The Death Of Spider-Man: Full Story

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what's going on guys this is Rob if you guys enjoy my content make sure you hit the subscribe button and make sure you hit that little bell so you never miss out on my sexy voice okay so spider-man homecoming comes out in July yet after finishing the Incredible Hulk a lot of people really seem to enjoy the idea of like long series like picking a character a team or something like that and just doing like an entire run just covering like when one writer takes over the title and just does like a whole run you know Greg packs Incredible Hulk is a really good example it's also the reason why I think I'm gonna go ahead and dive into it but it's also the reason why we're gonna do Geoff Johns Green Lantern because it was it was so good that's gonna take like a year and a half to finish it's insane how long it is um but that's also what we're doing in Justice is because you know they're really popular runs people really enjoy them I really enjoy them and so I figured I'd go ahead and cover them but with spider-man homecoming coming out in July I intended to do all-new all-different amazing spider-man you know when when spider-man homecoming came out but after you know the idea of people loving The Incredible Hulk so much I sat down and I said okay well the issue with spider-man only while different amazing spider-man is that is the fact that it's basically just a continuation of dance lots run from when he first took over the title it's all just one great big huge giant story and so because of that I kind of figured well I mean why not go back and do dance slots run because it really starts with spider-man big time you know picking Peter Parker back to his roots the way he should be in the eyes of Dan Slott and really in the eyes of a lot of fans and then basically moving forward all the way through the events of Spider Island all the way through the events of superior spider-man spider-man basically ending with all nude or really kind of picking up with all-new all-different amazing spider-man by the time the movie comes out that's what I'm shooting for here and the way I have it scheduled it should work out you know I mean coming out every Monday it would just be a Spider Man video running up until only while different amazing spider-man fight in July but a couple things that I want to run over here as we get into this is really J michael Straczynski is run i don't want to go super in-depth into it but there are a few things that we need to highlight our first and foremost was one more day one more day is one of the most divisive stories among spider-man fans I mean there are a lot of people that just hate it they hate hate hate it usually it's because you know people who picked up spider-man before the events of one more day so they were reading about the marriage and the struggles and trials and tribulations between Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson they came to identify with him they loved the marriage between the two of them I mean Peter and Mary Jane Watson were never like Superman and Lois Lane level couple but they were the most popular couple in Marvel Comics they were kind of like Marvel's power couple in a lot of different ways there were a few people who just hopped on the bandwagon they just hate it one more day because it was the popular thing to do but if you were one of those people who you know went back in red spider-man before the events of one more day and then went through one more day and picked up after a lot of people hated it but after the events of one more day there was brand new dip and brand new day basically said here's the new starting point for Peter Parker and people hated that just as much as they hated hated one more day because he basically said now you know Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson are no longer married they basically ended their marriage by selling it off more or less to Mephisto in order to make sure that Aunt May lived because of the fact that she was dying at the time who was granting on May a new lease on life now with brand new day going forward Straczynski made a lot of changes one of the first things he did is he took the character of Aunt May and said okay she's been single and alone long enough you know ever since Peter Parker was first introduced Uncle Ben had died and she's basically been alone for the last 40 some-odd years let's give her someone and so what he did is he basically gave her he paired her up with a Jay jonah Jameson senior the father of Jay jonah Jameson the you know the head of Daily Bugle that hates Peter Parker and so because of this the two of them basically paired off fans you know there were fans who loved it fans who hated it it was kind of a mixed reaction uh but then and he you know J michael Straczynski also got rid of the Daily Bugle and the way he did this was by interjecting stories of Jay jonah Jameson having heart attacks different things like that but it was basically the idea that the Daily Bugle had been struggling and so what happened was a financier got by the name of Daniel Bennett I think it was I came along and basically bought it now it was done against the will of Jay jonah Jameson and in fact he was hospitalized at the time that it actually happened instead he was really Jay jonah Jameson's wife Marla who engineered the selling of The Daily Bugle but essentially this this more or less led to everybody being sent off I mean it was really people just not really being tied into the Daily Bugle and so because it was removed from the landscape in a lot of ways but then we also had Peter Parker now Peter Parker and Jay jonah Jameson one of the cool things that Straczynski focused on was this notion that the two of them had this kind of respect you know Jay jonah Jameson always looked at Peter Parker as is not really a surrogate son but somebody that he had a lot of respect for the issue with this was that when Peter Parker revealed his identity during the events of civil war Jay jonah Jameson flipped he hit the roof and what it did is it shattered to trust that he had in Peter Parker and it more or less you know printed a vendetta and stronger than it had ever been between between Jay jonah Jameson Peter Parker and spider-man and so what happened his eventually spider-man basically saves the life of Jay jonah Jameson during an encounter with the vulture but a security guard had sacrificed his life in the process to you know try to protect Jameson and while Jameson looked at the death of the security guard I said that was honorable that was a great thing that he did Peter Parker doctored a photo to make it look like Jameson had fought off the vulture and so what happened is Jameson took this as an affront and said basically you're insulting the identity of the security guard you restore to the memory of the security guard who basically saved my life and so Peter Parker was essentially a ousted from the Daily Bugle and so that's why he's currently unemployed when it comes to this so there were a couple things that were introduced here and there and we'll cross that bridge when we get to you but with regards to expired a man big time this is really again Dan Slott making Peter Parker his own now keep in mind this is all after the events of civil wars so on and so forth you know Steve Rogers has already returned to the landscape and so what this does is it gives us the Avengers that really the Mighty Avengers as it exists right now with Thor Jessica drew Spider Woman you know Iron Man Wolverine Captain America hawkeye so on and so forth and they're basically responding to the robots of Doctor Octopus wreaking havoc in New York now this is really bad slot leading up to the events of superior spider-man when Otto Octavius took over the body of Peter Parker that's one of the reasons why a lot of people loved the early run of Dan Slott because there were so many plot threads that started in Big Time and extend it out into everything and it took you know four or five years in order for it to all come to fruition but when it did it felt rewarding I felt like this great big huge incredible experience and so um really what the various superheroes going through and and fighting against you know these guys you pick up with Jay jonah Jameson and again with tomorrow and now of course because of the trials and tribulations they'd experienced they were going through couples counseling different things like that but again it's really just Dan Slott saying hey here's what we reside we have Jay jonah Jameson as mayor right now we have him and Marla dealing with with family issues you know dealing with with couple issues as again you know taking taking the stories very much back to the grounded level of traditional superheroes and traditional characters as we knew them albeit in some slightly different roles but what we do at this point is we pick up with with Captain America now within this story this is really just kind of a not really a side plot but kind of a side thing but it really ties in a Doctor Octopus but this is a small version of what I'm talking about when I talk about you know instances where Dan slots building into bigger things because this is not actually Steve Rogers instead what happens to see Rogers tells this guy who is standing guard with regards to this vertex shuttle to basically go away you know Hey look you're you're relieved of relief of guard duty you know I'm gonna go ahead and take over here just because of the fact that this is one of the most important artifacts that we have right now not amiable and you can just keep an eye on and of course the other cool thing here is Dan Slott builds on the legacy of Captain America that's one of the interesting things here is in Marvel Comics you have characters that are interchangeable and you have characters that are concrete characters that do not change uh some characters that are interchangeable might be like Moon Knight for example different riders can can take a different view of the character right him differently bring in characters remove characters things like that Steve Rogers is not that way he's a concrete character and he's always the guy who's like freedom freedom above all else he always fights for freedom he never fights for anything other than freedom that's the biggest reason why the the change of Steve Rogers becoming a Hydra agent during all-new all-different model was so uh so controversial is because there are a lot of people who are clinging on to these old stories and didn't want to see the the Steve Rogers concept move forward didn't really want to see a change they wanted him to stay Captain America and rightfully so because people latch on to different aspects of different characters as time goes on and the one that they love the most is the one they don't want to see change so it's it's natural to have that kind of response but again picking back up with Peter Parker that we basically joined Felicia as showing with the arrival of Felicia Hardy now she doesn't get a whole lot of screen time here in the opening salvo for Big John she actually becomes important later on down the line but again oh she's just one of the funny members one of the members of the spider family so to speak but there's also a little banter back in here and again this is really just Dan Slott saying hey Felicia Hardy she's one of the characters that you all know and love she's definitely gonna play a major role in this story it's a result it's always kind of fun to see but the other the other funny thing here is she arrives on the scene to help Peter Parker you know bail him out of an otherwise dangerous situation and she's like yeah so what's the chances of me becoming an Avenger and Peter Parker of course is like none there's no chance of you becoming an Avenger there's there's not a single solitary chance sorry that's your luck but again from here the cool thing and one of the things I love the most about Dan slots writing when it came to to this opening you know this opening thing was really the idea of how Peter Parker sees himself because what he does is he sits down he says hey look you know I basically have a new life going on now you know I'm I'm with my new girlfriend you know Carly Cooper I'm not with Mary Jane Watson anymore you know he talks about the idea of Aunt May being in a relationship with Jay jonah Jameson senior but he also addresses himself in relation to other superheroes you know he says he's not a heavy hitter like Thor you know he's one of the big-time geniuses like Reed Richards or Tony Stark but that's the irony of this is that he very much is you know Peter Parker is extremely smart he's one of the smartest men out there and it's really this sort of humble nature that people that people like you know where he doesn't sit down and say yeah I'm one of the smartest people out there you know it's always the idea that in his mind there's always someone smarter there's always someone out there that's capable of more but we as the reader know that that's not really the case that spider-man is one of the smartest people out there now at this point we pick back up again with Andrew Air Force Base and again this is basically the chameleon who is masquerading as Steve Rogers and the reason why is because they're basically carrying out a mission on behalf of Doctor Octopus now again this is Doctor Octopus setting the stage for some much grander plans later on down the line he's basically implementing his own scheme on the side this entire conflict here is essentially designed to be a distraction not only that you know Doctor Octopus actually has a lot of respect for Peter Parker this is why I say this is Dan Slott setting the stage for Doctor Octopus taking over the mind of Peter Parker doing superior spider-man because what he says is you know at this moment right now Peter Parker is really really smart but Doctor Octopus also recognizes that a time will come where at least in this almost immediate moment that Peter Parker is going to find a way to basically deactivate all these different bombs that he has planted inside these devices around New York and this is why I say that Peter Parker is just as smart as Reed Richards and Tony Stark because what he does is he sits and says oh my god I figured out what's going on because in their mind you know in the mind of Reed Richards and Stark and so on this countdown is going and when it reaches zero all these bombs are gonna go off and New York is going to vanish off the face of the earth but what Peter Parker realizes is that it's the first day of November that is basically daylight savings time and so you know dr. Octavius or dr. octopus to taking this into account that when Peter Parker figured out what was going on that he would be able to set the timer back and give them an extra hour now this of course allows Peter Parker and the various members of the Avengers to get these bombs out of here but again this was all just designed to be a ruse it was designed to keep them focused on this one thing so that dr. octopus could implement his own plans and what we'll find out with those plans will be later on but from here we transition to frontline now again this is all part of the post-civil war Lance can't remember frontline came to prominence with Ben Urich and Sally Floyd Ames during Civil War and it got a lot of popularity because it was basically covering the events of Civil War from the perspective of reporters from non superheroes basically and because of that Ben Urich and Sally Floyd eventually lucked The Daily Bugle where they originally started out they took the front line concept with them basically this online posting source and they launched their own publication house called frontline and that's what's happening with a lot of people here a lot of folks like Robbie Robertson you know they are all taking up residence as part of frontline in place of The Daily Bugle and so because of that you know we again pick back up with with Peter Parker and the funny thing about this is again during dance slots run there was a girl named Michelle and she had essentially become Peter Parker's roommate to a degree and they were they really had a relationship although it was more of a physical one really than an actual you know we love each other on a solid scale but ditches came by way of Michelle's brother you know being convicted of a crime you know and her keeping an eye on her brother's place while he was gone Peter Parker of course having been roommates with her brother before he was incarcerated ah but this is again Dan Slott wrapping all these things up and acting all these things removing them from the landscape because what happens is Peter comes home and Michelle is like yeah I'm going back to Chicago now because my brother's out and so you know that's that's pretty much it and so Peter Parker is more or less just kind of left to call around to different people and see if he can find a roommate see if he could find a place to take up residence now that's the cool thing here is because this is Peter Parker just struggling with everyday things like well my roommates gone so I got to find a new place and he's got to do a quick fast and in a hurry of course he goes to Carly but their relationship is still pretty new and so she's like look I mean we more or less just started dating not too long ago I'm not really comfortable with moving in and so she basically says no which is kind of messed up of course he goes to Flash Thompson and flash Thompson's like no that's not gonna happen man like you you're you're not gonna live with me and he even goes to Mary Jane Watson you know the funny thing about this is Dan Slott it was it was really kind of a funny moment because it was like Dan Slott was toying with fans it's like he was trolling Mary Jane Watson fans like hey you know how you guys really really want to see Peter Parker and Mary Jane wants to get back together a fans are like yeah he's like that's not gonna happen and so like you know he ends up having to leave years of walking away you know when the two of them agreed not to be roommates together and so ultimately he goes to he goes to on may now the cool thing about this is that Aunt May was already spending time or at least already hanging out with the son of Jay jonah Jameson along with Jay jonah Jameson senior you know the two of them you know spending time with one another hanging out as well as a woman by the name of dr. Madison Jamison now the reason why Madison Jamison matters here is because Aunt May was telling her about Peter Parker saying hey you know my my Peter Parker is a genius you know he's one of the smartest people on the face of the planet and so by the time Peter Parker arrives starts knocking on the door of Aunt May it says hey would it be possible for me to crash here dr. Madison says actually you're amazed basically said that you're a genius and I know of a guy who's very good at dealing with geniuses and so what happens is Peter Parker is taken to Horizon labs now for those of you guys who were reading all-new all-different amazing spider-man and the first story arc saw the marriage of Max Modell and his significance there what this was was a continuation of this whole horizon lab story this is where all this starts is this full horizon labs thing it's the introduction of this we kind of get the kicker that's that's why I really wanted to cover this is really exciting you guys will basically get everything that led to all-new all-different amazing spider-man from the ground up like you guys get it from the very beginning which is why it's so cool but horizon labs as it's led by Max Modell is like Peter Parker's playgrounds that's the best way to describe it max Modell according to Peter Parker was really his idol in a lot of different ways I mean Peter look to Reed Richards he looked at Tony Stark yeah they're really smart they're capable of great things but in his mind max Modell was the guy to aspire to not only that we get the introduction of a really cool guy named Grady Grady scraps and I love greedy scraps but the gist of this is that horizon labs is essentially a think-tank for some of the smartest people in the Marvel Universe this really all it is is it just it's a think-tank for all these geniuses and so it's a chance for them to just kind of run free and do whatever they want to now what what max Modell says is that the way this is done or the way horizon labs functions is different than like Reed Richards future foundation it's different then like 20 starts whole initiative the idea isn't to necessarily say all right guys your assignment is to focus on this one thing and then go from there it's basically hey do whatever you want to do like just create whatever you want to create just get carried away let your imagination run wild because creativity only really comes when there is no constraint here when there's no confinement here and so what is up happening is we basically pick up with a woman may miss us a Johnny joffrey who's basically trying to create an artificial version of vibranium now the reason why she's doing this is because this story takes place after an event called do more and do more was a story where Doctor Doom invaded Wakanda for the purpose of capturing its vibranium now while you know what Conda its citizens are basically placed under control you know they were dominated that kind of thing black panther and his sister Cherie were the only ones who remain out of the influence of this fear of control and so in the end it was you know they were successful in casting out dr. doom but in the process black panther basically rendered all the vibranium across the world in urk and so this had to two effects the first is that ever all vibranium everywhere which had the mystical property of absorbing kinetic energy it basically rendered all that obsolete so now vibranium was essentially worthless the other effect was that because vibranium was basically worthless Wakanda had no real value anymore and so what's happening is people are basically scrambling to try to find vibranium trying to find a way to duplicate it that's what was happening here the issue is that so Jonny's created something called reverb Ian instead of absorbing sound instead of absorbing energy it reflects it and it amplifies it and so essentially it's like it's like turning the whole thing into a tuning fork and that's really what happens here as soon as it's activated it's just like infinite amplification of sound to the point that it threatens to bring the entire building crashing down around it now of course Peter Parker is able to able to shut the system down and so what happens is he's kind of given this pop quiz by max Modell the funny thing about this is that when they ask him questions like well you know we've developed an antigravity harness what are we used for a braking system you know when he's asked questions like how do you contain a 3d object or a 2d object in a 3d space you know when they're talking about how did you know we've discovered some alien fungus how do you how do you slow its growth he references his own experiences here what he's dealing with vulture when he's dealing with with venom he's referencing his own experience and going against these various villains and how he was able to defeat them and so really is him bringing his own experience to the table and this is Dan Slott saying no no Peter Parker's a genius he's one of the smartest people out there and so for me here it's really spider-man hitting the big time it's the idea that he's experienced he's finally experiencing success he's finally having things go his way and so as this little bit begins to wrap up we're basically brought back or at least were reintroduced to the character of Roderick Kingsley also known as the Hobgoblin now the cool thing about the Hobgoblin is that he was actually created by Roger stern to basically be a replacement for the Green Goblin the way it worked out is in 1971 a Gerry Conway had written a story called the night Gwen Stacy died and that was the death of Gwen Stacy he was one of the most landmark stories in the history of Peter Parker but basically it ended with the death of the Goblin the issue was that Green Goblin was so popular by that point or at least the idea of the Oh Wednesday's he died because of either the actions of the Green Goblin or Spider Man was such a controversial topic that's still being debated to this day that Marvel wanted to bring the Green Goblin back but at the time with Rogers Stern riding amazing spider-man his idea was I do not want to bring the Green Goblin back from the dead instead I'm gonna create somebody else and enter the Hobgoblin now there have been different people who have played the role of Hobgoblin and they've all had different aspects of the character that made them all unique but for the character of King occasionally and really for Hobgoblin as whole while he has come into contact with Peter Parker on several occasions he always really seem more like a mercenary than anything else you know kind of like a soldier of fortune in the sense that he would just take contracts he would implement those contracts and that would be it now with regards to Hobgoblin as he exists right now he's been contracted by kingpin and the reason for this is because kingpin you know has sources on the inside there's guys on the inside of horizon labs and kingpin comes to the realization that you know Joffrey is basically working on reverb IAM and kingpin basically says hey look if this is a metal that can amplify sound then what we're going to do is we're gonna steal it and we're literally gonna weaponize it and then sell it to any government that wants to buy it again it's really just you know it's it's pure it's just pure money running here when it comes to kingpin that's really all that's that's really all this aspect of the story is but what happens if Kingsley travels to what used to be the domain of Norman Osborn because keep in mind you know this is after the events of Dark Reign this is after the events of siege and so Norman Osborn is no longer a main character instead he's very much just gone from the public eye and so because of that you know when Kingsley actually gets into Norman Osborn's lab and starts going through his personal things he's met by Phil uric now Phil uric is one of the people who was associated with with the Daily Bugle and his whole idea is that he's basically the nephew of the now famous Ben Urich who did so much reporting during the events of civil war but what happens is Phil uric while he's being attacked by a Hobgoblin essentially just freaks now with Phil uric the funny thing about him is that he was a goblin at one point in time in fact he was the Green Goblin during the events of the onslaught saga so it's not like he's brand new to all this he's not a creation by Dan Slott instead for the character of failure this is a return to familiarity in a lot of different ways they said now he's taking on the role of hobgoblins now as far as I'm aware the only Goblin roll that pill jerk played up to this point was the Green Goblin I may be wrong although I don't think I am but if I am feel free to uh feel free to correct me down there but as far as I'm aware he was only ever only ever the Green Goblin but taking over the role of Hobgoblin was really interesting about this is that it really shines into effect the nature of the kingpin in the sense that kingpin doesn't really care who it is if it fills a contract as long as what he's trying to acquire is brought in you know as long as what it is that he's looking for is brought to him now at this point we basically pick up in City Hall and again this is really kind of funny here because Jay John and Jameson still hates the idea of spider-man I mean he's always going to hate spider-man and was kind of cool as Captain America shows up and says hey look I really want spider-man to receive like you're doing the whole honorary thing of the key to the city I really think spider-man should be the one to get this now this immediately strikes you know this immediately strikes Jay jonah Jameson has done enough that's not gonna happen absolutely hates by a man I'm not going to give it to him I'm going to give it I gonna give it to my son now the funny thing about this is that his son shows up you know and he says hey you know I would love to have the key to the city but I really do think it needs to go to spider-man because he's done so many great deeds so it's not the most significant thing in the world it's just kind of uh it's kind of funny to see Jay jonah Jameson being put in such a strange situation but again piggy back up again with with horizon labs this is when we really start to get this full explanation from maximo down the since we're introduced to a few other characters here and there you know a few more members which is part of the the elite seven of the not realize the secret seven but it's part of like the top seven people who were they're the ones that can come and go as they please work on whatever it is that they want to and Peter Parker's basically given his own lab he's given the ability to work on whatever it is that he wants to work on the issue with this is that while he's in the middle of studying while he's in the middle of reading what he needs to read and try to get things in order the entire horizon last facility is immediately attacked by the Hobgoblin now this was actually kind of cool because Dan Slott was messing around with us a little bit I mean we would sit here and we would think well this is these are some of the