We Have a New BABY Miniature Donkey!

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you see if he let me hold him like a baby oh my gosh you're ridiculous i am oh he's sliding down look at this well what's up guys this is daniel from arms family homestead i'm getting text messages and it's crazy wild exciting morning so we're actually headed to softball emily won't be still we were fixing to walk out the door to go to softball games this morning and i had gemma let me focus quit chasing chickens so i had to unload my trailer because we're actually making a dual trip to go pick up some pallet racks for the shop and so i was unloading the trailer because i'd gone and bought some big storage stuff from lowe's or home depot anyways stepped outside the back of the barn this morning to feed the chickens and you're not going to believe what i found oh that's nice by the way so here's what i got from home depot somewhere to store hunting and fishing supplies and we literally have got to leave in just a few minutes but i just walked out the door to feed the chickens what is it babe oh my god get back don't worry no gemma oh i just said guys give her now what's the matter freedom you being a good mama keeping me from your baby lucky there oh hey hey hey hey hey chill mom i just about got kicked in the face i just want to get around you mom let me get around the side [Music] easy easy freedom easy easy man so uh guys nobody go touch the baby right now i don't recommend it so anyways yeah we got a baby donkey i would love to get close to it but mom and pop here are not letting us right now freedom freedom is not uh she's not in the mood for me to touch her baby her ear is so big you could be a boy or a girl but it is so good [Music] it is she's so tiny or he is it a sheet i think it's a sheep i don't know i want you to go pet it though i mean i don't recommend petting it right now what's your face um yeah i was thinking marilyn monroe marilyn monroe huh well ollie doesn't have a baby hopefully soon but yeah watch it guys watch it she she's got good aim with those feet easy freedom [Music] hey you want a treat come here hey so i was so afraid we were gonna miss this on video and i literally missed it by minutes the afterbirth is laying right over there and i just like i said i just stepped out of the back of the barn to throw some corn scratch out here on the ground for the chickens to eat this morning and i saw the after birth on uh oh and at the time i didn't have a camera with me but that little baby was still laying on the ground and hadn't even stood up yet i don't think she's got it all cleaned off i said we have no idea if freedom oh whoa whoa quit kicking me she may be little but she packs a punch anyways we have no idea if this is her first baby or not i really don't know how old freedom is but she has a pretty little baby on the ground now look over your right shoulder i know he's waiting [Applause] now i want to see what the donkey poodle looks like watch yourself watch yourself she's gonna back up and say hi here there you go [Music] so like i said the lighting's phenomenal right there it goes so like i said um we have to leave in just a couple minutes to go to emily's softball game she's got two games today we're filming this on saturday i don't know when it'll get posted but i was really really really hoping to catch this birth on video that would have been so cool and i was sitting in the house getting some work done this morning on the computer watching a little youtube and uh should have been out here early just been here early to check on freedom maybe you should do that for now on mom for the thank you for the first time oh she just jumped up it's about the same size as the goat it's taller than i expected it to be you showing me your good side no wonder people have a certain name for donkeys dolly i hope you're watching because you're next well what do you think about your first baby donkey so excited oh my gosh she just won't let us touch it right now no she's very very very protective and i really want to be able to get get that donkey and like imprint humans onto the donkey at just a couple hours old but we have to leave right now so we're going to come back after ball games we've got two ball games today we will come back and probably i'll probably have to kind of just hold freedom because she's she's really not that big and strong if i can get her you know by the neck i can kind of hold her and then we can kind of love on the baby and kind of imprint it to humans so that it's not scared of us obviously it's already want to try to come to us yeah but she won't let it so hey here oh what do you think buddy you got somebody else to protect i don't know that you really need to protect the donkeys but he's somebody another farm friend so we're going to get out of here and go to the ball games we'll check back in in a few hours and we'll see how that baby's doing total surprise this morning gosh i really want to catch that on video but we just missed it by i would say 30 minutes 45 minutes at the [Laughter] [Music] [Music] most huh steve's excited to see you steve's excited come on steve oh you gotta know the food come here come on gotta boy there you go you know what's good for you so we didn't make it back out yesterday uh after we got back from the ball games but technically we did make it back out here and we spent a lot of time out here with the baby we just didn't bring the camera because we had let's see there was dj and i emily houston jacoby and jamie jacoby's mom and then dusty marissa and brooks so we had a whole crowd of people out here and uh we just didn't bring the camera so the baby donkey is now a day i guess close to a day and a half old and we sit out here and play with her or him him it's a boy i did find that out um we'll uh we'll go catch him in just a minute mama is very protective and does not like you to mess with the baby until you feed yesterday when i fed i was able to just walk out there and pet the baby and pick it up and mess with it and you know she's not quite as gentle as steve so she's kind of staying off out the back of the pasture right now so we're gonna go see if we can get her to come up here to eat and then maybe she'll be able to pick up the baby what is it steve what's the matter hmm i got i got some bad news for you though buddy we're probably gonna go ahead and separate steve and freedom and then just move old steve over here into the the bro pin with whopper and rufus because we want to give freedom a break with i don't know how soon she would come back in i don't know how soon steve would try to to breed her again but uh that's we're not wanting that just yet no we're gonna give her a minute so steve and freedom have pretty much been together the entire time they've been here and they literally hang out together all day so it'll be interesting there's crackers yeah some