5 extremely unexpected events which you missed in Baldur's Gate 3😱😱

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I want to start today's video with a very unexpected and weird cut scene which I found a few days back in balers good three remember this door if you go inside you're supposed to see ATI EOL having a conversation with Marina but my experiment gave a very wrong direction to that usual event let's check it out I don't want a crumb left on that plate girl ano please one more B and this pie is going to come back up to say hello don't make me get the wooden spoon you're eating for two so get to it ah if it isn't my favorite flower welcome to anthel come in come in if you can't remember the actual cut scene let me show you a side by side comparison I don't want a crumb left on that plate girl an please one more B and this pie is going to come back up to say hello don't make me get the wooden spoon you're eating for two so get to it if she's like this from the beginning what will happen to the scene when she actually transforms into a hag through that experiment I have come to learn some very exciting stuffs that was unknown to me before how did all this happen I'll discuss everything about it a bit later but first let me share the highlights of other experiments I'm going to show in today's video do you know what will happen if you visit the Monster Hunter gandel before discovering a as a vampire well the answer is going to shock you badly remember this poor guy you saved him from a trapped situation in under dark but you'll be shocked to know his true character if you'll cure his illness later before entering the goblin Camp you get a Cuts scene where Shadow heart's artif protects you but what will happen if you go there even without recruiting Shadow Hal if you complete the Mind Flair's quest in under dark you'll be rewarded with a ring by him but what will happen if you steal the ring before he gives it to you we shall find all the answers today before moving any further let me in this Dr today's a sponsor raid Shadow Legend I just fell in love with this game last night I played this engaging fantasy RPG for 3 hours straight and still couldn't move my eyes out of the screen no wonder why it got more than $80 million with tons of positive reviews you can immerse yourself in this freet to-play fantasy RPG with a captivating story line and Online PVP explore a visually standing Fantasy Realm featuring over 80010 Champions across 15 plel factions rally arcs s elves and a diverse array of fantasy creatures to overcome any challenge in your path the game is available on Android iOS and PC and you can download it by scanning this cure or use the link from the description and pin comment and receive amazing Heroes for free wait more surprises a wait you're going to get a very powerful legendary hero Monkey King son ukong absolutely for free by using Monkey King promo code within the next 72 hours hours after registration he has 72 unique powers including the ability to transform into animals objects and weapons in Additionally you will get two extra epic Heroes for free by using my link so what are you waiting for get a huge head start with the legendary plus epic hers using my link or scam The Cure code now back to the video first let's get to the bald mushroom picker in under dark I'm very excited to expose his true character by curing his illness to cure his illness you'll need Noble talk first let me show you how to get the noble talk quick thank you thank you I can now let's give him the medicine before giving him the noble talk I'll talk to this animal because once he is killed this animal will provide some crucial information Master is back God M him should leave here before Master gets lost again 70 years of Terror my friend Biber bang curious beautiful but dangerous next time more careful next time for certain thank thank you for your help me too yes very glad someone's got to look after d anyway what were you saying I am my words get away from me you'll have to ask d she knows the ins and outs can't be too careful in these parts paper bank's the least of it help me my yes my mind isn't what it used to be I could run the shop again that is help d i don't God I can finally think look it D it what have you done s met woman I got my brain back smile well balen it's been a good few years um I need a chance to think never made a habit of that before don't see why you'd start now do you remember these last years since you've been sick remember how you used me like a mule I learned that from the best well the best is back you learned in your place again even if you forgot till now come on get to packing we're going home getting out of here soon enough wouldn't have come if I'd had my witch to work thanks for your help stop by bone cloaks if you're ever in Boulder's Gate I owe you for saving me from my old cow lay down the law to that one Master sounds different like old self angry self to like hope Master doesn't start kicking me again you don't know what you've done leave me be you don't understand you don't know what he's capable of just go please so in my opinion giving bill on the noble stock is not a good option at all I want to show you what happens if you go to gendrel before discovering Aaron's vampire secret here I'll talk to gendrel as asterion ah stranger forgive the aroma you can such a waft of something foul metallic and sickly sweet powdered iron Vine an old Hunter's trick most monsters will think twice before making a meal of me you're a monster hunter I'm surprised I thought all G were vagrant Cutthroats and more we steal chickens curse your crops seduce your daughters the list goes on I wish I had half the power settled folk think my people possess alas I am a simple Wanderer a simple Wanderer and Monster Hunter but I'm no witch doctor or cutro true and I have no proof to offer but my word if you wish it our paths need not cross again again I'm hunting a vampire spawn and it's a little too bright for you to be my prey I fear he's gone to ground I hope the hag of these lands