Don't Pass These Items in Thrift Stores!

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what is up and welcome to day two of my thrifting trip to utah today i'm gonna be hanging out with my friend tim he goes by osborne to thrift on instagram and youtube and i have to say that tim is the best reseller i have ever seen his 90 day total on ebay is like 50 000 he does everything completely by himself and he is the only person that i've seen consistently be able to find better items than i do every time i go like make thrifting videos in south carolina i always get comments on those videos saying like oh my gosh you have the best thrift stores blah blah i'm like no tim has the best thrift stores tim actually lives in idaho but he comes down to salt lake city to thrift a lot so today he's gonna pick me up here my airbnb and take me to all of his secret thrift stores where he finds so much cool stuff so i'm super excited to see what we can get out there and find today so in part one of my utah thrifting trip yesterday with ashley hustle at home mom we went to two thrift stores and i was able to find all of these items here now when i flew down here yesterday all i brought with me is my backpack with like my personal items and i don't have another suitcase for thrifted items so the plan was to get down here see if i could find enough stuff for it to be worth it and then buy a suitcase at a thrift store and then fill that suitcase up today as tim and i thrift so hopefully when we go to the first thrift store today i'll be able to find a decent suitcase put in the back of the car and then fill it up with these items and more items i buy throughout the day so as we continue to thrift today i know how much room i have left in the suitcase so i know like the size of the items that i am able to buy so this whole utah trip just the plane ticket in the airbnb was just under 600 like 590 bucks or so it would be really cool if i could make that much profit or more with the thrifted potential profit and the thrifted items i find uh so everything i found yesterday is looking pretty good so far i spent a total of 79.50 on all this stuff here everything was super cheap the jacket was eight bucks this was three this was three 50 cents five and all of these earphones were five bucks a piece i went ahead and got all of them they're brand new sealed dj paulie d uh earphones i couldn't find soul comps on the earbuds but there were some sold comps on like the over ear version for like 70 to 100 so i thought if i could sell these for you know 25 bucks free shipping each you know after fee shipping and cost of goods even if i only make 10 bucks a pair that's still 120 in profit and in a pretty small package you know so super excited to find those so obviously going out thrifting today i'm still going to be pretty picky i want to make sure that i'm putting the maximum amount of profit into that suitcase so far the quality of the thrift stores is really good we only went to two yesterday and the prices are really good as well this is the only place i've ever seen that has cheaper thrift prices than me in south carolina i think tim should be here in a couple minutes but i just wanted to walk out of my airbnb and see if i could i don't know walk somewhere see some views i mean there's some mountains back over there there's you see the little snowy peaks back over there we just don't have mountains like this in south carolina [Music] i've only been walking for like seven or eight minutes but there's a thrift store right over there the desert industries thrift store and donation center it's literally i don't know an eighth of a mile from my airbnb so this is just like thrift central apparently look at all those mountains man this is beautiful there he is folks fashionably late what's up man i just got so tired of seeing this man find so much profit i just flew out here i was like all right you guys show me around we got to make some money today we are at a desert industries thrift store right before they open huge lawn hopefully it'll be worth it shout out tim we are not here to be friendly pretty fun maybe george foreman oh my gosh a magnavox yeah there's three dvd vcr uh players down there i think this is new or maybe not new everything is kind of really nicely boxed all i found so far shoes and i might put some back i got to be picky man i gotta i gotta find a suitcase so i found this remote sony video dvd combo for two bucks seoul comps are okay there's 20 free shipping 18 free shipping 19 free shipping 10 plus shipping so nothing crazy but for two bucks really really small i think i'll grab it i found this whole wall of suitcases back here and this one's a pretty big one it's definitely too big to be a carry on but i can check it um you know definitely use but all the zippers work and i think it's a good size that i could fill up with today's thrift trips 10 bucks things worth it so what was that tim this place is what this first stop is a bust he had a couple vcr combo units