There Is No End To Baldur's Gate 3

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I want you to tell me if this sounds familiar at all I sit down I play a game I either beat it or maybe I hit a wall maybe I just get bored entirely I go back to steam I fire up balers Gate 3 and I go for another run at this point I have hundreds of hours in the game multiple different playthroughs whether that's Solo or with friends dark urge ones that I'm saving for stream goes on and on and something that I realized is just how comfortable balers Gate 3 is as a game to continually return to and I haven't even gotten into modding yet I think I am what many other gamers are habitual players we have a list of games that we always come back to for me it's Terraria Final Fantasy 14 Divinity original sin 2 risk of rain I always go back and play those games throwing in another couple hundred hours here and there almost every single year and I came to the realization that now adding balers Gate 3 to that list I just don't see the game ever getting old returning to in bre playing games that we've loved in the past is pretty common it's a the mix of nostalgia and the unique appeal of whatever made those games such a memorable experience in the first place Nostalgia plays the most significant role in that as it is consistently replaying something we're going back and revisiting these moments transports us back to those moments and gives us the opportunity to relive them all again I can't tell you how many times I want to recapture the first time that I played Terraria blind and I mean really blind I plan on doing a video on this at one point in time the sheer error and confusion when I saw the for boing text of you feel an evil presence watching you very few games give us a unique Adventure every time we return to them while I've played Terraria for now thousands of hours The Experience can differ every single time depending on my choices my strategies my Approach games that offer that kind of diversity and give us these multiple paths builds and branching narratives provide us with ample reason to return to those games and and explore different facets of the game that we had maybe missed previously I love balers Gate 3 if that hasn't been made clear by all the videos that I made on the channel the live streams the podcast anything else that I've said let it be known right now this is my favorite game of all time period hands down and it's not even close for anybody else with that said this may sound biased but I do believe this is a game that will never get old for myself or for many other players reason being is that laryan has built such a strong foundation with balers Gate 3 not only just using the fifth addition rule set but also using their own mechanics that they've built into the game as well balers Gate 3 is an incredibly easy to understand game while initially looking at it for onlookers you're going to think yeah it might look a little complicated but once you actually get your hands on it it's not and because of that they give us the ability to from a strong Comfort level dive into the intricacies and all the choices that they've given us throughout the entire game whether that's with the narrative or with the different mechanics that we have with items or multiclassing with builds whatever it might be be because we feel comfortable we're okay deviating from the path even just slightly that's really difficult because a lot of games don't pull that off very well when games have really high learning curves or have really tough difficulty sometimes we just stay in one way because well that's just what we're familiar with and we're afraid to try and test other things but here we're okay with making mistakes we're okay with taking chances and we love the choice balers Gate 3 is a game that emphasizes player agency by offering a wide range of choices that significantly impact the gameplay experience at the very outset players are given the option to choose from various origin characters each with their unique backstories personalities and quests while these quests can be completed as a tab experiencing them as An Origin character provides unique dialogue and a completely different perspective on the story this extends far beyond just mere Cosmetics it profoundly affects the narrative interactions with the World characters unique abilities internal dialogue and just how other characters react to you as an example the experience of playing shadowart or LEL while building a friendship with the other greatly differs from that of the Observer furthermore balers Gate 3 owers players with extensive choices when it comes to character customization while the Character Creator may be a little bit limited your options with your class and build are incredibly varied tailoring your character to suit whatever your preferred play style is this reflects on something that brought up in previous videos but the depth of the character and class building in balers Gate 3 is actually a bit ridiculous maybe I just have bad taste in games however I feel like there aren't very many games that make levels feel as impactful as they are in balers Gate 3 you feel each level whether it's access to higher tier spells an extra attack an ability score Improvement or a unique passive you see a noticeable Improvement a noticeable difference in how much your choice choices matter when you're leveling your character and I think that's something that's really important because many games don't get that right and I played a ton of AR RPGs where levels are I mean about as common as you can find so every time you get a level you don't really feel it it doesn't really matter that much but I've also played a lot of crpgs that can also feel kind of the same way as well but balers Gate 3 and what larion has done with implementing the fifth edition rule set has made this actually feel incredible because every level is such a massive power climb from the last