This Storage Unit Has Me SUPER SCARED! CREEPIEST UNIT EVER! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit

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so we're here at this abandoned storage unit we just bought the storage unit auctions right now this storage unit is gonna be one of the weirdest ones that you've ever ever seen in order for you to understand what's so weird about it though we're gonna have to explain the backstory so in public storage gets ready to have an auction unlike most other companies they'll actually post on their website whose units going up for auction and you can actually see the former owner's names pretty easily now somebody like me I like to take that information do some research before the auctions so I have a little bit of an idea of what their background is before we get there gives me a little bit of a better idea which units I want to bid on usually with their name and location I can find out quite a few things about I'm really quick if they have a criminal record where they live even what job they have really everyone exists online the weird thing about this particular unit this guy just did not exist it seemed like I looked the name up it was a common name but it was spelled very weirdly that like nobody else spells it obviously I can't give you the name I can't give their information away but it was a weird spelling that I've never seen in my life so I thought it would be easy to find but this guy did not exist no criminal background which okay a lot some people don't sometimes you just lose you ate it but no nothing no history of work no history of living no history in a city the state the country is like it's like this guy just did not exist which really just kind of blew my mind I was like this is the first time this has ever happened to me I've literally looked up thousands of people over years of doing this and I'm like this has never happened to me before so I took his name I punched into Facebook no profiles I took his name I punched it an Instagram no profiles finally I took the name and I punch it into Twitter and we get this profile again I can't show you the information but this profile you know something weird about it it's been on Twitter for what six or seven years and it has one follower and one following which really really was strange to me so I go to who he's following thinking it's probably just a bot or something the only person this dude is following is the FBI's Twitter account so I was like this is okay this is a strange like I like doing background and finding out information but this is just weird why do you have a seven-year-old Twitter account that follows nobody has no gain no followers even BOTS over seven years and all you do is just follow the FBI that that was strange very strange after that I decided to see you the one follower was since he doesn't seem to be interacting with bots like most old Twitter accounts and it came up with a normal name but again this account seems like it's really old but on Twitter forever but it's just unused but you know what it has a different name so I'm thinking is this like an alias that he uses let's search this name instead of the name that was actually on the public storages website and there we go we put that name in and guess what this guy exists so I don't know how how it happened somehow he used a fake alias in order to get his public storage account which is really strange however he didn't cover up his backtrack enough cuz we were able to find the name through Twitter cuz I like playing detective it makes it a little bit fun when you're doing this using his what we now knew was probably the real name we were able to find out person to live in the exact city the storage unit was located so why that's spelling and stuff I just I knew that we had our guy there so we started looking into his background and apparently about eight years ago he was kicked off of the police force which again was like something really strange is going on with his guy it was a whole legal dispute we found a case I can't show you the information because I can't give away the guy's identity or I can get in trouble but there was a whole thing about him getting kicked out of the police force of the city and it was just again added to the weirdness if you get kicked out of the police force and now it appears you're trying to completely hide and fake your identity to do stuff it's just why something's weird going on and like I said once I figured all this information out when we got to the auction and they opened the door really I didn't really care we were just gonna buy the unit because it was like creepiest backstory I've ever seen so we kept using that name putting it into Google and doing more research on different sites their sites where you can find people's criminal background their sites you can find their workplace their site you can even find people's addresses and phone numbers I'm not gonna discuss those sites but you guys know what I'm talking about and we were able to find seven different lawsuits this guy's been involved in over the past six years not including the one with the police force that got him kicked off of the force so right there I'm like okay now we know why he's trying to hide his identity he's probably owes a bunch of people a bunch of money it needed to skip out and group we're not dealing with this but my question is when you've rent these units and stuff you have to show ID you can't just say I'm John whatever you have to give them proof like this is my ID this is me pictures match so not only is this guy good at lying he somehow also is good at creating fake IDs and usually your credit card you pay with us domeki right match your ID so I don't I don't know how he's pulling this off but it's pretty impressive and it was enough for me to say no matter what the unit goes for what it looks like we're gonna buy it because I want to know the back story now that you know all that you understand when we got here I was gonna pretty much buy it no matter what but when I opened it up it was even weird let me show how do you not wonder what that is this 3 lakhs you tried to save a suitcase three times three several times they try to save one single suitcase isn't that really weird so I don't know if it was a good idea or not but we paid $50 for this unit because I just had to know what was in the suitcase let's see so before we get into it what brand is the cross do you know I don't even know so we got a suitcase let's just start reaching in the pockets at all protection of the hands and that's not a good sign there's nothing in the first pocket what about this one oh that phone oh that's a non