that one doesn't work the other one doesn't work tape's not worth it that's not new so it's not worth it so i grabbed one it's missing it's missing the front end but it's not a big deal it'll still sell for most of its price which is i literally have two that i have to ship out on monday oh wow i sold them for 60 bucks 60. nice i found my suitcase for 10 bucks and two two pairs of canes these are like the basic pair but they're in like really good shape five bucks and then the other pair this is i've only found these once but these used to be really really good now they're just slightly better than normal keens so i don't know i got this remote that sells for like 18 to 20. it's two bucks let's find this pair of uh 510 i think these are like mountain biking shoes five bucks soul comps are pretty good i think i'll definitely go ahead and grab these i think i'll trade these get these and put the keens back the regular kings i'll still get the other kings i'm gonna put these back all right so that's a wrap for the first thrift stop here's all that my stuff tim only got a few things on to the next the savers this is the place with like the wall of bags right yeah sabres usually has it they're also they're valued villages in other states yeah um i think idaho and utah they're called sabers i'm super excited man that i just this is just so pretty okay tim's going over there maybe tim probably knows where the good stuff is what's over there their collectible stuff is always insanely overpriced not that oh shoes over here collectible of the shoes 50 bucks 180 350 and 250. wow was this a beaver yes it's a beaver from utah beaver utah beaver well there you go you walk in immediately find oh nice little pendleton pocket book i'm telling you guys i have never seen thrift stores with this many shoes i mean i'm just i'm overwhelmed yeah i did not find anything unfortunately tim loaded up with the freaking huge targets you guys know how much i hate freaking huge hard kids but uh shout out tim made a lot of money i want to look at this again so tim got this printer hp officejet pro 8620. you've talked about your videos on instagram stuff the print heads you're the only person i've ever seen talk about printheads show everyone how easy it is to to take it out i guess explain like what it is yeah so the officejet pro printheads are the ones that are usually worth good value good money canon ones and things aren't but it's basically the printhead sits in here let me uh connect it so it just sits in here and when you turn when you open this and it's turned on the printer the printhead comes up here there's a little lever right back here you flip up this thing just pulls right out then you can clean it and drain it it's really so if that works how much after it's cleaned and and you know ready to be listed how much is it worth uh i should be able to sell it for 80 bucks and if the ink has if it has any ink in the stuff that comes with it yeah then i'll probably be able to raise it like 15 or 20 so between 90 and 100 bucks probably for all of it and the printer in general cost me five the printheads are easy to test but other parts of the printer can break so sometimes it's easier to just focus on getting the printheads out there you go learn something we're at another desert industries i'm heading to the electronics before tim i see a big printer excuse me 86. obviously i can't there's an 86 something 8610. i cannot fit that in the suitcase okay so i just found this intermec sr61 scanner for five bucks it works you can see that it's got the charging base on there look at this man there's just the base for 80. there's intermittent 60 sr 61 same one i have here open box 375 and look at [Music] souls definitely worth it it's definitely worth it let's go over here and look at the shoes some nike shocks these could be good definitely get those all right feeling good yeah that's uh that's a motivator find right there yeah just when you think it's it's just all all hope is gone so you said with the printers once you take the printer heads out you just throw them on the side of the road and litter yeah yeah i'm actually going to take it right here i'm going to leave it yeah perfect there we go we got the another printer tim loves big stuff i'll tell you what it's crazy we were on the way to another di or something i don't know there's so many thrift stores here i've never heard of but i i was just like looking at everything as we were driving and i said oh cavalry thrift store and tim's like all right let's go just found this black decker space maker under cabinet can opener five bucks you see 85 we don't have service in here so we're both panicking because we can't look anything up but this is definitely good i don't need to look this up i found these adidas canadia tr5 women's shoes they're only five bucks really good condition probably gonna grab these got a ronco showtime rotisserie oven for 80 bucks shout out profit monsters obviously this is 4 000 it's the lowest model lowest