take place somewhere along the line between Franklin Richards and Doctor Doom now the story begins to transition away a bit and focus on Valyria Richards as a daughter of Susan and Reed Valerio was a character that had a level of intelligence comparable to both her father and Doctor Doom as such while she expresses feelings to doom that her actions of having previously notified dr. strange about the survivors of the ultimate universe led him down the path that resulted in his death the show remains unaware that it was actually do who killed strange but furthermore in her mind in the mind of everyone else is believed that the survivors of the mainstream in the Ultimate Universe continuities were actually the ones who had killed strange and so the question lingers that if doom himself had arrived to fight alongside dr. strange how was it that the survivors got away who all doomed seems to beat around the bush here in stating that no one had escaped the explanation he offers on why they've not been captured is that in its current mindset if he were to seek them out he would immediately destroy them in his own grief now while this is clearly a lie Jonathan Hickman leaves this a little ambiguous as to whether or not Valyria believes it and so in an effort to distract her thoughts from DIMMs involvement or for some reason or another doom tasked Valyria richards with tracking down the survivors of the mainstream and the ultimate universe continuities now continuing on the Jonathan Hickman continues this trend of revealing important aspects of the events following the collapse of the multiverse when we learn that the molecule man Owen Reese is actually still alive now this is perhaps the most important aspect of the story because this gives us some insight into how battleworld formed how it functioned prior to the death of Stephen strange and how his death will change everything going forward now I'd like you to pay special attention to the words Hickman uses here devour hunger and so on while this could simply mean that Owen Reese is quite literally hungry for physical food the running theory among fans is that molecule man is set to be the new Galactus again while this is a theory it seems supported in the information that follows but what Hitman does here is seemingly retcon the creation of everything where previously was believed that the Enigma known as the one above all was the driving force behind everything in existence what Hickman seems to be telling us here is that the be honours themselves had created all things including the multiverse in addition to this Hickman revives a bit of consolidation regarding the events that led up to the multiversal collapse with the be honours having looked at their multiverse and making the decision to basically start over the molecule man was created and then split into an infinite number of versions of himself which were all placed in every reality across the infinite expanse of the multiverse using his ability to control the molecules of all things the Beyonder sought to destroy every version of molecule man simultaneously which would bring an end to everything and allow the beyonders to basically start anew however learning of their plan doom and Owen Reese concocted their own plan to destroy each version of Owen Reese and were to preserve the multiverse but a byproduct of this action was that with each version a molecule man that was killed in an alternate reality the mainstream molecule man grew more and more insane since he was effectively losing more and more of himself and so with time running short dooms strange and Owen Reese abandoned their plan and instead began collecting molecule men from the realities that hadn't been destroyed now during their final battle with the beyonders the captured versions of molecule men were dispersed into the beyonders and detonated like bombs and so with the beyonders dead but their powers still present dooms strange and the last remaining Owen Reese captured their power seeking to use it in order to preserve what was left using fragments of the world that he had traveled during his time killing the molecule man doomed peace these fragments together informed battle world in addition to this the power of the beyonders was simply too much for Doom or dr. strange to control and so using Owen Reese as a conduit the power of the beyonders is channeled through the molecule man and possessed by doom however what Hickman tells us is that where dr. doom acted as the power of battleworld he was not all-knowing and relied on dr. strange to operate as an eyes and ears but because dr. strange is now dead doom is virtually blind to all things going on in battle world which has effectively started a chain reaction that will eventually lead to its total destruction now transitioning back to Valyria Richards we join with the Future Foundation as a group that was established in Hickman's run of the Fantastic Four the Future Foundation operated as a group of the world's brightest minds both young and old in order to solve the world's problems while the group as it exists now is composed of a fraction of its original population under Larry Richards they establish a couple of important things for us the first is that everything on battleworld is composed of what they refer to as God particles or the power do while we know this to be the power of the beyonders the Future Foundation doesn't and so they simply state that everything on battleworld is composed of this energy now while this might be a bit of a stretch here I would be willing to go out on the limb and say that Hickman is telling us that rather than doing piecing battleworld together from what was left of the multiverse instead all of the realities that exist on battleworld were created by doom using the power of the beyonders but furthermore as it stated here where dr. Doom's power was rooted in the beyonders the power Stephen strange was rooted in magic as a result when Stephen strange wished the survivors of the mainstream and Ultimate Universe continuities away and was subsequently killed by doom the machines of the Future Foundation registered two spikes of energy one by doom and one by dr. strange using the timeline of Wendy's energy spike the group seems to come to the realization that doom killed strange but his Valerius states all information gathered on the investigation will stay with the group and so as we bring this issue of secret Wars to a close we find fan OHS facing the shield which separates the rest of battle world from the Marvel Zombies and Ultron indicating that Thanos intends to use these forces for his own ends so getting into Secret Wars part six in truth this comic is actually a little light on content in comparison to what we've seen so far where issue number four saw the death of