Dumpster Diving- This is not Trash!

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okay there's that white tarp from yesterday oh anything in there oh yeah those are in there nail tips maybe they were samples fun oh yeah a diffuser universal one that's a great little bonnet this squad on it awesome that's a great score okay fun i'll put all this stuff wow nice score it's a shame that the hair dryer wasn't in there i can't believe all this time i've been missing okay it's cool there's printer there's a tv waffle maker a router waffle maker router okay good thing we came back to this dumpster okay oh my gosh this little doll got colored on everywhere she's okay this is fine she didn't get colored on it's pretty cute i guess take this tote bike pump nice fun gross fun but gross so so there's a little in there so okay oh okay so on to [Music] oh yes yes siree i am excited about those i'll just put them in my own containers if they're broken yes right on top he's a really tall dumpster [Music] still a few months left into the next okay [Music] i guess we'll help [Music] foreign [Music] it'll throw out a lot of juicy stuff there's that point show me he's telling me this day i hear the car door locking it he's telling me to come out that's hilarious okay just been in that door ew no i'm digging you're such a good lookout she parked right there i know i saw her look good job honey
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 142,363
Rating: 4.8972363 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving
Id: 9tu4uMC7LgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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