Top 10 Used Items You Can Flip Online For Profit! $$$

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so I don't know about you guys but I haven't recently stumbled upon a lot of free time and one thing I'm doing to make the most of this time is product research no matter how long you've been reselling or flipping items there are always going to be new categories niches and items to learn so I recently asked my Instagram audience to give me their best bolos or items to be on the lookout for that's what bolo stands for and you guys gave me some great answers so in today's video I'm going to share with you guys ten of the best most valuable used items you should look out for when searching for things to sell on ebay [Music] what's going on you guys Josh here also known as Harry tornado if you guys are new to my channel and you don't know who I am I'm a full time reseller based out of South Carolina and this means I buy things at thrift stores yard sales estate sales things like that and sell them on platforms like eBay and Amazon my channel here on YouTube is all about my reselling business what I'm buying what I'm selling how I go about operating things so if you guys are interested in that be sure to go ahead and subscribe item number one is going to be used video games now I know this is a really broad category so I am gonna give you guys some specific titles that still sell really really well however most video games in general are produced in such mass quantities nowadays that you know within 30 days after their release used copies just really aren't worth much however there are a few titles that have maintained their value in some that have actually increased in value over the years the big blockbuster games like Call of Duty or Halo or Grand Theft Auto lose most of their value within about a year but games in the Mario universe typically maintain their value over time now this isn't true for all Mario titles but most of them are still worth something things like Super Mario Galaxy Mario Party 8 and 9 are still worth a good bit of money for example I recently bought a Nintendo Wii at a thrift store for $30 I had some controllers and stuff with it and usually when you buy used Nintendo Wiis there's almost always a game inside people just forget that there's a game in there when they donate it so I got this unit home I turned it on pushed eject and out came a copy of Super Mario Sunshine for the Nintendo GameCube I had actually never heard of this title before and I didn't have the case or manual or anything it was just the disc only but I looked up sold comps on eBay and it looked like this game was selling for 35 to 45 dollars with just the disk only nope no manual or anything so I listed it and it sold within about 45 minutes for $40 with free shipping so definitely a title you wouldn't be on the lookout for one of the least common Mario games I've seen you know we all see the Mario Party in the Super Mario Galaxy and things like that but those really specific Mario games can do very very well if I did have the case and manual for this game it looks like they're selling for about sixty to sixty-five dollars plus shipping so that's probably pretty close to the original retail value of the game so this is a game that has really maintained its value over time most of the time we were dealing with video games about sports whether it be Tiger Woods golf or Madden or 2k basketball or whatever they're usually not really worth much after the year that they are released so we're in 2020 right now a 2019 NBA 2k is probably worth like 10 bucks or so not very much for a game that's only one year old the only exception to this rule is NCAA football 2014 this is the last year they made the collegiate of this video game and it is for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 this game was probably about 50 to 60 dollars retail when it came out and now if you have a used version with a case and manual you can probably get about $90 for it with free shipping it'll probably call us like three bucks to ship out so if you ever see one of those sitting around at a yard sale or a thrift store or if you're buying a big bundle of video games on Facebook marketplace and you see that title in there do not overlook it that game is money then the last game title I'm going to talk about is a PlayStation 2 game PlayStation 2 guys the place that you came out in like 2003 or so like that super old but this game is a I guess a rare Japanese horror game or something and I want to give my buddy Eric the college picture on Instagram and YouTube a shout out for this I saw him talk about this in a Instagram story recently and the game is called cool Quan Kate Kuo in I think I'm not a hundred percent sure I've never heard of this title I've never seen it I I'm not sure it was available and everywhere in the United States it seems to be pretty rare if you can find this game new sealed it can worth 800 to $1,000 that's crazy for a PlayStation 2 game even if it's open and and used it's still worth about 500 bucks so I'm assuming this game was super rare it's got like it may be a following behind it on the internet or something I don't know I don't really like scary games they scare me but if you're ever at a thrift store or yard sale or if you're buying again like a bulk lot of video games for an old PlayStation 2 look for that title because this is probably one of the more valuable used video games that you could maybe find out in the wild item number two is grundig radios I think I'm