Steven strange and the dispersing of the various survivors from the earth-616 and Ultimate Universe continuities issue number six continues the trend of their investigations into what took place between the collapse of the multiverse and the formation of battle world under dr. doom picking up three weeks after issue number five which concluded with Thanos standing at the wall separating battle world from the Marvel Zombies and Ultron army issue number six opens up with dr. doom and Valerio Richards examining the bodies of Corvus glaive and Proxima midnight conveniently what Hickman does here is give us a bit of information regarding who these two are by way of Black Swan to provide a little context for the new people when dr. doom had begun the process of attending to defeat the beyonders efforts to destroy the multiverse he had amassed an army to help with the task which were called the black swans as the sole survivor of the group this woman took the name Black Swan as a singular identity and along with a handful of others survived the collapse of the multiverse transitioning back to the story we learned that over the course of the last three weeks various territories within battle world have begun to rise up against doom and while none of them possess the power to destroy him outright their efforts have been driven towards gaining the power necessary to do so furthermore despite having been tasked with finding the surviving superheroes from before the collapse of the multiverse valaria Richards have been unable to achieve this task but as we've discovered an issue number five she along with several others have been working against Doctor Doom to end his rule indicating that she's most likely lying here this sentiment is actually compounded on when the story transitions to the foundation as a group that appeared during Hickman's run of the Fantastic Four and was actually referred to as the future foundation the purpose of the future foundation was to bring the world's top minds together in an effort to develop various technologies to ensure a brighter future for the world however when the collapse of the multiverse happened the individuals that we see here were the only members of the foundation that seemed to have survived furthermore because valaria has a level of intelligence on par with both Reed and doom while she had not figured out everything that was going on at the very least she speculated the doom had killed dr. strange other than the survivors of our 6-1-6 and the ultimate universe continuities as a result she and the rest of the foundation began to focus their efforts on discovering the source of Doom's power as well as putting the pieces together regarding the battle that took place resulting in the death of Cyclops as the Phoenix the vanishing of the survivors and the death of dr. strange picking up with both versions of Reed Richards from the earth-616 continuity in the Ultimate Universe the conversation between the two serves to establish the dichotomy of their outlooks on life and their moral views for 6-1-6 read the defeat of doom would likely result in his death which draws a series of questions regarding what would happen next however for the ultimate read the only issue at hand is the destruction of Jim with everything else existing as a secondary now this as a whole isn't wildly important and all it really does is provide us with their differing perspectives but also sets up ultimate read to continue his role as the villain the maker going into all-new all-different marvel furthermore the discussion between the two reveals that the insurgency within battleworld is not a disorganized revolt among the various territories instead someone referred to as the Prophet is leading these territories to freedom by helping them to revolt and then defeating the members of the Thor Corps when they arrived to restore order in addition to this we learned that 6-1-6 read is aware that his wife Susan his daughter valaria and his son Franklin serve at the pleasure of doom and while their memories appear to have been altered in a manner that keeps them from recalling their lives before battle world on a personal level 6-1-6 freed recognizes that unless Doom is defeated he will effectively have lost his family transitioning to Castle doom proper what we find is that Peter Parker and Miles Morales have been tasked with locating the source of dooms power presumably by Reed Richards however as the to investigate the means by which doom accesses his power the two were joined by valerian Richards who reveals the access point in addition to this the modification of her memories by doom are confirmed when Peter recognises who she is but she does not recognise him and doesn't know anyone by the name of Reed Richards and so was the three begin to talk Valyria admits that she was willing to help miles and Peter access the source so long as they answer the question of who it was that actually killed dr. strange during the battle confirming her belief that it was indeed dr. doom the he lives up to her end of the bargain and provides the two with the passage they seek descending into the white-hot room the two come face to face with Owen Reese providing him with a hamburger that's been in the pocket of Miles Morales for several weeks Hickman toys with us a little bit by hinting at the idea that even if Reese isn't Galactus per se at the very least the hunger he suffers from is akin to Galactus and that he consumed everything that existed within the white space now what the contents of this area was is unknown and hatred never actually tells us but when Pierre and Miles ask Owen about the source of Doom's power Reese responds that he himself serves this purpose now again this is really Hickman just leaving things ambiguous and will most likely be revealed at the end of the story but for the sake of having a little fun I would hazard a guess that when dr. strange Owen Reese and dr. doom stood against the beyonders at the end of everything because Reese had the power to manipulate the molecules of all things in existence he most likely defeated the beyonders absorb their power and now exists as a way for doom to control that'll world and so picking up at the Isle of auger motor which serves as dr. Strange's home the story begins to get a little more interesting when we join black panther and name were the Submariner after entering the to are met with a magical vision of Doctor Strange allowing them to continue once they've proven their identities by providing a password Doctor Strange goes on to tell them that if they're seeing this message is too due to the fact that he's died as such he left his personal artifacts to only his most trusted friends the first object is the siege courageous unlike the siege perilous which allows an individual