This Putting Stroke Tip Will Drastically Help Your Short Game!

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one of my favorite things to coach and teach is putting because it is a big part of the game and it's one of the easiest ways to lower your score and what i have found over 25 years of coaching and all due honesty it's where some of the worst information in terms of getting better live so we're going to change some of those myths and we're going to show you what you need to do and if you haven't already hey be sure to subscribe to our channel this is the place from you do me a favor be sure to tell a friend and leave a comment i respond to all the comments and some of my best ideas on what we should talk about are coming from you so be sure to leave a couple comments now let's dive right into this because this is something that i am really passionate about and this is something that is going to drastically change your game when it comes to putting so i'm going to talk about first of all the biggest myth in putting is that you should swing the putter straight back and straight through i'm going to disprove that today and i'm going to show you what you should be doing so i've got my i've got a putt set up here i've got about i'd say 9 10 foot putt i've got my live view set up directly on my intended line this is a straight putt all right for reference points and one of the things i love about live view is it's got this grid feature where i can put a line on so you can see right there i've got a line going right through the middle of the ball right towards the center of the cup for a straight putt now what you have been told is that you should swing the putter straight back and straight through now let me show you if i want to actually do that what i have to do to make that happen and why i think that's wrong so i'm going to set in here i've got my putter right in the center of the grid line there okay now if i'm just swing this putter straight back and straight through okay i'm going to keep it as close as i can on that straight line i'll see if i can do it with two hands it's hard to even do i'm gonna keep it straight there all right and i'm gonna go through and i'm gonna try to keep it straight down that line again now what i want you to notice from face on is i want you to watch my arms and specifically my wrists are my hands okay in order for me to do that i've got a distance right here between my hands i'm going to call my wrist and my center right here okay now at the end i'm going to give you a great drill to work on this and bring it all back home together so in order for me to keep this putter on that straight line i'm going to watch my live view here you're going to watch my wrist to my center right here right let's say for sake of discussion from here to here is let's just say it's two feet for sake of discussion now as i swing this back i want you to look at it and tell me is this distance between my wrists okay and my center getting longer or shorter we can tell it's definitely longer it might be up to three feet now but that putter is right along the line now i got to come back and i've got to bring it back in or i'm going to hit the ground if i want to keep it straight there we go okay now that does not look like the position i was in when i set up so if you're trying to keep that putter straight back and straight through you're gonna have to manipulate the angles in order to do that so one of the first things i look for is if people are not making solid contact they're not hitting the ball in the center of the putter something's changing okay they're set up right here right the putter's down by the ball and they're hitting behind it or they're hitting up on it it's because in my opinion they're trying to keep the putters straight back and straight through and they're having to change the radius of their arm so basically without a putter it looked like this in order to make the putter go straight back and straight through i'd start here at two feet i'd have to lengthen to three feet now if i keep that three feet what's going to happen okay i'm going to hit the ground right so now what i got to do i've gone from two feet to three feet now i better go back to two feet to make solid contact but yet i want to keep it straight going through so now i need to lengthen it back again so i'm going two feet three feet two feet three feet okay that is just not a recipe for success so what should we be doing well let me first of all say that a lot of this information i'm sharing with you right now and i'm going to bring up here the the famous pizza slice is something i learned from david orr now david orr is one of the best putting coaches in the world if you haven't heard of him you should check him out google him he's got some great information out there he's one of the smartest guys when it comes to putting and so i'm gonna share with you right now on this tip is something that i learned from david so let me go ahead and let's bring up our handy dandy pizza slice the kids love this one it's a great visual to get a sense of what the putter should be doing so what i'm going to do first of all you can see it right here in the live view i'm going to go ahead and set my putter down is i'm going to set this up okay and what i'm going to do is if i want to swing that putter exactly straight back and straight through okay notice the angle that i have to set this pizza slice at straight up and down okay so in theory i guess if you wanted to swing the putter straight up and straight down excuse me straight back and straight through the putter shaft angle would have to be almost vertical 90 degrees straight up and down but people don't putt like this all right where do they putt they putt with a little bit of an angle so as you can see in the live view if i go from 90 okay and i start to work down a little bit this is right here this is the magic right here notice where that back side of the pizza slice goes it goes in and it goes up and notice where the front side is in and up okay let's go through it again because this is why you tuned into this video this would be straight back and straight through straight up and down putters are not built that way the vast majority of them are not they're at a little bit of an angle and when i go at an angle even though i haven't changed the pizza slice it's still the same size it's still pepperoni it's all the same stuff right i put it at an angle notice how it goes up and in so if i put the putter on that and this is the tip and i'm going to give you a drill here at the end two drills to help you do this so i'm at the angle okay and i swing that putter back all right let me get set in here let me get it actually lined up so now with the putter face there we go now the putter head is in line with the grid notice where that goes it goes in and it goes up back down in and back up now that is completely different than swinging the putter straight back and straight through so if you're trying to get set up i'll get set up in here again and you're trying to keep that putter perfectly straight perfectly straight you're going to have to really manipulate the radius the length and i haven't even talked about the face orientation in order to do that you're going to have to literally shut the face open the face okay and then shut the face again it's got way too much going on so what should you be doing well i've already learned with the pizza slice we want the putter to work on the same radius so if i'm set in here and this is the first drill you're going to do take your hands and match them up see how i got my knuckles like this they're in the same spot okay and i get set up here you can even see my hands right there on the bottom or top of the live view i'm going to maintain this radius and when i do that my hands work up and in back down up and in so even from your view right there you'll be able to see this here's my hands right okay i'm set in there i'm just gonna rotate on a nice radius a nice incline circle where do my hands go in and up right back down and back in and up so if i do that same thing with a putter in my hands and maintain that same radius that putter is going to swing up and in back down where it was and back up and in so let me go ahead and roll one here set up there okay and i actually made it first try no lie all right so how can we practice that that's the concept hopefully that's opening your mind a little bit hey be sure to leave a comment if you disagree with that that's okay tell me why and maybe you can teach me something but in my experience and learn from some of the best coaches in the world david for example this is what i have found works best for everybody all right so i've given you this drill right here right this is a great drill for you to do the other drill that i give a lot of my students is to swing the putter with just their dominant hand so for a right-handed golfer i'm going to swing with my right hand so i've got here in my right hand and i'm just going to swing the putter notice that on the live view there gosh this is why i like the live view you can just see it right there i can keep my head down i'm looking at the mobile device what is that i mean that looks pretty natural to me i don't know what it looks like from face on but notice that putter swings up and in back down and up and in okay if i was to do it straight back i'd have to do this and then this that doesn't look natural at all okay so the tip the drill you can do is just hit some putts with your dominant hand and feel like your hands work up and in because they'll naturally do that if they stay on the arc and back up and in so those are the two drills this one right here to work on maintaining your radius right hand only to work on the natural feel so next time you head to the golf course you work on your putting don't try to swing the putter straight back and straight through in my opinion and from some of the best coaches in the world that is not how the putter should be moving it's not how the best putters move the putter this tip right here remember the pizza slice it's a good visual for you and if you do those types of things you're going to start rolling the rock and start making a few more putts
Channel: US GOLF TV
Views: 232,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: putting stroke, putting, putting stroke down the line, golf putting tips, putting tips, golf putting, putting drills, golf putting stroke, golf putting technique, golf putting drills, golf putting lessons, putting drill, golf, putting lessons, golf putting stroke technique, how to putt, golf tips, golf advice, how to play better golf, golf lessons, online golf, david orr, david orr putting, david orr putting stroke, todd kolb, todd kolb golf, todd kolb putting
Id: BvIQKOxvK3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2022
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