pronouncing that right this was courtesy of a man named George underscore Perez 2019 on Instagram so mr. Perez thank you so much for this this is an awesome bolo now I do not know a ton about Grundig radios because before mr. Perez pointed them out I had never heard of them before so I did a quick eBay search and it looks like they're selling a pretty often used units and good working condition can sell for 500 to 750 dollars so this is a great item to be on the lookout for I feel like you'd probably have a good chance of finding these at an estate sale maybe a thrift store but probably Estate Sales or yard sales maybe at an antique store maybe you go to an antique store and you found one for a couple hundred bucks and it's working and you can flip it on eBay for 500 to 750 dollars they do sell in non-working condition as well people do fix them I think non-working once they look like they're selling for about $200 or so item number three is courtesy of flippy underscore make flipper s'en on instagram and he told me about these black & decker space maker can openers these look like those old can openers you had mount like underneath the kitchen cabinet so they're not actually on the counter I've seen these in thrift stores before I just never thought to actually look them up but use versions of these in good working condition are selling for over $100 I don't know like that seems crazy to me they also have a very good sell through rate so they're not gonna sit on eBay for too long so if you're at a yard sale or a thrift store and you happen to find one of these in working condition be sure to list it and don't undersell yourself these will sell for about that hundred dollar mark next up we have Roli Affleck's camera I have no idea if I'm pronouncing that correctly but this comes to me courtesy of my friend drew over at profit monsters on Instagram and YouTube so true thank you so much for this these things are super cool the ones that are the most valuable have a very distinct look to them they're like the taller rectangular ones that have just that old camera style look there are some other Rolleiflex cameras that are made in the traditional like horizontal camera method but those do not really sell for much at all so if you find one and it's in good working condition I would pick it up even if it's not in working condition I'd probably still pick it up if it were one of the taller black and silver models these cameras depending on the model and if they are fully functioning can sell anywhere from two hundred dollars up to two thousand dollars so if you see one of these at an estate sale or a yard sale or anything like that be sure to grab it the next item is courtesy of froggy flips on Instagram and YouTube and they are vintage Alcoholics Anonymous handbooks I had no idea these things to be worth so much money it's looking like sold comps on very used ones from the 50s and 60s are selling for about sixty to seventy-five dollars or so so if you come across a really old one in really good condition I imagine they could probably go for a little over a hundred I think the best place to find these would probably be thrift stores and estate sales you might come across one at a yard sale but for something like this I feel like if somebody finds it like at their grandparents house they're not gonna know the value so they're not gonna bother putting it in a yard sale it might be there for an estate sale because it's a sale they sell everything but something like that I feel like it has a high chance of just getting thrown away which is kind of sad so if you find one save it sell it make some money somebody jump in here do a quick announcement if you guys are enjoying this video at all even like 1% if you've learned anything if you've enjoyed the 5 bolos so far go ahead and the thumbs up button for me it takes like two seconds it's free and it really helps the video out a ton it helps my channel out a ton and I would greatly appreciate it you're the best back to the Volos the next item is a Microsoft trackball mouse 1.0 and this comes to me courtesy of Andy so meta on Instagram these are easily overlooked at thrift stores and yard sales and they have a very high sell through rate generally once they are listed on eBay they sell within about a week as long as they are functioning and in good physical condition you should expect to get between seven five and $100 for them do not sell them for less than that if they are in good physical condition and functioning next up is my personal best flip ever and these are Vitamix blenders I found one of these at a yard sale for eight bucks it was totally complete had the base the jar and the lid and it sold on eBay for two hundred and sixty-five dollars plus shipping I think something somewhere around there so turnin eight bucks into 265 was crazy the full retail on these blenders is like 400 to 700 dollars depending on the model and the used units are still maintaining a lot of that value complete units with the base the canister in the lid are selling for between 250 to 400 dollars or so and even if you come across just parts and pieces like a lid or a canister or just the base by itself you can still sell these they sell very fast and for a lot of money lids can sell for 25 bucks plus shipping canisters can sell for up to a hundred two hundred and fifty dollars by themselves and bases could sell for 150 to 200 dollars so anything you see that has Vitamix on it be sure to grab it another great brand of blender to be able to look out for is