one you feel the change from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 all the way up to 12 man I would love to see that go further but it's for another video it's just it's something that really matters to the player because we want our choices to actually matter and when we can see our choices matter not only in the narrative but also in the design of our classes how we're building these characters that just takes the game and takes the experience that much further and that's also something that dives into or adds to the replayability of the game because then we want to try something completely different we want to test out something different we want to experiment with different classes and different combinations and see what else that we can pull off in the game because we see those choices in action and that's something that we just don't see in a lot of other games I can't tell you with all the different playthroughs that I've had just how different my experience has been with every single one of them with the current one that I'm having right now I've been playing it on stream doing my mode run the second time this is the dark urge 2 is his name but learning about laelle I've never once romanced her and this is my first experience doing so and seeing her backstory play out is insane not only that but then the implications of actually having her in the party and being able to use some of the gith yane gear and trying to figure out different ways that I can build to utilize that gear the best and really improve her and make her the best possible Basel I can possibly make it just feels great and then all of a sudden I go well I want to do this with carlac I want to do this with Shadow heart I want to go do this with every other character in the game or maybe I want to do something more specific with my tab or whatever it might be and again I said this at the beginning of the video If this game wasn't so easy to understand and easy to play we probably wouldn't be that interested in doing all these things and making all these different choices because well we're not that comfortable and when we're not comfortable we don't like to take chances but all I want to do is just learn more all I want to do is just try new things and there's so many different permutations and combinations in incredible different ways that this game plays out that I just can't help myself now I've said this in previous videos but balers Gate 3 feels like a living world and playing it now for the what feels like 100th time I do feel like this is the closest a game has ever gotten to that experience a living World act one in balers Gate 3 serves as this master class of a prologue unfolding The Narrative skillfully setting the tone of the game and immersing you in the intricacies of the game's world right at the beginning literally the very beginning of the game you are given narrative choices that will impact act two and further on as you gather your party in uncovered details surrounding the cult of the absolute you're not merely just embarking on a quest you're immersing yourself in a world that is steeped in danger and mystery and character that are genuinely just trying to live out their lives every decision you make from choosing your companions to forming alliances the game is Laden with consequences that reverberate throughout the entire game this not only adds depth to the narrative experience but it also provides you with a sense of agency you are building this story I genuinely feel like I'm crafting a story rather than being told one and this is where the whole idea for this video arose because even the smallest choices and I mean the smallest choices can sometimes have massive reverberations for how you actually play the game and I'm not even just talking about the narrative experience no I'm talking about how you mechanically are going to play the game what steps you're going to take what builds you're going to use I'm going to give you an example of something I'm going to do my best not to include any spoilers because I realize that some of you guys just live in act one I know you I see you I see you in the comment section you're in my Discord too by the way degenerates but houson at one point in time you get to recruit hon and I've had him in the party but I never actually utilized him whatsoever but at one point I was going to use him and I did I used him for an entire act and I sent him to camp for a little while because I wanted to use another character because I wanted to see what their reaction to a certain part in the story would be but in this part of the game well depending on if you go into a certain area one of the characters in your Camp might just get kidnapped and it just so happened that the housing that I had built up and given all of my gear to got kidnapped and this is before they gave us the backpacks where we had the ability to take all the items that they had left behind so as such I had to completely regear that him getting taken actually became something of urgence because I needed him back in my party my entire party was built around him being in there in the first place and without him switching to somebody else wouldn't work as well because I didn't have access to the same equipment the same abilities or anything that is so cool do you understand how cool that is like yes it was stressful in the moment and I was definitely a little bit on the enraged side that I couldn't get any of that equipment back but when I sat back and then all of a sudden I'm trying to build out another character and I'm trying to get enough gold to be able to put a wizard or put a sorcerer in the party to fill my magic Caster slot I'm sitting back going this is so cool because now I'm interacting with another character story because I brought them into the party and they have their own thing that's going on at the same time time and you just don't see that anywhere else and that's what makes this game