to step through and have their entire life reset while being transported to another location the siege courageous allows transport in the same fashion without the loss of one's memories the second object however is far more powerful and comes in the form of the Infinity Gauntlet as he explains because battleworld as a singular reality composed of multiple other realities the Infinity stones were pulled from these various territories to form the gauntlet which will work if it's used now picking up with Susan storm and Franklin her recollection of the events during the early days of battle world come in the form of a bedtime story but also give us one interpretation of what has happened beginning with the formation of the Fantastic Four the events that took place leading to the development of their powers remains the same except that instead of Reed Richards leaving the group instead as far as Susan is concerned it was led by her father Franklin storm now her recollection of these events is most likely due to dr. doom modifying her memories to ensure that her recollection of Reed does not interfere with her perspective of the world as doom had created it but as the story goes the Fantastic Four existed on earth and fought villains however when the multiverse collapsed took place and battleworld came into existence the environment was harsh and only the strongest were able to survive amidst the chaos during this time Franklin storm had been killed and during the pandemonium doom had appeared under the desire to bring order to the chaos however before we find out anything else Susan ends the story and since Franklin off to bed and so picking up with Thanos B insurgency within battle world and the various individuals within continues as we find him speaking directly with Ben Grimm during the conversation Grimm reveals that when battleworld had taken form an order was restored by doom because the Marvel Zombies and the Ultron robots were so dangerous and would ruin the existence of everything else doom had requested that Ben Grimm allow himself to serve as the wall protecting battle world from each threats however Thanos counters this by stating that this request from Doom was a ruse for two reasons the first is that with all the power he possesses doom could simply eliminate the Marvel Zombies in the Ultron robots with almost no effort the second is because like Johnny Storm doom felt threatened the reason being that prior to the collapse of the multiverse Ben Grimm existed as part of the Fantastic Four and worked at forth of various schemes of doom furthermore while Ben does not remember any of this because it was unaffected by the memory modifications that doom employed Thanos does in addition it seems that at some point in the past Johnny Storm became aware of what was happening and as a result doom cast him into the sky to exist as the Sun feeding on Ben Grimm's pride and recognition that with Thanos says is true the story comes to an end as Ben Grimm seemingly abandons his role as the wall separating the Marvel Zombies in the Ultron robots from everyone else and joins in the uprising against dues rule over battle world so continuing our discussion on Secret Wars the events in this story provide us with some insight into what happened to the various characters who were transported across battle world by Doctor Strange prior to his death at the hands of doom but also brings the rumblings of revolution into full swing before we get into this though something I want to touch on here are the territories of bar-sinister and Ferno and Age of Apocalypse due to the fact that the armies of these three territories will be a major part of the revolution in this story bar-sinister is pretty straightforward and that it's run by mr. sinister presumably the version from the main Marvel Universe and occupied entirely of clones of himself Inferno is a territory based on the 1988 story of the same name where it was revealed that a woman named Madeline prior was a clone of Jean Grey created by mr. sinister and introduced after Jean Grey died in an effort to procreate with Scott Summers and produce a trial with incredible power who would actually go on to become cable during the inferno event Madeline prior had lost her mind after learning that she was a clone and in turn allied herself with demons from the dimension of limbo attempted an invasion and takeover of earth but ultimately failed however in terms of the battle world territory and the character that we'll see in this story this version of Madeline hails from a universe where she was successful in taking over the world finally Age of Apocalypse is another straightforward story which focus on a universe where apocalypse was never destroyed by magneto during the Age of Apocalypse event and instead continued to rule the world now in terms of Secret Wars when we covered issues 4 & 5 I'd left out a couple of segments since I didn't play a major role at the time but because of the events taking place in part 7 we need to jump back and cover a couple of these things and in number four when Doctor Strange has stood against doom over the fact that he had created battle world as a testing ground rather than a utopia during the conflict strange a teleporter the survivors of the ultimate universe and the main Marvel Universe two different locations across battle world where issues 5 & 6 largely focus on both versions of Reed Richards from the Ultimate Universe and may marvel universe respectively as well as Peter Parker and Miles Morales and their efforts to locate the source of dooms power and eliminate it this story also explained what happened at Jane Foster Thor Carol Danvers black panther and name of the Submariner while it's only given over a single page Jane Foster had been transported a doomguard the location where the Thor Corps resides as a police force a battle world under doom my Panther and name of the sub-mariner had been transported to Egyptian a section a battle war from a universe where Moses never led an exodus from Egypt and Carol Danvers had been sent to bar-sinister in addition to this with our last video we a touched on the idea of an enigmatic being named the prophet leading a revolution and battleworld taking a sort of Game of Thrones attitude to the story take - Tobler said on its face the bearers of battle world under doom were all loyal without question but in truth were completely split down the middle now something I want to do here real quick is talk about maestro or the future and perfect story saw him stuck in his own head and destined to spend the rest of his life believing that he had defeated doom and the main secret war story he's in his normal form and perfectly aware of everything that's going on well Hickman may or may not explain how this happened this particular