can help me flush him out if I can afford her blood price a vampire spawn why it is a sacred Mission from the head of my tribe she sent me here to capture the Beast and return it to her capture and bring it where Boulder's Gate my people wait for me there under all the smiles you can feel Asian's tension he's coiled like a spring hand inching towards his weapon there's a lot to know I've crossed paths with your people before you know it wasn't a good experience the girl helped themselves no one else it was very unexpected for me now I'll steal the Mind shielding ring from the Mind flare in under dark [Music] steady don't mind if I do fly I was very curious to know what will he do when it is his town to give me the ring as a reward let's check it out I would offer it as a gift but in truth the ring is priceless is there anything you could offer me in turn we shouldn't cause trouble omam there are enough threads down here in the underd dark very well I abhor violence and would rather prevent it where possible except it does not seem to be on my person did I leave it on that last Expedition somewhere my apologies I cannot trade what I do not possess now I'm in front of the goblin camp and I did not recruit Shadow heart in my party so I do not have the mysterious artif let's see what happens if I try to go to the goblin camp hear my voice obey my command the voice is irresistible every word is trenched with a power and authority you do not understand but cannot deny your vision leaving you in a dark featless shadowscape nothingness in every direction then there are three figures before you an armored male elf exuding power and command a handsome younger man with a quick easy smile and a pale young woman with even paler eyes Are My Chosen they speak for me Aid their search for the prison and you will be worthy to stand beside them in my presence I feel energy pulsing from the artifact lifting the pain from you pushing the voice away my power grows my forces gather the reckonings I imagine you must have questions we should talk you're were lucky I managed to catch up with you when I did we're both Lucky in fact I'm shadowart we are on the naoy together we've both got the same problem though only I might have the solution I don't know how but this artifact is protecting me from from whoever controls our parasites you won't get much farther without it shielding you trust me you need me at your side the artifact is being hunted and so I'm being hunted the absolute forces want it ganki Raiders want it so it is you the Kaki come for this artifact is valuable the knights will be relentless in their Pursuit I can't afford to get rid of it but I can't protect it alone either I'm lucky to have made it this far very so what do you say lead the way so finally here is the time we play with Auntie Ethel what I'm going to do is I'll seal the whole Grove so that she cannot get outside of the Grove first I'll knock her out with some non-lethal attack Swing Swing not as bad as it could have we'll get to the city soon I am now let's get to Zord to take the contract of killing Gaga you're taking a risk for us we'll see that you're re warded I'm still hoping corga can be swayed from this madness but if not leaders need to make tough decisions we do what we must let's kill kaga the Outlander has betrayed us I should have known D we cannot compromise any longer taste my [Music] Fury Welcome once kaga is dead if you go outside of the Grove you'll see the Grove is sealed with vines so overall I think there is very less chance for Ethel to get outside of the Grove now let's get to Marina see there is no e with the brothers but what about Marina is she alone in the house let's check on her you ruined it you ruined everything e was going to bring my husband back back from the dead and I'll never see him again because of you I was fine he wouldn't have killed me I had something that she wanted just a bit longer and my child would have been born and all this all this would have been over don't judge me I have nothing my baby would have been raised in rags and Heath promised to give this child a good life teach them magic even more than I could have done she said I'd make her bad mother I I think she was right now I'll have to drag con's cofin all the way home it's the only way this child will ever meet their father I hope you're happy it is very surprising that the knocked out lady is in her house how did she come here is the question it doesn't make sense anyway let's try to hit [Music] her surprise surprise she's transformed and seems like we can kill her very easily [Music] she's dead anyway I'll reload the game hit her and once she's transformed I'll go for a long rest to see what happens next morning I don't want to crumb left under that plate girl Auntie Ethel please one more bite and this pie is going to come back up to say hello don't make me get the wooden spoon you're eating for two this thing was very unusual I was very curious to see what happens to the transformation scene in this case let's find out one moment Auntie needs her real nails for this it is quite disappointing I was thinking that I would get something new in this cutscene which did not happen anyway guys that was all for today visit my channel to get more exciting bter get3 videos like this and subscribe if you like and yes don't forget to check out raid Shadow legends from the QR code or link from the description and pin comment until then have a nice day [Music] goodbye
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 review, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldur's gate 3 review, Baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 guide, baulders gate 3, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldur's gate, baldur’s gate 3, balders gate 3, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, BARBARIAN, BARD, CLERIC, FIGHTER, MONK, PALADIN, RANGER, ROGUE, WARLOCK, WIZARD, SHADOWHEART, WYLL, bg3 ending
Id: yXj3N41NLhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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