model oh i think oh tim found the the super shooter cookie wherever super shooter shout out the first person that showed me about that was um kevin commonwealth picker oh yeah from virginia that's pretty good ten bucks you said you're gonna hold it until christmas yep fourth quarter they skyrocket from thirty dollars to about 70. it's crazy and then brand new steamer 15 bucks should go i don't know at least seven bucks 70. awesome i don't have service i don't know and then five bucks for this you get it for 40. awesome yeah we don't have service in this stores we're gonna buy a couple things and then go back out and check some pictures that we took and then uh maybe come back in adding the adidas shoes and the uh can opener to my suitcase here i mean i'm just throwing stuff in here i think if i'm actually like active with it like trying to shove more stuff in here we've got a good amount of room left i mean we've been to four stores already and this is it so uh this is the only day we're thrifting so i've got a little bit more room to work with hopefully we can find five or six more of these black black decker space maker can openers so tim picked up these two cameras just blind links we didn't have service in there how much is that one so uh paid 15 for this one this little black one i should be able to get about 60 bucks for this one okay and then the this gray one it's really good condition yeah paid 20 bucks for it and i'll be able to get about 150 bucks for it it's crazy all right we're gonna i took we took some pictures of some stuff in there they had one of those big apple home pods in there for a hundred and fifty dollars but you can see there's uh let me let me let me go to sold see what they're actually selling for so there's a big one right there like that's the exact one they had i think that one sold for 225 plus 80 in shipping which is insane because it's like the size of a small cantaloupe you know it's not gonna cost 80 to ship that one sold for 285 so i think i'm gonna go in there and and see if we can uh maybe grab that one i mean i'd be willing to pay 150 for something that would sell quickly for 220 to 250. and i mean there's one sold for freaking 300 bucks pre-owned so let's go take a look at that so i went back in the store to get a closer look at that apple home pod these are discontinued which makes them more valuable than you'd think however they wouldn't budge on that 150 sale price and i looked at the exact model number and it turned out to be the one that was only going to sell for about 220 or so and i didn't really know how to fully test it so i talked to tim he said he would pass on it so i went ahead and passed on it as well but i did take a chance and buy a five dollar pentax point and shoot camera without looking out comps so here's the camera i just picked up it's the pentax iq zoom 90 mc and uh tim's got soul comps over here 52 50 40 40 60 50. so i got a case with it look at there pretty good pretty good risk to five dollar risk for uh 40 probably like a 40 payout after fees and all that stuff not too bad got another desert industries here these thrift stores are just everywhere there's a rat what desert oh deseret deseret industry i thought it was desert okay deseret i've been incorrect this whole video deseret industries and there's another thrift store over there look at this we've been here for three seconds he's sorry he picked up the biggest thing in here what is this home theater 200 cd mega stuff oh shout out prophet monsters that's awesome he has terrible luck with this he does have terrible luck with his pair of shimano um cycling shoes like mountain biking shoes six bucks a little dirty but really good condition grab those tim can you look these up for me i don't have my phone oh you know oh that's why you're talking about it these i've never heard this brand before but they look and pretty good it's what was it what about them cheatify xlr8 i left my phone in the car so i had tim look these up these are some g-defy xlr8 running shoes never heard of these but uh used this exact one sold for like 50 bucks uh free shipping this is six dollars and then these shimano shoes i had them look those up too these are the uh gr5s my mountain biking shoes and they should sell for about 50 free shipping as well and these are also six dollars so here is my suitcase so far i grabbed this under armour shirt for me personally i might can throw that in my backpack but um i mean we're filling up because we still have all the stuff left over at the airbnb like the pair of shoes and the headphones so i don't think i have much room for much else i mean a couple more things obviously i can be more logistical with how i put stuff in here but um nothing like tim all those huge freaking items like that thing this thing this takes up a whole seat but how much is it worth probably get about 120 for it 120. worth it wish i had a bigger suitcase next stop here we go the surf store is a lot smaller and also a lot more like packed in here