TRYING TO BECOME RICH ON FACTIONS! | Minecraft Factions | Archon | Amber

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all right guys before this factions episode starts i just wanted to let you know like this was like kind of two videos combined so it's probably gonna be a longer factions episode and that is because i started recording a video and then it was just super hard to get rotated back into the faction because it is smaller factions this season and you only have a certain amount of roster kicks every single day so i talked about it a little bit later in the video as well but yeah it was really really hard to get rotated into the faction so this one is just going to be a super long factions episode it's pretty much two videos combined into one so the first couple of clips you guys are going to watch is actually before tnt and abel's and then halfway through the video tnt actually enables because it just took days to get rotated into the faction sometimes which was super annoying but it is what it is so yeah anyways go ahead and enjoy today's extra long factions episode yo guys what is going on it is royal here today back for another episode of the faction season now guys it has been a minute since the last episode right like maybe like four or five days at the time i'm recording this i'm recording this on friday morning it is literally 1 30 in the morning at the time i am recording this video now what wait wait hold up what is this guy this guy looking at bro bro i don't know if this guy wants to 1v1 or something he's in africa our main competition this season but anyways guys a lot of stuff has happened since the last episode the reason why there hasn't been an episode in so long is because they added the f roster and it was like super confusing i think it took me like three days to even get rotated into the faction so it was a bunch of issues but i am finally back on all right you guys know me i am a grinder so this episode i'm pretty much going to be focusing on money but because obviously i am just a member in the faction i don't really have access to sell these spawners so we have multiple things we need to work on to become a rich without using any spawners but before we even hop into that if we actually or he's probably not in the faction right now yeah if we do slash scene jewel fish on this guy he was online 14 hours ago jewel fish if you guys remember him i had a versa series against him on skyblock he actually hopped on factions and he joined our biggest enemy aka africa so this is actually going to make things very very interesting because tnt is actually enabling today i'm not sure if tnt enables really going to be in this video but if it is we are definitely going to see him outside his base maybe even inside his base all right but anyways let's go ahead give you guys the rundown of everything that we have right now slash or wait slash f warp this is the f warp to the base right here now there are some interesting defenses on here i saw from candy's videos oh right over here we have a oh this is africa's claim i was about to say africa already has a box set up on us with safe rooms and everything okay that is interesting but over here is our base we do have follower traps down here and stuff and the base is you know pretty basic just some walls until we get to this right here i don't really know what the is this meant for patching i honestly have no clue what these are and then over here we have buttons i think this is to break sand not a thousand percent sure you guys know i am not a candidate on factions definitely not a base builder just you know kind of a pvp or slash grinder but yeah for some reason we have buttons on these walls this is like pretty much the only thing different that i've actually never seen on factions before so if you guys know what this does definitely let me know down below in the comments because i am curious i always like learning about bass defenses and stuff but yeah whenever new tech drops like your boy is clueless bro i don't know what this is but other than that the bass is just completely done again tnt is enabling today we have some of our um cannons printed in i think if i do slash rome yeah got a cannon printed in right there and i still don't know if our biggest enemy africa is even good at force rating i'm probably gonna find out this season but just beware i am not the best patcher okay i actually don't think i've ever been online whenever we've been raided but maybe the season's gonna be different because i am here to help this faction out as much as possible but yeah pretty much the base unfortunately we don't have any roof art going over here but check out all of these spawners that we have in the base bro this is actually the richest faction on the server if you guys didn't know and these are just uh member boxes it looks like and my frames drop in this base heavy because of all the spawners that we have in here but if i just go ahead hit a slash f potential top we have 18 billion dollars of f top africa our main comp has 10.4 billion that is pretty much the rundown of everything that has gone on off camera what the why is