Family Vlog Channels Are Sad

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all right i went down the dark and depressing rabbit hole of weird family vlog youtube channels not that that's its own category because every family vlog channel on youtube i think is weird and i just want to talk about it today it's been bothering me for the last couple days and i'm just going to pop the zit here for a little relief just to talk about it i think family vlog channels is super creepy i think it really hurts your whole family especially because all of these family vlog channels focus on their kids mainly so i genuinely can't wrap my head around growing up with a camera in my face every single day throughout my entire developing years it has to be horrible it just feels so fake so forced and it feels like there's nothing private in these kids lives anymore it's just completely open for strangers to watch them grow up and it's even like these strangers are helping to raise your kids it's like this awful parasocial relationship with creepy people on youtube in the comments watching and judging your parenting and your kids it's [ __ ] terrifying like i remember one time when i was eight years old i got naked and put my wiener on a pile of dirty laundry and then pissed all over it if i did that today well not today it's like a 27 year old man i just go to jail but if i did that today like if i was eight years old and i did that it would probably be like a [ __ ] million view family vlog video right there that'd just be like the thumbnail like my son did what to our laundry like everything for these families gets filmed and posted on youtube because it makes them money and somehow has an audience i think it's just super [ __ ] creepy these parents are just using their kids as props in their videos in order to make money off of it it feels like [ __ ] child labor to a certain extent they're like the main draw they're the main actors and yet they don't benefit from it at all they don't see a dime of that [ __ ] like yeah maybe they'll get some cool toys or whatever but it's not like they are actually able to consent to being like the main character in your horrible youtube production they're just kids it like take for example ryan toy reviews that kid is worth over 30 million dollars one of the most popular and most profitable channels on all of youtube that kid has not seen a dime of that i bet it all goes to his parents who are absolutely living it up with that money ryan's been like six years old for the last 10 years he's like [ __ ] ash ketchum the kid has to be approaching like 14 by this point but he is still doing the same thing and his parents are still the main beneficiary from his work now of course i'm sure there's some level of fun where he just gets to play with toys it makes his parents happy he gets more toys and it's just this cycle like yeah i'm sure it's not the most evil situation in the world but it's still extremely weird all of these family vlog channels strike me as just a bunch of narcissists who found a way to make money using their kids and using the least amount of effort possible just by shoving a camera in their family's face at all hours of the day like there's a popular meme that went around last year where it was this picture here zam she's only 12 so spicy this comes from a family vlog channel with over 8.7 million subs now the girl in their thumbnail wasn't actually 12 but i still censored it just in case you can see that some of these families with these channels are [ __ ] weird click baiting child porn for your audience is not okay like who the [ __ ] does the prince family think is watching them jared fogle like are they trying to appeal to like pedophiles or something like what the [ __ ] was the point in taking a woman in her brawn panties calling her 12 and then saying she's spicy on your thumbnail it's [ __ ] weird now i want to make it clear i don't think every family with a vlog channel is a dysfunctional group of goofballs that you know hurt their kids or make their kids lives miserable i'm not saying that i'm sure there are some genuinely wholesome families out there where the whole family just enjoys getting together like once a week once every two weeks maybe once a month and doing like a family video together i'm sure that exists i have no doubt about it i'm focusing more on the family vlog channels that are like daily or every couple of day posters that are literally all hours shoving cameras in their their kids face it's not healthy and these families are not doing a great job of raising their kids i'm not like some kind of [ __ ] child psychology expert or anything but i think i can say with confidence no one growing up wants to be constantly monitored by complete strangers sounds like a nightmare and god forbid you actually have like a serious problem because then the whole world's gonna know about it a lot of these family channels their most popular videos are when their family is going through something rough like one of the kids breaks their arm or one of the kids gets in trouble at school or something and the videos them being disciplined or them at the hospital or crying those get the most views which is why you see so many thumbnails with the kids in pain or crying or something like traumatic going on oh you remember daddy 05 that was an extremely big controversy that was a genuine abusive family that was actually hurting their kids for views on youtube i'm not going to go too deep into that but i'm sure most of you remember that's not exactly uncommon on the platform i imagine these videos where the kids are in distress like just really upset about something or even injured are really popular on these channels i honestly wouldn't be surprised and this is just a full-blown like alex jones level conspiracy here full-blown tin foil condom but i really wouldn't be surprised to learn that a