issue is one of the reasons why tie-ins can be a problem for major stories there's no real unifying element except for the story itself and so we don't really have a choice here but to assume that either the tie-in didn't happen or something took place to rouse the maestro out of his illusion but regardless in terms of the story what Hickman does here is play on the arrogance of doom and that he assumes that his barons are loyal to a fault while some like apocalypse follow doom due to his belief of survival of the fittest and only the strongest should rule others like sinister have more ambiguous motives and so all of this comes to a head in issue number 7 when we pick up with a fallout of the prophets revolt growing beyond control amassing an army huge in size and composed of various characters from throughout battle world some of whom had powers of some of whom don't the revolution comes knocking on the door of doom stat where it's revealed that the Prophet is none other than Maximus the mad now for those who are unaware Maximus is the inhuman brother of Black Bolt king of the Inhumans but also possesses a genius-level intellect as a result of his exposure to the Terrigen mists like the other survivors of the Ultimate Universe and the main Marvel Universe Maximus seems to be leading this revolution for the purpose of toppling doom whether this is due to altruism and that he's trying to do the right thing or because he has his own motives is unknown since Maximus himself is ambiguous when it comes to his motives for any particular situation however the schemes of Maximus are short-lived in the face of the combined efforts of bar-sinister Madeline Pryor and her goblins and apocalypses forces seeing this as an opportunity to turn against Duman in his rule sinister turncoats and along Carol Danvers their forces at HACC Madeline Pryor and her army of goblins however in the mists of their attack on Madeline enter goblins sinister is caught unawares by an explosion from behind resulting in his head being severed from his neck and when the smoke clears he's greeted by the arrival of Holocaust decide track for a second Holocaust was it being originating from the Age of Apocalypse story with unknown origins while it was claimed that he was the son of apocalypse this has largely left ambiguous and instead he simply served as one of apocalypses four horsemen furthermore with apocalypse arriving on the battlefield the indication from Hickman seems to be that because apocalypse was serving as a baron of the Age of Apocalypse territory but was unable to move outside of his own boundaries he quite literally grew bored of stagnation as a result he delights in the idea of being on a battlefield and testing the weak so though they can prove themselves strong or be destroyed and so after a bit of banter between apocalypse and sinister himself the battlefield is met with the arrival of the Thor Corps however rather than being there for the purpose of quelling the conflict it's revealed that Jane Foster has incited revolution within the range of the Thor Corps after revealing the truth of battle world and that doom is not a god but an all-powerful being who put realities together after the collapse of the multiverse as a result the Thor Corps is in complete and total disarray with civil war breaking out between those who believe Jane Foster and those who don't where the battle is short-lived with Jane Foster ultimate Thor and others coming out on top the group takes their lead from dim guard at which point the entire battlefield descends into complete and total chaos with the remnants of the Thor Corps fighting against the forces of apocalypse and Madeline prior by a-lying themselves against doom with sinister and Carol Danvers Susan storm Valeria Richards and Black Swan watch alongside doom as a situation unfolds now what hitman does here is used a situation to provide to sin among the ranks of Doom zone house and not to Susan storm the Thor course war absolute allegiance to doom and has obeyed every order without question however suddenly the Thor Corps has turned against doom indicating that they know something that Susan doesn't which has caused them to turn against doom and join the revolution now back on the battlefield what Hickman does is provide those of us who are apocalypse fans with a true depiction of his power and that he single-handedly is able to take on a full contingent of the Thor Corps if I can be a little bold here this is particularly awesome to me because I've been in the park fan for years and I felt like this display was a reflection of just how powerful of hoc ellipse is in that between a shape-shifting control of his atomic structure and so on he's someone that could easily stand against some of the strongest foes however in the midst of the fight the battlefield is met with the arrival of maestro and his army of hulks referred to as the world breakers all of whom possess the same level of strength as world breaker Hulk from the world war hulk storyline at this point we transition to project 42 with the ultimate and main Marvel versions of Reed Richards what we learn is that this entire revolution as it's being led by Maximus including Sinister's betrayal and the arrival of the hoax has all been orchestrated by ultimate read as a distraction that will allow himself the main Marvel read and star-lord to enter the castle of doom alongside black panther with the Infinity Gauntlet and in his rule now the conversation between Reed Richards and black panther is of stupendous importance here and that the two are extremely close friends by way of their intelligence as well as the experiences that they've shared as part of the Illuminati and so that you recognize that their mission is quite literally a last-ditch effort scenario and that if they fail they will likely die and battleworld will continue under the rule of doom was also funny here is the banter between Black Panther and named war as sworn enemies who both annihilated the others Empire during time runs out leading up to secret Wars the conversation between the two is filled with charge as much as it is animosity and so I think a legitimate argument could be made here that even if the two aren't the best of friends at the very least they share a common respect for one another and so with the two standing before the walls separating battle worlds from the dead and Ultron robots Black Panther destroys the wall and enters using the power of the Infinity Gauntlet my Panther is able to curb the zombies desire for flesh and in the process offer them a chance to use the siege courageous to eliminate the zombie plague from their bodies and start their lives anew while some stand against the idea and that they view their lives as simple due to the fact that they simply exist