but i kind of like it like this makes it interesting i found these ultra olympus 2.0 zero drop gator trap shoes pretty good condition i think a little some little threads and stuff coming out the toes but i think this should be fun get solds here pretty good i think pretty good so tim of course got another big item a new wave infrared oven paid 25 for it yeah so it comes with the extension ring yeah okay so i'll be able to sell the motor for 25 to 30 which will give me my money back and then the the dome and the extender ring will go for about 60 bucks plus shipping that's awesome so it's not a crazy amount of profit but and then like the manuals even go for like 10 to 15 seconds i'll split it all in how much was so another one of those super shooters right here same thing we got earlier five bucks for this one again it'll go for 70 bucks over christmas and then spider 3 pro i'll sell for 45 to 50. if it's new in the box it might go a little higher but i'm assuming it's used yeah probably 45 well all i got was this pair of ultra shoes which are pretty nice but that like the shoes didn't have a price there like i didn't know how much shoes work and so i just like put him on the counter and he's like how about twelve dollars i'm like ugh because we were paying five dollars a pair five to six dollars a pair all day so gave them to me for ten which i guess is still a good deal they're in pretty good shape uh worst case scenario scenario if they don't fit in my suitcase i'll just sell them to 10 tim for like 25 dollars so we were driving to go get some lunch and i saw a goodwill sign and i was like oh goodwill the first well i've seen in salt lake it's all in sabres and deseret industries and uh tim's like i didn't know there's a girl over here and so we're we're gonna go hopefully it's it's good so this goodwill which is right here the story we were just at the desert industries is like right over there like you literally see it so there's three thrift stores there that one we just left and then the goodwill tim's been here multiple times and has never been or even known of this goodwill's existence heart and son callie tim what are you loading up what is that it's a bath mat got everything with it 100 bucks probably i've sold the it's just these parts for 60. well i have this sharper image sound soother good job i found this sony he2 um head deep magnetizer whatever that means uh soul comps look pretty good there's exact same one right there for 28.99 free shipping so for 3.99 i think it's worth it doesn't take up a lot of space i found two more pairs of shoes first we've got this pair of merrells which isn't like literally like new condition not a single thing wrong literally spider webs on the bottom and these are only 10 i don't know if these will fit in my suitcase but i can't leave them behind maybe tim will buy them from me and then these a pair of men's sorel like leather boots i've never seen sorel's like this ten dollars as well sorry definitely a good pair of boots for sure this is like the seventh or eighth thrift store we've been to today i haven't found anything yet and of course i found another huge printer and an electrolux vacuum for 12 bucks man it's just exhausting thinking about shipping all that stuff but his 90 day ebay total is 50 dollars so there's a reason for it i found these three new width tags under armor men's shirts all of them were like the same color the same size retail for 49.99 and each one was only seven dollars so i thought that was a pretty good pickup really easy to fit in my suitcase so all i found were those shirts tim looks like he loaded up oh you got the mac yeah it was selling as is for a hundred bucks yeah even if it doesn't work perfect we're at another deseret industries here it's like a ninth or ten short a day i'm tired let's get the buggies and go all right i'm going first there you go that's something right up to two dollars this they can't double price stuff lowest lowest wins here's a sony power adapter gps that was fair come on i'm the one with the oh another one we'll look it up later i'm glad i got that on camera so people can see how violent you're being so i don't actually have any service in this store but i need to look these up there's two of these phillips um audio recorder i think these are the same one this one they're all phillips but this one's slightly different um and this one is also slightly different only two bucks a piece some as long as they i mean i don't i don't think there's any way possible these are gonna not be worth picking up um i gotta look them up in this yamaha remote rav 205 gotta look that up as well two bucks and tim over here i saw this i was like that looks like something tim would want for five bucks hold up pull up the sold comp over there on that he said he said he would split it with me because it's really good but i don't think i'll make him do that because i can't take it with me just always know that i found that for you i was serviced but it was like 200 to 