lot of these family channels actually set up these awful situations for their kids for the sake of use like oh my god my son nicholas just got hit by a rogue baseball bat that flew out of a pickup truck that went by it must have been a drive-by attempt where they threw a baseball bat at my son and it hit his ankles now they're clearly broken oh my god nicholas are you okay oh look at how hard he's crying his ankles are truly shattered can we hit a hundred thousand likes on this video for my son's broken ankles i have to get him to a hospital he's very upset oh my god and the only thing that's gonna make him feel better is a hundred thousand likes on this video and then you'll see like a week later all of a sudden oh my god nicholas fell off the top turnbuckle of our wwe wrestling ring and landed on a pit of broken glass that was just left there by some irresponsible builders oh my god nicholas how are you feeling oh can we hit 100 000 likes on this video nicholas is very upset and in pain it's just it's so sick really just search any family vlog channel on youtube and some of the most recent videos are probably going to be exactly what i'm talking about like here this is the prince family six days ago grandpa gives kids a whooping and then right before that back to back dj almost drowns in the swimming pool and then if you go to the most popular family vlog channel the ace family literally their most recent upload steel got hurt bad on camera than in stars so unexpected which just sounds like sarcasm it just sounds like the ace family is laughing about this like haha yeah steel had no idea that one was coming how unexpected hag it pranked you know like it sounds like they're actually celebrating that steel got hurt here because it meant more views for them and then if you go back a little bit more the dog bit our baby scary moment like a lot of these videos and it does it really doesn't take long to find them because there's so many on all of these family vlog channels it's like they really like start pumping their fists like yeah my kids got hurt there's gonna be big views you can find so much of this so it's not even like wholesome families doing wholesome [ __ ] it's these really sick families celebrating and capitalizing off of traumatic experiences of their child of their children like just imagine you can't even cry or get hurt without your parents filming you that's an actual nightmare and then it gets posted online for everyone to see your classmates might see it like you just grow up in the eyes of complete strangers that's terrifying and there's no way kids can like fully grasp that concept till they're much older and yeah maybe some of them are okay with it as they get older because you know maybe then they actually start to see some of the money that they've made for their narcissistic parents but even still it's not a good environment to raise a family at least i can't imagine that it is it's so weird and the audience is even creepier to me because the audience is two people two groups it's little kids and old parents parents that their kids have already grown up and moved out of the house so now they live vicariously through these youtube families and little kids who just see these other kids getting toys and attention that they might not be getting in their situation so both of these groups i think are in very sad places for different reasons kids that come from broken households that get glued to this content because they're watching these kids live the life they wish they could and then you have parents that are well past their prime whose kids most likely don't live with them anymore don't talk to them anymore whatever they watch these family vlog channels and get attached to them and try and like raise their kids through the youtube comments scrolling down into the comments section on a family vlog video is more sad than watching an aspca commercial it is depressing you'll see a lot of the commenters at least on the channels that don't have comments disabled you'll see a lot of the commenters are older women who their motherly instinct kicks in so like on the steel got hurt video you'll see a lot of them be like oh my god my reflexes kicked in and i grabbed my hydrogen peroxide and poured it on my keyboard hoping to help steal oh my god this is a oh my god thank you for helping him i got so concerned there for a moment you'll see how attached they get they as a viewer feel like they become part of that family because now that they're older they don't have like a real kid to take care of or anything so they're settling for the next best thing which is living this fantasy where they're somehow helping the ace family raise their kids or helping in their lives somehow and then from that you'll see a lot of these older women feel entitled to know everything that's going on with the family which is why you have a lot of these family vlog channels make videos that get way way way too personal and share way too much about themselves as parents and their kids like i've seen a bunch of these family vlog channels where they're like the to the couple's going through like a lot of issues and they share all of them with their audience because the audience demands it and it's like they're never satisfied they need to know every single detail they just become so unhealthily obt attached to what they see on these family vlogs so yeah anyway that's about it i just wanted to talk about it i hate family vlog channels but i understand they're not going anywhere and they're probably only going to grow in popularity i just wanted to at least talk about this since i had been thinking about it for the last couple days that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,349,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BgK0DtbwMTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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