silly ducks do this to nice fresh clean water come on oh look at him hey come on there you go hey mama come get you some come on you gotta come closer there you go come on that's ridiculous come on thank you oh he's in fire ants dang it i have a new friend what's up buddy you're using that tick tock voice yeah what's up buddy you hungry you look funny without any ears oh there they go look at the size of those ears geez buddy you're all ears ears and legs ears and legs oh so uh what are you gonna name your little friend here i don't know i can't decide maybe maybe jeff jeff yeah i don't know i really don't maybe i'll name him after our friend kane he has a special nickname yes something to do with the same nickname as these little guys that's right i think kane would be perfect he's brown he is brown kane brown what's up you sure are calm yeah so we sit out here yesterday for probably 45 minutes or so and played with him you set him down on the ground i had him where he was following me around yesterday he may be a little bit more mobile today than he was yesterday but hey bud he's definitely bigger than what i expected from a miniature donkey at birth he's just got some super long legs i wouldn't say big i'd just say tall here comes mama she's like hey that's my baby what are you doing to my baby hang on she's right there yeah so in case nobody uh knew those little miniature donkeys kick extremely hard just saying speaking from experience a few uh packs of the leg huh yeah yeah my thighs are going to be black and blue if i keep having to catch her i didn't show that on video because it's an interesting process of me trying to catch the baby because freedom as you know is very very defensive of this baby and she wants to stay right in between you and it and uh like i said yesterday i was able to catch the baby and hold it and feed it or hold it and pet it and love on and everything because she was eating grain right now she's not interested eating grains she's more interested in what we're doing here with that baby oh he's trying to go backwards on me he's right here now we're now we just need our baby alpaca to get here yeah then you'll have a friend how fun will that be um yeah maybe your mom will let you hang out with the baby packer you think yeah you think so did you see that hey see steve steve hey buddy we're gonna have to separate you oh watch it watch it watch it freedom is not interested steve but uh steve learned yep i don't think so do you not see him following well he likes this okay so maybe i learned and i've experienced what steve just had happened to his side it hit me on the thigh a few times once in the shin yep we're gonna have to separate steve today today no no steve no steve you think that works donkey love donkey love yep i can't believe how fast so uh well i'm sure she's releasing a lot of interesting oh look hormones [Music] i mean is this like a depiction of what it's like after you know married couples had babies i mean i mean you you you made the doctor tell me six weeks um that's not what i meant i meant they're arguing oh the stress a new baby brings well that's what i meant oh you took that a different direction i'll see you out here you just kind of got him tucked under your arm here yeah he's like my uh my pocket pocket uh he's not a pocket poodle no no what is it huh you don't even know what so uh now the next question is since you have a male baby donkey you had a jack and not a ginny which even if it was a jenny we wouldn't be breeding it back to this guy no so what are our future plans with this little guy i don't know i don't want to think about it yet he's too new too new yeah i can't he's too new as long as we understand he's probably not going to be staying here probably not i know no oh as bad as you'll want to i'm sure we can find someone around here so we can still go see you she's watching you yeah hey you better not hurt my baby he's fine because i'll kick the snot out of you he's fine you come here i don't have the snacks all right there mom i think the other mom wants to see the baby for a while i know so uh i think we need to get that bag of treats and see if you can get old love muffin over there to follow you he's not going to be happy no separating him from freedom i bet he yells at us a bunch probably so he was dangerous happy to see you when you came down here today yes that's so sweet that's what i'm gonna have to do come down here so you know because i don't get that for my kids so i'll come get it from the donkey somebody loves me yeah yeah keep playing with this one he'll love you just like steve huh yes whoa sorry didn't mean to get close to your eyes bro lay off the ice yeah oh you're just so lumpy yes he's so fluffy too his hair is totally different than the than the older one he'll let me hold him like a baby oh my gosh you're ridiculous i am oh he's sliding down look at this how funny oh how sweet are you yeah oh you're just going to take a nap huh this is what brooks used to let me do not anymore she's too busy [Music] you want down okay there you go you can go find mama huh his legs do work bless you oh goodness i hope you don't got to covet you go see mama mom's waiting yeah she's waiting i'll come back and get you tomorrow could they do anything to you are you hurt well steve is officially over here in the other pasture the bro pen as i call it yeah he is not happy with us we didn't film the entire process because there was some some shenanigans yep steve did not go willingly usually she can shake a bag of treats and he follows he was on to us he's either on to us or on to something else so he's separated we don't want any more baby donkey stuff right now so but anyways yeah we had a baby donkey it's uh super exciting i mean i'm just like jumping with joy i am whatever it takes to get dj on camera that's all i'm for here whatever it takes to get dj out here on video whopper gonna be trying to sneak up on me bro he's wanting some drips in a few minutes anyways i broke a sweat out here trying to get goober into the bro pin but anyways i guess that's going to do it for us today i'm going to go dry some of the sweat off it's getting a little steamy out here you should it's gus new baby donkey on the farm now we're just waiting on the pack who needs a baby donkey no so guys that's all we've got for today thanks for watching we hope you enjoyed it y'all have a great day and as always we'll see you on the next video you
Channel: Arms Family Homestead
Views: 118,250
Rating: 4.9710479 out of 5
Keywords: Arms family homestead, farm, farming, homesteading, baby donkey cuddle, baby donkey running, cute baby donkey, miniature donkeys as pets, miniature donkey braying, miniature donkey birth, miniature donkey, mini donkey, baby donkey, donkey video, cute animals
Id: o9i16eN-kEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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