blend tech they are not quite as valuable as Vitamix but they still retail very high and hold most of their value I recently sold a canister by itself I paid 92 cents for it and I think it sold for like $30 plus shipping some canisters generally with canisters the larger the better mine was a 32 ounce but if you had a 64 ounce or anything larger than that they can sell for 60 up to $100 or so so just like the Vitamix anything you see that has Blendtec on it whether it be a canister or lid or base be sure to pick it up next up is Griswold cast-iron cookware they can come in frying pans dutch ovens kettles whatever you call it anything cast-iron with Griswold on the bottom is typically worth something the most valuable sold comps I'm seeing are on large clean frying pans like if you can find a Chris Walt frying pan that's you know 24 36 inches in diameter those can sell for 500 to 700 dollars used so definitely be on the lookout for these at yard sales estate sales maybe antique stores maybe you can fund a one that's in good condition antique store for a couple hundred bucks and you could maybe double your money on it so Griswold is great if you search soul comps and you sort them lowest to highest you'll see some smaller frying pans like this size they're selling for like eight ten bucks or so so maybe not pick up those really small ones or ones that are in bad condition but the larger ones in good condition are ready to be cooked with our it definitely worth a lot of money next up is vintage hood ornaments these are the little metal doohickeys that go on the hoods of old cars these are very sought-after by collectors and also people that are refurbishing old cars if they're if they have a car that's missing a hood ornament they will pay top dollar to find an original one to complete their restorations you probably won't find one of these at a thrift store I did remember seeing a guy on Instagram the other day that found one of the Mack truck Bulldogs Mack trucks usually have the Bulldog hood ornament on there and those are fairly common if you found one of those in good condition you could probably get 50 to 100 bucks for it or so but the really rare ones that are worth five six seven hundred bucks you might find those in this at an estate sale maybe in the garage of an estate sale maybe at a thrift store maybe the yard sale but I think an estate sale is probably gonna be your best bet so anytime you find a cool metal ornament whether it be a hood ornament or maybe just a old trophy topper I've seen some people that do like customized hot rods and they want a cool hood ornament so they maybe get the top of an old trophy or something to put up there really anything cool and metal I would pick up that's pretty that's something that's going to be pretty collectible and has a wide variety of uses whether it be a hood ornament or not so hood ornaments be on the lookout for him also anything metal and coolican and last but not least be on the lookout for vintage perfumes these can easily be found in the bathrooms at estate sales sometimes you find some at thrift stores I did find a lot of them at the Salvation Army in my town I bought like 12 or 15 bottles and I sold all of them I ended up making a profit of I don't know three or four hundred dollars once everything was said and done because I only paid ninety nine cents per bottle some people buy them for the actual scent of the perfume and some people only buy them to collect they like the way you know the old vintage bottles looked but either way they're willing to pay up probably one of the more valuable and ignitable brands of vintage perfume to pick up would be Chanel it does come in a few different scents and depending on you know the exact scent and how much liquids in there it could sell for over $1000 so if you see vintage Chanel perfume at a thrift store or an estate sale be sure to pick it up and there are hundreds of other brands of perfumes that can sell for between that 50 to 100 dollar mark as well so if you find some and you have time to look them up just do so I know a lot of people don't want to sell vintage perfume because they feel like it may have gone bad but again like I said most people know that the perfume is 50 years old so it may not smell the same and also they do collect them just to show them off in a vanity or something like that or maybe the bottles so definitely be on the lookout for vintage perfumes so they're having guys that is 10 of my best most valuable used items to flip on eBay huge shout out to those of you on Instagram who helped me compile this list and fill in the gaps with your awesome bolos I'd greatly appreciate that if you guys as viewers of this video learned anything whether it be new brands or new items in general be sure to smash the like button for me I'd really really appreciate it thank you so much for watching you're the best and I'll catch you guys on the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hairy Tornado
Views: 88,338
Rating: 4.9500527 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, ebay seller, ebay reseller, what sells on ebay, how to flip items on ebay, make money flipping items, make money flipping online, entrepreneur, reseller, full time reseller, bolo, ebay bolo, items to sell on ebay, high value items to sell online, what sold on ebay, how to sell on ebay, make money at home, start a business at home, stay at home business
Id: Hf9M0IMaNjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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