this dude t-posing bro what is this guy doing i don't know how to do like dances like that on lunar like i literally have no clue oh do you have to buy them i don't but anyways guys this episode is going to be focused on money i'm going to grind out a ton of money for this faction i don't think i'm going to get bow top i could have if i got rotated in earlier but if we do slash about top now yeah bow top is like 460 mil and i'm pretty sure those are just like faction leaders with a bunch of spawners place also in the last episode if you guys watched it we were working on this auto cell harvester hoe now in this episode i'm probably going to be maxing this thing out this is going to take hours and hours of grinding though to max out but it does make you a lot of money i know sugarcane is just sugar cane but whenever you max out this hoe right here you make a ton of money now there's another way to make money without spawners but that requires pvp and currently i don't think my faction is actually running end so i'm not gonna head there just yet but here in a couple hours i'll i'll probably just go solo if i have to to grind out some money because if you go warp end there is a chance for a lot of profit over there and right here shout out to the faction they have a fix all command that i can just give away if you guys want to come check out the server you can also use code royal on arkhan's bicraft to get yourself a free first rank on any realm on the arkon also if you guys want to support me in any way which is super super appreciated use and yeah if you want to win this fix all command just comment your ign be sub to the channel be using my ip all that stuff just something extra that the faction had that they said i could give away so we will go ahead and do that but anyways right now it's 1 40 in the morning so not too much is going on i'm gonna go ahead mine a bunch of kane and let me slash upgrade i still have like 300 000 essence but i don't really think i yeah i can't really upgrade anything because we want to upgrade extraction and we want to upgrade this upgrading revitalization is just going to make you more money whenever you're farming cane obviously you guys can see drops one to four sugar cane every single time you mine them and it's an auto sell hoe so you don't even really have to pay attention so i'm gonna go ahead take a cut i'm going to work on maxing out this hoe and then i'll show you guys how much money a maxed out hoe actually makes so yeah i'm gonna take a cut i'm gonna grind this out and i'll see you guys in a bit all right guys so now i have been grinding kane for a couple of hours and if i take a look at our harvester hoe right here we have a completely max one i mean all these other enchants don't really matter we have the two upgraded to the max and we got 54 million dollars from strictly grinding sugarcane completely safe you can just do it while watching something like it was super super simple but now we are going to do a method that's a little bit more risky but we'll pay you a lot more we are actually going to be going to the end and i'm going to show you guys how much money grinding silverfish actually makes because it is insane but first i got to get rotated back into the faction so i'm going to go ahead and take a cut right here and i'll bring you guys back when we are ready to go end all right guys so right now we're actually gonna go ahead try and take over and i don't really know if anybody is here but uh i mean i'm not really worried about it i don't really pvp anymore but i still hold my own on regular faction yo i'm worst bow booster and a bro jesus christ okay so it's looking pretty clear right now you guys can see all the silver fish spawners now this place makes so much money and it makes even more money if you have this maxed out grinding sword right here this is a tier three silverfish sword the way to get this is it's honestly pretty easy just slash p shop right here all you have to do is kill 5 000 silverfish which might sound kind of hard but whenever you're in a really good fashion like mine it's really not that bro this guy is tweaking yoho but obviously the higher the tier this sword is the more nether stars these silverfish are gonna drop that sell for a ridiculous amount of money so let's go ahead this is the tier 2 sword right here we're going to go ahead kill 20 of those things half a stack another stars right over here we have 75 in the stack if we just start grinding oh bro you're not serious bro if you get this captured while someone pulls up on you it's actually chocked bro but yeah it's at 74 i'm gonna go ahead kill about 20-ish of them boom and then right there we have a stack and a half of netherstars so let's go ahead and just grind all of these out really quickly just to see how many other stars we get from just like 60 of these things oh my god wait bro we just killed those two stacks and we already almost have a full inventory i'm going to throw some pots again if we get ganked this could be bad so this is why the strategy is pretty risky yeah just look how fast my inventory is filling up with netherstars this is already so much