cracked iPhone you know how rare it is to find an iPhone that's not busted that very rarely happens and the model number is a a one five four nine for you Apple people maybe you could tell me what kind of echo and that is but Oh hopefully so let's see if we get further in here does that feel more stuff and it's packing paper my favorite literally hit that's all it's in there in the inside of it's actually open you want to see what's inside or in jail let's see it's got some weight to it when I view the suitcase you ready but no okay well there's not very much is there let's see what this is see this is weird this is like payment what does it call I guess why like when your employer gives you your pet your pay stub but there's four different names on each different paper every single paper has a different name and a completely different address which makes it really weird what else we have three Visa prepaid gift cards which we'll definitely check out in just a few minutes another phone and then we get this to cuddle one I don't even try to get the Apple egg cut on let's see if we get the Apple to cut on probably not know much right now this one's dead but hopefully we might be able to find a charger somewhere that's not how do you want but this one is let's let that boot up and let's keep seeing it off so we define another prepaid card why does somebody need for prepaid cards you know why because they're untraceable and we also have look at this an LG battery to a phone I guess it goes to a phone like this so when this one dies out swap it out there's some weird stuff going on in this unit and literally we got what's that a set of keys that I don't really know what they go to what they're they're the key sets for a GM car so it's a car key let's see what's in this thing literally nothing really nothing there's nothing there oh there's a brand new the suitcase whisk here that is yeah what's this oh that's just that for that yeah in there let's see what this set of keys goes to this one's unmarked but another set of keys hmm look I'm gonna go to his messages I just got this thing on let's look at the messages on this phone it only has a little bit of battery left everything is deleted what about contacts everything is deleted something about that just doesn't add up let's go to menus and look at the gallery everything's deleted why why do you have a phone with the spare battery if you have a spare battery you're obviously using it for something I don't know what and you deleted everything off of it and then you have four cards and allow you to spend money without being traced a little shady there and then you have pasted up from four different people at four different addresses that doesn't seem right so I figured let's try to call out on this phone and see if it's actually activated and it's just everything to leave because if it's activating that's even weirder so I'm trying to call mama gee mrs. phone no okay that makes a little more sense it's dead it's not active but I have a feeling somebody was using this for something that they didn't want no one else to know about which is why they deleted everything on it and then throw in a soup and then I don't know I feel like there's something incriminating on either the iPhone or something because why I would look at this there they tried to pay this all multiple times before so they're trying to keep people away from something I just don't know what that something is but let's see if we got some money on these gift cards so the weirdness of the storage unit does not stop there we decided to put in the first gift card and check it they have eight dollars on them which is cool but the weird part was that it was loaded preloaded with two hundred twenty dollars in Tracy California which is a city fairly close to us but then two days later it was spent in Fort Worth Texas why would you load a gift card and then take it with you to go spend all of it in a single purchase in another state unless you are obviously buying something you don't want traced nothing about this unit adds up and this just adds to it the weirdness doesn't stop there so guess what I try to enter the information for the second gift card didn't work so I called it and what is the chance of the valence being six six six six dollars sixty six cents what is the chance of that unfortunately the website won't let me check that balance so I can't check their Purchase History on this card but one bought in a California spent the next day in Texas to 666 it's just getting weird check the last two gift cards one of them had nothing on it one of them had $3 so we got about 17 dollars in gift cards which is that's cool whatever the next weird thing is I looked up the iPhone so we typed in the IMEI number which apparently is like Apple's way of letting you look up the phone we looked it up it's an iPhone 6 but the weird thing is is it has though where's my iPhone app enabled I found tons of iPhones and storage units but I've never found one that actually had this feature and evil so hopefully you Apple people out there can enlighten me I don't use Apple no one in our house uses Apple so because that gives somebody the ability to track where I'm at because I'm in possession of the phone because based on the information we found on this guy I really do not want this dude track in the air and being able to find out where at it's a little bit creepy so somebody please enlighten me on that all right so that's all we got for this unit before we go guys let me know what you think is going on with this down in the comments below because I seriously have no idea what this guy could have been up to but whatever it is it isn't good and don't forget if you're new to our channel and you love you storage units you like hearing the background stories of these crazy people make sure you subscribe leave the video like we literally upload pretty much every single day you'll see craziness all the time like the video helps us out a ton and until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 44,616
Rating: 4.8599696 out of 5
Keywords: criminal storage unit, storage unit, criminal storage hunters, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage unit finds guns, storage unit wars, abandoned storage unit guns, i bought a drug dealers storage unit, i bought a storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, i bought an abandoned storage unit, storage auction, storage auction locker, storage hunters, storage wars, found in storage locker, auction hunters, opening mystery boxes, treasure hunting
Id: 3pUmSUfdHms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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