smartest people on the face of the planet and so if Peter Parker suddenly not there and spider-man is there did it would seem like the easiest thing to figure out of the easiest thing to understand her to you know come to the conclusion of is that Peter Parker is spider-man not only that you remember Phil Urich has his no goblins scream so to speak which basically you know it did cause it Reese all kinds of havoc and the sense that is basically a sonic scream and so because of this it incapacitates Peter Parker you know it causes physical reactions he's bleeding out of his eyes you know and so what happens is in the middle of this conflict Peter Parker is able to make his escape by the the skin of his pants max Modell Yanks the fire alarm and what it does is it kind of balances things out of it in the sense that it more or less ends you know the hobgoblin off just kind of running for the middle of nowhere spider-man of course chases after him and it's kind of this cat-and-mouse game and this sense of spider-man's trying to figure out why hobgoblins come back he's trying to figure out while he's there but in the end it doesn't really matter because Hobgoblin is able to make off with this a reverb IAM as has been created by so Johnny Joffrey and so one of the funny moments here this is this is why I love this so much is at this point you know once it's all said and done we have captain captain Watanabe of the of the New York Police Department that shows up and of course I Peter Parker changing out of his spider-man uniform has to come up with an excuse for why it is that he wasn't out there when one of the people was like hey I took a headcount and Peter Parker's not here when they go into his lab he's wearing headphones and he's naked and his response is that well this is how I function like I put headphones on I listen to music you know I I study when I'm naked it was the only excuse that he could come up with spur-of-the-moment and this is why so many fans loved Peter Parker cuz it was just small moments like this that were absolutely hilarious it was small moments like this that we're amazing but at this point we pick up with Hobgoblin joining Wilson Fisk er this is why I say Wilson Fisk it doesn't really care what goes on with a contract I said he says where's Roderick Kingsley like where's Kingsley at and the response of you know Phil uric Hobgoblin is it doesn't really matter like it doesn't matter at all I mean he's gone he's dead you know but the contracts been fulfilled and kingpin says cool beans now the funny thing is he doesn't really trust Kingsley that much he's not really sure how he feels about him but he did uphold the contract he did fulfill what it was that kingpin was looking for and that's all he ever really cares about now at this point we rejoin blackhat and that's why I say she was gonna have more of a significant role later on in the story and I love what Dan Slott does with this historically speaking has always been this sort of cat-and-mouse game not to make a pun but there's always been the sort of cat-and-mouse game between Peter Parker and an in black hat in the sense but it was always a sort of will they won't they kind of thing you know like are they ever gonna get together are they ever gonna actually have any real measure of an ongoing relationship and that's really what Dan Slott does here you toys with the notion there's a lot of sexual tension between two of them and a lot of jokes that go on between the two of them but at the end of the day it's always Peter Parker saying hey this is why we don't this is what we don't get together but what blackhat also says is that by way of her sources she's come to the to the realization or she's been informed that the buyer of the reverb the reverb iam that was stolen from a horizon labs its kingpin so this really brings Spider Man back into contact with Wilson Fisk again now at this point you know he says of course you know meet me at this location the two of them end up getting together and a box just lands behind black count where she opens it up there's glasses there's an earpiece glasses they put this on with a guard once they put this on you know when she does she realizes is that Peter Parker has a new suit that he basically has a stealth suit and what he says is this suit is designed to eliminate sound and eliminate people being able to see him and this incident it minimizes all of it and so I guess minimizes all of his face as it was really his own stealth variation of what a Tony Stark had done before where he had made a stealth suit and so this basically allows them to infiltrate you know infiltrate kingpins base of operations in Shadow Man and attempt to try to retrieve the reverb iam now somebody else to keep in mind here is that at this point again you know field Jurgis Hobgoblin is very much in the employ of kingpin not to mention that kingpin himself also has you know members of the hand now something I want to point out here is that the hand is this really clandestine organization of ninjas based out of Japan that go back quite some time but overall the gist is twofold when it comes to the hand the first is to to infiltrate various you know governmental agencies subvert them from the inside out operate from the shadows that kind of thing but they're basically also for hire in the sense that if you have enough money you can hire you can pay members of the hand to carry out assassinations woe betide you if you don't pay them but you can you can hire them for the purpose of making assassinations being bodyguards things like that and that's kind of the interesting thing is because the hand are some of the best assassins in the entirety of the Marvel Universe and so if you have them as bodyguards you're almost guaranteed to stay safe only with the exception of a few people who are there who can basically subvert them Wolverine is a good example Elektra is a good example different things like that but in the midst of all this with Hobgoblin you know basically responding to what seems to be a break-in with you know Peter Parker arriving here along with black hat black hat actually leaves Peter hanging she kind of bails out in the middle of it as if hey like you know I was here to help you get this but I'm literally a cat burglar and I know a losing game when I see one so you're on your own and she says all I'm gonna do is go to you know Wilson Fisk personal office steal some of this profit collection and then sell it of course Wilson Fisk's a head of security so to speak figures out what's going on with black hat you know he's able to say to subdue her and when she's in the clutches of kingpin the funny thing about this is that you know Peter Parker's suit is designed to block out all methods of communication not only that Hobgoblin had basically used his sonic scream in order to overpower this stealth suit or the stealth aspect of Peter Parker's suit which he responds in kind by again basically blocking out all sound and were to keep the Hobgoblin sonic scream from affecting him but the issue here is that he's oblivious to what's going on with regards to Felicia Hardy he has no idea what's happening with regards to her being taken by the kingpin and so in the end what really ends up happening here it's just a matter of circumstance that leads to Felicia Hardy you know getting free spider-man being able to make his escape in the sense that the the sonic scream of Hobgoblin reflects off the the reverb IAM and literally begins to start bringing the building crashing down around him so of course Peter is able to jump in he's able to save Felicia he goes against a kingpin for a little while but that's really about it I mean really just kind of whisks out of there and he calls it a day and so in response we we basically wrapped this section up with Dan Slott kind of you know leaving us a bit of a taste for what comes next when we have to fill Urich meeting with everybody at the Daily Bugle you know Robbie Robertson and all these guys back in the Daily Bugle again as well as him being me you know basically being the Inside Man in the sense that he essentially knows everything that's going on when it comes to the Daily Bugle he knows what Peter Parker's individual actions are despite not knowing that Peter and spider-man and one in the same it's really always him just kind of operating from the shadows and what dance law is basically doing is drawing a parallel between Peter Parker and Hobgoblin Phil Urich in the sense of saying that you know in a lot of ways Phil Urich is this the sort of Peter Parker antithesis in a sense that Peter Parker was working as a Daily Bugle with a dual identity he was Peter Parker he was spider-man he was selling photos to the Daily Bugle to show what it was that he was doing or at least to show what spider-man was doing as how he was making his money Hobgoblin is doing much the same thing except instead of making money he's using it to bolster his reputation meanwhile Peter Parker has basically moved on for the Daily Bugle and he's taking up residence in Horizon lives where he's basically making his money now he's making a lot of it but this really kind of ends with the idea of you know basically Peter Parker's all new apartment is essentially a Dan Slott saying here's where we are now Peter Parker's got his own place he's got his own girlfriend that's not married watson that for him all is right with the world and it lives up to the title spiderman big time in the sense of Peter Parker has finally hit the big time he's finally stepped into what he considers to be a successful career that he's no longer scrounging by by selling photographs to the Daily Bugle instead he's got a legitimate career path his intelligence is being used adequately he really considers himself to have finally arrived okay so I was originally gonna do dance Lots amazing spider-man vol 2 but what I decided to do was kind of wind the clock back a little bit and instead we're gonna do a video on the origin of antivenom now the reason why we're doing this and it's actually kind of like a fish out of water you know doing this story but the reason why we're doing this is because of the fact that there's a there's like the third volume I think of dance lots amazing spider-man called the return of antivenom and what I didn't want to do was try to cram the origin in with the return of antivenom because it's like hey guys here's the return of a character that you don't know anything about and so it's just kind of like well that's a problem so I figure we go ahead and just kind of like do the origin but the cool thing about this is that this really deals in a lot of ways with the reshuffling of Eddie Brock and even the spider-man mythos to a degree it's really more about Eddie Brock's and spider-man than Peter Parker but the two kind of go hand in hand in terms of why it was done and what I mean is following the events of one more day when Joe Quezada sat down and said you know we need to basically take away everything that dates Peter Parker that is to say everything that makes him anything other than just like a kid trying to find his way in the world fans freaked and they they fruit for the same reason that you know the pre new 52 Wally West disappeared things like that you know when fans latched on to a character they don't really like to see them change but more so than that a lot of people grew up with like the Peter Parker Mary Jane Watson relationship and to suddenly see all that just tossed away because Peter Parker sold his soul to the devil so on make could live for another 10 years really seemed just weird and people just didn't like that at all it was one of the most really reviled spider-man stories in the history of his characters publication history if not in the history of comics in general and so the result was that spider-man fans and media so on and so forth everybody just kind of ran J michael Straczynski off the title and the result was that the spider-man the spider-man publications were basically run by a team of people it was like Joe Quesada you know kind of throwing his hands in the air and saying who wants to write spider-man everybody was like well I do and so he was like then all of you guys come over here and we'll all just write stories this is where Dan Slott initially kind of got a start it's really not until big time that Dan Slott officially took over the spider-man title on his own but the fact remains here that with this whole reshuffling of the Peter Parker mythos there are a lot of things that are being introduced a lot of things that were being done and that's kind of the beauty the benefit of this story is yeah it is in the middle of everything but it's in the middle of everything before anything's fleshed out and so a lot of the characters that we're gonna see popping up here I don't really have their origin stories explained you that income you know for another 10 15 20 issues after this particular publication but the fact remains here could that with with with Peter Parker you know picking up with him the cool thing is that we kind of get this you know reminder of everything that's going on that's what I wanted to touch on for a second so you know the whole origin of Peter Parker's timeless you know a kid who's a science geek bitten by a radioactive spider gets the proportional strength of a spider he has spiders and so on and so forth spider-man is born it becomes a hero after the death of Uncle Ben all that kind of good stuff but the idea and so there are also some characters that are being introduced you know you have like menace for example you have to mister negative one half of a split personality between a guy named Martin Lee and we're really I got posing as Martin Lee and and mr. negative we have a few characters who are being introduced here in there of course you've got your regular cast so you have like Harry Osborn so on and so forth but what this does is it initially picks up with a conflict between menace and spider-man now this is one of the things that I was talking about where we're kind of in the middle of things but none of this has really been fleshed out menace is a character who popped up before this story happened but the origin of minused had never really been explored that didn't happen until amazing spider-man 586 I think and it's ruined out to be somebody that were quite familiar with but the idea here is that menace is in a lot of ways kind of this reimagining of the Green Goblin right I mean you know Norman Osborn it's like a like an intrinsic villain of spider-man you know Marvel Cinematic Universe is giving us vulture that's cool we know it's only a matter of time before the Green Goblin shows up you couldn't have spider-man in any film and not feature the Green Goblin somewhere along the line that's just people kind of want a break from all the disastrous versions of the Green Goblin that we've gotten from from Sony so far but the idea here is that menaces really seems to be acting more like a vigilante you know in a sense that ministers that really have an adherence to like one particular person it's just minutes kind of pops up and says here are the things that I'm about you don't about taking out spider-man so on and so forth but it's kind of this reminder where things stand at the same time there are also a lot of refugees who seem to have been brought in to the United States for reasons that we're not really sure about and they're just kind of escaped being taking up residence they'll actually kind of wrap back around towards the end of the story but again this is just a reminder of the direction that things are going in in terms of Peter Parker where he stands what he's about but this is all we start to get into the idea of frontline now prior to this now God by the name of Dexter Bennett had basically purchased the Daily Bugle the problem with this is that instead of upholding the traditions of J Jonas James sin' by keeping the Daily Bugle as a reputable news source albeit a reputable news source that slanted against spider-man the fact remains that Dexter Bennett basically turned it into a tabloid magazine it was like the National Enquirer the Weekly World News it was the the lowest of any form of publication and because of what because of that a Peter Parker effectively left now it was really more like I guess a firing than him actual actually leaving and the reason why it was because of the fact that under you know the the leadership of Dexter Bennett Peter Parker was basically transformed into a member of the paparazzi but his actions and taking photographs of people albeit not really wanting to do so led to the deaths of one of the people that he was photographing and so following that realizing that his action was leading to the death of people he basically vacated now prior to this Robbie Robertson had left Sally Floyd being Urich they had all taken off to form frontline now of course frontline is an ami guys were probably familiar with with regards to Civil War you know initially started out as a blog but it was transformed into a wholesale news company now following the conclusion of civil war and was also going on here as a frontline itself you know kind of picking up where Jay jonah Jameson's daily bugle left off after it was bought by by Dexter Bennett you know by considering itself to be a reputable news source it's not focusing on the glitz and glamour tabloid stuff and focusing on actual important stories a frontline is focusing on a guy by the name of Randall crown now the reason why they're focusing on Randall crown is because he's a mayoral candidate but the idea here is that he is involved in these individuals you know the Spider Man was dealing with those individuals who were running off in the fight all of whom appear to have been trafficked into the United States and so the idea is that Randall Crown is working with some third party we don't really know what it is but he's working with some individual to traffic humans into the u.s. for whatever the reason happens to be but what we end up doing is we basically pick up with with Norman Osborn's Thunderbolts now this is when we start to get into the aftermath of civil war I mean we've done Secret Invasion right like we talked about The Secret Invasion event you can find that down in the description of this video but Secret Invasion basically dealt with the aftermath you know following the death of Captain America you know following the Maine Civil War event itself it was kind of Marvel bringing to a close this whole idea of the sea human Registration Act and secret invasion concluded with Tony Stark being ousted as director shield and Norman Osborn taking his place and so because Norman Osborn took his place Norman Osborn disbanded shield put hammer in its place and basically used the Thunderbolts as a way for him to begin going through and carry out his own individual campaigns now I know a lot of you guys are probably asking about Eddie Brock why do you guys want to know what's going on with Eddie Brock and so what we do is we transition to a place called feast and feast is basically it really stands for the idea of a food emergency aid shelter and training it's run by the Scott name mr. Lee for the purpose of grabbing individuals who were homeless who have been displaced whatever the case may be and giving them the tools they need to get back on their feet and to find success and so what happened is I guess you basically find out that Aunt May is volunteering at this facility but the entire base is behind this this introduction comes by way of Betty Brant now of course the cool thing about Betty Brant if she's a longtime member of the spider-man matha she goes back you know a long long long time and in fact she was the first romantic interest of Peter Parker before gwen stacy i don't think it was really short-lived it was really more of you know Marvel kind of kind of toying around with the idea before gwen stacy and peter got together but she's here because of the fact that dexter bennett basically says look I'm a supporter of Randall Crown alright this newspaper is basically going to serve as the media arm of Randall crown we're gonna do everything we can to get him elected if there's a publication out there that's posting information they basically contradicts the idea that Randall crown is the best candidate then your job Betty Brant is to go find information to discredit those individuals in this instance bill Hollister bill Hollister is a guy who's basically running against Randall Crown and what Dexter Bennett says is go find a guy named Martin Lee he's basically helping to fund the campaign of Bill Hollister your job is to report on him and to find dirt on that guy so we can use that to discredit bill Hollister we can say you know what Bill Hollister is being funded by a criminal he's being funded by a guy who's involved into having you whatever the case may be find information so that we can use it to discredit Hollister so with Betty Brant showing up here at the at the feast facility this is when we pick up with Eddie Brock now the reason why I kind of waited until this point to talk about this guy know a lot of you guys are kind of like there is a lot there was a lot going on with Eddie Brock yes there was um Sally comic popping myself actually had this really cool conversation I call him to ask him some questions about Eddie Brock because there were a few things that I was I was curious about because I didn't really know how we got from a I mean I knew Eddie Brock was venom he was one of spider-man's most vulnerable villains they were on-again off-again allies you know Eddie Brock had his own moral code but I didn't know how he got from Eddie Brock being venom to Eddie Brock basically being a cancer patient and so when I was talking to sound like comic pop he had a really good saber where he basically said that following the events of one more day Marvel looked at Eddie Brock is like this holdover from the 1990s that it wasn't really relevant anymore so what Marvel wanted to do was reshuffle the venom concept around and see if they could shop it around in different characters and then finally find one that they could set on and so what they did is they basically passed the Venom symbiote from Eddie Brock to Mac Gargan also known as scorpion and that's the reason why if you guys see venom as part of Thunderbolts which you will see here that's scorpion that's not actually Eddie Brock that's why you're seeing you know really Eddie and venom in two different locations but the idea here is that for the character of Eddie Marvell did a lot of changing with regards to his origin with regards to his backstory and him suffering from cancer was the way in which they transition things what Marvel did is with us I think was spectacular spider-man vol 2 the first five issues composed a story called the hunger and what it basically said is where the original introduction of venom established that that Eddie Brock was a guy whose career was basically ruined by Peter Parker by spider-man and he bonded with the Venom symbiote for retribution what Marvel does is they came back and said no that's not really the case instead what happened was Eddie Brock had cancer and the Venom symbiote bonded itself to Eddie Brock just for the simple fact that Eddie Brock's body was just pumping out chemicals like crazy and it would keep the Venom symbiote going and so in response to that every time Eddie Brock went after spider-man every time the two of them got into a conflict Eddie Brock was acting on the defensive he was terrified that if spider-man took the Venom symbiote away from him it would result in him dying now eventually what Marvel did is they came back between 2004 and 2007 and they started launching all these small little stories about Eddie Brock for about two or three of them and what happened is Eddie Brock basically cast off the symbiote and itself he came to terms with the idea that he was going to die and this basically picked up with him succumbing to his cancer at least a period has to come to his cancer and falling into the process of dying now again this ties into the idea that Marvel was moving the Venom symbiote away from Eddie and putting it on on scorpion but what happens is Eddie Brock basically travels to the feast facility he meets with mr. Lee and mr. Lee basically cures him now this is the other half of the mr. negative personas one of the reasons why I kind of wanted to wait to this point to cover that but the whole mr. negative mr. Li dichotomy is kind of strange that's fleshed out in a different origin we don't really do know too much about him not for this story anyway the only thing we really need to know is that mr. Li the actual person that we're seeing here is a guy that can heal people by touching them when it comes to mr. negative he's the other side of the coin it's like this dichotomy between good and evil Bruce Banner The Incredible Hulk that kind of thing you notices dr. Jekyll mr. Hyde sort of situation the face that we see here with mr. Lee is the good side but at this point the way that Marvel's played this out he doesn't know about the mr. negative persona he just kind of switches over to it and then mr. negative basically operates as a crime boss in Chinatown but what happens is that where mr. Lee had essentially touched Eddie Brock and cured him of his cancer in this instance when mr. Lee's talking to Betty Brant and he's basically talking about how this place is considered to be a place of miracles but how it's really you know God curing people so on and so forth when he touches Eddie Brock a second time it reactivates the latent symbian venom symbian in his body now what this does is this basically sets the stage for the introduction of anti-venom for the idea of Eddie Brock going from normal Eddie Brock to becoming anti-venom and the way this is done is actually really really cool it's one of these interesting things worse like a million different things all going on at the same time but with Peter Parker heading back you know going back to his residence he's encountered by Norman Osborn now the reason why is because at this moment right now spider-man's essentially a fugitive and the reason why spider-man's a fugitive is because Norman Osborn with all his power all his ability has been trying to find a way to bring spider-man down the problem with this is that spider-man is an Avenger spider-man is one of the world's most celebrated heroes the other thing you have to keep in mind here is that following the events of one more day and I think during the events of brand-new day I'm not gonna swear to that Peter Parker went to dr. strange and had dr. strange White's the world's mind that Peter Parker was spider-man of course he revealed his identity during civil war that's why no one knows who he is because Doctor Strange took care of that for him and so the result is that Norman Osborn all he really knows is that Peter Parker gets pictures of spider-man the two of them seemed to work together and he wants to know where spider-man is that's why spider-man's being framed because Norman Osborn basically wants to make spider-man look like a murderer by going around killing people and then putting spider on you know spider tracker devices on these dead bodies so anybody who covers a story any forensic you know scientist whoever it is and analyzes these bodies will come to the conclusion that spider-man killed them now of course we know Spiderman didn't but what this does is it allows Norman Osborn to kind of you know show up in in New York show up in Manhattan and begin the process of trying to find Peter Parker now with Norman Osborn basically being forced to vacate the apartment because of the fact that you know the the roommate of Peter Parker who at the time was a cop was basically showing up because of the fact that Norman Osborn didn't want to be seen as somebody who was who was you know caught abusing his power because likely it would lead to him being removed as director of shield who ended up happening here is he basically takes off and then Peter Parker is spider-man goes to see him and his base of operations more or less to to question him to interrogate him to find out what it is he's doing because keep in mind while Norman Osborn doesn't know that Peter Parker spider-man Peter Parker knows that Norman Osborn is the Green Goblin and where Norman Osborn is putting on the front that he's a legit guy where he's putting on the front of the world that he's a capable director of shield or I guess the director of Hammer at this point Peter Parker knows it's only a matter of time before his you know nefarious deeds come to light and so Peter Parker's half waiting it out half looking for information to verify that Norman Osborn's a bad guy because of course you know we know that he is but what Norman Osborn had also done is in response to the idea that he had to leave Peter Parker's apartment early he said the rest of his Thunderbolts out songbird venom so on and so forth sent them all out and basically said go find spider-man do whatever you need to do but go find spider-man of course not realizing the spider-man was going to show up on its doorstep but what happened is the Venom symbiote was basically tracking down its previous host you know tracking down the last host that it had the issue with this is that wanting to keep him on the venom Cindy it has a mind of its own in a lot of ways not only that you know Matt garden doesn't really know how to use it effectively he's still relatively new to the whole venom concept and so he's not nearly as a debt or as used to venom as as Eddie Brock is and the result