to eat flesh and can't truly die because all of them were heroes or super-powered beings in some form of fashion prior to contracted a zombie plague by Panther appeals to this aspect of their personalities by telling them that should they choose to use a siege courageous to start over they can fight alongside Black Panther for glory and honor so as we get into our video our Secret Wars part 8 what we're gonna do here is tie the events of previous issues into our discussion which should allow for a smooth continuation of the story so far but also cover any questions you might have along the way so in the previous issue we had talked about how following the death of dr. strange and the dispersing of the earth-616 and ultimate universe heroes and villains across battleworld that over the course of several weeks these various individuals had found their way into several camps including Jane Foster in the Thor Corps Carol Danvers and mr. sinister and so on however these various threats all came together when Maximus the mad the inhuman brother of Black Bolt began amassing an army to lead a revolution against doom picking up in the midst of the battle with the Hulk's Madeline Pryor's demons and Senators clones the story shifts his focus to Reed Richards from earth-616 Reed from The Ultimate Universe and Peter quill with a group intended to use the battle as a distraction to sneak into Castle doom without anyone noticing the trio set upon by one of the hoaxes from my shows army were the actions of this particular Hulk result and the engines being destroyed what this does is set up for the future encounter between 6-1-6 Reed and the rest of his family from here we jump to my show at Castle doom and his attempts to draw out the good doctor however in the midst of his rant he's met with the arrival of Ben Grimm now in one of our previous videos we discussed how Thanos had discovered that the shield separating the Ultron robots the zombies and the annihilation wave from the rest of battle world was actually Ben Grimm himself where we learned that Ben's role as the wall was a ploy by Doom to essentially force him out of the picture and allow the indoctrination of Susan storm Franklin Richards and Valeri Richards when Thanos had revealed the truth of his life prior to the collapse of the multiverse been abandoned his role as the shield allowing Thanos to muster his own army and so what this section brings to us is the final stop of Ben's journey and that because he's seeking revenge against doom he's effectively taking out everyone that he perceives to be in his way including the maestro furthermore where Susan storm recognizes who Ben is while he served as the wall doom used that time to modify her memories and lead her to believe as she had always been married to doom and the Franklin and valaria were his children to this end Susan viewed Ben as a family friend who may had fought alongside when they first gained their powers but to her mind Reed's never existed now during this time we also see the return of Terrax the enlightened for those of you who never saw my videos on Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers care actually enlightened was a Herald of Galactus from another reality where the Illuminati of iron man Black Bolt Reed Richards Doctor Strange and named when the Submariner attempted to save the earth in the midst of an incursion they had also imprisoned hair acts in the main Marvel Universe where he escaped alongside Thanos during the multiversal collapse and so his appearance here marks only a handful of times that he's actually shown up for this appearance here is really just the result of his efforts to ally himself with Galactus now Galactus within the context of battle world is a little confusing and hasn't been fully fleshed out by hickman on one hand he seems to be under the control of Franklin Richards but whether this is truly a version of Galactus being controlled or simply a construct of Franklin using his ability to work reality is unknown the only thing we really know here is that Terrax is considered an enemy of doom and as such Franklin simply kills him as Ben Grimm watches on and so with Ben stepping in to fight Franklin the battle between the two of them is actually pretty even because this is largely a physical fight the indication here is that even if this is Galactus simply under the control of Franklin the full measure of his powers in controlling all things has been severely diminished in addition to this where Susan pleads with doom to step in since any this conflict is well within his abilities he actually chooses not to the reason why is revealed when Thanos arrives with the annihilation horde decide track for a second the annihilation horde or the annihilation wave as it was called prior to Secret Wars is actually something that we haven't really talked about before led by a being named Annihilus the annihilation wave first appeared during the annihilation storyline and came with an AI Alyssa's attempt to wipe out all life in the main Marvel Universe where his attempts were unsuccessful and the story ended with his defeat at some point during the collapse of the multiverse the annihilation wave was collected by doom and housed on battle world although we never actually see this happen something to also take note of here is that during the fight between Ben and Franklin Ben learns that the Franklin's mind he and Valyria are the children of susan and doom stopping the fight and taking a few moments to focus on this subject the full extent of Ben's understanding of the world around him comes into play where the actions of doom modifying the memories of Susan Franklin and valaria goes deeper than he accept in addition to this because Susan was such an intricate part of his life and he has no desire to fight her son VIN stands down but rather than Franklin doing the same he actually destroys Ben now switching back to Susan and valaria in our previous videos we discuss how Valeria's intelligence allowed her to piecemeal the evidence together leading her to realize that her memories in relation to doom were a lie working to uncover the truth regarding what happened to her father between the collapse of the multiverse and the start of secret wars while Valyria is still piecing things together from her perspective this all seems to be a show by doom in an effort to continue his deceit and control over battle world and so coming to the conclusion that Susan should be made aware of what's going on valaria intends to bring her mother to the location of Owen Reese so that he can inform her of the truth and everything that's actually going on transitioning back as star-lord in the mists of his repair of the ship in order to ensure that he and the reeds can escape once their mission is finished he's