He Came to Meet A 13 Year Old, Meets Cops Instead!

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Cinco de Mayo a day that should be for celebration music Familia has now turned into a crime scene because these two men are trying to meet our undercover Decor on today's explosive episode we catch two of the most disgusting wild creatures to ever walk the earth edps cupcake we may shock in discoveries while we did our investigation and we made sure to get our steps in as well buddy you dropped the phone excuse me sir you dropped your phone man sir you gotta come get your phone back in this we're chasing this I'm your host Chris [ __ ] sit back and relax while you watch a coordinated catch we did alongside HPD and skeet Hansen's predatorial investigation unit on today's episode of EDP watch hey man what's going with y'all boys man so if you guys remember over a year ago your boy went over to Detroit and we did an EDP catch got to 10 million views then YouTube took it down man bro they made a policy where like you can't do EDP catches unless you have like these certain stipulations but it was just so nice that we had to do it twice so we're back here with skeet AKA black Hanson Chris Blackson Rebecca oh Chris Black's in my back the cool thing about this one is that it's Cinco de Mayo so we got pink oh let me just show y'all we got some balloons we got pingatas we're gonna make them hit and we got some tacos here we got sombreros and we got security guards bro look at these boys so I hired you guys not for our protection but actually for the edps because every time I see them like I just get so enraged that like I just start throwing hands like crazy so if you see me going crazy bro like you're really there to protect them not me because I'm like bro look at this man and to make this one even better we really wanted to go with the ketchup Vibe so I put on my story I need a young girl no wait hold on hold on you might want to watch how you phrase that I said I need a girl that's 18 plus that looks young and then at the bottom I put we're doing a catch right oh there's the decoy right there yo where'd you get that merch from my man well you're supposed to say shop to be on.com Skeeter what's her name gonna be for this catch uh this is the day after my surgery I don't know if you guys saw but your boy got surgery the other day got my hairline back I did did you not see him on the operating table I was connected to the heart monitor and everything for the First Catch of the night we have our friend that goes by the name of Marco Rodriguez we met him on the badoo app and on his profile he has that he's 43 years old he initiates the conversation with W Riz hi sweetie what do you want to do sweetie hi you really think I'm sweet huh you are sweetie yes what do you want to do sweetie we can meet 3pm not sure we just started talking tell me more about you how old are you 40 sweetie I'm old for you I'll be a good boyfriend I promise you is it okay if I'm 14 we can shine sweetie I'm with you we can't you don't care if I'm still in high school do you want with me I don't want to trick you so I told you the truth about my age yes sweetie what do you want to do I thought you wanted to be boyfriend and girlfriend yes sweetie sure things then take a drastic turn when this W rizz turns into harassment real quick Marco Rodriguez didn't ask our decoy if she likes the fun time we responded by saying we only had a fun time three times really sweetie we can trying do you like dentist stuff too I want to do that too it sounds sweet I like that I'd like to have a lot of fun with you out of nowhere Marco then decides to gift this 14 year old girl a picture of his Polo send me picture love please do you want to see my birthday suit sure but you can't be mad if I don't want to send back okay sweetie give me few minutes [Music] uh it has little wrinkles nice there was no confusion on what Marco had intended for the night so we had set up our law enforcement in place and we then informed the decoy on what was about to go down just go over it again you're gonna be standing in the doorway just wave him in run up here he's gonna he should come up he might want to hug or something I don't know if you're like comfortable give him like a little like half-ass hug if not that's fine but just tell him like be like yeah just sit right there and you know have a taco and we'll just talk and that's it that's that's it yeah should be a good time yeah you're here okay I can just come on the porch because I don't want to walk to your car that's weird yes yeah remember to kiss and cuddle and stuff duh you can park right there in front of the house those are two parking spots silly yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna come outside okay okay he's here [Music] you don't trust me yeah [Music] the Predator here is right outside you just waiting for him to run up the stairs Marco [Music] um I'll be in the kitchen nice yes bring that I don't really go down there it's like a little scary [Music] [Music] are you alone um no no well I go but like I don't go often so you're fine how are you 14 14 [Laughter] all right here we go here we go what's going on Marco how are you oh okay once you have a seat right there for me in the black stool if you could the predatorial investigation unit sir we have the police on standby going to have a seat for me there please happy Cinco de Mayo huh dance with me don't you like Cinco de Mayo no no Guatemala so what are you here for I'm working for now here you're working yeah yeah what do you do uh painting painting you're here to paint something