is at the Venom symbiote is actually tracking down or at least it seems like it's tracking down Eddie Brock and the reason why is because what it does is it smashes into the feast facility and encounters Eddie Brock with the intention of reemerging with him the issue with this is that when the Venom symbiote accesses his body it jump-starts this latent you know symbiote these semi up cells inside the body of Eddie Brock and what he does is he emerges as anti-venom now with regards to Marvel creating this this stay they had to find a way to differentiate the two right I mean of all the symbionts have some aspect of them that make you them make them unique whether it's toxin basically the child of carnage whether it is you know venom itself whether it is carnage itself whatever the case may be a lot of the symbiotes have things that make them different than make them unique they share a lot of common traits the immunity is spider-man's spider-sense you know the the same sort of abilities the spider-man has wall-crawling shooting webs so on and so forth for anti-venom he's basically a guy or at least the power is that that anti-venom has are almost like a like a Healing Touch so to speak in the sense that you know the abilities of Martin Lee were absorbed to some capacity or incent for more fashion but what anti-venom has the ability to do is to basically touch the bodies of other people and cleanse them of impurities and what this does is it gives venema weakness to anti-venom in the form that whenever Eddie Brock touches the Venom symbiote the Venom symbiote will start to recoil it'll start to sort of go away because of the fact that it's literally being burned it's like putting fire to your skin and so what happens the spider-man of course shows up on the scene realizing that the vent you know that Venom's basically shown up at the feast facility where Aunt May works and it's just like this three-way battle between the two and it's actually really kind of cool to see it's like spider-man versus anti-venom vs. venom and it's awesome I love I love things like this I love the way these events you know kind of kind of coalesce the way these little stories coalescent and begin to come together but in the midst of this whole conflict in the midst of all this madness we suddenly have the Menace arriving now of course what the minute showing up here it's really for the purpose of grabbing Bill Hollister carry out his own goals carrying out its own means that's what we do is well you know menace basically takes off with Bill Hollister or at least it seems like menaces taking off with Bill Hollister we have Spider Man you know Peter Parker of course planting his camera for the purpose of taking pictures so we can give them to your front line and then engaging in the conflict the funny thing about this is this kind of like a mistake of identity right I mean Peter Parker comes to realize that anti-venom is Eddie Brock but in his mind Eddie Brock is a bad guy you know if Eddie Brock is wearing a symbian did it means any Brock's gonna go do bad stuff and this is a huge deal because yeah Cletus Kasady was dangerous you know but Eddie Brock knows how to fight smarter man in a way Karnas may never know now of course they're both equally dangerous and in truth I would go as far as to say that if if we're talking about a direct fight Peter Parker going against carnage Peter Parker going or going against venom it might be kind of a tough sell to tell me that I might get the upper hand that in the end carnage would be probably the one to come out on top but the idea here is a Peter Parker basically says look you know if you're Eddie Brock then you must be a bad guy but you're fighting venom so are you a bad guy is Peter Parker trying to get his bearings trying to understand what's going on but while this is happening kind of staying out of the way at the same time and so a really funny moment ends up happening here you know when Peter Parker takes this philosophy the enemy of my enemy is my friend when he tells you no and even it means like hey you hate venom right and I was like yeah he's like well I hate him too let's team up and then they basically team up against venom and and start taking him out and it's really cool to see it's it's really fun to see but the issue with this is that you know when when that garden is basically cured or at least it seems like he's cured of this Venom symbiote where's basically removed from his body anti-venom basically turns his sights to out to Peter Parker now the funny thing about this is he says look I can sense that you that you have issues that your your blood is not as pure as it needs to be part of this is because of the fact that at some point along the line you were exposed to radioactive man so you've got a little bit of radiation in your blood but then he also realizes oh you've got a lot of radiation in your blood now we know the desktop Peter Parker's powers function you know Peter Parker has his abilities because his blood is irradiated and so if anti-venom were to be able to go through with what it is he's doing right now which is basically purging the radiation from the blood of Peter Parker he would lose all of his spider powers and so it's kind of cool seeing this whole thing go on the problem with this is that while all these events are unfolding of course when the cops had shown up when Menace was trying to take Bill Hollister and at Menace was forced to leave Bill Hollister behind that ministers across Norman Osborn now this is cool because this is kind of this return to familiarity with Norman Osborn right like there are moments in his characters publication history that are iconic for example the death of the Green Goblin when when Harry Hellmuth said when Harry Potter when Norman Osborn and Peter Parker fought following the night Gwen Stacy died that it resulted in really an in Norman Osborn falling on his own sword you know being impaled by his own glider in a lot of ways this bear some hallmarks to that particular fight in the sense that menaces using the various devices of Norman Osborn menaces facing off against him and the fights very similar to the conflict between the two and even menacing Minnis itself references the instance where Norman Osborn basically died against Peter Parker is as they look you are impaled on your own glider before see if we can do it again now in the middle of this whole conflict with you know between Peter Parker and anti-venom the forces of the Thunderbolts arrived on the scene and the reason why is because of the fact that Norman Osborn's like look guys we gotta go and we gotta bail the authorities are moving in here we're making too much of a scene we're supposed to be operating behind the scenes no one's supposed to know that my hand is here no one supposed to catch my hand in the cookie jar so he says in order to keep that from happening we got to bail out so he says prob Mac Gargan we'll get him out of here you know and of course the idea is grab Peter Parker or EV spider-man if he can as well of course they're not able to and Peter Parker essentially makes his escape at the same time it's Marvel setting the stage for the the whole events though the whole situation with the future of anti-venom and the citizen and even have kind of sits down for second ahsoka spiderman took off i can go after spider-man or i can go after venom what anti-venom says is I'm going to pursue venom my goal is going to be to take him out and remove the last vestiges of the Venom symbiote those little cells or what-have-you from the body of scorpion basically removing his ability to become venom and so because of this with everything kind of wrapping up you know Peter Parker travels back checks on his on main make sure that everything is all right but then we also have Norman Osborn speaking directly to to Randle crown and what we find out is that Norman Osborn and Randall kromm were essentially working together in the sense that Randall crown was was trafficking people into the u.s. by way of the various you know cargo ships and so on and so forth that belonged to Norman Osborn of course this was really you know kind of a big deal is a very hush-hush thing for Osborn just because of the fact that if it came to light that he was complicit in the trafficking of humans it would bring down everything that he's worked so hard for because remember what Norman Osborn's trying to do is basically take over the United States you know we've talked by that before we haven't really covered Dark Reign directly but that was the whole basis of Dark Reign was him trying to take over the United States the Dark Avengers the doct x-men so on and so forth it was him trying to conquer everything and so what he does is he grabs the camera that Peter Parker had basically left behind you know forgetting that it was there and he starts showing the photos to the members of the Thunder Bulls and he says there's a weakness here there's a weakness here that we can exploit and what he does is he says whenever this this cameras posted up it's basically whoever the whoever spider-man is getting pictures for himself and what he says is that inside the suit on the spider is basically a tracking device and the camera follows the spider suit which is how it is that it's always able to get these perfect shots that's why the cameras just not taking shots of an empty road you know it is it's actually following his physical body and that's why he's always got his chest or a suit turned out to the camera so we can take pictures of him while he's moving but what Norman Osborn says is what we can do is we base we can basically tap into the frequency that this camera uses to follow the device in his chest and we can in turn find a way to basically infiltrate spider-man's spider-sense to basically deceive it so he doesn't know that we're there we can use that at you know to our own advantage and then we can take him out from close quarters from a distance we can shoot him while he's going from building to building and his spider sense will not alert him to what it is it's about to happen now from here we find out that among the various soldiers that exist as part of Norman Osborn's regime is actually anti-venom is Eddie Brock and this is when we learned that his suit basically allows him to shape-shift it allows him to take on virtually any form that he wants to and the result is that he's essentially infiltrating this so the cool thing is that again Eddie Brock is anti-venom you know it's kind of like a it's trying to be a hero he's trying to be a good guy and that's one of the things that makes him so unique the problem with this is that after this story I don't think he shows up again until the return of anti-venom so it's kind of sad to see him only show up for a handful of comics but the idea here is that he's essentially keeping tabs on everything that's going on monitoring everything that's taking place now with regards to Matt Gargan with regards to scorpion basically losing his ability to become venom it's not like the venom Samiha it's gone from his body in its entirety it's still there the issue is that it's basically been damaged to the point that it almost seems to be beyond repair and so what happens is radioactive man basically begins to expose the body of Matt gargon to radioactivity and the reason why is because the goal is to basically take a blood sample and see if there's a way to essentially remove the antibodies basically that anti-venom puts out to remove those from the body of Matt Gargan and so what happens is Norman Osborn actually takes these chemicals and uses them on a guy named freak now freak was originally introduced as a drug addict in the amazing spider-man story that's really all he was he's a character that was created as a means to an end and what I mean by that is he appeared in a couple stories here and there but this is by far the most notable role he played the Freak was basically a guy who grabbed just a random syringe injected himself with the chemicals from Curt Conners from a lizard's lab and then suddenly he developed the ability to basically adapt to any situation he's not you know he's not like I'm a mutant or anything and it's not an instantaneous thing instead what happens is you know he'll be burned alive for example and then his body into a chrysalis stage and he'll come out immune to fire and that's the way his body functions he gets to the point where he just basically is immortal like he can't be killed and that's what Norman Osborn's making on here what he does is he takes the anti-venom compound of the anti-venom compound he injects it into the body of freak with the intention of creating this super venom and the purpose of having the super venom will basically be to kind of lay waste to things and that's the danger of it is that a few drops will ultimately end up killing people and so what happens is Norman Osborn basically goes back to his lab for the purpose of using this chemical to engineer it modify it a bit and then jumpstart the powers of of Mac Gargan allowing him to become venom again the funny thing about this though is this is kind of like this resurgence of the Green Goblin not perfectly not in the sense that like the Green Goblin has been gone forever the green Goblin's been around but this is just another instance where he shows up it's another instance of this sort of split situation in the mind in the body of of of Norman Osborn now from here it's also you know again bull's eye and the various members of the Thunderbolts carrying out the mission of Norman Osborn basically finding Peter Parker because you're at least finding spider-man because again they're basically using the the frequencies of the camera uses to to access his device in his chest to tap into his location to basically use it like a homing device and that's exactly what they do you have bullseye you have a handful of soldiers that locate spider-man and track him down the problem with this is that in the midst of their efforts to take out spider-man the entire group is suddenly met with the arrival of anti-venom this is cool because anti-venom basically takes all these guys out and it's interesting to see these two guys pair up because it turns into an actual team-up but it starts is like a weird situation that's part of man just doesn't really know how to work his mind around I mean he's used to Eddie Brock being a bad guy he's used to Eddie Brock only working alongside him in certain situations for example the emergence of carnage and so because of that the two of them actually working alongside you know working side-by-side as heroes the idea of of antivenom saying hey look you left your camera behind they took it and that's how they found you you know it's interesting as it's sort of a weird situation for a Peter Parker and so ultimately what happens is anti-venom and Parker are able to basically take out these various soldiers knock out bullseye and then just bail out now of course we also have Mac Gargan being injected with the serum the issue is that it's not an instantaneous thing it'll take time for the venom stim yet to come back and the reason why is because the purpose of this is to basically burn out the anti-venom antibodies and allow the Venom symbiote to begin reimbursing and so while it's in the process of doing that scorpion is basically given an updated scorpion suit and so again this is Marvel kind of 20 this is Marvel going back and forth saying hey guys you know you're getting the best of both you're basically getting a side-by-side comparison here's a story where you see the scorpion and you see the scorpion as venom in the exact same situations the exact same conflicts which one do you like more is really kind of what was going on here and so the result is that we you know we really get a kind of choose which one we enjoy which one we don't enjoy and so picking up with spider-man and picking up with anti-venom the idea here is anti-venom basically says hey look Norman Osborn the Thunderbolts the guys are looking for they all went back to the Osborn lab they're all back there you need to go to the Osborn research group if you want to track him down as it was kind of cool seeing these two guys work together but we also see some really cool bit of ingenuity the reason why this works so well and the reason why team-ups between venom and spider-man have always worked is because it's like they're two sides of the same coin you've got spider-man with the spider sense you know with his capabilities his agility strength so on and so forth and you've got Eddie Brock with his experience as part of venom you know with the Venom symbiote and so because of that we basically have you know what looks like spider-man infiltrating the facility and being attacked by the thunderbolts only for us to find out that's not spider-man that's actually anti-venom shape-shifted as spider-man and so it's cool to see these these things go against each other it's cool to see them functioning so what happens is of course you know Green Goblin makes his presence known he and spider-man fight for a little while it's kind of wrapping these things up by giving us a bit of fanservice in terms of the the characters you know fighting against one another but we also find out that a lot of these people that have been brought in a lot of these humans that have been trafficked dead I mean kidnapped we're being experimented on and so the question is okay you know where's this road going to lead now we're actually not gonna find that out we're not gonna find out here where this road leads instead what we do is we basically pick up with with scorpion you know again continuing to fight against uh against anti-venom and then actually injecting him with a barb that basically seems to take away Eddie Brock's ability to be venom instead following this we have Mac Gargan just we you know rien voguing this venom simian after it's finally healed and re-emerging is sort of going forward with the assumption that anti-venom is basically defeated that he can't come back from this and so during the entirety of this conflict norman osborn had essentially activated a self-destruct in the building with the idea that the entire building was gonna come crashing down that everybody was gonna be killed spider-man was gonna die you know of course freak so on that building was we know they made it out but in the end is this idea that we're kind of left with a few unanswered questions in the sense of these individuals who are being experimented on so on and so forth but we're also left with the idea of antivenom you know kind of focusing on Eddie Brock himself in the end he just sort of says hey look you know life gave me a second chance life gave me the opportunity to go forward and be a hero the question is what am I gonna do with this heroic role okay so picking up with the amazing spider-man again and picking up with like the main Amazing Spiderman now that we've kind of done the origin of antivenom this is really kind of cool I mean again you know in the last video we talked about how after the events of one more day that the spider-man title just kind of turned into like a committee based publication in the sense there was a group of people writing it and we had also talked about how there were a few changes that were being fleshed out here and there in terms of when Dan Slott officially took over as the sole writer of the title with spider-man big time but we were talking about how Dan Slott was basically getting rid of a lot of the things that he didn't like you know about the the whole committee writing everything how he basically wanted to kind of clear the landscape and make the spider-man title all his own and that's usually what happens you know when it comes to a writer taking over a publication they'll go about it in different ways some writers will just kind of build on what's already there other writers will wipe the slate clean and start over again a really good example is like black panther you know for example when it came to the mythos so the character as he was created Christopher priest had like the landmark run in vol 3 that basically introduced all kinds of new concepts expanded on the Black Panther mythos instead of wiping all that clean during the events of Avengers of New Avengers Jonathan Hickman built on that and then added something called the necropolis which is where Black Panther communicates with the dead with the Black Panthers of the past those individuals that have held the title before him and died of old age or just died in combat or whatever the case may be and then right now with with a Tallahassee who's writing the story of Black Panther he's building on top of all of that and adding his own stuff into it so different writers take things different way so it was Dan Slott he looked around at the spider-man mythos and he said okay so here's where we stand following the events of one more day Marvel had basically come along they had a flash Thompson as part of the US Army he basically fell into a coma due to some injuries when he woke up he had basically forgotten a lot of the conflict and a lot of the strife that he had put Peter Parker through when they were in high school so it was kind of a way to reinvigorate the character of Flash Thompson and they went forward his friends this allowed for Marvel to basically spin Flash Thompson now so he would become agent venom with I think that that first story arc began in spotting the amazing spider-man and this volume actually and as a backup feature in this particular story with amazing spider-man 653 or 654 or something like that and then they turn around they said okay so Mary Jane Watson part of one more day Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson were married four years after one more day that basically wrecked Condit so the two of them never got married that when they were supposed to get married Peter Parker's you know adventures of spider-man resulted in him missing his wedding day and so while Mary Jane Watson as part of spider-man big time right now still knows his identity instead of ever having been married they've dated you know very passionately for a while and they're just friends at this point in time it was adding in things like Aunt May getting married to Jay jonah Jameson's father the introduction of Carly Cooper as the girlfriend of Peter Parker it was just kind of structuring things shifting things moving things around in a way that dance Locke you kind of look at this landscape and say okay what do we want to keep and what do we want to get rid of and so that's what a lot of this does spider-man big time for the first you know a few volumes really going up to like Spider Island began the process of getting rid of a lot of things that Dan Slott didn't like but it was also the idea of building up to superior spider-man the idea that Doctor Octopus would take over the body of Peter Parker now what this does is that's kind of a long you know exposition in terms of terms of getting into the story but what this does and the reason why I wanted to call it up go ahead and make those points it's because we really kind of pick up with Peter Parker in his off time and this is why a lot of spider-man fans loved Peter Parker a spider-man that's why they loved his stories because you would see just as many you know volumes just as many story arcs they dealt with him being spider-man fighting bad guys teaming up with the Avengers Fantastic Four and so on as you would Peter Parker in his off time what he's doing when he's not spider-man it was this well-rounded well fleshed out life of Peter Parker within Marvel Comics which is why he's like this timeless character you know Peter Parker will never go away he's like Batman he's like Superman you know he'll be known from now until really until humanity collapses in its entirety but the cool thing about this is this does kind of harken back to the idea of Mary Jane and that's why I wanted to throw that in there because of course a Peter Parker cheering on Carly Cooper you know telling her yeah you're doing a great great job as she's you know doing her roller derby thing Mary Jane kind of makes these comments about how you know Peter Parker really got his life together you know he was able to balance his life is Peter Parker and his life is spider-man but he did it without Mary Jane now again this is Dan Slott kind of reaffirming to the reader that the two of them are not together and they've never been married because remember when spider-man Big Time was announced when mama came along and they were like hey guys spider-man big time it was like all-new all-different marvel for amazing spider-man in the sense that it was like hey guys like this is the place to start if you guys really want to get into spider-man start now with spider-man big time and even a lot of people who were spider-man fans you go on the Marvel subreddit really go there anymore but if you go to like that spider-man subreddit there'll be a lot of people who will say like spider-man Big Time is a is a good place to jump off from if you want to get started they you know tell you to read Wikipedia articles or something like that or watch my videos if you want to want to get a good idea of what to know if you're gonna jump into it but that's this is kind of you know designed to be a great jumping-off point for for the amazing spider-man so this is the reason why because it's Dan Slott kind of showing us you know where things are where they stand now at this point we transition over to Andrews Air Force Base and the reason why is because the son of j jonah jameson is actually getting ready to go on a mission into space the issue with this is that this segment sees the return of Alastair Smythe which I think it's Smythe or might be Smith I don't how you how you want to pronounce it but Alastair Smythe is the son of Spencer Smythe the Spencer Smythe was a longtime villain of spider-man are really even Jay jonah Jameson but the issue was he was defeated in almost every turn eventually this led to his death and the result was that Alastair Smythe basically picked up the mantle of Spider Slayer but much like his father Alastair basically uses cybernetic enhancements to his advantage in the form of robots that are made or people who have existing sava netic enhancements by by improving them and then had like rallying them to his cause so it's kind of like this reimagining of the sinister six to a degree that's not led by Doctor Octopus not the exact same but that's about the closest I can get in terms of offering a comparison but cloud of stares Smith his entire campaign here is really to just bring down everything that J jonah Jameson cares about in the reason why is because he blames j jonah jameson for the death of his father now the issue here is that of course with spider-man being here we also have max Modell now max Modell doesn't seem like you would be an important thing but it's huge and the reason why is because he's one of the smartest people in the Marvel Universe and the way that Dan slots gonna do this is actually really cool the way that he pulls this off but again this is really them just kind of analyzing the vessel you know going over the ship so on and so forth you know looking at everything and we basically had a lot really telling us how it's all supposed to function you know her eyes Labs is behind this project too some of the best engineers in the world so on and so forth you know it's expected to go off without a hitch but transitioning back to two Peter Parker this is kind of the cool thing here because when he's hanging out with Carly Cooper keep in mind Carly does not know that he's spider-man she just knows that he's Peter Parker Mary Jane Watson again does know that he's spider-man and so the funny thing is that when Peters hanging out with Carly Cooper he has to put on this show that he doesn't know how to roller-skate he doesn't know how to do any of that stuff and it's a great bonding chance because that's really all it is it's a great bonding experience for the two of them you know the two of them just really kind of having fun that sort of thing but of course once she goes to get changed in order to you know for them to hang out Peter Parker is like I'm amazing when it comes to roller-skate of course is his enhanced agility his balance so on and so forth makes them exceptional at this but the other cool thing as a dance lot kind of begins to wrap up this loose in and not really a loose in but they get to kind of wrap things up with Mary Jane Watson none of the sense that she's gonna be out of the picture forever but in the sense of telling us as the reader here's how the two view each other of course is a conversation between the two of them you know Mary Jane kind of saying you know look you really care it looks like you really care about Carly Cooper are you gonna tell her your secret that kind of thing and the reason why Mary Jane Watson is doing this is because again according to the new history between Peter and Mary you know she just didn't really like the idea of him functioning as the amazing spider-man and Peter Parker at the same time the reason being because if they actually ended up getting married because they toyed with that for a while with the idea that they would actually go on to get married where you know they had missed their first wedding date but if the two of them actually did get married his his actions as spider-man would put their child in jeopardy now this is one of the reasons why spider-man renew your vows was written during seeker Wars because it was basically Marvel coming back and