money in my inventory right now it might even be a mill i don't know about a mill exactly but it is still a lot if we compare that tier 3 max silverfish sword to a regular sword you guys can pretty much just tell the difference right here like we just killed a ton of those things and only have barely over a stack there are 90 over here this is probably gonna fill up my inventory because i switched back to the tier three look how much faster this is so i'm curious to see how much money we even have on us right now because i don't want to get rid of all of my pots just in case somebody like africa or something decides to pull up yeah oh my god bro my inventory is stacked bro who is this guy dude i'ma just leave him he's not comp right there definitely not comp we should be chilling all right i just had sim campbell jump through the end portal because you actually have to jump through exit to even sell and then right here i think you can just sell all and that in a couple minutes was worth four million dollars that is insane so yeah guys i'm pretty much just gonna farm here i'm gonna keep making trips i do need to keep a little bit of pots here because i don't want tim campbell just watching over me 24 7 while i'm here because i should be chilling if it's a 1v1 i obviously don't have a lot of pots so i can just call in the faction and i can hold my own for a little bit but anyways yeah i'm gonna take a cut i'm going to max out this tier 2 because he just gave this to me that tier 3 was actually his sword so we actually need to kill 20 000 silverfish right here to get the next tier but honestly shouldn't be that hard it's two in the morning right now it's really really late so not a lot of pvpers are actually online but uh yeah this is just gonna keep me in the road to becoming rich and i will see you guys after i am done farming here or maybe get ganked all right guys so since the last clip you know i was grinding silverfish for a couple of minutes and then someone pulled up with a bard granted i had a bard as well but guys pvp on here is insane you drop hearts so fast compared to like onix like i'm used to onix around pvp this realm is way different bro let me tell you the amount of damage you take is insane and the worst thing about it is i died to someone in africa i mean it was ggs bro we even 1v1 again after that i am just bad at pvp on here bro it is definitely going to take some getting used to for sure and unfortunately guys tnt has now enabled at the time i am recording this and my faction ended up unclaiming their sugarcane farm and i am not even in the faction to go and try and grind some more silverfish it's honestly probably going to take forever to get rotated back in which is why that was like the first half of the video that i couldn't really complete because we didn't really get battle top so now we move into the tnt part of the video and this was insane as well so the next clip is going to be the first clip of tnt whenever i logged on and yeah go ahead and enjoy that alright guys so right now i am actually at the rain oh my god that kid was so close to freaking dropping i'm actually gonna bring out a cake really quickly i'm gonna back up yeah right now i'm at the raid dude hold up i have to slash fps and uh turn that off on that off okay our fps should be a lot better because that tnt is dropping my fps heavy but anyways guys right now we are at the raid um we are raiding africa our biggest enemy jewel fish even joined this faction okay and on the server if you guys didn't know you do damage on here if you have a bard or just a god set in general to be honest like i was one be wanting somebody on here and let me tell you i was not ready for the amount of damage you actually take on here so we got to make sure that we do not quick drop man that is pretty much the main goal right now we are force rating them apparently we're like 11 chunks in but i asked in chad if we were raiding or getting raided and they legit said both so i don't know where all of our numbers are split exactly or the split that's going on but this guy's actually focused in the faction he has the uh the lower water advantage so let's go ahead get down here where's the cake go ahead see we can knock this guy off oh my god bro i have to turn off my particles because i can't see anything whenever that tnt hits bro like at oh wait okay we knocked him down we knocked him way down there all right let's go but i'm turning off my particles real quick because i actually can't see anything okay particles are off we should be good this cake comes in clutch whenever you're trying to force trade because you just kb them off and then they can't patch we got another dude patching first wall come here i'm trying to hit him that way oh my god he like didn't really take kb right there oh yeah you see that bro like you take damage on here man sometimes if somebody's low it's just worth it to go at him without the uh the cake because you take so much damage i'm bodyblocking this guy though we should be good no way they are debuffing bro i knocked another one off peace let's go yeah anyways guys on regular factions force rating takes