Streamer Hasn't Cleaned Room Since 2005

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this twitch streamer hasn't cleaned his room since 2005. oh my god yeah this one's like a landfill of content oh my god when you're gonna be able to do this like i could hear heaps of trash when you walk down that used to be mac and cheese he doesn't look that old how has he not cleaned his room since 2005 like he'd be living in his parents house for sure they just let it ride there's rats and maggots in there oh no doubt the other side of the rooms here's my setup right this setup is where i played video games relatively clean and then right there compared to the rest that's my door and then that's the trash and this is all he's even got like a box light here he's like i want to make sure my streaming setup is optimized so i'll get a box light i won't clean up the trash but i'll get a box light and an elgato man's got professional lighting at the local landfill priorities now we're cooking never mind his room is more radioactive than the elephant's foot what a nice setup what a specific reference that's a chernobyl reference box from the snack box so here the snack box is a fishing tackle box here so he he [ __ ] filled a fishing tackle box full of snacks ate most of the snacks and then buried it like pirates treasure oh wow look at all the mre packaging yeah he eats mres oh my god wait that's amazing yeah why why mres [Music] what the [ __ ] is the what is happening is he like a government operative by the the us military to see how messy one man can be for 14 years oh come on dude you just started let's go keep going keep going this is a good friend whoever's in this call right now is a great friend it's [ __ ] compacted like [ __ ] sandstone dude it's like [ __ ] sandstone i hadn't reached under that [ __ ] oh my god i won't put it in the miscourt miss scary so why i don't get it why is he choking now he lives in this he has lived in this for 14 years why all of a sudden i was he repulsed by it and choking and coughing did he give himself black lung like zoolander like now he just has like permanently scarred lungs or something oh because he's stirring it up yeah but it wouldn't matter right because he has a [ __ ] piss bottle he has a jug of urine right like that's gonna stink to high heaven no matter what you do like the only thing i can think of is he like routinely sprays lysol in order to mask the smell but he seems like he sleeps here right so that's going to run out at some point it's just baffling because it is it's his room like he puts his feet on this sticky yucky floor unless he props it up on garbage like the king of filth or something imagine you wake up and you smell my room and you open your eyes and you see my room every day dude sounds like paradise wow look at that get there no don't show that on did you think i green screen because you think it increases my production value or something i don't give a [ __ ] dude i'm a zero viewer andy so you can't see my [ __ ] room unironically kind of genius he just so it looks like he puts a green screen up to hide the trash heap behind him [ __ ] galaxy brain actually smart like why even clean i'll just put up a clean cool background i'm gonna there's a whole pot of macaroni still behind him like inexplicably it's cause i'm he has so much mac and cheese there's mac on the floor this dude's diet is nothing but mac and cheese and monster holy [ __ ] craft must've loved this guy so why put it in the trash bag at all what was so special that he decided to actually bag up because most of it's just mac and cheese pots and trash on the floor this must be like some sentimental garbage it didn't make it to the dumpster but it still had somewhat of a journey there's some care given to these oh recyclables oh right right you know when you take a piss and you forget to flush the toilet and you come back the next day so you spray febreze on it it's that smell just imagine what is that story that's [ __ ] imagine or no you know when you go to take a piss and you forget to flush it so you come back the next day and spray febreze on it nobody does that just flush it why why would i spray febreze on my peeped toilet there's no human being on the god damn planet that would do that you just flush like it's more work to spray it here's a here's some more just [ __ ] oh my god stop stop stop stop okay i'm gonna throw up i'm not good stop stop look at that yum yum yum yum it's like a chimney all right so how's so many pots basically i moved into this house in like 2004 2005. and i didn't clean it and now it's this bad oh there's a [ __ ] spider oh i'd love to see the rest of the house i would love to see the rest of this house oh thank god take me on a tour test oh my god well the kitchen's somewhat clean what the [ __ ] like relatively sweet house look at that holy [ __ ] oh okay boaty relax honestly just move [ __ ] it what do i look like it's [ __ ] mom get up and clean now get up he's making good progress that is the same pot he has shown three times just throw it away just throw it away this man keeps picking up this pot and