yeah okay can you paint this picture for me why are you here to meet a 14 year old girl can you paint that picture for me were you maybe trying to paint the walls of a 14 year old girl painting and uh uh inside inside inside and say well so where did you bring your equipment did you bring your painting equipment I don't understand maybe you understand this this would be your picture right that's you yeah yeah yeah and you have an account on the badoo app right here yes for the online dating yeah right I am taco no food yeah okay yeah I'm from Guatemala you're from Guatemala oh yeah oh so maybe after this you'll go to Guantanamo Bay you ever see Harold and Kumar oh the girl does tell you that she's 14 and you proceed to have a Charged conversation with her which is the real reason you're here tonight right I am looking for a girlfriend only but you're here to do some bad things you ask her if she does yeah I don't understand no this would be a message that you sent right here you said do you like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you were speaking pretty good English just a little bit ago we heard the whole thing so no no my English and translate for the Google hey Siri how do you say you're [ __ ] in Spanish do you understand that you see but I'm sorry but uh oh no it's yeah it's fine I've got a few more things to go over with you here you you say I would like to make you moan very rich you want to make her moan I know something yeah I know something he might recall do you recall um sending this image here that one right there that'd be ugly oh yeah yeah that'd be a picture of of your yeah yeah take your time here tell Siri do we need to dial up a translate would you like a translator we don't really speak Spanish here now no if that's okay if you want to switch up the Hat with the sombrero get more in the spirit I can't be single demand happy Cinco de Mayo to you you say I have it a little thick too we need to keep this on I mean right you have to keep that on for our protection you have to keep that on so you're saying I have it a little thick too many and then you say you have big sweetie oh yeah remember that one oh you remember that oh my God okay is it Rose but uh yeah it is a little gross but I'm sorry for this she's 14. it's a little gross I understand for 40. 44 yeah I told you she was 14. is it okay if I'm 14. okay and why were you so afraid to come in any any more I uh I have I have a wife oh yeah I don't have a problem with them in my with my life I I I love you I love you my wife does your wife know what you're doing tonight does your wife know you're here does she know that you're here no so what did what did you tell her you were doing but um my intention is no one uh I don't want a sex for now so you didn't want to have sex with a 14 year old girl now you want to pull a Drake and groomer and then when she turns 18 you know then we can get freaky call it Freaky Friday remix yeah it is Friday I don't understand what's up Christy we we need a bit of a translator here is he aware that the girl he was talking to was 14. okay do you want did you order that that pizza aren't we ordering a pizza yeah did you want to call them yeah uh DeMarcus Cousins the third was he aware that he sent a picture of his to a girl that told him she was 14. well she did tell him before on more than one occasion uh yeah I just want to record a uh class 69 of a edp-445 we caught this man trying to meet with a 14 year old girl and we just want to turn everything over to the police he's saying that he wasn't planning on actually doing anything even though he asked her if she wants to do and send a picture of his basically maybe he should call his wife and ask for forgiveness right now he's got a pain all over his pants too well we think it's painted we hope it's pain at least it's white you should have thought of that before you came in here can you ask him what if this was your daughter and she was 14 and a 42 year old man came over to your house to do things with her you asking that for me foreign you who are you soldier boy this is crazy Chad we might have barriers and language but weirdos are on every single culture language Society Okay police are here let's be Spanish no um officer while you wait would you like to talk a single demand um we're running a sting operation where we catch online predators and this man here came to this house tonight to engage in sexual activity with who he thought to be a 14 year old girl do you have all the text messages that's all right here sir you can go through it if you like what is he doing here okay here go ahead and stand up come on okay yeah yeah I hope you're sorry to your wife and kids okay you'll understand soon so uh he said he's gonna come visit somebody what are we gonna do with that oh oh snap oh what do we have there huh what are we gonna do with it five days I had it for five days but you're ready to use it tonight no no five days Marco I just want to let you know that you've just been skeeted I know I know foreign doesn't look like Marco is going to be playing Polo anytime soon we'll be right back with EDP watch after these commercial breaks [Music] my fellow African-American hey how you doing Mr Trump where did you acquire that luxurious merchandise sitters across your body well Mr Trump this merchandise is only available I shopped with the highest of quality and 100 guarantee rate to get your girl wedded in SeaWorld well any true American that's a professional Royal dogger would buy this merchandise right now available right now at shabjideon.com be sure to grab it like how I be