hours so i'm probably just going to cut the video right here and we're going to grind this out if anything interesting happens because i could very easily quick drop or quick drop somebody what is this um all right that guy just died i'm not even gonna go for the set that was weird for sure but anyways it's the first day of tnt i am not a thousand percent sure if we are going to get in this guy's low oh my god he got but anyways it is the first day at tnt so i am not really sure if we are going to get into this base yeah i'm gonna go ahead and take a cut right here if we get deep into the base with any updates i will bring you guys back all right guys so unfortunately our cannon ended up blowing up and uh yeah we got like 11 chunks in i think somebody said i could be wrong about that i'm not in the discord call because i'm watching a basketball game i'll join up uh has like five minutes left or whatever but apparently we're setting up on them once again but uh yeah that faction is actually pretty good because this is our base walls because apparently our buffer cannon didn't end up working and yeah they were shooting at us for five hours one of our members said which is insane so our walls are absolutely trashed right now we should probably get to i mean we're already fixing them up but yeah we got some work to do on these walls this is not going to be fun to fix yeah we need people there's a lot of them stall for another everybody's keeping everybody everybody i'm here yo what are you doing yeah keep it busy didn't expect me there did you bother all right well yeah any uh oh don't do that oh that any pvp skills i probably should take off the damage to be honest it's probably a dumb idea literally all yo it comes they're all trying to get penguins out look at him look at him yo the parts at five on hold on literally playing dude we can pull them we can bow them oh you could just weather them either move move the kid can't pull out hold on unboxed i will 100 percent go straight back in there switcher me i dare you we can't get you out if you do yo there's a button here you act like i care yeah i don't have a sharp seven or a damage setup i'm gonna get up and you get my head and you can strengthen it yeah wait bro hold on i killed him i killed him another one jumped down on me another one jumped out like really i'm here i'm gonna pee i can pick up your through the corner do you see where i am it's fine we're hitting each other oh my god never i'm not really getting it holy sh so many kids down there yeah yeah hold on hold on um put put nebula on the same nest we gotta clean we gotta claim here hold on i'm coming i'm coming i'm right here right here let's go let's go come here let's go oh god bro uh someone should check west to be honest nice boxing like a fish kind of freaked out walks like a fish what'd you say waffle i pour them on me so free i got my helmet on let's go all right guys so after that little pvp clip we were getting raided and uh yeah their cannon ended up blowing up or i don't even know if we got in i don't know what happened i got like three kills i did end up dying once though but uh for some reason like fall damage decides when to work i don't know i don't know how it works on here because i was just jumping straight into our like little trap and i wasn't taking damage and then this one time i jumped in i took damage and died but the dude who like supposedly got the kill like i just died to fall damage he didn't really kill me he fell through bedrock like through the void so he got nothing anyways africa is definitely a lot better than i thought they were i think it's just because like the damage there's so much damage on here bro like if you have a bard bards give strength four and constant strength three so that's pretty much why everybody does so much damage and like vampire will take the enemies hearts and then give them to you at random points so you really gotta watch your health or you will quick drop either way though for the first little bit of tnt enable that was a lot of fun our shield is about to enable in 27 minutes so we will not be uh getting raided anytime soon looks like we're literally doing cops now um i don't even really know how to fix walls so i'm gonna let the faction work all of this out and uh yeah i'll see you guys in the next clip all right guys so after all of that crazy stuff we are going to take a break you know a nice little chill right over here whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is this guy doing bro what's up what's up buddy yeah so right now we are rating a faction this should be a pretty easy raid there's no bards um they are like f-top number four this guy's drinking pots if i drop to this kid i am uninstalling bro yeah right now we are pretty far into their base as you guys can very easily tell that guy's going to patch first wall this is literally you know just a practice raid get some reps in on this faction they're really trying to patch right now bro like just give it up dude like you guys are getting raided there's no point we're wasting both of each other's times here like come on man this guy placed a block inside of