met with the arrival of Black Swan now again her character is one of many women during the multiverse of collapse who went by the name Black Swan and served doom and his efforts to kill off the multiversal versions of Owen Reese but following the great collapse she'd escaped alongside Thanos and eventually made her way to doom after the survivors of the earth-616 and ultimate universe were dispersed across battle world and so because black swans served doom with unwavering loyalty prior to the end of the multiverse during secret Wars in on battle world she serves with the same level of loyalty now where Peter talks a good talk because Black Swan has super-strength telepathy flight and several other abilities star-lord is outclassed in virtually every way and so back into a corner and with seemingly nowhere to go Peter makes a last-ditch move by revealing a single splinter of wood doing it at the tree of Idris stole from the remains of asgaard it's revealed that the splinter was the last surviving piece of Groot merging itself with the world tree Groot effectively reforms and in the process destroys the whole of Castle doom now switching back to the battle and the arrival of Thanos with the annihilation horn the confrontation between himself and doom is actually pretty short here what Hickman does is continue to build on the arrogance of doom and that to him the entire scheme of tano's and collecting the annihilation hoard was a waste since doom does not consider them to be of any importance in addition to this doom is under the impression that Thanos can be bought and that doom offers to make the Baron of the waste beyond the wall assuming that he stands down and walks away however that himself also holds hubris and that he makes the case that where he once held absolute power and the form of the Infinity Gauntlet rather than using it for his own personal desires he used to sit as judge for all things in existence now to be honest Santos is actually telling a bold-faced lie here while his time with the Infinity Gauntlet did see him usurp the role of eternity as a Supreme Being in the universe the entire basis behind his acquisition of power came from the desire to please mistress of death and so whether there may be truth to what it is it he's saying here the actual fact is that when digging a little deeper Santos's motivation for the Infinity Gauntlet was completely human and that he was rooted in the pursuit of love and so where he makes the argument that he doesn't need an infinity gone to take out doom this claim proves to be a false one when doom seizes Thanos and completely disintegrates him now if I can be a little dangerous here I think Hickman is actually setting the stage for the return of mistress death the reason being because as a physical embodiment of what it means to die she was the only cosmic entity that couldn't be killed when the beyonders began the conquests of wiping out all life well I'm probably wrong about this at the very least I think the death of Thanos will go towards something bigger since it seems to be too much of a throwaway for a Hickman story and so as this issue comes to an end following the death of Thanos the battlefield is met with the opening of the siege courageous with zombies pouring in from the Gateway because the Marvel zombies are able to infect anyone with the zombie plague regardless of what power they possess the immediate reaction is one of fear and that everyone could easily be converted if they were infected but the mastermind behind these actions is revealed when black panther makes his presence known while wielding the Infinity Gauntlet setting the stage for the confrontation and the end of doom and Secret Wars issue number 9 so what I want to do here is continue our discussion on Secret Wars with the last and final issue and something I also want to point out here is that if you're looking to get into the main secret war series including the lead up to everything that got us here I have a playlist that you can find in the description of this video having said that we're issue seven and eight saw the coming together of various armies across a battle world some of which were designed to overthrow doom and replace him where others just wanted freedom as a conclusion of issue number eight like Panther made his appearance alongside Namor the Submariner brandishing the Infinity Gauntlet and leading a full contingent of Marvel Zombies and so picking up with issue number nine we continued the confrontation between de chollet and Doctor Doom now what's interesting about this is that initially doom attributes the surge of armies rising against him as the work of T'Challa but as we discussed in one of our previous videos this was actually orchestrated by the combined efforts of both versions of Reed Richards from the earth-616 and Ultimate Universe respectively with Maximus the mad operating as a figure who could rally these armies together allowing for both versions of Reed to operate from the shadows in addition to this doom actually tries to sway them to his side by appealing to their roles as Kings what I mean here is that prior to the events of time lines out which saw Namor in touch all at waging war against one another resulting in their kingdoms destructions name or world over Atlantis and to child world over Wakanda with each individual dealing with their own burdens and that the outside world was constantly attending to attain wakanda's vibranium stores while simultaneously encroaching on the ocean territories of namur however T'Challa and Namor ultimately reject the olive branch offered by doom and using the Infinity Gauntlet ability to control all things turned doomed a glass with the intention of killing him now something to point out here is that what we're seeing at the moment is actually something we've never seen before what I mean here is that historically the Infinity Gauntlet has been used by various individuals in the past but never against someone wielding the power of the beyonders because the beyonders were capable of eliminating the cosmic entities up to and including the Living Tribunal the question being asked here is this is dude truly using the full power of the beyonders the reason why I asked this question is that during the events of infinity war at least assuming that had been considered it to be official material the Living Tribunal had rebuked Adam warlocks claim regarding the continents incredible power by quite literally keeping him from being able to use it temporarily and so using the transitive property we can argue that if the beyonders have the power to destroy a lone tribunal and tribunal had the power to quell the Infinity Gauntlet then it stands to reason that the beyonders are more powerful than the Infinity Gauntlet however the issue