saying well what if in this particular story arc you know Mary Jane Watson and Peter Parker didn't take that route what if instead they actually got married and they had a child you know what if one more day never took place what would that universe look like what would that world look like now of course we saw how all that unfolded and we're actually seeing it now with regards to the relaunch of renew your vows is gonna be kind of focusing on this Mary Jane Watson Peter Parker you know that sort of situation but the idea here is that as a sort of leave Peter's left with this idea of hey maybe I should tell her maybe I should you know let her in on the secret that I have in terms of my identity the kicker to all this and there's a problem with all this is that Peter Parker is basically recalled to the Air Force Base and the reason why is because you know it's Peter Parker one of the smartest people that's working at horizon not only that because of his intelligence because some of the things that he had achieved when we talked about I guess in the last video we had talked about horizon labs he's kind of drawn this special eye of match mode Allen the sense of Max Modell doesn't really look at him as like a cut above the rest but sees a lot of potential in Peter Parker as Peter Parker being one of the smartest people that will ever exist in the Marvel Universe now that doesn't mean max Modell is like yeah man Peter Parker's the next Reed Richards but he's certainly wildly capable in terms of his of his knowledge and so because of that he's kind of brought on in an advisory capacity to make sure that all the all the the the t's have been crossed all the eyes have been dotted and that kind of thing but the problem with this is that as spider-sense kicks in and he basically has to race off you don't leave you Maximo Dell on his own now of course this is when we learned that Alastair Smith has a much larger plan here in the sense that where he brings in his various villains of course you know within this Andrews Air Force Base you know in the control tower he has all his own minions so on and so forth he has a multitude of these little small bugs and different things like that but it's designed for the purpose of wreaking absolute havoc and so where these different forces jump in it's really kind of like Peter Parker facing off against all these guys as best they can the problem with this is that Jay jonah Jameson says hey look man you cannot face off against all these villains on your own one because there's just too many of them and two because my son's on that ship and that ship may crash it may blow up who knows what's going to happen with it and so ultimately Peter Parker says that needs to be the main emphasis that needs to be the main focus going to that vessel to make sure that nothing you know nothing erroneous takes place here the problem is that once he gets on board he's met with Mac Gargan now I was holding off until this part of the story to basically get into this idea of venom but I imagine a lot of you guys watching this watching you know the video on antivenom might have had some questions about what happens to the actual venom Symbian when it comes to the character of scorpion because right now he doesn't have the venom sibian so here's the deal between the time that Joe Quesada took over Marvel I guess took over the position of editor-in-chief and Marvel really leading up to the time that he left which i think was around 2011 2012 again it was really Marvel just trying everything because remember they were coming out of the comic bust of the 90s so it was just like write it print it you know if it's fictional key but if it doesn't work cancel it and that was really the way they function in a lot of different ways but it was also casada looking at the Marvel landscape and saying let's change things up let's look at things that historically haven't worked and let's get rid of those let's reduce the mutant population because there's just too many of them right now let's focus on a core group of mutants let's do great storytelling instead of just having I swear some mutant shows up with some powers and they're never seen or heard from again it was a lot of small things like that and so this sort of a reinvigoration project you know again stretched over the course of a decade and it was just something being tried and then if it didn't work an event would come along that would basically wipe that away with the character of Mac Gargan and the Venom symbiote that all really seemed to take place during siege and what I mean here is that Mac Gargan the scorpion couldn't be venom forever who was literally Marvel just throwing the Venom symbiote on different people in fact during the events of siege there's a there's a section where Carol Danvers Captain Marvel becomes venom for a really short amount of time but the idea was to basically look around and to say where can we move this to now of course Flash Thompson had been really popular for quite some time and that was the reason why Marvel basically went in the direction of taking the the concept of the Venom symbiote and applying it to Flash Thompson sending him forward as agent venom it was basically the US military taking the Soviet away from scorpion and throwing it on flash that's why we're at this point right now where scorpion is not venom now transitioning back to the story there's actually there's actually a pretty funny moment when spider-man is again on this on this ship fighting against a scorpion at the same time you have Alastair Smith and his various minions chasing after Jay jonah jameson trying to take him out and spider-man actually caused avengers match and the problem is that the person that he gets it's squirrel girl and it's hilarious because he was like hey put someone else anyone else on I don't care who it is just not you but it's kind of funny because like swore girls never lost a fight she's defeated everybody she made Galactus a friend you know but she defeated Thanos she's defeated everybody that she's fought against she defeated Doctor Doom she's really kind of like the one person you would want on your side and that's sort of the irony about this right you know it's the one character that's been best defeated everyone but that no one takes seriously as it was kind of cool you know to see this little bit of a thing tacked in there this is this little banter back and forth between the two of them you know where spider-man is freaking yeah you know he was like I'm literally on a ship fighting you know like I'm gonna run out of oxygen soon if you do not help me out and he just kind of cuts her off and she's like there's always time for manners and that sort of thing but in the end he basically just kind of hangs up in the man in the middle of the call and and basically walks away now from here we transition over to Doctor Octopus and again this is where Dan Slott was building everything up because in all these stories we didn't really know what the grand plan of Doctor Octopus was we didn't really know where this was going all we knew was that Doctor Octopus would just show up periodically and have some plan and that's why the whole superior spider-man so well because instead of it being you know suddenly doctor octopus's in a comic and then three issues later he's Peter Parker like it wasn't like that I said it was like this gradual build over the course of some you know twenty volumes or fifteen volumes that led up to this moment where he becomes superior spider-man so it was a really cool slow build and in my mind those are always the best ones the ones that build up slowly that lead to this really really cool situation that allows us to kind of go forward with the status quo being changed but the issue here is of course for the most part the Doctor Octopus looks at this and says you know I need I need horizon labs mission to be successful for whatever my grand plan happens to be but with Alastair Smythe his forces had essentially screwed up the control systems of the shuttle and so Doctor Octopus basically fixes them it allows the shuttle to basically just kind of take off the way that is supposed to and with spider-man in freefall he's rescued by Carol Danvers now this is when we have the introduction of the rest of the New Avengers alongside a few members of the Fantastic Four I think it's really only been Grimm now that I think about it but it's kind of cool to see this team-up because for a story like this Dan Slott played it pretty smart I mean something like spider-slayer you know how is there Smith we don't need like the full contingent of the Avengers and the full contingent of the Fantastic Four and the x-men we don't need that that'd be overkill in the extreme it's always cool to see them team up but there has to be some measure of practicality when you're writing a story especially when it comes to spider-man because in a lot of ways as capable as he is he's very much a street-level hero in the sense that he'll go off and save the world but nine times out of ten his own personal stories see him dealing with things on the ground level there aren't very many you know at least knowing now anyway I wouldn't say they're very nice spider-man stories where he's off like fighting in space different things like that you see those from time to time and they cross levers but this story is usually pretty street-level so to grab a lot of these street-level characters you know to grab Luke Cage to grab Jessica Jones to grab Iron Fist you know Carol Danvers and Ben Grimm being really the only two major powerhouses here works not pretty well it really kind of gives you the idea of the balance of the the New Avengers landscape itself but from here this is when we started to get into Dan Slott kind of thinning the herd in terms of the roster of the of the Amazing Spiderman title in the sense that we basically have Marla Jameson and we have Aunt May spinning you know kind of a spa weekend together now for those of you guys who are reading a clone conspiracy for Jay jonah Jameson scene the return of Marla this is the story where she dies this is a story where she basically perishes and that's why it was so huge but I hope that with this this video you guys are kind of starting to see how you know all the amazing spider-man stuff just spin not a damn slots run there's just one great big giant cohesive story it's not like it's a whole bunch of disconnected one-shots or volumes like it tells one great big cohesive adventure and that's why I really love dance lots to run and be honest like I really enjoy his spider-man riding especially what's going on right now but you know with Alice there's some ice forces you know breaking into the spa facility we basically have you know Aunt May and Marla you know hiding out as best they can trying to keep from getting caught up in the conflict and that's really just the nature of this battle right I mean I wouldn't say it's a battle that stretches across the entire city but it is a battle that is that's stretching into some some heavily populated areas now at the same time spider-man also comes to the realization that the communications systems between Alastair Smythe and his forces that they're not actually beams instead they're basically cybernetic organisms in a lot of ways there are characters like you know like scorpion there are actual people who have cybernetic modifications given to them by Alastair smite but for the most part it's basically a communication system that has to be taken down and so what he does is he races back to Horizon labs for the purpose of constructing a device the problem with this is that when he arrives max Modell is there and Maxwell Adel says look I want to talk to you about spider-man and I want to talk to you about Peter Parker now the way the Dan Slott does this is actually kind of cool he sort of messes with us a little bit in the sense that it's like Maxwell knows that Peter Parker spider-man but it's like he pretends not to know now down slot doesn't tell us that that's just kind of how I interpreted this and the reason why is because max Modell says look you know I know about you and spider-man and you know because of the fact that you disappear every time spider-man shows up it leads me to only one logical conclusion that you basically Spy man hires you to build his weaponry and gadgets now this seems almost like one of those things like one of those situations where somebody is basically like max Waddell's covering for Peter Parker he's like hey man like I know about you and spider-man and Peter Parker is like what do you mean he's like well I know as smart as I am I know that spider-man hires you to do his weaponry right wink-wink nudge-nudge that's the conduit that's that's the way it seems to come across it was like the official story is that he hires you to do his weaponry now again whether or not max Modell actually knows at this point right now is kind of left ambiguous instead you know max well now basically rolls with the punches and says hey look if what spider-man is looking to do is to have a device that will disrupt the communication systems the biomagnetic communication systems between Alastair Smythe and his cybernetic creations then you know I can help you achieve that the problem with this is that it's literally going to disrupt the bio electric field and so what that means is that anybody caught in the blast if they have any kind of enhanced abilities you know anything like that they're gonna lose those abilities it's basically max Modell saying if spider-man is caught in the blast you know you'll lose some of the spider abilities now how much he'll lose or whether or not he'll lose everything is unknown but it will physically impact him and so because of that we basically have you know spider-man returning to the conflict facing off against you all these different forces of Alastair Smith sort of you know leading everybody away and that's that's that's really the case it's everybody kind of making a mad dash trying to get away as best they can you know you have Robbie Robertson who's talking with with with Jessica Jones and Carol Danvers to say look you know these things are here for me because they're going after Jay jonah Jameson get me out of here and everybody else around here will be safe and of course they whisk him away at the same time with me with with Jay jonah Jameson being mayor his motorcade is getting him out of New York and getting him to New Jersey but he's still being followed I so because of this Peter Parker in his conflict against the scorpion basically activates this bioelectric EMP more or less and when he does it just it seems to scramble the brain of Peter Parker not in the sense of like he loses his memories and everything but in the sense that it impacts him in some form or fashion but he doesn't quite know how at the same time it also impacts an impact scorpion and the issue is that you know in the aftermath of all this that really Peter Parker's forced to kind of faceoff directly against Alastair Smith as the Spider Slayer and this is when we learn on the impact that it has that spider-man is basically lost his spider sense he's not alerted to wouldn't win in it when I thought that's coming now on the surface it's just kind of like well he's still you know that's not a huge deal he's still got super-strength and he's got super speed and so on and so forth another spider sense is what made spider-man unique that's why you know if you if you look at anybody who says hey give me like the 10 most powerful heroes the 10 you know most capable superheroes in Marvel Comics a lot of people will always put spider-man up there and it's not because of the fact that he has strengths and things like that I mean even if he wasn't pulling his punches he's not as strong as like the Sentry he's under strong is like Hyperion he's not as fast as either you know he basically has your run-of-the-mill superpowers the spider sense is what made him so capable because that's what allowed him to dodge attacks that's what allowed him to you know have some measure of knowing what the enemy was gonna do before they did it it didn't mean he could read minds but it means he could react before they even laid a hit in the first place it always kept him one step ahead but if he doesn't have that then he's just like a guy with super strength and super speed and he can climb walls and that's it but the cool thing about this or at least what seems to happen here anyway is that in the middle of this fight Alastair Smith kind of makes this last-ditch effort to try to take out Jay jonah Jameson but Marla jumps in the way now Peter Parker is able to use the distraction to basically pummel Alastair Smith well the problem is that with Marla basically killed Jay jonah jameson or at least the final words that she says to him is don't blame other people you know don't don't spend your life being any no spend your life being hateful don't blame spider-man he'll just blame Alastair Smith he's the one that did this but in the end Jay jonah Jameson doesn't do that instead Judi Jo Jameson says that it's not spider-man's fault it's not Alastair Smith's fault or smize fault it is Jay jonah Jameson's fault it's his own fault for putting her in harm's way like this because it's Jay jonah Jameson looking at his past actions and basically saying they're all coming back to haunt him all the tabloids although the articles that he published in The Daily Bugle all the things that he said about all these villains and so on and so forth it was only a matter of time before they came back to haunt him and when they did it was gonna end up taking away something that he valued a lot and it ultimately ended up being his wife Marla alright so picking up with the return of antivenom or I guess really you know the amazing spider-man is really what we're doing again this is all part of Dance Lots run and this is the cool thing is because Dan Slott again you know use the the early aspects of his run to clean out a lot of the stuff that he didn't really care for with regards to this whole committee ran amazing spider-man series and so because of that you know the the return of antivenom is designed to really just deal with Martin Lee now again we talked you know before about how Martin Lee was one side at the same point you had the Martin Lee personality and you had the mr. negative personality mr. negative knew about Martin Lee but Martin Lee didn't know about mr. negative of course Martin Lee being a legitimate guy a guy that basically ran a charity centre but mr. negative was this you know mr. Hyde persona kind of thing where he basically used the chair or said a charity centre as a front for drug running money laundering all these criminal schemes that he could basically run out of New York now this also deals a lot with anti-venom in the sense that Eddie Brock is looking to basically eliminate Martin Lee because you get sitters Martin Lee to be a cancer on the society itself a lot of this really just said or at least that the lead story initially picks up is the whole idea that that antivenom just kind of busts in in the middle of a of a drug bust or I'm sorry I have a drug deal by Martin Lee's guys and starts to take them all out the problem is that partway through this we're actually met by the arrival of the race now this is kind of a weird situation here because the Wraiths was a character that predates Dan Slott and you'll really like one more day predates that by maybe 20 years or something like that the rate that you know brian de wolf originally appeared in like 1985 i want to say was Peter Parker the spectacular spider-man or something like that he appeared quite some time ago he was a Sal Buscema creation and maybe a bill Mantlo creation but basically he was just kind of one of these these aspects of bolstering the spider-man mythos adding new characters and he was a vigilante with psionic powers and there's a whole weird origin story that goes into him but he was kind of like this on again off again a lie at the same time the brian de wolf persona that we knew was basically killed off in the punisher so the idea here is what in the heck is going on who is this version of the wraith which is kind of crazy now of course Dan Slott teases us a little bit when one of the people asked like who are you know one of these guys asked who are you what are you doing here and this person says well I'll reveal my identity but we never find out what it is instead we just kind of switch over to to anti-venom as he takes out the last of these guys finally tracks downward as the Wraith is gone only to discover that this is Jean dewolff now this being Jean dewolff should technically be impossible because Jean dewolff is dead like she was she was shot of course she was the sister of Brian de Wolfe the original Wraith she was a detective that worked alongside Peter Parker spider-man for quite some time she was an ally to a lot of the superhero community she was almost like this this misty night s character except where misty night was kind of like an information broker for you know street-level heroes and so on and so forth a Jean dewolff kind of operated by passing information from within the police precinct itself to keep superheroes on the up-and-up to let them always know what the police are doing what they're trying to track down so that superheroes could go track down these crimes you know and and deal with people if they didn't think the police could pull it off on their own the problem is that with Jean dewolff being dead and most everybody knowing that she's dead the question is who is this chick who is this girl now from here again we jump back to to Peter Parker this is always kind of a cool thing because again you know Dan Slott tells us hey look Carly Cooper does not know that Peter Parker is spider-man she has no idea about this instead she's just like yeah a beautiful like congratulations on your big day now we don't know what the big day is something big is apparently happening at Horizon lives and it's kind of cool because Dan Slott toys with this Peter Parker goes to meets with max Modell you know he shows Maximo Dell an experiment or I guess an object he's been working on a helmet that can withstand virtually any kind of collision without damage to it um is just like a lot of these things that are that are sort of going on with his own individual character but then we find out that the big day is that Peter Parker was published an American science journal and what this does is it gives a lot of legitimacy to Peter Parker he's like yeah hit it big time like it's really funny because it's like Peter Parker's getting all the things that he hoped for and instead of just being this kid who's selling photographs to the Daily Bugle playing at day by day trying to be a superhero being broke all the time trying to balance you know romance and so on and so forth but he's actually hitting a big time he's actually achieving all the goals that he set out to achieve now the funny thing here too is that he talks to Aunt May and Aunt May is like oh you're an American science journal is like well that's nice it's like it's like the grandmas response to being you know to you being happy about something that they don't understand but then we find out that she understands perfectly that she actually printed off a ton of copies or ordered a ton of copies and she's been handing it out to everybody in the feast shelter she's like yeah like my nephew was an American science journal like I said it's so cool and it's so exciting but of course again because of the fact that antivenom knows that the whole martin lee mr- persona is operating out of the feesh shelter because he's using it as a way to basically run drugs to engage in human trafficking different things like that he's basically operating in this location albeit in a disguise in order to figure out what's going on to make a move here now of course with regards to Martin Lee being guarded by his inner demons Martin Lee actually goes to visit or at least goes out to shake the hand of on may to thank her for all of her work but then this is when we get a really cool situation somewhere along the line Aunt May had witnessed Martin Lee killing one of his henchmen and her reaction was oh my god I've got to tell somebody about this but then Martin Lee had basically touched her and wiped her mind so that she didn't recall the incident now of course this causes aunt Mae to pass out and what this does is this puts a bit of a panic in the situation right I mean it puts kind of a kick in the wheel because now Peter Parker's responding to you know the whole incident with Aunt May while at the same time trying to be a superhero and that's really that's that's really how things go and when it comes to the character with every you know single spider-man story I wouldn't go as far as to say this like May's been injured again you know we gotta you got to get her off to the hospital and Peter Parker's got to respond it's not always that situation but with every spider-man story there's always a scenario that's injected where it kind of puts a bit of panic into the situation like will Peter Parker make it there in time that's one of the reasons why a lot of fans still love spider-man stories so much or at least loved it in the early days when Dan Slott started writing it is because it maintained a lot of the older themes of spider-man you know from the era when his character was so popular and remained so popular because it was this idea that is like will spider-man get there in time you know what that's this whole situation but during this is also Dan Slott showing us again where Eddie Brock stands that's the cool thing you know whether it was Zeb Welles who was writing you know the whole anti venom Punisher team-up whether it is dance when he originally introduced anti-venom to the spider-man mythos it was Eddie Brock trying to be a good guy and what he does is he kind of chastises himself for not acting sooner he's like I should have done something sooner I should have acted sooner otherwise Aunt May would never have been in danger that's kind of the kicker here is because with Aunt May being as old as she is this could result in her dying like this could this could result in her death because she's old she's fragile you know she's almost done with all her living as it is something like this could result in her being killed and so of course the aunt even who kind of jumps into the whole situation right you know and again this is Dan Slott saying hey guys let's just kind of engineer a situation where spider-man and anti-venom fight one another because again spider-man an anti-venom teaming up to a degree was only situational in the sense that it was spider-man not really knowing what anti-venom was about just knowing that Eddie Brock was claiming to try to be a good guy but in this moment when spider-man arrives on the scene and anti-venom is tearing over the roof of a car with Martin Lee inside spider-man's reaction is Martin he's a good guy Martin Lee is the the head of the of the feast shelter that guys on a criminal that guy's legitimate dude and so in his mind Eddie Brock's reverted back to being a criminal again and so of course this just kind of dissolves down into a fight between the two and they just you know they just sort of start going at it it's actually cool to see them you know going against one another because remember with anti-venom whenever he's in the vicinity of Peter Parker he sends his power is all into a caddywhompus and they just kind of start going crazy and so because of that Peter starts losing a lot of his abilities being unable to tap into them being unable to be as efficient as he normally is and it's just a way for Dan Slott to basically introduce anti-venom in in a fashion that gives them kind of an upper hand on on Peter Parker and that's why it's cool is because anti-venom keeps saying the entire time like I'm trying to be good guy I'm trying to be a good guy just listen stop fighting me and just listen you know and so finally he gets the upper hand on Peter Parker right I mean Martin Lee makes his escape you know his guys get away finally he gets his hands on Peter Parker and he basically takes them captive the problem is that Eddie Brock takes into what used to be a meth lab and it's kind of messed up because Peter Parker's like you did smells funny in here he's like well the people that ran this before they were running a meth lab and I ran them all out but I'm putting you here now to just basically keep you out of the way you know of course again because of the fact that antivenoms webbing is filled with the antibodies that his body houses in order to give his powers by man can't just break out you know you can't just escape by normal means so the cool thing about this is Eddie Brock talks to mrs. look man Martin Lee is mr- like you know who mr. negative is you've never been able to catch him but you know who mr. negative is he's this warlord of Chinatown you know this running all these these drugs and people and and money laundering and all this kind of stuff the reason why you've never caught him is because he's Martin Lee because whenever you like you've seen him a million times you just didn't know it was him now of course Peter Parker's response is well this is ridiculous there's no way that that's the case but the other thing to remember here is that Peter Parker doesn't have a spider sense remember he lost that and so it wasn't like he you know came across mr. Lee and his spider sense activated he didn't have any way to know he just kind of has to take Eddie