500 200 to 500 dollars powerslide 500 or 5 000. interesting this yeah baby five bucks that one looks good that one looks good too so i finally got some service to look at this remote soul comps are kind of all over the place i mean 33 plus shipping 30 15 free shipping 22 free shipping 32 free shipping 35 plus shipping so i i think it's pretty good especially for just two dollars this should sell for between 25 and 30 bucks free shipping i think so not bad this one is the least valuable one this one's probably only worth about 15 free shipping but at two dollar buy cost i'll probably still go ahead and grab it these two are going to be worth about 15 to 20 dollars free shipping since they're not new i mean there's they sell the boxes but they're obviously used this one's pretty good this one's gonna be about 35 free shipping so two bucks a piece i definitely think that's worth it the all birds are in great shape too five bucks these should sell for 35 to 40 free shipping sometimes i thought i had better ones so i got a 25 here a couple couple remotes four or five remotes pitcher what is this so that's a the picture for a ninja blender ninja blender okay ninja blender part the other that's down there oh and another toaster oven oh so it came with two of them yes so this one this one's and i'll be able to split the lid for 25 and then pitcher and blade for 35 okay and then this small one should give me about 30 to 40 as well and this one's only three bucks wow and then is that the same one you found earlier different model i they're all really easy to identify though yeah you get about 70 bucks it's a mini microwave 120 for that so really it's crazy you're getting chopper that i found i'm gonna get it yeah unless you want it no i got one it's five bucks if i sell it all together it's like 40 if i park it out or save it i can get more this is actually worth like 50 bucks really yeah i literally had that in my hand and i just like i don't want to mess with you yeah i decided i thought it was one of those hand blender things yeah and i ended up uh i scanned it brand new to go for like 75 so it's crazy i sell small things i promise but the best one of the day is that thing that i showed you yeah almost what do you say like 350. yeah i'll have to figure out see if i can even like fully test it yeah and we'll see we'll see best fun best friend of the day shout out harry tornado okay so going to wrap it up here at the last deseret industries of the day then we have a goodwill and a sabres to go to after this all right second goodwill of the day the thrift store in general number 10 or 11 i don't i don't remember at this point all right let's see small stuff sony we'll look that up 1.99 geez there's another little song i'm just going to look all these up check out oh that should be good so two of those remotes weren't worth anything this one's not bad um it should sell for like 16 to 17 free shipping it's two bucks and this little panasonic voice recorder is two bucks as well and it should sell for about 25 26 bucks free shipping even though i don't have a ton of room left in my suitcase i am going to go look at the shoes over here because i found this pair of salomon shoes salomon's like running shoe but these are like slip-ons these are 5.99 and they're also super flat so it makes them easy to pack i mean i think these are cool i guess i should look up soul comps to make sure i don't think they have insoles yeah they're missing insoles dang i got some sketchers shape ups over here shout out joey bada bing these actually look pretty good six bucks not gonna get them not very many well thank you more big stuff i really we have one at least one more store to go to and i don't i don't understand i don't understand how he's still going look at him the man's a machine he just he doesn't stop all right i think we are at possibly the last thrift stop of the day maybe yeah i'm tired it's a lot of the all the uh decirate industries close at five and it's like 5 30 or something now so i think this savers it's gonna be the last stop of the day tim is gonna hit the more thrift stores tomorrow i have my plane doesn't leave until tomorrow like two so i have tomorrow morning i guess i could go thrifting again if i wanted to but again i think my suitcase is topped out so see what we can find today this savers is actually way more expensive than the other ones this really nice pair of keen swimming shoes right here good condition but 25 bucks the regular canes right next to them 17.99 it's just crazy see this new tags under armor 75 retail pair of golfing shorts so that's 34 pretty short 10.99 which isn't a great price for resale but these are my size so 1099 is a great price for personal use brand new shorts that's the only thing i've gotten at the savers i don't think i got anything at the first savers we went to either it's kind of weird hello timothy what have you found this is a omega juicer okay um it's only seven bucks and the parts i can get like some of them go as high as 