that we face here is that there don't actually seem to be any beyonders left and the last vestiges of their power rests in the hands of doom by way of molecule man and where Victor is able to reconstitute himself after numerous attack he greets T'Challa as an enemy with a to doing battle meaning that unless we're provided a definitive answer at this part of the story we don't know which one of the two is stronger from here Hickman switches our focus to both versions of Reed meeting Susan storm and valaria now this is of stupendous importance in that this is the first time Reed and Susan have met since the collapse of the multiverse and her presumed death where our previous videos established that Reed had become aware that Susan was alive and operating under the control of Victor Hickman's portrayal of Reed and the inherent issue of his character during the events of future foundation are carried over to his reuniting with Susan what I mean here is that during Hickman's run a fantastic for the plot of the story revolved around Reed's disconnect with his family and the face of his love for science technology and solving the world's problems were the conclusion of future foundation and the arrival of Franklin from the future solve this problem by illustrating the need for Reed to exist as a family man the lack of affection towards Susan as displayed here coupled with the anger he clearly shows towards new manipulations of Susan's mind tells us that Reed still cares for his family but in this instance stopping doom stripping him of his power and turning things to the way they were is of the utmost importance to this end when the question is asked by Susan as to who Reed truly is rather than revealing himself as her husband he simply states that he's there to fix things now at this point we follow both versions of Reed into the secret lair of dr. doom which is designed to house a contained molecule man now we're ultimately was originally brought to us as a villain over the course of his publications in the Ultimate Universe when the collapse of the multiverse occurred he survived and encountered the main Marvel Reed Hickman played a bit of deception and that were ultimately it's still demonstrated patterns of villainy it was believed at least by me anyway that the villainous nature of his character had taken a backseat to the necessity of destroying doom however this proves not to be the case and that when both versions of Reed encounter molecule man also meant Reed traps the main Marvel read in a bubble of time in addition to this what we're told is that because of the nature of battleworld tom was believed to flow forward only with the inability to flow backwards meaning the time travel to the past was impossible the reason for this was due to the fact the battle wood was created with the power of the beyonders and his beings who only existed linearly meaning they could only move forward in time the belief was at battleworld function in the same way now to be honest here I would argue that this was the moment when Marvell deviated away from the idea of rebooting their continuity and chose to keep it the same but this is something that we'll discuss later in story for now the actions of ultimate Reed's wrapping his counterpart in a sphere of time causing him to travel backwards and forwards is rooted in the idea that ultimate Reed intends to eliminate his counterpart or at the very least immobilize them entirely however during the taunts Owen Reese steps in Byram aterial izing ultimate Reed into food but he can actually consume effectively removing him from the picture now the reason for why molecule man chose to intervene isn't really explained here with the exception of a warning to the last remaining Reed the Victor Von Doom is coming but I would argue but this is really just omen Reese satisfying his hunger due to the vast amount of power he possesses and in doing so elected to kill the villain rather than the hero but regardless shifted this way back to doom temporarily we learn that the power of the beyonders is indeed greater than the gauntlet in that doom is essentially beating and toying with T'Challa however despite all his vaunted power and knowledge it's not until today all abhi Ginn's to taunt doom that Victor realizes that de chollet went into the conflict knowing it was impossible for him to win and that all of the events have transpired from the first battle at Castle doom up until the current moment have all been a ruse designed to allow both versions of read the opportunity to locate doom source of power and attempt to destroy it now travelling to Owen in an effort to stop Reed from whatever his mecha Nations happen to be in my opinion this portion of the story provides us with one of the best doom monologues in the history of Marvel Comics what we're told is that were previously Douma considered himself to be more capable than Reed based simply on their knowledge of science and technology or willingness to do what needed to be done at the moment doom considers himself to be a better man due to his actions at the cusp of the multiverses collapse because dooms strange and Owen Reese stood at the brink of the multiverses destruction face the beyonders overcame them and took their doom used the opportunity to create battle world and in doing so saved millions of beings from the fragments of alternate realities it hadn't yet been completely destroyed as a result because reed was only able to save himself and a handful of others dooms taunts amount to calling reed a coward in a failure due to his inability to save his own family now where doom attempts to kill Reed using his vast powers the true nature of Owen Reese comes into play and that rather than operating simply as a source of dooms power Reese is more akin to a gatekeeper holding the keys and allowing doom to use the power of the beyonders this particular bit comes to light when Owen bestows Reed with the power equal to doom allowing the two to engage in a grudge fight of sorts now the battle between Reed and doom as is written here is absolutely amazing and that Hickman is giving us an instance where every ounce of frustration and anger is being laid bare from the perspective of doom despite the various powers he's gained over the years and the struggles that he's endured his life has never been an easy one to sidetrack for a second this is actually Hickman paying homage to dooms attempts to save his mother's soul from Mephisto with his various schemes over the years designed to acquire the power to do so as a result dooms anger towards Reed and stopping his conquest over the years isn't rooted in the fact that he was defeated so much as it was rooted in the fact that Reed had essentially been stopping doom from saving his mother on the other hand Reed's anger