Brock at his word and that's why Peter losing his spider sense it's kind of cool here you know because if it turned out that he did have a spider since any came across Martin Lee it would almost immediately kicked off because remember Martin Lee in this part of the story is mr. negative just posing as Martin Lee and so he's still a bad guy then Peter Parker spider says would have immediately tipped him off to that and been like well mr. negatives here you know and so it really creates a school situation where spider-man just kind of has to trust Eddie Brock now of course Eddie Brock doesn't do anything to benefit him thought himself in this situation he leaves Peter Parker tied up to a pole and what used to be a meth lab and then races off to try to find Martin Lee before anything and this is why this is why I love the spider-man comics so much the way Dan Slott wrote him the funny thing about this is that Peter Parker's trying to make his escape right like he has to grab acetone and he basically just kind of asked to burn himself you know as he's trying to get himself out of this spider suit the problem is that by the time he does about this Hani burns himself and gets himself out of the suit eighty venom shows up and puts puts the you know starts covering him in webbing again it's like really like I just went through all this only to turn around and be covered in this goo yet again it's just kind of it's that parker luck it's just one of those inconvenient moments I guess but from a year we pick up with with with Carly Cooper because again you know Carly Cooper is just kind of watching all these events unfold she's kind of you know trying to figure out what's going on with regards to all these sightings of the way these rumors that Jean dewolff is alive again this is cool because it gives us this other part of this story that we wouldn't normally see but what happens it's Carly Cooper you know being as smart as she is says look ghosts don't have body heat they just don't have body that's not the way it works and so when she's Auto she's witnessing the wraith who's basically you know kind of tormenting a guy for the purpose of trying to trying to gain information on what it is that mr. negative is doing next Carly Cooper is watching all the events unfold and she says that's an actual person that's not there's no way that's Jean dewolff and if it is then how did she come back from the dead and so it's just like that's got to be somebody posing as Jean dewolff I don't want to know who that person is now following this whole trail of what's going on with regards to the right we kind of follow Carly Cooper as she goes through this whole you know process of trying to figure out what's going on with Gina wolf and that's one of the reasons why this is kind of cool is because it's like this little intricate gooding of a side story and with regards to this whole lot this whole telling and what we find out is carly cooper goes to a place called the special crimes evidence storage and what this is is basically a location where they store things you know like the glider of green goblin bombs and you know Mysterio's tech and so on and so forth just super villains whose gears and gadgets have been confiscated by the police after their arrest the problem with this is that Carly Cooper is basically told by the officer on the scene that evidence from that place doesn't go missing instead that it was destroyed that there was a pumpkin bomb that had went off and all the evidence was completely obliterated but as Carly Cooper's going through and looking at all this she comes to the realization that there was only one person who was around that evidence room at the time of the accident and that was captain yuri Watanabe and so the idea here is that a member of the police force in New York is masquerading as the Wraith which is actually kind of cool is that you kind of an interesting concept here so wildly important it's not the most important thing by any stretch of the imagination it's just kind of interesting but from here we switch back to the Metropolitan Museum of Art with Peter Parker and anti-venom of course anti-venom says hey look this is where homey this is where they're doing their next drug meeting you know I'm putting you here out of sight because I want you to see this I want you to see that Martin Lee is mr. negative now the funny thing about this is that mr. negative has a Muramasa blade which is designed for the purpose of disrupting people's healing factors healing abilities and it disrupts healing abilities regardless of where those abilities come from because remember when it comes to healing factors in Marvel Comics whether it's Wolverine Deadpool Dakin x-23 the symbionts it doesn't matter all the healing happens on a cellular level and so what the Muramasa blade us is it basically just blocks people neo blocks their cells from being able to regenerate and so because of this you know with Martin Lee showing up here you know with a mystic blade attacking anti-venom as long as the blades in his body he's not gonna be able to heal from his attacks the kicker to all this is that while Peter Parker's being held here by anti-venom well then suddenly we have Reis showing up and that's kind of the funny thing is Peter Parker you know spider-man hadn't really been investigating the whole Ray thing didn't really even know it was going on instead rathe is just here and the whole idea is that he basically says look lady like you're telling me you're a ghost you know that's fine I've met spirits of vengeance alright I'd met ghostwriter I've seen people come back from the dead I know what ghosts are I know the difference you're not a ghost you're using technology from Mysterio is what you're doing and that's a funny thing because the Wraith is like a thumbs you know she's being all like mysterious cloak-and-dagger he's like yeah who use a mysterious tech right and like a couple other gadgets so stuff like that and their way this is kind of like yeah it's just a funny situation because it's like the wraith is using all the technology but peter parker seen before when he's far as various villains so it's nothing new to him you know it's just kind of like that's you just use the stuff that I've seen before just somebody else doing it now of course the allegiance the Alliance's is short-lived I mean only insofar that it lasts long enough for Peter Parker and Rayce to join forces with anti-venom and take out you know mr. negative skies which they you know for the most part succeed in doing you know taking him out pretty easily the issue with this is that of course you know he ends up throwing his death yes you know a poison gas that will basically take most people out but in response to this of course you have your Parker who basically gets the upper hand in this major conflict and where mr. negative seems to make his escape and he seems to get away a wraith ends up using the technology in her suit to basically analyze the face of mr. negative do a side-by-side comparison with a 97% accuracy match to verify that venom was telling the truth that mr. negative is Martin Lee and so because of that smart emancipation he was kind of forced to trust an Tibet I'm like well I guess he was right yeah I guess he was right when he said that like mr. negative was Martin Lee and the result is that he ends up going forward having to do not really trust Eddie Brock so to speak but give him a little more credence that he originally gave him in addition to this the face of Martin Lee and mr. Negi was just gonna plastered all over the place I mean it's an attitude frontline has sent out to the Daily Bugle it's put on the national news the whole nine yards and so everybody knows that Martin Lee and mr. negative in the same person that they're basically criminals and so because of that it's more or less everything that mr. negative has worked for has essentially just come crashing down around him and so because of that you know where mr. negative makes his escape you know where he's able to get away this results in again this kind of mini alliance so to speak but it's also carly cooper tracking down yuri Watanabe and saying why did you decide to Don the mask of Wraith why did you decide to go on and be this you know vigilante character well of course Watanabe says we were both friends of Jean dewolff we both know who she was we were both friends of hers she was shot in cold blood it was a senseless murder I wanted to basically carry on the mantle of the Wraith I wanted people to believe that she was back I wanted to inspire fear in the hearts and minds of individuals which is actually kind of a cool concept but in the end it doesn't really matter I mean it's kind of a cool situation to see the way through turn to a degree but it doesn't have like any major bearing on events that go on it's really just kind of part of this mini story in the background in order to kind of beef things up a bit you know in order to give it a little bit more than just hey Peter Parker doesn't know if he can trust anti-venom and now antivenoms gonna prove him wrong you know it's just kind of adding a little bit of information but at the end of the day things just kind of wind down with Peter Parker talking to Carly Cooper and this idea that he may reveal his identity to her but instead he doesn't you know where she keeps asking questions where she keeps you know kind of poking and prodding about his relationship with spider-man he basically offers the exact same explanation that he gave max Modell when he's like well I'm not spider-man maybe he says I basically just build spider-man's gadgets for him and Carly Cooper takes it as gospel truth she's like I knew it I knew that you were somehow involved with spider-man this is kind of damn tslot teasing that things may end up becoming a little more interesting with regards to the relationship between the two but again at this point we don't really know how that's going to flesh out okay so spider versus I'm not spider-verse spider versus later Spider Island is right around the corner and in truth the Spider Island actually has a couple of like pre luge those you guys who don't know whenever it comes to crossover events whether it's lined wide which means it's like everybody it goes through Avengers x-men Inhumans the whole nine yards or if it's just like a standalone story that pertains to a character or a group of people there's usually always like a lead-in for example with civil war two there was the road to Civil War two but civil war one there was the road to Civil War one they usually always have those the road to secret invasion there's always pre ludes that lady and lead into it sometimes it's just like a whole bunch of stories for example the lead into Dark Reign was house of M Avengers disassembled Civil War Secret Invasion I mean it was everything leading up to Dark Reign there are a lot of things going on um siege was a really good story that tied into Dark Reign but with regards to to Spider Island the best prelude I think that's offered is a story called infested and the reason why is because what this does is it tells us how it all starts the prologue so to speak that is to say like amazing spider-man number 665 I think it is it kind of goes into it but it's not nearly as important I don't think as the infested story so what this does is this picks up with Miles Warren and the reason why is because it's the most logical person to choose when it comes to the history of Marvel Comics and really in the spider-man mythos miles war and really his most significant role prior to this was Clone Saga despite the fact that that story was heated I mean it was panned people hated that story because it was basically Marvel introducing the notion of replacing Peter Parker with a clone Ben Reilly what was supposed to be a story that would basically simplify the spider-man mythos turned out to be anything but you go read any interview from anybody who is part of that project and they were like the story was supposed to be short and before we knew it the whole damn thing just spiraled out of control to the point then it was basically insane and people hated it but miles Warren was the guy who was behind the cloning of Peter Parker he knew Peter Parker's identity he basically created a Caine he eventually created Ben Reilly and so the idea was that if Dan Slott is going to come back and he's going to have someone give everybody in Manhattan spider-powers miles Warren is the most logical person to choose now what miles Warren does is he basically goes through and begins adding or begins modifying the DNA of bedbugs with spider DNA are basically giving people the ability to have spider powers by way of being bitten by these bedbugs and again that makes sense because bedbugs are small they're not something that you normally look for at least if you if you basically engage in any measure of cleanliness you don't expect to look for a bedbugs and so because of this ebay basically does kind of pour into the city of Manhattan now what this does is it gives us like a series of these little two or three issues stories and we'll cover them all here but it gives us an injuries of these little two or three issues stories that follow each individual person when they're granted these spider powers and how they respond and it's actually really really cool one of the first people that we pick up with is a guy by the name of Richard Davies now it's kind of ironic here because Richard Davies is for all intents and purposes Flash Thompson I mean the way that his character is portrayed here he is basically the the jock or something like that he's picking on the guy who's basically the nerd it created an interesting situation here and the reason why Dan Slott did this is because when it comes to the Spider Man mythos it's timeless right I mean Spider Man is timeless a kid who basically was bitten by a radioactive spider you know he learned that with great power comes great responsibility that lesson was learned at the expense of his uncle's life you know it's it's a beautifully crafted crafted story and it's the most recognizable thank god they're not going over that origin story again and spider-man home company I was like everybody's biggest fear they were gonna go over it again but it's a timeless story and so to kind of see it rehash a little bit it's interesting even then Dan Slott says if you ever want to see real life if you want to see what people are really like go to the schoolyard now this is kind of an archaic stance that dance let's take you about it's an older ideology and this was the 1980s you know maybe even the early 1990s I'd say Dan Slott you're probably right this is the 2000s this is the late 2000s so if you're talking about people in their most basic form if you're talking about people in in their most fundamental form that's the Internet when there's anonymity people don't have to be don't have to worry about being held accountable for the things they say and do and so it's people in their most basic forms but the idea here is that this kid there's a particular person that's being picked on Richard Davies basically you know games these spider powers by way of a bite from one of these bedbugs and then his spider sense goes off when he realizes that the guy he's picking on has a gun and he intends to shoot Richard Davies now of course what you're Davies is able to counter he uses a super-strength and he attacks this guy and kills him in the process and this is really really cool because what this is is Dan Slott drawing on the lessons learned from ultimate spider-man remember and the first our twitch comic story is coming right now you know one in the very beginning of ultimate spider-man one of the first lessons Peter Parker had to learn was that there that he basically has to pull his punches that if he didn't pull his punches he would kill people and so because of that he basically had to come to this realization that he can't just go full in when it comes to fighting various supervillains that he has to fight supervillains with with you know being cogman a cognizant of what he's capable of Richard Davies wasn't raised with that lesson he wasn't taught how to use his powers it's just suddenly he has the spider sense he just kind of snaps into action he reflexes and he kills this kid in the process and the responses that Richard Davies is basically on the run he's a fugitive Heidi from the police and he's wanted for murder now at this point we switch over to another guy and the person that we join is Walter Coleman now watch up Walter Coleman is kind of like this predecessor to renew your vows and that was really interesting thing years because remember in the world of comics everything has happened before and it'll all happen again it's basically the same thing stories just get recycled every story that can be told has been told there's a reason why we're seeing Superman with a son for the first time now because in a 70 some-odd you're history we've never seen that before it's new it's fresh but after a while that story will have been told where do you go from there so what we do here is with Walter Coleman he takes us kind of renew your vows Stan's the reason why I say that is because during the events of secret Wars Marvel released the story you know spider-man renew your vows and what it was was kind of like this this throwback to fans who really wanted to see Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson get back together and they wanted to see how that life would function with renew your vows it was basically Peter Parker walking away from being a superhero a new villain named the region had shown up on the scene he was basically kidnapping superheroes he was using them keeping them prisoner in the process and the result was that during this massive battle between what was left of the Avengers and in Regent himself Peter Parker had to choose between Mary Jane and his and his you know his family or fighting alongside the Avengers he chose Mary Jane he left the Avengers behind and he basically had to hide he had to basically pretend that he wasn't a superhero his family had to follow the exact same pattern this very much takes the same approach and we get these really cool juxtapositions between characters between super I'm sorry between us spider-man and between Walter Coleman where spider-man is basically saving people from burning buildings so on and so forth Walter Coleman is basically had to watch his neighbors burn to death and the reason why is because he said look I got these powers I have these abilities yes I could have saved their lives but I'm a family man I've got a family to protect you know I'm sorry about their luck that's their problem you know I take care of my family first and that makes sense you know I mean if you're a person and your family struggling financially you know and your kids are hungry you don't fix a sandwich for the family across the street you fix a sandwich for your kids you keep your house in order you take care of your house and then you worry about those guys across the street and if they don't make it that's their problem not yours and so the whole idea here is that it gives us this really really cool situation it was this very real-world how people should normally function type of situation and it comes out kind of cool but in the end it's just another instance where a person just uses their powers it really doesn't use their powers and takes it in a completely different direction but at this point we switch over to a guy named Mattie Oh cauldron I think is how you pronounce his last name but again this is a guy who basically is just you know supplying drugs he's basically a drug dealer that's really it you know just a drug runner here and he's fighting a fighting cloak-and-dagger there's no real huge story here it's basically just like cloak-and-dagger are beginning to realize that people are popping up on the scene that have the powers of spider-man and it creates a really interesting situation because for them they don't quite know how to handle this remember when it comes to Peter Parker facing off against him is a very dangerous situation because right now he doesn't have a spider sense of course we saw that with spider-man big-time he lost his spider sense but for those individuals that do have it the spider sense is what you spider-man on top if you take spider-man's spider-sense away well then he's just got the same power that everybody else has he's got super-strength SuperSpeed durability and he can crawl on walls which is kind of cool he can shoot webbing but that's it I mean you know without a spider since he can't be alerted to danger so all it would take is the Punisher sitting on top of a roof a hundred yards away and Peter Parker's not with us anymore that's all it really takes I mean we saw that during original sin right you know during the whole original sin story when Nick Fury was established as being the man on the wall where he was basically taking care of threats within the earth and beyond the earth when Peter Parker first popped up Nick Fury was gonna kill him in that time period between when Peter Parker first became spider-man before his fighters since fully developed and he began to understand how it works Nick Fury came across him was sitting on a rooftop took aim and plan to kill him but the Nick Fury said well no I think this is a good guy and Peter Parker live it was one of those really cool retcons where it was like you know Peter Parker was a bullet well I'm sorry was was a trigger pull away from being killed and so it was a really cool situation but again from here we switch over to Schanke there we go and she's basically like Bruce in the Marvel Universe I mean I have a hard time finding anybody who would refute that claim that's basically what he is it's cool I love shang-chi he's a really cool character but he's basically Bruce Lee in the end the Marvel Universe but the issue here is remember because Peter Parker doesn't have his spider sense he has to essentially rely on other means to begin getting around his guys the way he normally would because it with with Peter Parker I wouldn't say his spider sense was a crutch so much as I would say his spider sense was an intrinsic part of who he was you know it was an arm it was a leg it was a it was a foot you know it was it was a fist it was very much an intrinsic part of what his character was he relied on his spider since as much as he relied on his agility his webbing all that kind of good stuff to have it taken away means that now he has to be able to compensate and this is cool because what he does is he develops his own martial arts style called the way of the spider the sad thing is that he uses it twice in Spider Island and I don't think we ever see it again that's the saddest thing about this because he basically gets his spider sense back he's like well I don't really need that anymore you know and that's it it kind of sucks you know but the cool thing is that you know with regards to this whole training sequence he's really learning from one of the greatest martial artists in the entirety of the of the Marvel Universe but what we do is we pick up you know again this is really really fast we pick up with a few days after this training session I guess over the course these training sessions with spider-man leaving and we find out that all of this is being washed by the new Madame web Julia carpenter now the concept of Madame web is interesting in the realm of spider-man remember when Dan Slott took over the title you know everything really I guess the the role of Spider Island was kind of grabbing all these different stories that were leading up to it grabbing all these things in the spider-man mythos and saying here's what I want to keep here's what I don't want to keep and Spider Island serve the purpose of just getting rid of everything that Dan Slott didn't want to keep you know getting rid of all that said well we'll cross that bridge when we get to Spider Island but madam web was kind of like this holdover from an earlier time and in spider-man comics but madam web is tied intrinsically into the web of life and destiny or destiny in life whatever you call it and that's where people seem to get confused in in Marvel Comics in the spider-man mythos that was a huge point in spider-verse a lot of people were thrown off by the web of destiny in life so let's let's talk about this for a second because this is more important than Madame web the Madame web is just like an Oracle all right you can just see the future that's all she can do it's cool whatever she's a plot device in Spider Island so um the web of life and destiny is this really cool thing because in marvel every group every subgroup of superheroes has its own kind of access to the multiverse and it's not like Marvel engineered it to be that way it's not like in 1962 with Fantastic Four whatever it was tomorrow you know that the Stan Lee and Jack Kirby sat down and said okay guys over the course of the next 50 years we're going to lay out multiversal access for these different individual teams it just kind of progressed that way it just kind of turned out to be that way it's cool but it turned out to be that way for example the British superhero team Excalibur has what's called the lighthouse and the lighthouse is basically a portal more or less I mean you know you go into it you can access the Captain Britain Corps that's what you know Brian Braddock does he goes into the lighthouse he accesses the omniversal omniversal Development Court I think is what it's called and I the Captain Britain Corps this multiversal group of Captain Britain's from across the multiverse in the mutant landscape you have what's called the m'kraan crystal if you imagine the multiverse to be a hallway of doors each door going to a different universe the m'kraan crystal is that door each universe has its own m'kraan crystal that's why if you were to destroy the m'kraan crystal in any given universe it would be tantamount to blowing the door off the hinge in which case all the energies of the multiverse would just come pouring in and it would lead to the destruction of that of that universe itself and then eventually the multiverse would just condense in on itself and the multiverse would be destroyed so it creates kind of a weird situation and in the realm of traditional superheroes the Fantastic Four the Avengers so on and so forth we have the negative zone you know in in all the multiverse there's only one negative zone in any universe can access it the Ultimate Universe can access it the main Marvel Universe can access it they all have access to the negative zone the web of a web of life and destiny is the exact same way the difference here is that individuals who can tap into the web of life and destiny wherever you want to call it can see the future and that's the huge difference when it comes to all the other aspects of multiverse all access the lighthouse the negative zone the m'kraan crystal those individuals cannot see the future the only exception that I think is maybe the white phoenix of the crown jean grey but even then I'm not gonna swear to that people who can who can basically access that can can end up seeing in the future so a crease god of a really cool really cool situation with regards to the spider-man mythos but yeah I mean the whole intensive thing is really just designed to serve the purpose of saying hey guys here are the events that are leading up to it you know Madame web is basically looking into the future and saying the spiders are coming you know there's going to be this great big huge conflict that's massive you know calamity really you know of Javad proportions in New York which we know is going to be Spider Island okay so getting into Spider Island what I wanted to do was just go ahead and and throw this this prologue and here anyway in this video the reason why is just because of the fact that there are a few things here in this prologue that will be important with regards to the story not insane not anything that we could let go without talking about I mean we could just cover in the rest of the video but I wanted to go ahead and just throw it in here anyway because it can't hurt it beats up the video and it's never a bad thing but the cool thing is that for the most part when it comes to spider-man in this prologue it's really just kind of like his goings on it's cool just like here's what spider-man does when he does things but it's also kind of Dan Slott saying hey guys there are some things going on in the background that at first don't seem relevant but become relevant later on specifically some guys who have committed some robberies now the reason these guys committing these robberies is because they've become more brazen with these spider-man powers while they don't necessarily manifest right off the bat they are becoming a little more adventurous they are becoming a little more dangerous than normally would be because for them they kind of feel like they're they're indestructible you know just because of the fact that they basically have the same ability as a spider-man now these criminals are wrapped up by Peter Parker pretty fast and of course you just kind of races off just because of the Miss New York there's always a crime going on somewhere so for Peter Parker you can't just linger around just kind of like okay these guys are wrapped up you know the cops are here we'll call it a day I got a bail out now the cool thing about this is we also pick up with Jay jonah Jameson I'll keep in mind Jameson's currently mayor of New York the issue with this