so fun to play so fun to replay because moments like that can happen at any time you can always make a mistake a misstep I have another example an embarrassing one actually on my second durge playthrough I go to the Grove and I'm like man I really want the Ring of protection from mole I never stole the idol of syv that's what it is the idol of Sylvanas I never stole it so what I did is is I sent one of my characters over remove them removed the rest of the party and went to go sneak and I used invisibility but they caught him anyway but I never actually stole it I just moved it to the side but they're apparently blind so they called me as thief and then I ended up fighting the entire Grove and this is not an evil playthrough it was not meant to be an evil playthrough but it is now and I ended up having to slaughter the entire Grove to try to cover up for my mistake of trying to get this ring that I wanted which by the way after I stole it it didn't matter anyway because well I long rested after the fight and the T Lings left now this is more of a personal point but I find comfort in playing games that I've played before because they often give me a sense of familiarity and control in an environment that I've already explored and mastered revisiting these familiar games can be a really comforting and stressfree experience I often already understand the mechanics the rules TOs and the objectives there is no learning curve and that allows me to just enjoy the game play more effortlessly returning to these familiar games well it provides a sense of achievement I can grow even more and improve even more over time whether it's honing skills or taking on greater challenges and different difficulties and that's why I think it's so important that Laren has built such a strong foundation with balers Gate 3 especially after all the experience they've learned from creating the Divinity games this game is easily understood but has multiple levels of Mastery anyone can beat the game but after multiple playthroughs it takes time to really understand everything to see everything and then Implement all of those things that you've learned in a single playthrough and chances are with all the different permeations and different builds that you have there's really no chance that you can actually Implement everything you've learned into one playthrough which means you may as well just go again and I think that's one of the things that makes this game so unique is that you have this really easy to understand Foundation but there's so many really cool intricacies different things that you can learn after every consecutive playthrough and it's one of the things that I've learned while streaming the game which shout out to the streaming Community you guys have been insanely supportive with the streams but I've learned so much from my chat different things of just how to control the UI and different interactions with different items that I had no idea even existed in the first place just when I thought I knew everything I found out I knew nothing at all and that's crazy to me because I ran through my second playthrough like it was a marathon after beating the game the first time I threw it on tactician ran through my second playthrough no issues whatsoever and then now here we go with honor mode and obviously that's a little bit more complicated than tactician but I'm still finding something new every single time and I'm getting better and better at the game and knowing more and I really need to make a tips video because I actually found a bunch of different things that I need to talk to you guys about so that'll be something that I talk about after break but it's crazy it's genuinely crazy how much there is to learn in this game how many different permeations with the story and the narrative how many different ways to experience the game and it just makes it that much of a joy to continue to replay over and over and over again and while some players are going to play a single play through I feel like you're still going to come back at one point and go for another one and there's going to be tons of us like myself that are just going to continue to play the game over and over and over and over again and probably never get bored of it because well the modding community hasn't even really got fully activated yet so who knows what they have in store for us and even more so who knows what laran has in store for us because we didn't think epilogues were going to be a thing and there's that so who knows what the future holds for this game the only thing that I do know is that I'm just going to keep playing it I freaking love this game anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this video this is my last video of 2023 my last video of my first year on YouTube and I just want to give a really heartfelt thanks to everybody that supported the channel everybody that subscribed to the channel everybody that watches the videos joins the Discord big shout out to everybody that's become a channel member that's been really cool or the subscribers that I have over on Twitch this has been a wild Journey it's been so much fun and I can't wait to see what it brings for us in 2024 so thank you guys for everything hope you guys enjoyed the video as always stay cool stay righteous stay safe my friends and I will see you in balus Gate [Music] peace
Channel: Legendary Drops
Views: 100,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, Baldur's Gate 3 expansion, Baldur's Gate 3 Mods, mods, expansion, bg3 mods, bg3 expansion, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 review, baldur's gate 3 review, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 mods, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 secrets, bg3 tips, bg3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 story, baldurs gate 3 news
Id: 62zBW-IzTgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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