Man Ruins His Life Over Chicken Wings

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I've made quite a lot of content covering fast food freakouts or entitled stupid customers have an absolute meltdown and go on a rampage over trivial problems with their order and they range from like Goofy and silly to downright sad and tragic like the time a guy shot two Subway workers killing one of them because they put too much mayonnaise on his sandwich this evil smooth brain idiot actually took someone's life because they went a little heavy on a condiment Jesus Christ mayonnaise may not be an instrument but it was a death sentence for this worker unfortunately it's beyond tragic and what's even sadder is just how common these kind of responses are in the fast food industry that is far from the only case of someone losing their life to something super stupid like too much mayonnaise and I know I've talked about that story in particular before and many others like it and today I want to talk about another situation that happened a couple day days ago and this one has a whole video for it and this video is shocking like this is more shocking than the into a Darman film it had my eyes wider than the first time I gazed upon a bare breast it has so much going on over something so little so I'll quickly give you the lore here the motivation behind what you're about to see so you can watch this video in a pure state of bewilderment over the reaction to something so insignificant a customer goes into a restaurant late a couple nights ago and he orders chicken and waffles as well as fish and coleslaw he is served and even appreciates the food he eats it and then leaves he comes back 45 minutes later and says he actually wanted chicken wings instead of chicken tenders and demands that they whip him up a fresh batch of chicken wings in order to satiate his gluttony well the store is five minutes to closing and they say it's not really you know on the table here that's not really in the cards we're about to close so we can't do that the person in charge of the restaurant even offers a refund which is beyond generous this guy's a [ __ ] Saint to even be offering a refund even though he ate what he ordered and then came back to make a big hullabaloo over nothing so he offers the refund uh and then just asks for the card that was used to pay for it so that way he could you know give the money back however he noticed that there was a bag with chicken wings in it but it was another customer's order whom was going to be served those chicken wings and this [ __ ] sets them off and leads to everything you're about to see in this video it like I know the story I just told you is riveting it's like a [ __ ] Dr Seuss book and it actually happened that is the motivation from everything I've read on the story behind this huge blow up here oh obviously we're coming into the action after the first quarter here so they're already in a bit of a scuffle so we get to see him like lunging over the counter multiple times grabbing like the payment processing unit like [ __ ] ripping it off and then when he's unsuccessful there and falls off the counter he runs to the door and rips it off the hinges this man came in here with stupid strength so he takes the door rips it off the hinges almost effortlessly as if he was like ripping a piece of paper I imagine it had to just be all of the adrenaline because he's not that big of a guy so he probably tore like half of his muscles and his arms just pulling that off so easily or maybe this is just how he Powers up like Popeye with his spinach this guy when he doesn't get his chicken wings he goes into like [ __ ] Superman mode he becomes like some kind of invincible [ __ ] Hulk [Music] like it makes sense now the restaurant worker is fighting back he brings out like some kind of police baton almost I don't exactly know what it is but he's got the stick out now and he's ready to get a little crazy with it so he chases him out there and starts like whacking him with it like he's swatting a fly the goofball customer also tries to use that Dory ripped off as some kind of weapon so he tries to like almost swing it like a baseball bat there for a second before realizing it was way too heavy for that and also the guy hits him with the stick and then they go to the ground so we get into the ground and pound phase of the boss fight oh he did not do that oh yes the restaurant worker won on the ground game I believe and then even gets to claim his prize of the douchebag's phone so he takes it and smashes it much to the dismay of the camera guy he seemed like personally offended that this [ __ ] asshole's phone got smashed the way he acts makes it sound like he's stunned that such a dishonorable move was pulled during such an honorable fight he's like oh my goodness now you've crossed a line everything up until this point was all good manners and by the book textbook Knights honor code and then you go and smash his phone I think despicable display of sportsmanship like what the [ __ ] the dude deserved to have his phone smashed bare minimum at the very least like that was absolutely par for the course and uh that's not where this stops there's no audio here so I'll just go ahead and tell you what you're looking at it is the [ __ ] guy crashing his company tow truck into the building and then scooting away so he zooms on out of there peels out now of course I'm no expert here but using