towards doom is much simpler in that when the multiverse collapsed rather than saving Susan Franklinville area and been keeping them whole and waiting for Reed once he arrived instead doom attempted to take his place by stripping Reed's family of their knowledge of him and acting as Reed himself having said that the battle between the two comes to a head when du makes the argument that Reed believes he's a better person and that have granted the power of the beyonders he would have made a better world rather than creating one of conflict and turmoil furthermore when Reed forces Doom to admit that this is true following this statement I win Reese makes the case that if both Doom and Reed agree that Reed would have made a better world then the opportunity will be granted for Reed to prove it and so using his power to effectively wipe the slate clean as bad a world and all things with n are completely eliminated T'Challa seizes the time gem of the Infinity Gauntlet and a last bid to save himself from here things get a little hairy but they get really interesting at the same time and that we actually jump back to when the incursions first began with a retelling of Avengers vol 3 issue number one what this tells us is that while it's not shown Reid seems to have somehow either stopped the incursions from happening or else change the outcome and that T'Challa has successfully traveled to the past with a time Jim being destroyed once he arrived in addition to this where the beginning of the incursions open with Black Panther witnessing and in cursive earth preparing to crash into the main Marvel Universe followed by the appearance of Black Swan all actions of T'Challa and his tribesmen appear to be the same here with the exception of the fact that rather than witnessing an incursion take place they witness the launching of a vessel into space for the purpose of exploration from here we jump to Miles Morales in Peter Parker where miles has a flashback to Owen thanking him for bringing a hamburger what this tells us is that Miles Morales still remembers everything that had taken place during the events of secret wars on battle world where Owen had responded to models by saving that he owes m1 this favour seems to have come to fruition with Miles being thrown into the same universe as Peter allowing for miles to fight alongside his hero against various villains and so as the story begins to come to a close Hickman brings a conclusion of secret Wars into full view by telling us how things have changed and setting the stage for the direction of the future of Marvel Comics what we're told is that the incursions the destruction of the multiverse and the death of the cosmic entities all took place meaning that as of this moment with the exception of Galactus in The Ultimates there don't seem to be any cosmic entities in the all-new all-different marvel universe in addition to this where the beyonders were essentially defeated by Doctor Strange dr. doom and Owen Reese rather than doom using the power of the beyonders to create battle world the process of recreating all things fell to Reed Franklin and Owen Reese with the explanation coming to Susan by way of Valyria Owen Reese exists as a battery of sorts and that he's the source of the beyonders power and the ability to create things at the same time Franklin is both a universal and multiversal constant meaning that he's able to tap into the power of Owen Reese and use it to create universes finally with Reed's vast intellect and experience the abilities of Owen and Franklin are combined allowing for Reed to instruct Franklin on how to engineer universes and send them off into the multiverse to function and grow on their own and so what Hickman is essentially telling us is that what Reed is viewed as the savior of the multiverse due to battleworld having never happened and all-new all-different marvel the reason why Reed Susanville area and Franklin aren't present in any existing stories is due to the fact that they're quite literally engineering universes to recreate the multiverse with each reality containing its own molecule man now in truth this is really just an opportunity for Marvel to shuffle a Fantastic Four out of the landscape and keep them out of stories similar what was done with Nick Fury during original sin this is evident in the fact that when Franklin asks if they're superheroes anymore Reed responds by saying that their work won't stop it's simply creating universes and that all of these alternate realities have to be catalogued monitored and maintained until they grow to the point of becoming self-sustaining after which time the Fantastic Four will return furthermore in the closing pages of the story is revealed that throughout his entire ordeal from the start of the incursions his journey to find his family his battle with doom and Owen Reese resetting the events after the multiversal collapse allowing for the recreation of all things Reed himself had to learn multiple lessons and that the failure of doom was his desire to hold on to everything he had for fear of losing it and that this fear was ultimately his downfall and that he was essentially a man holding his life in his hands with no foundation but as soon as the things that doom loved were taken away from him he was essentially a broken man using this as a platform Reed intends to use the time engineering universes to connect with his family connect with what it means to live and rather than holding on so tight to the things he loves simply allow the universe to grow and function as it should with that being said we're gonna bring this video to an end and let me know down in the comment section what you guys think about Secret Wars so far and be sure to check that link in the description if you want to watch the whole thing even waiting all this time for me to finally get the last video out and now you want to be enjoy chit which I'm not against it'd be awesome but let me know and I will catch you guys later peace [Music]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 1,340,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicsexplained, marvelexplained, fluidicbeats, Comics, Comic Books, Marvel, Marvel Comics, Secret Wars, Secret Wars 2015, Doctor Doom, Dr Doom, God Emperor Doom, The Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America, The Fantastic Four, Reed Richards, Thanos, Infinity War, Infinity Gauntlet, Susan Storm, The Thing, The Incredible Hulk, Phoenix, X-Men, Mutants, Wolverine, Logan, Old Man Logan, Cyclops, Spider-Man, Miles Morales, Peter Parker, Molecule Man, Doctor Strange, Hickman, Secret Avengers
Id: tQ-kClO560I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 54sec (4374 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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