is that his approval ratings are at an all-time low and the reason why is because he hates spider-man and he makes no bones about the fact that he hates spider-man now under normal circumstances this wouldn't be a problem but everybody in the city loves spider-man and so they hate the mayor because he hates spider-man it's just one of these funny eight one of these funny little situations but it's also a J John Jameson on the other side of the coin on the other side of the line and since that when he was running the Daily Bugle he was going through and just lambasted spider-man all the time you know spider-man sucks spider-man's a minute so uncivil it's one of the things that we loved about its character well now the Daily Bugle is running these these campaigns against Jay jonah Jameson so now he's like well I don't like being on the other side it's not fair you know the Daily Bugle is wrong it's just one of these things were it's like be damned with the facts my opinions right but again you know a lot of this is just kind of Peter doing his own thing it's him just kind of you know being a hero and doing whatever he does in his normal time but one of these funny little moments that we get is in in horizon labs and that's why I really like dance lots riding because it's just the funny little moments that make the story so interesting with an experiment that he's basically you know showing to max Modell and the rest of the guys at horizon labs max Bodell makes the comment that you can't tack the number 2000 to the end of something and it becomes crueler which I beg to differ like imagine comics explain mm like explaining comics to you and the voice of Morgan Freeman like it'd be pretty funny it'd be kind of cool but it's just one of those funny little moments me nothing too major but with regards to the whole leader with regard as being like a tried and true prologue to the whole element of Spider Island this is when we start to see people manifesting abilities this comes in a couple different forms the first is through carly cooper the whole idea with Carly is that while she's currently on the scene of this crime remember she's a forensic scientist she watches a couple of these criminals break free of their wedding this is something that should normally never be allowed to happen the webbing is designed to easily you know keep a normal human being contained the only individuals that can break out of Peter Parker's webbing are people with super strength so this is Dan Slott saying their spider powers are starting to emerge they're basically gaining the abilities of spider-man now in response to this Carly Cooper immediately takes out one of these guys and this is Dan Slott telling us Carly Cooper now has super strength and that's the way this really begins to unfold is that these small little glimpses these small little drops in there of people gaining all these different abilities now from here we pick up with the jackal and we pick up with the Jackals henchmen now again at this point we don't really know who this henchman is all we know is that he's just a guy that's there with the jackal and what jackal does as he presents a card to one of these people one of these individuals who've developed spider powers and says be at this location tomorrow and so the idea is that there's a kind of gathering of sorts where the jackal will do with that we don't quite know yet but again switching over to the Future Foundation keep in mind all of this comes after Hickman's Fantastic Four so because of that Peter Parker is still part of the Future Foundation that's still very much a world that he plays you know this kind of scientific community and it works out for his character because the Peter Parker is part of Future Foundation and as part of horizon labs it means he has access to all the science concepts that the Future Foundation is coming up with under Reed Richards the smartest man of the Marvel Universe and he can extend those to Horizon labs so while I wouldn't say that he's a double agent it don't allow him to cheat a little bit it doesn't allow him to basically grab ideas that may not necessarily be his own that he's helped to contribute to you and then roll them over into horizon labs but the issue with this is that while all this is happening individuals from around New York are manifesting spider-powers they're manifesting spider abilities now the effects of this are wide and ranging I mean you know some people are only developing a spider sense and the powers count you know the strength and speed come later some people are developing strength and speed and the spider sense comes later but they're all having these kind of physical reactions so to the doctors of New York there's some kind of virus that's going around that's infecting the city on a massive scale and no one quite knows how to handle it now at this point we pick up with the jackal again and we have him back in his laboratory of course you know where he's continuing to experiment and we basically have this woman who's in shadow now we'll find out who she is and it's actually gonna be dance lot returning and then killing off a little character from from from spider-man's I really like the holdover of old spider-man stories but what we find out is that someone's basically been kidnapped by the jackal and this person is being experimented on for the purpose of serving you know some kind of role some kind of uh you know I guess maybe being a Power House member of jackals group but we also find out this unknown henchman of jackal is king now this is really really interesting because when it came to the character of Kane in Marvel Comics Kane Parker he made his debut and web of spider-man number 119 I think and he was basically part of Clone Saga this story everybody hates but the idea is that Kane was kind of like this holdover from Clone Saga that Marvel just never really knew how to get rid of it was like Marvel's dirty little secret like what do you do with a character like Kane I mean after Clone Saga I like there was nothing for him he was just kind of tumbling down the rabbit hole of stories and popping up every once in a while and just becoming increasingly irrelevant as time went on and so far the time I got around a spider island this is probably the most significant world that he plays leading into him becoming the second Scarlet Spider with skull of spider vol 2 that story is amazing by the way I love Scarlet Spider with Kane Parker and I don't know how other people feel about it but I always thought it was really really enjoyable but we basically have this giant spider guy kind of manifesting but we also find out that this unknown woman is able to basically seize control of this spider guy you know there whoever this giant you know monster is she's able to seize control of it and bend it to her will and so from here we basically pick up with this revelation that everybody in New York is developing spider powers they're able to shoot webbing they have super-strength they have super speed that can crawl on walls they basically have all the abilities of spider-man but for the life of Peter Parker for his own individual goings-on Carly Cooper reveals the fact that she has spider-man's powers now this is crazy this is this is really really interesting because what she does is she kind of tries to corner him a little bit right and say hey look like you're friends with spider-man like you make all this gear because remember that's kind of been the ongoing lie that Peter Parker has been telling everybody that begins to get close to the idea that he's pure para that he's spider-man he basically says well no no I'm not spider-man it's just I helped to develop spider-man's gear you know all those different gadgets and all I kind of get stuff I help him build that and so that's the lie that Carly Cooper has been told and it's the lie that she believes and so in response her idea is hey look like help me out like have me you know let me meet with spider-man so that we could start working together and he can teach me how to be a superhero and that seems to be a lot of people's response to this a lot of people seem to have this idea that they all want to be superheroes not only that we end up meeting up with Miles Warren when they're not meeting up with a jackal where he basically passed this note on to this guy as well as a multitude of other people show up at this location at a certain time and the idea of miles Warren is to cause absolute chaos cause absolute pandemonium in Bryant Park in New York by giving everyone who's there some variation of the spider-man costume and all these costumes range from the earliest costumes that Peter Parker wore when he was spider-man to just you know costumes you can buy off the shelves all the way up to his future foundation costume and so it's it's again no one really knows who's spider-man is which spider-man is the right spider-man now of course we have remember you have Aunt May you have Jay jonah Jameson senior they're heading out to Boston at least you're sitting in an airport they're not in New York right now remember we had talked about that that with regards to the whole Kree little thing was the idea of basically assuring them out removing them from the landscape and sort of shifting them away that was the whole basis behind this and so because of that with all these different folks unfolding all these different folks popping up with these you know spider-man powers to the Avengers the New Avengers the Mighty Avengers everybody in New York begins to respond now of course this begs the question where's like Excalibur at from Britain I guess we're just kinda like well that's been a no problem that's New York we don't care I have no idea but the cool thing is that when Peter Parker gets here it's exactly what we would expect I mean you've got guys who are wearing the iron spider armor from Civil War people who are wearing like the spider-man back in black suit you know you have people who were wearing the spider-man suit with the wings you know people who are wearing those again the earliest versions every single costume the spider-man's ever worn exist in some form or fashion in all these people who have his outfit so that when the real Peter Parker shows up no knows it's him no one believes is him and that's kind of the crazy thing here that's what made Spider Island so interesting in the beginning was because Peter Parker's blessing turned out to be a scourge remember an amazing spider-man number 641 following the events of civil war that dr. strange or at least had been revealed that dr. strange cast a spell at the request of Peter Parker that removed knowledge of his identity from the world when he unmasked himself during civil war in order to lien lend credence to Tony Stark's claim that if superheroes came forward they registered that their secret identities would be safe that their families would be safe that following the Civil War event Marvel had to find some way to put the genie back in the bottle again and so that's exactly what happened dr. strange said okay everybody no one knows the identity of Peter Parker the only way they can find out is if Peter Parker basically reveals it to them directly that's the only way we're faders happen to see him without his mask or something along those lines but the issue is that when he shows up the Avengers the Mighty Avengers the whole nine yards they all start attacking him because in their mind this isn't Peter Parker this is just somebody with the powers of spider-man masquerading as spider-man so if the fight goes exactly as we would expect it to in this sense of the The Avengers and everybody is like hey man you gotta go you gotta get out of here if you really are spider-man you need to leave because all you're doing right now is you're getting in the way now what also ends up happening here is that with Carly Cooper fighting on the front lines and going against you know some of these some of these criminals fighting the small-time guy is not really facing off against villains Peter Parker ends up running into Mary Jane Watson now the cool thing about this is remember Mary Jane Watson knows that he's he's spider-man she's one of the few people that know his identity and her response is you have to get out there and you have to do something on the mind of Peter Parker he's like well all the superheroes don't know that I'm spider-man I can't just walk out and unmask myself but he says what I can do is I can rally the citizens of New York now this is extremely important and the reason why is because Peter Parker goes on camera broadcasts to the Internet and says hey if you guys are watching this I have spider powers I have a spider sense I have all these different things the New York that people believe they know is not the New York that it actually is people think that everybody in New York are dicks that's not true you know there are people in New York who are hard workers who believe in truth and fairness and justice in the American Way if you're one of those people fight alongside me be a superhero and he basically rallies a whole ton of New Yorkers to his side now this is actually kind of a cool revelation because this will be extremely important once we get back to the end of this video but following this you know where Peter Park these guys to his cause the next step is okay how do we cure this virus how do we basically eliminate this entire you know this this pathogen that's giving everybody superpowers now the cool thing is that there are three individuals who are working diligently on this max Modell the head of horizon labs Reed Richards and some unknown guy in cell number six we don't know who that person is but the cool idea is that with Reed Richards and max Modell here if anybody can find a solution they can that's kind of the ironic thing about this is because what Dan Slott does and he says hey look you've got two of the smartest men in the world like max Modell Reed Richards working on a solution surely they're gonna find a way to cure this right and it's like well yeah I mean I assume they are you know that's that's something that would make sense well then we shift over to anti-venom anti-venom is already made cured remember anti-venom is basically a venom symbian with antibodies he can cure anyone of anything and so he begins going through and basically chasing down all these individuals who have spider powers whether they're villains are whether they're good guys and starts stripping their abilities away from them starts taking their abilities away from each and every one of these guys and it creates kind of a funny situation because of our mind it would be like well I mean why don't they just go to ant even if he's the Cure why don't they just go to anti-venom and so at this point we end up joining a Peter Parker when he and Carly Cooper end up travelling again to to the police precinct because remember that's one of the one of the reasons why we covered a lot of these stories with amazing spider-man a lot of them seemed almost totally irrelevant and most of them were but there were little moments here and there that would make sense when we talked about the return of wraiths we had talked about how you know this this one particular police officer was basically breaking into the evidence room and stealing gadgets and equipment that belonged to villains well that's the same room that carly cooper and peter parker go to and what peter parker does is he says hey look here are a lot of the things that you can use because remember the webbing that Carly Cooper is using is organic webbing but what she needs is she needs fluids and she needs starchier foods but she doesn't know this Peter Parker's just like hey here's everything you need in order to get your running back but until that webbing begins to get back to its full supply here's some artificial you know web shooters that will serve the purpose not only that we ended up picking up with project rebirth in the Catskill Mountains now for those of you guys who are following comics torian's channel this is the hole agent venom aspect of Spider Island I imagine he probably covered that in its videos I'm not sure I haven't had a chance to watch him yet I never watch comic story news videos but when it creates kind of a funny funny thing because again this shows how large everything goes in the sense that spider came you know this giant spider monster that had popped up earlier in the story was basically sent on a mission to to project rebirth now of course running into agent venom what it does is it bolsters things out a little bit it basically increases this entire landscape because this adds to them to the possibility of this infection spreading beyond the borders of New York and so that's what happens Mayor Jay jonah jameson begins to realize that things are becoming more dangerous that if this infection escapes the island that these millions of people in manhattan who all have spider powers will turn into hundreds of millions of people across the united states and eventually billions across the globe if they do not keep it contained and so in conjunction you know with these mandroid suits basically these these next suits that are used by the NYPD along with a handful of the Avengers Luke Cage and so on they basically begin the process of blocking off access to New York they literally start shutting it all down they start shutting down bridges shutting down tunnels the whole nine yards they quite literally quarantine the entirety of New York hence the reason why it's called Spider Island because everybody on the island of Manhattan has spider powers and so at this point is the question of how do they bring this down how do they bring this to an end well of course the first step is to basically synthesize a cure which of course Reed Richards and Maxwell Dell are successfully able to do the issue is who do they give it to and so what they had to do is they had to develop a device and the reason why is because there's only a limited amount of the vaccine considering the fact that it had to be made quick fast and in a hurry they'd a limited quantity so they can test it if it works they can mass-produce it what they end up doing is they end up intending to to basically analyze different individuals to test them for this strain to see whether or not they have this Spider Island virus and it turns out that J jonah Jameson has it J jonah Jameson basically becomes spider-man and so what we get are all these different situations that kind of roll on top of one another in a sense that we end up having anti-venom who's going through just running through Manhattan curing everybody of this fire island virus that he comes across but we also have the Avengers the Mighty Avengers all these individuals putting these sonic pulses around the city of New York that would operate as these kind of psychic fences so to speak so that individuals can't leave they basically can't walk out it'll end up messing with them it'll operate his offensive sorts and they'll basically end up kind of staying corralled in New York proper and so what we end up doing is we join with with spider-man and we join with carly cooper when they arrive at a bank robbery and that's kind of the cool thing years why I like this is because it's kind of Dan Slott showing us all these different things that all happen at the same time but I mean you have like the Avengers you have the Mighty Avengers you have New Avengers a whole nine yards all these seven superhero teams you know trying to corral this massive infection you've got Reed Richards you get max Modell the future foundation all working on a cure and then you've got spider-man doing what he's always done trying to keep things at bay and stories like major crossover events was that involves spider-man usually always work this way unless we're talking about an event that takes it you know that goes off into space or something like that or threatens the entirety of the earth at one time which is to say like a villain shows up and it's just a threat to the world instead of starting out small like the city of Manhattan and working their way out spider-man usually always plays a smaller role during the onslaught saga for example the spider-man wasn't really facing off against onslaught per se spider-man was facing off against a lot of the Sentinels that onslaught was using keep Manhattan in an in a state of prison he was fighting off against various villains that were using the chaos as a chance to implement a whole bunch of their own schemes and crimes and so it's really cool to see a lot of these things take place yet again in the realm of sprite which is one of these is why a lot of fans love him because spider-man is basically Marvel's way of reminding us that the small guy still has issues of their own and spider-man is still looking out for the small guy this little bit becomes particularly important when we deal with the arrival of the Shocker and the reason why is because of the Shocker entity as he exists here basically has six arms and our question is what in the hell happened why does the Shocker have six arms well this is when we start getting into the idea of a second phase of this and this infection in the sense that individuals who are exposed to the first phase develop spider-man powers when it gets to the second phase they start physically mutated and that's what happened with chakra when he was infected his body began to physically meet a to give him six arms it began to meet him into an actual spider now what Dan Slott is doing here is he's drawing on the spider-man element of infinity war movie nights who don't know during the infinity war story arc when Adam warlock 0 persona Magus was trying to attain the Infinity Gauntlet by grabbing all the different cosmic cubes from different universes what Magus ended up doing was creating doppelgangers for the Earth's heroes in order to keep them out of the way and so were you had like a Wolverine doppelganger you had a Reed Richards doppelganger or a hope doppelganger so on and so forth spider-man had his doppelganger which had six arms the issue is that that doppelganger became so popular that Marvel kind of had to roll him over and after you know after the events of infinity war we're done because people love that idea the issue is that nobody could ride him very well so eventually they got rid of him but what we end up doing is to basically start picking up with all these different mutations and this is when we learn who this individual is is when we learn who this unknown woman is that she's basically someone called the Queen now if those of you guys who don't know the Queen is a woman named Adriana Soria I think it is and she first appeared in spectacular spider-man vol 2 number 15 I think she was a character that was created for the purpose of kind of stepping into this new era of Peter Parker where Michael was trying to kind of switch things around move things around make him a little more interesting it was that whole hodgepodge of events leading into one more day but it was this idea that she was basically someone who had the ability or had telepathy and basically had what was called the insect gene and what that meant was that she was able to tap into and control individuals and insects but the only individual she could control were people who had insect genes the problem with this was that her being able to control them was contingent on her knowing that they were they were people with insect genes and so the reason behind this whole thing this entire spiral of Spider Island event was for her to basically engineer her own Kingdom now it's not the first time she's tried this during that whole weird era of Spider Man there was a point where Peter Parker actually turned into a giant spider it was weird as hell but the whole notion was that she had tried to kind of create a high for herself for this since she had tried to take over New York ultimately she was defeated but in the instance where Peter Parker had turned into a giant spider and then eventually was transformed back she had taken a husk a little form a little piece of this this gene for Peter she had taken it to miles Warren to the jackal and that's what jackal used to synthesize or I guess to create this virus planted in these bedbugs and turned the citizens of New York into individuals with the powers of spider-man and so what this would allow the Queen to do is then turn around and control those individuals because now they all have an insect gene and so because of this and what her intention is is to literally just kind of create her own army and that's exactly what's happening with these secondary mutations all these people who are beginning to mutate are turning into giant spiders that's literally what they are that is turning into massive spiders but this is going to allow the Queen to basically begin the process of engineering her own Kingdom to basically create her own her own place of rule now the other cool thing about this is that we actually end up joining anti-venom and this is the funny situation here because there's a mishmash of things at work here is a mishmash of plays going on all at the same time in the sense that with spider King having been having you know gone against agent venom that when spider King returns to the Queen as well as a miles warrant this is not actually spider King instead this is agent venom posing as Spider King and that's why this is one of those cool things is because it's the ability of agent venom to use the sin of the venom Samia to kind of shape-shift to adjust himself that's one of the reasons why a lot of people love agent venom because it was taking the venom simia and using it in a way that hadn't really been used before but in addition to all of this these individuals who were beginning to physically manifest who are beginning to physically mutate I actually end up going to Our Lady of Saints Church and grabbing anti-venom and the reason why is because word has reached their ears that anti-venom has the ability to cure people of their infection now this is why we did the whole thing of like you know of anti-venom and a Punisher team-up the amazing spider-man and the anti-venom team-up the origin of anti-venom because this was Dan Slott bringing this redemption of Eddie Brock into full view basically bringing it all the way back around again it was Dan Slott saying hey look this is how why Eddie Brock is basically a good guy is him trying to do the right thing because he looks at all these individuals and he says you poor cast off Souls come to Papa anti-venom I have the cure to what ails you and it's basically him curing people is him saying look I'm a good guy I'm curing every last one of these individuals I'm literally saving New York now that'll become a lot more important than it seems right now but it's a really really interesting set of events because for Peter Parker for spider-man himself it's absolute pandemonium and it's chaos because among all these giant spiders are Carly Cooper now while he's trying to track her down while he's trying to stop these giant spiders that are attacking individuals one of them basically begins to lay waste to the vehicle or to the to the motorcade of jage onna Jamison and this is kind of cool because what happens is Jameson refuses to be saved by Peter Parker yet again keep in mind Jameson has always housed a hatred for Peter Parker but in Jameson's mind that is a--the Marla is tied into Peter Parker's actions and of course Marla told him in her final moments do not succumb to hate do not blame spider-man do not blame Alastair smite spiders later do not blame any of those just accept the fact that sometimes things like this happen and there's nothing we can really do to stop it and so what is not happening here is that in the midst of all this J jonah Jameson reveals the fact that he has spider powers he grabs Peter Parker and he says we're going back the emergency command center we're going to find a way to get over this I think I have an ace in the hole this is kind of cool because this is an uneasy alliance between Jay jonah Jameson and spider-man if it was Jameson's way he just throw spider-man and Jalen call it a day but he needs spider-man he needs spider-man here because he's basically the only individual present in New York that has spider powers that can use them effectively everybody else that has spider powers are turning into giant spider monsters and so what we do is we pick up with Jay jonah Jameson basically interrogating Alastair Smith and Smith is a little cryptic here because first of all he says look man like the whole reason why I'm Spider Slayer is because you and your stupid tabloid led to the death of my father they led to the destruction of my career they led to me becoming a bad guy all I want is revenge on you but then it's also Alastair Smith saying hey I got my revenge because this is when he realizes the only reason Jay jonah Jameson would come to him after Smith killed Jameson's wife is because Jameson himself is infected and so it's like Alastair Smith getting the revenge that he always wanted now this comes to bear this a little bit of hubris on Smith's behalf comes to bear when the Queen begins to use her telepathy and start talking to Jay jonah Jameson begins to infiltrate his mind and she basically appears as the wife of Jay John Jameson who says remember how I told you not to blame yourself I told you not to blame spider-man don't blame Alastair Smith I lied kill them all and so it's so cool because then Jay jonah Jameson starts to lose his mind now again we get a little bit more of