grabbing the poop thank you chat the owner of the Airbnb just came over and the cops they were like what are you doing here there's an ongoing investigation and they left so we're like scared that they might kick us out but I think we should be good man we're doing a good deed they kick us out they're part of the problem they should be investigated check their Associates through now while the police were dealing with Marco over at the police station our new friend Juicy J demanded that we give him the address so to make sure that the case wasn't compromised we happily obliged Juicy J first made contact with our decoy in a group chat on the kitk app where he initiated contact with W Riz hey hon hey hey how are you pick ASL please 29 male Baytown Mill Houston 13. Jesus oh sorry my bad nah you're good it's just that you're on a page themed around drugs like uh yeah but all the groups are kind of whack with a bots so I just went into Houston once fair enough well mentally have one goal so I just don't know what your intentions are well I guess some are different depends on the person and how we get along LOL have you actually had sex with people on here or at all I guess LOL yeah have you I've gotten with grown women on here I've never done it with a minor you got a cute car Dodge Challenger Hemi 2020. heck yeah cute color maroon I guess I could just show you I'm not creeping on you not trying to convince you to do anything remember this when you're older and dating a man should be able to make you feel safe to some degree yeah for sure I already like that feeling that safe feeling also tends to lead safety and comfort go hand in hand if it wasn't bad enough that Juicy J at the age of 29 is given a pep talk to a 13 year old he then passes out mid-conversation and let's just say he woke up on the wrong side of the bed in the morning good morning sorry to abruptly ask you something like this so early and out of the blue but I woke up unbearably even for me low if you're able to and would like to do you want to have some fun with me today pretty sure my mom's gonna be out of town let me know your address all right boys man we got our second coming over right now so for this one we really want this one to be Cinco de Mayo theme whatever cover his head spin around and when he thinks he's about to hit a pinata he's gonna get hit by some Predator pasta catchers that's right [Music] man this guy is like so patient I don't get it yeah he's been waiting for how long I would say he's been there for at least a half hour I think he's just scoping a place at home he said I would much appreciate it if you came outside to greet me all right she's going now okay series here YouTube happy Cinco de Mayo you want some tacos wow yeah you can sit remember I get a pinata with me no maybe no [Music] I don't really know what you guys she like goes out far too old sorry this is like this world yeah we can link breakup thing out if you land you want to if you want to sure okay let's do it yeah yeah hey Queen yeah there's candy in here you can hit it if you want I'm sure yeah I'm I'm Fluffy you know how you're supposed to get dizzy I mean you're getting busy and you hit it sorry I'm not gonna fall on the furniture bandana I don't just do one thing real quick in the door yeah it's like a bathroom in a bathroom all right whoa sir you gotta come get your phone accidents we're chasing this that's right what's up what's up bro I'm not gonna lie if he would have pushed me down the stairs I would have brought his ass with me and we got a we got a new phone we can yeah okay call 9-1-1 DeMarcus Cousins the Third the Third uh we just uh did a predator catch we had a man trying to meet a 13 year old girl for sex when we were uh about to conduct our investigation he pushed us and uh ran out the house and sped down the road in a very dangerous Manner and we he left his phone and his and one slippers so we uh we just want to report that to the police to give them the phone for evidence and he uh might have had I'm not gonna lie I should have seen his ass on the NFL field the way he ran uh no no but his hands were weapons of mass destruction because he almost pushed me down a flight of stairs okay thank you thank you man that was I'm not gonna lie those Predator 12s are really really hard to get so you think I just like keep that one I could probably sell on eBay for a good 150. did he say on the thing he initiated the response he said hey hun we said hey hey um yeah yeah be careful with the back stuff that's uh some other investigations yeah don't want to tamper with that here's his phone officer Juicy J must be a fan of the rapper tay-k because he's not gonna beat the case so he's gonna do the race I hope you guys enjoyed today's episode of EDP watch if you would like to watch more be sure to hit the link down in the description and go to my Rumble page because YouTube won't allow us to post the next episode because it's a little dangerous yeah the girl tells him she's uh I believe is 14. he says that he's he's an alpha male predatorial investigation unit this is you yeah but you say that you're an alpha guy you don't seem very Alpha right now yo all Walmart people this man here I'm trying to meet a 14 year old girl for sex and also while you guys are at it make sure you go cop some merch it really helps out the channel and before we leave want a cupcake hi sweetie
Channel: JiDion
Views: 19,540,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jidion, vlog, funny, prank
Id: NIXwhmLcbZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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