setting it back down just throw it away don't don't [Music] dude he's doing something you're sitting there on your [ __ ] computer typing [ __ ] in his chat [ __ ] off he [ __ ] set that goddamn pot down again is this the same one no it's a different no here it is that's the same [ __ ] pot how many times is he gonna pick this goddamn thing up and still set it back down why just throw it away he's so wet in the pot i guess it's just like a permanent fixture no there's no cleaning it you can't clean that it's [ __ ] stained with years of sin just get rid of it there's no reason to try and salvage any of these pots it's full of [ __ ] black mold and other residue and bacteria and [ __ ] what do we have to say about that [ __ ] wow what a time lapse time jump the rest of his house is moderately organized there is no way that's his cat all how long has he been cleaning i wonder they said four hours [ __ ] but that was a while ago what is it is it a dead rat no it's yeah yeah it was a dead rat no way that was actually a dead rat dude y'all clip it clip it and chip it boys i didn't see it it's about 100 dead maggots oh no dude oh it definitely wasn't a rat rats are big i would have noticed all right here's what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna all right oh there's still so much room in that bag oh you amateur terrible it still is [ __ ] terrible what are you talking about it used to be so much worse he's made so much progress in one day later man we already saw six hours definitely has bed bugs correct me if i'm wrong but bed bugs aren't necessarily the result of trash right i don't think like dirt around a bed creates bed bugs i don't exactly know what it does though what the [ __ ] is wrong with you yeah first can you go chat chad how fast can you go hold on hurry up you guys are taking too [ __ ] long what is that is that [ __ ] like it's yeah it's like maggots and lice the lace are even confused in this filth [ __ ] face in the middle of the night they can't find his hair boys we've discovered pizza let's go oh they didn't show the finished product oh here this is his channel jesus christ he's really cruising also this is wildly sped up he's like a ghost moving through the frame holy [ __ ] it's like a strobe light a little caesar's box that's just the thing of chocolate milk that he stole from the cafeteria he's the flash yeah it's like that quick silver scene from the x-men movie this had to be the dirtiest room on twitch bar none like nothing else even comes close i would be super curious though there should be like a twitch wide competition to see who has the filthiest [ __ ] room but it needs to be spontaneous so people don't game it it's gotta be like authentic grease and grime i wonder how many trash bags he went through it couldn't have been less than two hundred probably but no i was probably probably like 300 plus oh he's got he brought in a helper now they're tag teaming it there was no there was no way to solo that that pile so that was the right call oh don't tell me you're done wait what there's still a whole closet of filth back here but i do appreciate that he brought in a rowing machine that's pretty that's pretty sweet actually that's cool clean the closet what the [ __ ] are we just to get we're just going to ignore that oh that's going to bother me if you don't clean it i i'm going to be if you don't clean that you are right next to it i'm gonna be upset if you don't clean that come on junior oh my god he's just gonna let it ride at least shut the [ __ ] door oh my lord just christ out of sight out of mind he came all this way oh here we go there we go okay much better much better yeah he was like 95 of the way there and then called it quits for a minute he took like a whole week off all right now i'm satisfied they didn't even show the finished product what all right i'll use my imagination they really did do a great job though hopefully it stayed clean what was his name jagermeister let's see oh wow we'll never know his last stream was four years ago wait that can't be the math doesn't even check out this whole experience was three years ago i'm assuming it just doesn't save the vods his description is i'm the trash man nice how is that possible this is i don't get it this is only this is less than a year how could it have accumulated this much filth i don't get it what the [ __ ] went wrong probably coveted bro it is january 8th 2020. unless this guy was stockpiling to hibernate through all of kovid there is no way that it should have ended up like this i don't know how season two is somehow more dirty this guy must just like buy houses from hoarders and then set up a streaming computer i don't get it how is that even possible but with the big twitch purge it looks like it didn't survive this is an impressive amount of trash to build up in less than a year though like he was really working for it
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 6,669,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GPjMe7qSnqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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