this kind of a montage this little bit of a hodgepodge but we have Locke hat and we have few of the ground-level heroes really trying to protect some of these sonic devices for the purpose of keeping everybody corralled in New York we have agent venom going against anti-venom which is actually pretty amazing like it's pretty badass we also end up having Mary Jane Watson develop spider powers on her own and so because of this we ultimately pick up with agent venom having to feed it defeated anti-venom as far as I'm aware we don't see it but it may end up being the best part of the venom die and I'll have to double check on that but anti-venom is essentially defeated here now the irony of all this is that agent venom didn't ask any questions he just showed up and started attacking anti-venom and was just like you're coming with me and it's kind of funny because when anti-venom when Eddie Brock is talking to Reed Richards you know he's like hey look I would have come willingly all you had to do was tell me what it is that you wanted if what you wanted was to basically use me as a way to synthesize a cure that I would have been fine with that and Reed Richards says one glad you're on board man because we're literally taking the entire anti-venom Cynthia and Eddie Brock's response is like what and he's like yeah man you're not gonna be able to be anti-venom anymore now keep in mind this is Dan Slott kind of wrapping this up this is Dan Slott saying hey guys look for the time being at least as far as I'm aware for the time being this is the beginning in the end of anti-venom it's kind of wrapping these things up sort of bringing things to a close because member the entire anti-venom Park was designed for the sole purpose of redeeming Eddie Brock in the eyes of counter book fans in the eyes of of really you know the the superhero landscape within Marvel comets itself now of course with J John Jameson you know mutating freaking out under the influence of the Queen he immediately attacks Alastair smite and in this last couple seconds you know with love the last few seconds of life that he has left Alastair Smythe says you have everything you need to defeat these giant spiders you already have your army all you have to do is figure out a way to tap into it and use it for your own ends alright so picking up with Spider Island part 2 I know a lot of gonna be like no the good thing is that this video came out within hours of the last video so don't be giving me no hard times about cliffhangers don't be givin me a hard time but no clipping so what we ended up doing what we end up doing here is we basically pick up kind of continuing where we left off we join Mary Jane Watson facing off against some of these guys but also using her using her own webbing her own spider abilities but the cool thing about this is that you know within our Lady of Saints Church where these individuals were hanging out again they were just kind of left there when agent venom was able to succeed in defeating anti-venom Mary Jane Watson begins to gain a better understanding of what it means to be spider-man and that's one of the interesting things about this is because this never really seemed to be a concept that was explored this because the fact that I'm not aware of Mary Jane Watson ever having spider powers on this level instead before the events of one more day and even after the events of one more day where she still knew the identity of Peter Parker the only real exposure she had to what it meant to be spider-man was basically the toll that it would take on Peter Parker having to walk the nice edge of keeping his identity secret while simultaneously trying to make sure that he could be an effective hero and so because of this she's coming to it from the other side of the coin she's seen what it means having to pull her punches you know facing off against a lot of these these giant spiders recognizing that they're people at the same time and they could possibly be cured and so as her realizing that she basically has to stop these spiders from killing those humans that haven't done that haven't mutated while simultaneously not killing the spiders and so again it's this very interesting situation because she has to kind of be a savior and a and and not a killer at the same time if that makes any sense but again we also end up joining with the Queen and the reason why is because of the fact that Reed Richards is using this cure on son Johnny remember so Johnny is basically a member of a horizon labs one of the people who is infected but almost immediately after this cure begins to develop after almost immediately after it's derived the Queen begins to start going through all these individuals who have this this insect gene by way of this Spider Island virus and eventually is it well it's happened - so Johnny when she realizes so Johnny is in horizon labs and Reed Richards and his team have synthesized a cure and so using said Johnny she basically kind of forces the physical mutation and the result is that so Johnny kind of gets out of control for a second but is almost immediately subdued by a combination of Jessica drew spider woman and Reed Richards himself now with regards to the injection of this cure this is when the Queen starts to realize how this cure is legitimate and that if it's mass-produced it was turned into like an aerosol if it goes airborne it'll literally take away everything that Queen's been working for all of her power will basically be gone and so what happens is Jack Olsen's came on a mission to horizon labs for the purpose of basically contaminating this cure making sure that it can never go into full-blown use now at this point what we also do is we basically join the man in the sixth rim we only get a glimpse here but we join a man in the six room this unknown third individual who was helpful and basically creating a cure by way of Reed Richards and max Modell and what we end up finding out is that this third man is Michael Morbius now Michael Morbius being rolled into this story is not an accident remember prior to Michael Morbius you know gaining his infection becoming a living vampire he was a Nobel winning biochemist and so he's really like one of the best people that you would want he's really one of the top minds when it comes to biochemistry when it comes to biological contaminants when it comes to creating a cure for virtually anything the other half of this isn't Michael Morbius has always tried to find a way to cure himself as though it creates a really interesting situation because it's kind of Michael Morbius offering some measure of atonement in addition to this Michael Morbius is just a fan favorite so why not have him in the story he'll like it it just works it's really cool to see him there through a lot of fans are just like yeah Michael Morbius really good to see a lot of them but we get to see enough of him here now of course the other funny thing is that we also end up joining madam lab Julia carpenter who like appears to Reed Richards and is like you've put these psychic inhibitors around the city of New York take them down and then she leaves and that's it she was like shows up she's like fix it now and then just leaves and it's kind of funny this is like this quick little pop-up situation here but what this does is it allows Dan Slott to begin segwang into the final act of this story and what I mean here is that we're these psychic blocks were put in place for the purpose of basically removing people's ability to to leave the city of New York one is up happening is that witness the psychic inhibitor horizon labs kind of has to play this balancing act or they have to sit down they have to say okay fine look we cannot take down the psychic inhibitors in their entirety because if we if we do this infection will spread we have a cure but if they just scattered to the four corners of the world well suddenly we're stretched too thin and there's no stopping this contagion but if we keep it here in New York then it's easier to control it's easier to cure and so what happens is horizon labs uses some of the knowledge of Peter Parker that he had given them over the course of his experience and they basically kind of modify the signal to send it out in a way that basically restores Peter Parker's spider sense now with regards to the restoration of Peter Parker spider sense this coincides with his conflict with Kaine and the reason why is because the jackal had sent Caine to Horizon laughter the purpose of contaminating this cure and so when Peter Parker had traveled back to Horizon labs he was basically forced to face off against Kay now again this is mutated this is keen all kinds of screwed up the full fruition of where his character was going to be because of his unstable genes and so because of this during the conflict when out Peter Parker's when is when a spider since is restored to him the result is a he's able to basically outwit and outmaneuver Kaine and virtually every feasible sense and this is one of the reasons why it works is because pain has you know he's stronger he's faster he's more durable than spider-man but spider-man basically is able to use his way of the spider kung-fu in conjunction with a spider sense and make himself virtually untouchable now none of this really matters just because of the fact Peter Parker basically sends cane flying into the VAT of anti-venom you know I'm and essentially just kind of cures him and returns him to his normal appearance but what Dan Slott was doing with this was basically saying this whole nonsense about cane being like a weird physical spider thing this has gone far enough like we need to we need either like well pardon my language we need a poo already to get off the pot like we got to do something with it and so Dan sloths like we're just going to basically send him off like what we're gonna do is we're just gonna send him off to the cornfields he's gonna be scarred spider but in order for us to pull that off what we need to do is cure him we need to basically make his make his body physically perfect so that instead of having these corrupted genes the way he did you know as part of a part of Clone Saga that instead what he's gonna do is he's going to have to basically perfect the genes is basically what's gonna happen here now what we end up doing is we end up finding out that because of the fact that this signal has been modified that is restored this spider sends a Peter Parker Dan Slott begins to draw on the web of life and destiny because keep in mind when the web of life in destiny was introduced in Marvel Comics it was modifying spider-man's mythos prior to that point it was always believed that spider-man's powers his strength agility speed you know spiders and so on and so forth all those just came from just the radiation in his blood the web of life and destiny said no that's not the case Peter Parker is basically an avatar he he more or less is a character that reflects a kind of a representation of these totems you know these duh he's basically uh I guess a herald of the web and life and definitely a destiny if that makes any sense all that really means is that he derives his powers directly from the web of life and destiny well so does the queen and so does Madame web and so by giving Peter Parker his spider sense back the Queen now has full access to her abilities and Madame web has full access to her abilities but we also find out is that this giant weird spider monster that appeared at the beginning of the story was Steve Rogers that Steve Rogers had been taken by jackal he had been mutated and turned into a servant of the Queen now of course he had since been turned back but the idea here is that he's basically kind of this last man standing trying to face off against the Queen herself and breve her ruled out the issue with this is that with the Queen having full access to her powers she goes into her full form and what she becomes is an omega-level threat now this is something that I want to draw your attention to because in Marvel Comics when it comes to the idea of like omega-level mutant omega-level threats this is how they're confirmed for example we saw in like an uncanny x-men number 513 I posted about this on Twitter we saw that Emma Frost was confirmed as an omega-level mutant and x-men vol 2 issue numbers 70 or something like that Charles Xavier was confirmed to be an alpha level mutant these are how things end up playing out that there's individuals whose status within the Marvel community is confirmed now when it comes to like Omega level threats those are basically people that have the power of Omega low mutants but they're not mutants that's all that means us that's the only difference it's just kind of an interchangeable term but the idea is that we also have Peter Parker trying to maintain this ruse that he and spider-man are two distinctly different individuals because in the mind of Peter Parker he hasn't revealed his identity to anybody yet no one knows who he is and so to the eyes of everybody except for like Reed Richards and a handful of others that don't that know his secret identity when they see Kayne Parker walking around in the spider-man costume while simultaneously seeing him standing alongside Peter Parker well then they have no reason to believe that Peter Parker and spider-man are one in the same is basically Peters ruse this was his way of kind of clear in the air when everybody with horizon Labs is there and as him saying hey look guys see like me and spider-man are two distinctly different people and so because of this we basically pick up with kind of like this last man battle I mean you have really you know you have like Kaine Parker you have you have Peter Parker you have all these guys that are facing off against you know against the queen spider but what is up happening is Peter Parker begins to draw on what it was that else there's some I said you have all the resources that you need in order to take down all these different spiders in the Queen all you have to do is harness them effectively and that's when Peter recalls back to the octobots of Doctor Octopus the Doctor Octopus would use a helmet to control all these little individual BOTS Peter Parker races back to the precinct alongside Mary Jane Watson puts the helmet on and begins using all these different octobots for the purpose of trying to take out the Queen and all these other individuals who are infected with this virus the problem with this is this queen is wildly powerful in terms of her abilities and so when is up happening here as you basically end up seeing Kaine doing what needs to be done where Peter Parker has this moral code and Peter Parker says we do not kill we need to incapacitate her we need to take her out and then take her prisoner Kaine says no the only way that we can deal with this is to take this woman out is to eliminate her in her entirety and that's what Dan slots drawing on here with the idea of Kaine because remember going all the way back to kono saga when he first showed up cane was designed to be this character who was a moral he wasn't really a good guy he wasn't really a bad guy he had his own moral compass he would kill if he needed to he would save people if he needed to he was willing to go further than Peter Parker was and so what happens as the story basically comes to a close is that Kaine wipes out the Spider Queen basically eliminates her in her entirety and so with the entire spider the spider ion have been kind of winding down the cure is basically synthesized it's mass distributed to everybody to the point that everybody kind of begins to line down from their infection and so what this does is this leads into the epilogue of Spider Island which begins to wrap up all these loose ends it's Dan Slott going through and saying okay here's we stand with a spider-man mythos going forward after the events of Spider Island okay so picking up with the epilogue to Spider Island this is actually really kind of cool the whole basis from what I could tell anyway the whole basis behind Spider Island was really kind of like what the early bit of Dance Lots run was leading up to and this since there was this idea of the dance looked around I said there's a lot of things in the spider-man mythos and I don't really care for that was done by committee because remember when Dan Slott first became part of this writing committee after the events of one more day it was everybody's gonna be part and parcel to this you know there's gonna be there's a lot of fingers in this story that's being told it wasn't just Dan Slott doing what Dan Slott wanted to do but having the ability to take over the title on his own and do whatever it is that he wanted to do granted him the opportunity to say okay let's just clear out all the stuff that I don't like let's get rid of all the things I don't want to that I don't want to have in the spider-man mythos let's rectify all this stuff and that's exactly what happens here but it also sends out some threads for future stories that will come later on down the line specifically superior spider-man so what we do is he basically just kind of pick up with the aftermath I mean the story is called naked city and it's kind of funny here I mean there's all these different superheroes in the in the Marvel Universe who were all giant spiders you know during the events of Spider Island and it's kind of funny here you know because it's like everybody's kind of recovering and it rotties shocked that they were naked the only person who doesn't care is Hercules and Hercules is like yes look upon my visage with envious eyes male superheroes it's it's really kind of this funny situation that's one of the things I love so much about his character because he's just kind of like I'm in my natural form like I am you ladies you know I am the god of strength they don't call me a giant for no reason and it's uh it all seriousness it's just one of these funny little one of these funny little things again it's just kind of it's it's really just cleanup you know it's just it's cleaning things up getting things sorted out getting things back in order and so the idea here is that we pick up with Mary Jane Watson and Peter Parker and this is one of the things that's kind of cool because Dan Slott sort of takes this moment between the two of them and it's not really Dan Slott saying hey we're gonna get them back together again it's Dan Slott saying hey these two share a connection that no one else really shares and that's true you know even within the the spider-man mythos that's true you know the fact that they did it for so long she was one of the first people to know about his secret identity so on and so forth but outside of the comic we as the reader look at that and it's like even if they're only really good friends for us is the reader for people who followed spider-man there's a connection between the two of them that no one else has but the stories that have been written about Mary Jane Watson about Peter Parker have had their ups and downs they've been married they broke up their marriage was nullified by Mephisto there's all kinds of things that go on with their story and so a lot of people look at that and say look at the legacy that was forged between these two and it's really dance-a-lot kind of pointing at that a stand slap saying hey they're showing a rooftop moment and it represents everything that they've been through up to this point the other half of this is that in the middle of the conversation Peter Parker especially has to bail out because you know Aunt May's grabbing his attention when she and J jonah Jameson senior are finally making their way off to Boston officially leaving New York after the events of Spider Island and this is when we learned that Mary Jane Watson retain her spider powers and so it's really kind of cool you know to ask the question what kind of stories are we gonna see but again this whole idea of anti-venom you know for example the idea that Eddie Brock was looking for atonement for spaz acts when he was a villain comes to fruition when Reed Richards pops up on TV now again keep in mind when it comes to the model landscape Reed Richards how he's viewed within Marvel Comics his house he is how he's viewed outside of Marvel Comics within the Marvel Comics universe it's like Reed Richards one of the smartest men in the world everybody respects him he's an explorer the superheroes love him when it comes to us as readers outside of comics just like the Fantastic Four the first family of Marvel the Fantastic Four sat the groundwork for the Avengers force where's all these different teams that would come later on down the line you know guardians of the galaxy they were the template behind that the legacy characters and so when Reed Richards shows up on TV and says New York was saved because of the actions of Eddie Brock well then any Brock's a good guy now and there's no arguing that point it's just the way it is and it's really cool because that's the kind of kind of respect that Reed Richards commands from people in New York from the superhero community so on and so forth but again it's just kind of wrapping up a few loose ends here you know in the sense that Jay jonah Jameson is having a drink with Robbie Robertson again they're kind of on a kind of on different terms here in terms of you know Jay jonah Jameson being mayor of New York Robbie Robertson running frontline now but it's also this idea that Jay jonah Jameson still doesn't seem to want to give up the notion that Peter Parker that that spider-man saved the city he kind of wants to hang on to his anger hang on to his hatred for all this and at the end of the day Roger Robertson says dude you've got to give spider-man a break you know he was basically the key to saving the city he's one of the people that helped save the entirety of the city and so in the end you know jgm Jameson's like fine I'll give them a break you know I will I'll cut him a break I'll make a call and we'll see what happens we have Peter Parker help me some guys on the bridge um you know get things cleared up you know get things cleared out it's just kind of this cool little moment the problem is that after Peters done saying his goodbyes to Aunt May after she and JJ Jameson leave for Boston he gets back home to the apartment with Carly Cooper and this is really where Dan Slott begins to sort of wrap things up between the two because Carly Cooper's breaking up with him now this is what I said it was important that we had to keep in mind the whole idea of Peter Parker going on TV and saying I'm spider-man you know during the events of Spider Island because Carly Cooper has figured out his secret identity and that was not supposed to happen remember it's almost like those you know it's almost like a Harry Potter universe right you know when those wizards of stuff Castle spells somebody walks up with something they're not supposed to walk up to and then suddenly they remember they're supposed to go do something else the spell is much like that that dr. strange that I cast in the sense that unless Peter Parker went to Carly Cooper and said you know took off his mask and said hey look I'm spider-man or revealed his identity to who of what to her individually or she just walked up on him while he was changing into his spider-man costume she's not supposed to know no one is supposed to know but she knows and what she says is I'm a forensic scientist my job is to put the pieces together and what she says is when Spider Island happened and I was gaining my spider powers for the first time and everybody in the city was getting those spider powers for the first time you were the only one that knew exactly how to use them you were the only one that slid right into the role and knew it perfect and she even goes back if you guys remember it with Volume one in Big Time she goes back and says when we were hanging out and that was showing you how to roller-skate you didn't know how to roller-skate you were trying to figure it out she was like that's what you should have done when you were tricking me and that's that's the biggest issue for her is not that Peter Parker spider-man it's the fact that he lied to her with Carly Cooper her family's mired in in deceit her family's mired in people keeping their own secrets with her going to Peter Parker when they first started getting together her her her whole thing was you better know what you're doing and you better not lie and Peter Parker lied to her duped her about his identity now granted this was done by Peter for the safety of all I mean that was something that was established during the events of civil war that was the whole crux when Peter Parker went on stage during the events of civil war and said hey everybody my name is Peter Parker I'm revealing my identity because I trust a man when he says superheroes who come forward and register with shield will not have to worry about their families being put in danger that was exactly what happened as soon as Peter Parker revealed his identity he walked out people tried to attack him they tried to attack Aunt May they tried to attack me in Watson and so in response to this when civil war was over when it was all said and done after the events of one more day and all that kind of good stuff when Peter Parker went to dr. strange you know in the post-civil war landscape and said I want to make sure no one knows what my identity is Doctor Strange casts a spell and it was done to make sure that if Peter Parker for some reason his identity was dumped out that he wouldn't have to worry about that he would have to worry about people figuring out who he is he wouldn't have to worry about his friends and family being put in danger the issue with all this is that for Carly Cooper it just doesn't it doesn't resonate she just doesn't grasp but at the end of the day she's just like you lied to me and so ultimately she says we're done we're over with now what follows this is actually kind of weak to be honest it's actually kind of a weak way to do this what dr. strange you know when Peter Parker goes to dr. strange and says why did she know my secret identity no one was supposed to know what in the heck happened dr. strange says when you went on TV and told people I'm Peter Parker I have spider powers you basically told everybody you were spider-man you undid the spell or at least didn't really undo it but make it weak or make it possible for people to know who he was it's not like he was wearing a spider-man mask and went on TV like you did during Civil War take his mask off and say I'm spider-man but it was almost the same thing and because that if we can dispel to a degree and people can start figuring out his identity now this was basically Dan Slott coming back and saying okay let's get things sorted out let's make things reasonable let's set this for the purpose of making spider-man's stories a little more dangerous because that was always kind of an intrinsic value of Peter Parker stories someone somewhere may figure out his identity and if they do what happens like that was always kind of the basis behind it so it was basically beefing up the number of people in his rogues gallery who could know who he is taking it beyond Jack well you know getting into all these different individuals and setting the stage for superior spider-man and so what we end up doing is we sort of transition to this last little bit of a send-off with Madame web again you know Julia carpenter Madame web being able to see the future and so on she really just kind of sits down with with Peter and she says look you know what you are given here is it is a chance to basically start over you know you were given or you you had this last little vial of the Cure from max Modell if you take this it will cure you of your spider powers you will no longer be spider-man you will be Peter Parker and you will be able to live a regular life she says the web of life and destiny chooses avatars for the totems your spider-man because the web of life and destiny chose you to be spider-man if you walk away someone else can take your place it could be Ben Riley it could be Kane Parker it could be any number of people it could be a random guy off the street it's her basically saying you have an out you have a chance to walk away this is Dan Slott toying with the notion that Peter Parker might not be spider-man anymore but in the end he says no he says I'm going to stay spider-man I'm gonna be spider-man of course we would have a hard time envisioning a scenario where Peter Parker was never spotted a man again I have a hard time imagining a situation where model would release a story where Peter Parker on the main Marvel Universe worse like Peter Parker is never gonna be spider-man again like his is gonna be somebody else like they they kill off Peter Parker and replace him with Miles Welles that'll never happen it's like eliminating Superman and having him gone forever and never bringing him back in the end Peter Parker's a legacy character he's he's so significant to the success of Marvel Comics and one of their best-selling titles if that happened they'd be on the verge of destroying their entire comic book line just because of one individual person is a bold statement but it's a statement that I think is actually pretty accurate here and so in the end we pick up with Mary Jane Watson and and this is kind of the cool thing is because Peters also learning that Mary Jane still has her powers to a degree but it's also kind of reconciling these two things and even then you know he sits down and he talks with Mary Jane about how Peter you know how he and Carly have basically