30 so i figured i'd buy it just just for the part bunch of parts in there and maybe this will go for like 40 or something okay then the vcr is five bucks i'll get 40 to 50 for it okay the cuisinart it's a custom 14 blender okay the lid and the bowl probably will get me anywhere if i bundle them together probably like 70 to 80 bucks crazy i don't know about the motor yet and there's a bosch mixer it doesn't have the lid but i can still get between 100 150 for it and it's only 15. so pretty good so far well i found some under armour shorts for personal use that's it tim got all that stuff we showed you back in the store he also picked up this uh man back shaver for 30 dollars it sells for about 50 or so but it came with these extra blades that uh you said they sell for like 25 each yeah i get 25 each and then 10 bucks each for these yeah so definitely definitely worth it uh it seems it seemed like someone's going to be too expensive at first but when you look at the whole process and everything that comes with it i think it's a buy all right guys we're back at my airbnb i've i've had a great day i haven't been to this man i think we went to 11 stores total i think i might be off i just lost count it's definitely one of the biggest thrifting days my entire life i found a lot of good stuff tim found a lot of good stuff as you can see from today's video he loves finding those big items but it pays off and i haven't i've yet to see somebody with a higher 90 day ebay total than tim so if you guys haven't yet definitely go follow him on instagram and over on his youtube channel he goes by osborne to thrifts i'll have both of those linked in the description of today's video tim thank you so much for meeting with meeting with me and uh here in salt lake city driving all the way down from idaho uh i think it was a pretty good day for you you're going you're going thrifting again tomorrow right yeah hopefully hopefully hit it up another 10 before i head back another 10 stores just in the it's in in the uh rental car here he's going to hit to another thrift another 10 thrift stores tomorrow and uh yeah this is just going to stay closed he's just going to fill everything i want to get one more shot of all this stuff oh i mean this is crazy so how much profit do you think is here in total or how much did you spend did you say it was like 400 bucks yeah so it was 445 for all of this and then i don't think i bought anything for personal use so yeah it's all all for thrifting stuff probably at those last three thrift stores it was probably between a thousand fifteen hundred just off of those three those three so we're probably looking so far at maybe like three to five grand in uh in sales right now so that's that's crazy i think me pers i think i've spent 200 dollars uh sourcing yesterday with ashley and then today with tim i don't know about my potential profit i've got to look at everything in my suitcase but i'm probably closer to like five to six hundred maybe a little bit more uh but uh tim's like i said he's he's just the best reseller i've i've seen him there may be somebody else out there that doesn't post on social media but in terms of people that i know there's nobody i think drew will give you a run for your money in terms of like your hustle and and how much you're willing to list and work but i don't even think drew would be able to to flip this amount of stuff so i wish you the best of luck in getting all this clean listed shout out tim osborne to thrift check him out on instagram and youtube thanks man so it is my very last day here in the beautiful state of utah i've had a blast hanging out with ashley and tim over the last two days and i was able to fit all of my thrifted items in my suitcase town here it is about to bust at the seams but i think it should hold up on our way back to south carolina today bye airbnb i just checked my main suitcase with all the thrifted stuff in it i'm really nervous that it gets lost but i have high hopes i think it'll be fine look at this final view of salt lake city before i leave it's really really beautiful sitting here waiting on my flight and i have to say that the audio technica headphones that i picked up at the thrift store with ashley work well i just landed back in columbia south carolina and now the moment of truth to see if my bag actually made it [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Hairy Tornado
Views: 639,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thrift stores, deseret industries, goodwill, thrift with me, thrift trip, make money thrifting, thrift haul, insane thrift haul, what to buy in thrift stores, what to sell on ebay, what items sell on ebay, ebay reseller, profit at thrift stores, shoutout tim, osborn2thrift, utah thrifting, utah thrift trip, reseller meet up, hairy tornado, harry tornado
Id: fpgw-Tx20dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 40sec (2020 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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