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[Applause] whoa kind of vacuum is that a sanitary Electrolux well this bag has to be worth something if this is broken we're gonna get this for sure oops Oh No maybe there [Applause] but I bet this is a good vacuum there's always parts in a vacuum like you can always this piece this piece sanitaire by Electrolux commercial if nothing else hurts what'd you say was missing I thought it was missing some bristles but it wasn't I think it doesn't have them like I think this might be just a rubber nub Peter let me see what else there is [Applause] there's what we need a thumbtack in the car right you know oh there you go thumbtacks headphones early Apple I can't remember if Apple has markings on Oh [Applause] that for that label printer zebra take oh okay oh honey oh damn you guess what it says seven better than that enjoy your life Eddie that's funny that's hilarious yeah they're really honest trying to find a big box of those I don't know Stoneface okay [Music] right all right beat in the rain watch yourself hey I'm not gonna take the baby stuff but this is hot wheels yeah glad it was in a plastic bag a little wet outside so some of it got a little wet and this this is part of it and so nice little set [Applause] see it launches these cars [Music] cool grandsons and granddaughters have fun with this grandparents can have fun with it too Hey what is this bag and we're just getting some toys all right oh yeah look at all these cars tons of cars that's perfect we got a tarp down here so that'll protect our stuff whoever did this thanks for the well I think that's part I need to a big time lift [Music] what'd you find what was that it was a two bag just like the typical bags we see the white trash bags and people throwing away their maybe yardsale stuff and was Hot Wheels actual Hot Wheels in their purse the Hot Wheels track fancy track and then there was there was a bunch of cars I don't think they're all Hot Wheels but there's trucks and cars and just boy stuff yeah great stuff for the grandkids and that track is cool like I turn it it's powered as a circle and a checks all meet at that circle and then there's wheels that launch it car comes through it catches it and it works we got Hudson something like that for Christmas yeah this thing's gonna be cool it has a garage with a lift on it mining donate me we got out of it we catechol okay didn't get a chance to go through all this this was the Hot Wheels toys there we got out of the Harbor free dumpster so we easily do this wouldn't with toys when we get them home we clean them kills 99.999% of bacteria kills cold and flu viruses kills staff he called I immerse us among Salmonella and strip what else do you want so right now I'll just show you how we will separate it and we'll throw it all into a buff this would be a fun one that put together this is a different that's some kind of fan thing there I don't even know what that is it's a zoom something don't think it's part of hard oh maybe they maybe things they catch them and it flies up or something you have to look into that howdy partner I think this will take caps it's s de cap gun hmm oh there's more than just hot wheel stuff in here does that I don't even know what what it is riding is so small anyways well I turned it on it's making noise now maybe there's some parts missing or something I don't know I turned it on and did make some noise so got one of those this looks like where the cars would decide on which way they're going I guess whoa these are sticking to each other what that is kind of cool at all what the heck this is you put on your wrist demo oh but it's a little sleep sack or whatever like a blankie oh so then with two months for being with your husband this is some kind of launcher all right yeah so you back it up put your car in there boom it gets launched and then you fly over the cliff obstacles that's what I'm saying even this one watch that launches I'm Tim bunch of launchers uh hello [Music] I wonder if this is like for water or some little dart that goes on the end that it could possibly shoot water out of it anyway there's another weapon of mass destruction mmm who doesn't like the loop yeah there we go see that goes down that goes down and then another car launcher so now we're getting into the track Wham that's cool come on pretty cool mask yeah somebody's you know like wearing that thing well Little Tikes things making noise to flashlights that's cool it's what the little tykes you go right over there it's a shame that was in the dump sure but I'm glad we were able to get it out and that's just to begin now we got to take all the cars out let's see what we got Batmobile that's cool leave it I don't know what's name on there that a truck getting cold all of a sudden out here guys let's go through these cars real quick but boom both are both grandsons love these and at least one of the granddaughters does so far she loves cars too oh yeah this one's a favorite I love that there's a sheriff little muscle car and an off-road vehicle no tow truck I don't know if that's a DeLorean or what this one is this says Spencer is that Thomas the Train take more than one okay here we go Thomas the Train that's cool baby like Thomas the Train everybody likes Thomas the Train old style Porsche so Amina another Disney one Jeep one of our grandsons their parents got a Jeep and he just talks about the Jeep all the time so you gonna love that Danaher these two are but oh they're little little people a couple little people there know what little people more old cars cars might not be anything fancy but take a kid to a restaurant and give him a car a lot easier to handle let's see if they're really young yeah these are never-ending that's like Beyond Thunderdome or something another little Disney like car hello anybody want a truck or another Disney car mmm that's a cool one very cool big all four wheel drive each of these I don't even know what this brand is nothing fancy but free bam bam bam just so you guys get an idea oh we got that like the well that's Hot Wheels is that the Riddler I don't know so many of them know this thing this one looks like you can put pieces on it so I'm up there there but we got it if it's starting to rain a little bit hurry all right more cars more cars just doesn't stop does not stop more cars Gerry sees a dog Jerry okay another one of these okay it's okay more cars tractor rain honest but return them to let you guys see it all that's neat look at that thing this thing oh I'm a big one now look at that Tony the Tiger hmm oh this is actually raining can you believe it it's actually raining right now I mean look at the sky but there you go this was in the trash can you believe it so it's raining now but I'm gonna wipe everything down with this cars are gonna go to my grandkids maybe the track we'll put that together but there's some other interesting little toys in YouTube but I gotta get I gotta wrap it up it's raining all right guys Jerry say goodbye all right Jerry say goodbye say goodbye Jerry say goodbye good boy I know all right awesome gonna love them yes all right we're in the rain yeah you guys later track on to the next one okay
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 52,372
Rating: 4.8821054 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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