broken up now again dance lots kind of twing here he's like well maybe while they get together won't they get together and we're really not given an answer here we're really not given an answer on whether or not the two of them will end up getting back together again instead the conversation kind of deviates towards the idea that Peter Parker feels like well his actions will just go unnoticed that'll just be another instance of Peter saving the city and no one will really care that much for Mary Jane Watson says now the Empire State Building has been letting up in celebration of you your colors it's the city of New York saying thank you it's the city of New York basically saying thank you spider-man for saving our city for keeping us alive and it is cool it's a really great way because what this does is basically wrap up like the first half of Dance Lots run the first part of dance launch one is him clearing all that stuff out and saying okay guys now we basically get to start over again now we officially get into what it is that I wanted to do now we officially get into everything leading up into superior spider-man going into spider-verse going into all-new all-different amazing spider-man all that kind of good stuff okay so I'll be honest with you guys when dying wish first came out I have never with the exception of one more day in terms of like modern spider-man history I've never even heard of a more divisive story than that's people there were people out there who hated superior spider-man they were just like no no Peter Parker stays fine and that's just what it's always Peter Parker this is this needs to be Peter Parker like they were getting so bent out of shape but there were other people like me who thought it was amazing it was just like this is this is awesome so we're gonna run over this we will let you guys decide now in terms of like how happy will time look like a lot of people say this is the actual prelude to superior spider-man I consider it part of superior spider-man I mean I consider it to be you know a part of the main thing because I think it makes it more cohesive I think it makes it more of like a cohesive thing plus if you go and buy superior spider-man you usually kind of get you know dying dying which thrown in but I really enjoyed this story because what this does is it initially just kind of picks up with with spider-man Peter Parker right and there were a few stories that took place in between Spider Island and this but to me those stories weren't particularly interesting there were just moments in those stories that were significant but I found it very difficult to to bring myself to run over the entirety of like ends of the earth just for like one moment so it was it was kind of a over year situation but of course you know this is cool because it almost seems like a backed a back-to-basics for spider-man right he's just going around he's doing a spider-man thing you save me people you know he kind of realizes that he's got a scar on his face from an attack that he had when he was going against the goblins you know someone so forth but he's kind of going through his messages this is this is where things get a little weird because something seems a bit off right like he's getting few messages you know he gets messages from Mary Jane Watson beware Mary Jane is like hey look at you come into the club tonight he gets messages from from max Modell saying hey you're your review that's coming up you know for for horizon lives and you know he's got time that he has to spend with up with on May and if so on someone so his life is really packed to the brim and of course it's kind of cool cuz he's going through he's you know remaking his eyes his spider webbing fluid is so on and so forth but things start to get a little funny when he encounters Mary Jane at her club and what he does is he really kind of approaches her and he says like hey look we've been dancing around this long enough it's time that we get back together now this was crazy because it was it was Dan Slott kind of toying with the idea that Mary Jane Watson to Peter Parker we're gonna get back to again and in fact this is like one of the things that that like a like the die-hard fans wanted so much more they really really really wanted Mary Jane Watson and they wanted Peter Parker to get back together he and they really wanted them to be reunited but in a lot of ways it was just kind of like Marvel he basically said that's never going to happen it so the idea was well maybe Dan Slott will allow to have maybe dance that will be the reason why it does happen of course it doesn't really seem to be the case it's sad you know it's just kind of like hey look we got to go hang out with you grow up man yada yada yada but of course you know spending time with Aunt May is also interrupted by the fact that he's getting a request to basically see Doctor Octopus Doctor Octopus is calling him by name Peter Parker and so of course he ends up meeting with the New Avengers you know Captain America and and Wolverine and so on and then shows up there now this is where things get crazy because when I was going through this it was just like when were originally reading this it was like what in the world is going on but it also seemed like Dan Slott was paying inappropriate tribute right I mean Doctor Octopus is basically dying that's when the gist of his character really ever since the events of spider-man Big Time he's just been in the background and he's been dying he's been orchestrating plans here and there but the plans really seem to be just his attempt to cut in you know to to implement one final successful campaign before he passed on and this moment seemed to be kind of Dan Slott sitting down and saying okay look doctor octopus's died he's really spider-man's most formidable foe with the exception of maybe venom ER or carnage but in terms of long-standing villains you know he's one of spider-man's oldest and most dangerous foes it's really just the right thing to do it's really just the right thing to do a symbol you know to have Doctor Octopus and spider-man do it ascend off to one another but what ends up happening is we find out that this is not Doctor Octopus this is Peter Parker their minds have been swapped and Peter Parker and really spider-man's just like yeah I have all your memories all your experiences everything that makes you who you are is now me I look like you everyone believes you're being you are Doctor Octopus let me tell you something about Court when this reveal came out it was like what like holy cow it was mind-blowing because he like Doctor Octopus started because he's only got a few hours left you know any starts he basically you know begins a process of die you know they're trying to keep him alive as best they can but Peter Parker dice Martin I just kind of leaves and he's like well that's that he just basically just kind of takes off it's so one of what we do is basically pick up with the second half of dying wish and really I guess the first half is kind of a prelude but we basically pick up with you know dying wish proper and what dying wish does is it answers the questions how in the world did this happen how did Doctor Octopus manage to swap minds with Peter Parker because remember this just came out of left field it was just suddenly Peter Parker's mind is in the body of Doctor Octopus and the mana doctor octopus's in the body of Peter Parker and so it was like what in the heck happened that went through all this well of course initially it picks up with Peter Parker worrying about what things may happen what Doctor Octopus might do what's ironic about this is a doctor octopus's to do any of those things in fact I would say the Doctor Octopus is spider-man it's probably better than Peter Parker my Doctor Octopus is as spider-man better than I like Peter Parker is spider-man it was interesting had it gone on long enough that novelty would have worn off but for what a superior spider-man was I think he was better than than Peter Parker but of course his main concern is that Doctor Octopus is basically going to swindle his friends and family you know that he's going to force himself onto Mary Jane Watson he's going to steal the fortune or steal the money of of Jay jonah Jameson senior and Aunt May he's gonna kill a lot of the superhero friends because he has access to the Avengers mansion and they don't know that they don't know that this is Doctor Octopus he goes through and starts experiencing the memories of Doctor Octopus doc Ock's abusive father the first time the Doctor Octopus became Doctor Octopus the time that Doc Ock and I may got together physically physically together but then he also begin this is are we gonna go into the whole idea oh how it is a Doctor Octopus is able to pull off the mind swap and what ended up happening is of course Doctor Octopus had a helmet of sorts that was used to basically control these little nanobots that he had that went all the way back to spider-man big Tod and of course Peter Parker had taken this this device to control these nanobot so you know basically brain doctor octopus's various campaigns to an end but he had also taken the technology of the device and incorporated in his own spider armor outfit and what this did is it gave Doctor Octopus a direct line into the mind of Peter Parker he literally opened the door for Doc Ock and that's what's so cool about this story it shows how smart Doctor Octopus is he was planning ahead all these campaigns that he had was he realized he was I was with a sole purpose of basically finding a way to enter to map Peter Parker's mind and that's exactly what he did he just sorted going through and mapping peter parker's mark and when the opportunity came he basically swapped their bodies and nobody knew what was going on it took place he lost him nobody had any idea that that happened and so the whole point of the whole concept here is that Peter Parker is now panicking because he has to find a way to get back into his normal body well of course this also coincides with Curt Connors so the cool thing about this is Dan Slott kind of pulling out all the stops and he's really just kind of yanking all these things out for example he says that were previously the lizard was believed to have just been this mindless beast you know this this Hulk - doc connors Bruce Banner that in truth doc Connors mind is alive and well in the body of the lizard the lizard is as scientifically intelligent as doc Connors was you know it's not a mindless beast is an intelligent being inside an incredible body doc Connors just can't go back to the way he was before but this is cool because this is basically you know Connors spilling the beans on who he is and what he's about and it changes everything for Peter Parker because in his mind he's like you should go tell someone dr. Cottle doc Connors is not the bad guy the lizard is the bad guy tells someone what's going on but of course then the question has to be asked like who's gonna believe him like who would believe him if he told them that you know always really me doc Connors decide the body of the lizard who's going to believe him that if you know who's gonna believe I mean I guess maybe psychics could figure that out but in truth it just creates a situation the doc Connors really can't seem to get out of it so what is up happening is Peter Parker begins to sort of put two and two together throw into the memories of dr. octopus of Otto Octavius going through his mind reading his memories you know learning what he's about he begins to realize that Doc Ock always had a contingency plan for every situation if he were ever captured whatever the case may be he always had a contingency plan in this instance he had a contingency plan to reform the sinister six and break himself out of the raft I remember the raft is a prison that exists really you know out in the middle of nowhere it's no-man's land people who were taken there are isolated from virtually everyone there this design explicitly for the purpose of keeping villains in isolation but what he does is he basically initiates a protocol that was owned by dr. octopus that sets in motion the reactivation of the sinister six and this is when we get hydro-man this is when we get you know the Scorpion when we get all these different guys coming together for the purpose of getting dr. octopus out of there of course again in their mind they don't know it's Peter Parker they believe that it's dr. octopus and that's why this works so well because it's the street crosses both sides you know with this mário it's where you know Doctor Octopus can parade around and the MA in the body of Peter Parker and people believe that Doctor Octopus is Peter Parker Peter Parker can parade around in the body of Doctor Octopus such as it is and lead people to believe that he's actually Doctor Octopus so as we get into superior spider-man again we're kind of doing this little bit of a preload here but really with suicide run it's really necessary and that's kind of the cool thing about this is that suicide run gives us an idea of what Doctor Octopus is going to do in the body of Peter Parker and that was really what was necessary about this story just because of the fact that when you know Dan Slott was kind of leading up to this whole superior spider-man thing that nobody really knew that it was coming it was just dance a lot kind of saying what he always does oh this story's going to change things forever and this story's going to change the landscape of the spider-man mythos and nothing's ever going to be the same and it was cool to see it for what it was I mean it was interesting to kind of you know see how it all played out but the very idea here was that we were basically going to see what we were what direction the stories would end up going in you know of course the idea that Doctor Octopus and Peter Parker have presumably switched bodies forever and that was really the the indication that was left here at the tail end of this story now keep him on in the last video we had talked about how with their bodies switched the mind of Peter Parker was basically in the body of Doctor Octopus who was moments away from dying I mean he was just right around the corner from death just knocking on his door and so really Doc Ock had just kind of considered himself home free no we're gonna go ahead and call him superior spider-man to go ahead and keep the keep it easy to understand but superior spider-man they kind of considered himself home free you know and the idea that he was like well I mean our bodies are swabbed the body of dr. octopus is gonna die Peter Parker is gonna die inside that body and that will be it not only that Peters biggest concern was that superior spider-man would go around and basically start doing things like reforming a relationship with Mary Jane Watson and that was kind of the crazy thing because fans thought that was gonna happen and in fact we get that little bit of a teaser here one of the first things we see is superior spider-man spending time with the Mary Jane and the idea to the two of them are basically going to get together or at least it seems like it's gonna happen you know she says look is this a date the two of us being here together is this what I think it is and Peter you know superior is part of man's response is yes it's exactly what you think it is we're getting back together now here superior spider-man's basically alerted to the fact that Doctor Octopus is broken out of his cell and that was really the huge thing because of course superior spider-man was always on the lookout to see whether or not Peter Parker was able to find a way to escape his confines and that's exactly what happened the issue with this is that you know the the body of Doctor Octopus again was moments from dying and so Peter Parker does exactly what he needs to do and basically just kind of jerks the body awake basically you know kind of bringing it back to life but in this three minute period between the time that he dies in the time that he comes back he basically ends up visiting his hometown and what he ends up seeing are a lot of these individuals who had died we end up seeing people like Gwen Stacy captain Stacy the father when we end up seeing these various individuals who have played significant roles in the life of Peter Parker but all of whom have effectively passed on know more so than that then Uncle Ben now this is one of the greatest moments in the entirety of the spider-man run I always considered it as when you look at Uncle Ben Uncle Ben is probably the most important character in the life of Peter Parker despite the fact that he's dead and the reason why is because when Peter first developed the powers of spider-man when he was first bitten by a radioactive spider he did what every teenager does he got carried away he made some foolish decisions you know he kind of let his powers get the better of them he got revenge on you know bullies that were giving him a hard time he did what any of us would have done but in this path he lost sight of the fact that his actions can also lead to inaction if he doesn't act when he needs to someone around him could basically lose their life and that's what happened with Uncle Ben and for years and years and years and years Peter Parker was guilt ridden he always sat around and said if only I had done something Uncle Ben would still have been alive but because of this but this gift Peter this kind of last bit to basically say goodbye this last little instant some more let's just kind of walk away you know to be told by Uncle Ben I'm as proud of you as I ever could be you've become every ounce of the hero that I believed you that you could be you've done proud you've done me proud with your actions as a hero and that's really what Peter needed that was the motivation he needed to keep going on so what this story does is it basically just kind of transitions to you know Peter in the body of Doctor Octopus making his escape to a a to an underground hideout but it's also this idea that they're initially caught up to by Carly now remember Carly is the ex-girlfriend of Peter Parker but works in the worse than in the police department it so the initial idea here for Peter is hey Carly knows who I am Harley can help me solve this problem now the issue with this this is where Dan Slott really begins to hit home with the idea of the you know the whole body swapping thing is that to Carly's eyes this is Doctor Octopus she was at see Peter Parker she sees Doc Ock she sees a bad guy she sees a villain now where Peter Parker tries to say hey look I can prove that it's me you and Mary Jane Watson are the only two people who know my identity Carly just kind of blows an office says well Doctor Octopus has figured out what's going on with Peter Parker and the fight ensues and of course she's incapacitated pretty quickly remember Carly is just a regular human being no extraordinary abilities or anything like that but in light of this superior spider-man basically begins rounding up the friends and family of Peter Parker and that's why this is cool is because under the guise of spider-man operating as Peter Parker superior spider-man basically says hey look we need to keep the guys safe right you know me Doctor Octopus has escaped from the raft he's got moments left to live he's one of spider-man's most formidable enemies he knows that you guys associate with me we need to find a way to keep you safe and in the guise of keeping them safe he basically turns them into hostages and that's kind of the cool thing here is because now he has lies on his side and that's one of the biggest weaknesses or even one of the biggest strengths of Peter Parker depending on how you look at it is that he will not kill unless he absolutely has to that was one of the huge significant moments in the renew your vows story during singer wars when he basically allowed venom to die in fact he really kind of killed venom by really doing nothing but it's kind of letting the symbiote burn alive letting you know letting venom essentially die his inaction just kind of allowed those events to happen but in Peter Parker's mind it was what needed to be done it was basically saving his family and so what is up happening here is that when Peter superior spider-man come face to face it's kind of a slight bit of an exchange here in there of course Peters basically in this bunker out in the middle of nowhere you know on this this year's you know trash heap that you know of course belong to Doctor Octopus but the idea here is superior spider-man says look if you want to play that game that's the game that we can play you know if you want to play this idea of well you know me and I know you so on and so forth mr. Peter spider-man basically gives the location of doctor octopus's hideout sending them directly to Peter Parker now to be honest with you guys the superior spider-man's really terrified here and the reason why is because Doc Ock has really had to admit on a multitude of occasions that Peter Parker is extremely intelligent dare I say as intelligent if not more intelligent than Doctor Octopus and because of this what is up happening here is you know she Peter spider-man's terrified of the idea that Peter will come back and reclaim his body and so he's literally just throwing every single thing he can at him especially when you're spider-man you can use the tools of the police on your side you can use the Avengers on your side you basically have every single hero at your disposal when you can go to them and say Doctor Octopus is trying to kill my friends and family you have to help me they will go to the ends of the earth in order to make sure that Peter Parker and the ones that he loves are kept safe now from here this is when we get into Dan Slott really toying with the spider-man fan base and we have Mary Jane Watson going to meet with superior spider-man again now of course this is really just kind of you know a couple people bumping heads who are both extremely stubborn of course you know Mary Jane is like look I can keep hassling you or you can just come and answer the door but when the two of them start talking what is up happening is Mary Jane just confesses her love for Peter Parker she says look I absolutely love you like I don't know if we're ever gonna be anything I don't know this is ever going anywhere I don't know if we're fooling ourselves who cares but I love you and what is up happening is the two of them share a kiss now for those individuals who were reading spider-man and who had been around since the events of one more day it was almost like oh my god is it gonna have it was that whole will they won't they think are they gonna get together are they not gonna get together it's Dan Slott gonna finally come around to bringing them back together now of course we know that's not the case and in fact Dan Slott said on Twitter repeatedly he's never going to allow Mary Jane Watson reason ever going to you never we're never gonna see Mary Jane Watson and Peter Parker getting back together just strictly by editorial mandate Marvel editorial does not want that to happen Marvel does not want those two characters getting together they want to leave the past in the past despite the fact that a lot of people really want to see it take place apparently that's not gonna happen at all instead the closest we're ever going to see to Mary Jane Watson in Peter Parker being a couple again is in the ongoing renew your vows story coming out of Marvel right now but what is up happening here is Doctor Octopus essentially traces down you know superior spider-man so because of the fact the superior spider-man when he took the different you know friends and family of Peter Parker to keep them safe he basically thrown them in a room and Avengers mansion but what is up happening here is a pretty straightforward fight I mean it's really just kind of Dan Slott wrapping up a lot of loose ends but between Peter Parker and Doctor Octopus this is a this is an insane fight is it's a fight in the extreme and the reason why is because Peters literally fighting for his life if he ends up losing this battle he's going to lose his identity Doctor Octopus will go forward in the body of Peter Parker presumably forever and there will be no way for Peter to regain his life everything he's been fighting for it will have been lost now the cool thing is that Peter is extremely intelligent and he always has a back-up plan in this instance his back-up plan was to grab one of those little octobots that allowed the mind swapping process in the first place and reverse it on Doc Ock meaning that you know this this bot would allow them to switch their bodies back to the way they're supposed to be the issue here is that again Doctor Octopus is also extremely intelligent and so because of that he planned for this possible eventualities and that's one of the reasons why Doctor Octopus is so formidable as a villain when it comes to battling Peter Parker Doctor Octopus usually always plans two three four five steps ahead and so while I wouldn't go as far as to say that he always defeats Peter Parker he would present a challenge for most anybody because he's considered so many different variables and taken almost all those variables into account and so because of this one is I'm happening is that this bot cannot switch the bodies back Peter Parker is effectively stuck in the body of Doctor Octopus Doctor Octopus is in the body of Peter Parker and this is when the story seriously begins to become something special what is up happening here is that Doctor Octopus is sort of forced to relive not only the great moments of a Peter Parker's life but the terrible moments of Peter Parker's life he begins to really understand what it means to be spider-man it's not just traipsing around getting the girl having a great time fighting on the Avengers there's a lot of responsibility that goes into it because in Peter Parker's mind every single time he went out into a battle every time he went on to a fight it was always fighting for the people that he cared about it was fighting for his loved ones who was fighting for his friends it was fighting for his family the responsibilities that came along with those things Doctor Octopus begins to realize the weight that is now on his shoulders with Peter Parker effectively dying in the body of Doctor Octopus Peter says look it's your responsibility now you have that power if you're going to become me then you have to fight for the people who deserve health you have to make sure that the friends and family that I know you have to make sure that the people that I care about the people that believe that you're me that they are safe and so what this does is it basically steps forward with this idea that you know Doctor Octopus in the body of Peter Parker is effectively going to leave his criminal life behind he's essentially going to become a good guy and that's what makes this so great is because this sets the stage for him turning over a new leaf that's one of the reasons why a lot of people look to superior spider-man and said it really is just a genuinely good story in their minds Peter Parker will always be spider-man it'll always be a Peter Parker it'll always be a return to that familiarity a return to that status quo but when we get these small little stories we get to see what it looks like when somebody else's in the body of Peter Parker is Doctor Octopus legitimately a better spider-man than Peter Parker is is he more intelligent is he more capable is he able to do greater things and we'll see that happen we'll see the formation of what will become Parker Industries going into all-new auto from often we will see neo the early formation of that company here in superior spider-man we'll see the introduction of Anna Marconi and ongoing character and all-new all-different amazing spider-man we will see her in this story a lot of the things that you guys are going to come and notice with regards to the whole all-new all-different spider-man landscape we're going to see a lot of those things growing here in superior spider-man and then expanding outward from there going into the main spider-man spider-man series as well as the eventual reboot with all-new all-different marvel but again this is really just kind of designed to show us what direction things are going to go in and to be quite honest I think superior spider-man's probably one of the greatest spider-man stories ever told I love the direction that it goes and I love the idea of Doctor Octopus trying to be a good guy using his intelligence as well as the fact that he's just kind of a jerk but if you guys are new here to comment to explain make sure you guys hit the sub button to become four out of the Rob port if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like and yeah I will catch you all at it peace [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 1,855,374
Rating: 4.6273713 out of 5
Keywords: comicsexplained, marvelexplained, fluidicbeats, Comics, Comic Books, Marvel, Marvel Comics, Spider-Man, Big Time, The AMazing Spider-Man, Far From Home, Homecoming, Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Doctor Octopus, Spider-Island, Clone Saga, Mary Jane, Spider-Man One More Day, Doctor Strange, Doc Ock, Iron man, Captain America, Full Story, Superior Spider-Man, Venom, Carnage, Anti Venom, The Punisher, The Death Of Spider-Man, Dan Slott, infinity war, thanos
Id: acfcFe2wrmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 58sec (10558 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2018
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