himself or something oh my god he almost dropped right there the dude was at four this guy said 4v10 at 4am how cringe can you get get a better roster bro wait bro did we already breach oh man wait hold up i don't know if i should focus i'm just going to go to the base this guy's still trying to patch they have like four people trying to patch right now man but we are so far another bit oh my god is this guy a quick dropper right here this guy is definitely a quick dropper oh we did already breach their main base oh wait there's actually an enemy right here i don't have a cake on me but i'm going to hit this guy down because he had no clue peace let's go wait hold on i'm going for him too oh wait what happened okay he fell even farther down i'm on this kid's head bro come on come on dude don't run away come on now oh free kills let's go what just bro what server just lagged my guy what was i don't know if that was me or what that was with this kid right here oh wait wait oh oh you oh you can't purl into that oh my god he's got a quick jump what is the naked doing bro come here buddy where are you going oh my god he's dead he's dead here look at him he's panicking i think his teammate might have jumped into that end portal bro i'm not even kidding but his boots broke he's just hitting us with a cake he's trying to get to the portal no he's gonna get there oh yo get him let's go okay he died the other dude literally jumped in their end portal at least i think i don't know i got like a fat lag spike oh there there's god gear in here wait hold up prot six we will actually take oh god sword literally free let's go yo these guys actually had loot in these chests oh all right hold up i gotta come catch some blaze spawners apparently really quickly um oh my god that is so far up there oh wait there's actually some spawners right there all right got two blazes this is a hard creeper egg i'm not gonna did he blow some up right there no it came straight down i am honestly just gonna take all of this prop six because you can just turn this into god gear so easily and these guys had a lot of it okay well that's that's prop 2 right there oh they had a switcher ball right here yeah that's actually not bad i will take that are there any any more in here if they actually come back i have like zero pots on me so that would be pretty bad but there's just so much free prot 6 here honestly though probably don't need all of it i'm just being greedy i don't know how much god sets they had in these chests but i did get a few pieces over here so i'm not complaining bro this was just a free raid that we did real quick oh wait yo we literally ended up i picked up over a stack of blazes and i didn't even notice so uh yeah ggs to this faction all right guys so those are all the clips that i have from tnt enable right but unfortunately off camera well it could have been on camera but uh i think we ran out of f roster kicks for that day and i legit couldn't get rotated into the faction whenever africa started raiding us again whenever our shield obviously ran out but long story short guys my faction broccoli ended up getting raided by africa listen i knew africa was the real deal from the first attempt that they tried raiding us i think i even mentioned it in the video i knew they were a solid faction from the first attempt this was my first map playing against them and yeah they were pretty good the thing that sucks is whenever we were getting raided we only had 12 out of 20 people online and i typed in the discord i was like yo if you guys need numbers i can hop on real quick i might put the screenshot of that on screen because i was online whenever we were getting raided but uh i just couldn't get rotated into the faction because i don't think we had any f roster kicks and africa had 20 out of 20 so it was a 20 v12 of course we were gonna lose that so if we do slash f top right now africa is on top of everybody it is not even close everybody on the server has pretty much been rated besides africa they have a minus ten percent because i think they got like two faction strikes or something like that but still shout out to broccoli for letting me play with them this map it was still a lot of fun unfortunately we got rated once again dude i mean you win some you lose some but i am on a fat losing streak right now so yeah guys i mean you know what can you do i couldn't even get into the faction to try and help them patch or anything like that help them pvp which really really sucked but uh yeah that's pretty much this faction season dude it was not a good one you know definitely could have done better but uh yeah it is what it is guys either way it is a g g's to africa again my first time playing against them they are some comp okay and with that being said if you guys did enjoy today's factions episode be sure you drop a like sub if you guys are new all of that stuff and yeah i guess i'll see you guys in maybe the next faction season
Channel: R0yal MC
Views: 22,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DuZowAu7VDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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