the company car to commit a crime is probably a pretty [ __ ] dumb idea not that he was making good decisions before then either but that has to be one of the most identifiable things you could possibly be driving in order for people to track you down the [ __ ] company tow truck of all things and he blasted into the side of the building here and then uh gets out and he gets the [ __ ] out what's crazy though is that he still hasn't been found despite the company tow truck being identified he the actual person has still as of right now of me recording this hasn't been arrested for it or anything how is that possible there's a lot of damage to the tow truck itself and I don't think he owns the business because if he did I doubt he'd be using his [ __ ] tow truck as a goddamn missile like whoever owns that business should have probably noticed by now that wow this tow truck's pretty [ __ ] up well what happened to it and then you know dots start getting connected like holy [ __ ] my employee is that absolute Menace that was just on the news for crashing a tow truck into the side of a restaurant well not even the side into the front door of a restaurant like I don't know how we're at this stage where this guy is still getting away with it two days later the customer ripped the door off its hinges grabbing the door trying to come inside the store with the door they tussled outside the restaurant before the angry customer ran but it wasn't over yet he jumped in his tow trucks and he slash the whole building with his truck we're living in a day and age where we can get multiple angles of pretty much anything that happens out in the world so we get a deeper look at what happens outside of the store here as well as seeing the entire situation with the tow truck going right into the building we've got you know the Instagram angle from just boots on the ground guy who's there in person filming it on his phone and then we have the security camera footage in order to give us the other side here so we can catch every little detail which is fantastic very cinematic and I think the coverage here is very important because it does point out exactly what I just said about the company tow truck but it sheds more light on exactly how uh he's evading authorities right now and it's very uh surprising it appears there was a passenger in the truck at the time and despite the heavy damage to the front end the angry customer drove away now the truck had a logo on it a solid lead right the tow truck company sometimes the lint they're trucks to each other so he says police told him that doesn't identify the driver I mean yeah it doesn't have the driver's name on the side of the truck or anything it's not like he had a flag that he was flying that said here's who I am or anything but if you do a little like investigating I feel like it should be easy right there'd be a paper trail of lending a [ __ ] tow truck to another tow truck company or another person right there would absolutely be some kind of documentation on where this tow truck went if it was lent out at least I would I would assume again I'm not a [ __ ] expert but I can't imagine it's that difficult that is one of the most [ __ ] identifiable things he could have been driving like it really can't be that hard to figure out where this tow truck came from who linted and who did it get lint to it should be a pretty easy Trail to follow I would guess but maybe not maybe maybe I'm thinking about it too naively that's very possible as well but this is just such a [ __ ] wild situation all over chicken wings well and it's not like he didn't get served food either like it's not even that he's hangry right it's not even like a it's not you when you're hungry type situation the dude ate a full meal chicken tenders waffles fishing coleslaw but then wanted Wings instead so he already had a full tummy his belly was stuffed but he just wanted some more and they were like hey man it's about to close how about no and that's what set all this [ __ ] off uh [ __ ] wildness and what's even Wilder is not too long ago we had another situation where a woman crashed her car into a Popeye's because they were missing the biscuits from her order so she threw her life away over some missing biscuits there's no video footage of this one that exists however in my head I picture it like Gears of War 3 when Dom crashes his vehicle into like the explosive [ __ ] that destroys some of the locusts like she just leans her head back like as she's about to crash into the restaurant and she just thinks to herself this is worth it the biscuits are worth it as it all just [ __ ] explodes in front of her here at the [ __ ] Popeyes where she's crashing her car into because of the biscuits being absent uh point is fast food work is dangerous all types of unhinged lunatics enter these establishments and go berserk and this is just another case of that happening and this one just happened I have video footage around it so I wanted to talk about it a bit that's really about it I'm wishing the best for the the restaurant workers as well as just the entire establishment hopefully it can get back to 100 soon and whoever was responsible for it gets held accountable that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 8,058,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 10FfGGdCcJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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