7 STUPID putting MISTAKES most golfers make!

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in this video i'm going to show you seven mistakes golfers make with the putter i'm going to show you how to fix them so you do not make those mistakes anymore and therefore hold more puts now all these seven points i'm going to talk about are equally as important especially number seven but let's start off with the first one and it's actually before you go and play golf how many times do you see a golfer make the mistake of getting to the practice putting green throwing a few balls down and just simply hitting to a hole with if i'm honest with you not a lot of structure just basically for no reason whatsoever just putting them towards a hole not too bad however if i'm dead honest that's not the best time to the best use of time before you go out and play the best thing you should do is work out the speed of the green today the day that you're playing golf and to do that dead simply set up to the side of the green and you're going to start off short and without really thinking about where the ball is going to finish in line direction your objective is to get the ball to finish as close to the first cut off the green as possible this is a great drill to help you figure out the speed of the green that day so you can get a really good gauge that one's a great one to start off with and you can go further back just trying to work on pace of put so that's a little bit hard so i'm learning from that i'm getting knowledge of the speed of the greens before i go and play today the trick is don't make the mistake of just getting to a practice putting green that's pretty good and aimlessly hitting towards holes with no real structure take time learn the speed of the greens that day and that simple drill will help you do just that so out on the golf course a mistake i see golfers make is don't take enough break into consideration so i've got a little right to left put here i see a lot of golfers make the mistake of not giving enough respect to that break so for example if i put this just on the right edge and put it towards the hole the lightness i've not read enough and it starts moving away from the hole it's never stayed on the top side you might hear it on commentary on tv it's the the promise is to try and get it finishing past the hole on the top side as it starts to swing so next time you're on the golf course read more into it it's a right to left foot yes so i'm going to aim slightly higher up on that hill there's advantages to that the ball's gonna be falling towards the hole and generally golfers will under read it as opposed to over read it feel like you're giving it more break start swinging more towards the hole you're not always going to get it in but you're going to give yourself a much better chance [Music] oh how many times playing golf would you have your playing partners go oh good effort at least you got it to the hole never up never in now as much as there's some truth to that statement that last one never never in i've also left myself an unbelievably difficult putt coming back now for most amateurs have this idea of minimizing your mistakes yes you want to give it a chance of going in there's nothing wrong with that but you'd rather have a tapping for your next port than that horrible six seven foot of coming back even though you had your playing partners go great effort at least you gave it a shot what you need to be aiming to do is get it as close to the hole as possible give it a chance yes but if this ball finishes a tapping distance away i would rather have that put every single day now your playing partners might not be impressed with that and goes you didn't give it enough of an effort but believe me i'd rather tap that in for par than try and hit that return put which is much much harder [Music] this length of put a lot of golfers hate and they make some fundamental mistakes because in a put like this you're thinking to yourself well there's no reason to miss this it's fairly short there's not gonna be a lot of break in it there's no real reason why it should be missed and because of that we then fill our mind with negative thoughts we'll be stood over this golf ball thinking oh please don't miss imagine what this is going to do to my scorecard imagine what my playing partners are going to think of when stood over a put like this and guess what that doesn't particularly fill you with great confidence that's a big mistake what you want to be doing is replacing all of those negative thoughts with some positive reinforcement here's a really great tip whether you do your practice puts to the side of the ball or whether you do it behind the golf ball what i'd like to do is imagine that every single practice stroke is the actual shot you're about to hit so as i take my practice stroke here i'm imagining that's the ball i've hit and it's rolling and it's going in the hole i do another practice putt it's rolling going in the hole another practice push rolling going in the hole and every single time i'm almost hearing the ball going in the hole all the time that massively raises your level of confidence then when you stand over the ball all you're going to do is repeat what you've already seen you know it's going to go in you've got that confidence and you can knock it right in the middle of the hole don't make the mistake of thinking negatively replace it with positive reinforcements these next three are super important [Music] so many golfers when they put towards the hole it misses do this as soon as they hit and it misses head up in the sky hand on the face looking at the playing parts going could you can you believe that mist problem with that and this is the mistake is now i don't know what happens that golf ball wants it missed and we can learn a lot from what happens once it missed how did it break was it going downhill uphill we need to learn from that you watch the best players in the world when they miss a port they are watching it go past intensely because as soon as that ball misses they want to know what it's done they want to know how it's broke how did it swing past the hole how did it break because then you can use that information to hold the put coming back don't make the mistake of just looking away blase study from even the shots when it misses because it will help you hold more puts on the return everyone knows when you hit a driver or an iron out the middle you get the best performance we might not do it as often as we'd like but when we hit it we just know it's perfect there's no difference with a putter let's picture you've got a 30 foot port if you're hitting the middle of the putter phase you're getting the best most consistent ball speed and the most consistent roll as soon as you start to deviate from that center hit more towards the toe of the heel performance will drop off your ball will finish nowhere near the hole just by simply not hitting the middle of the putter dead simple tip to help this a couple of pieces of blue tack one on the toe one on the heel and practice hitting the middle of the face you can do it at home on your carpet you can do it out before you go and play it's a great drill to help you find the middle and therefore get more consistent rolls and whole more ports [Music] i'm going to show you how this old monkey tea peg that i've just found at the bottom of my bag could help you put better what are mistakes i'll see a lot of golfers make when they put into the hole they just put to the hole as a whole the idea you want to aim small miss small this is a great drill try this next time you go and play instead of actually aiming for a hole stick a t-peg in the ground and put to that this idea that you're trying to minimize what you're aiming for because if i only just missed that t-peg i know that's pretty much going to go in the hole if i knock that t-peg over i can absolutely guarantee that would have gone in the center of the cup don't just aim at the hole as a whole aim small miss small and then when you go out there and play golf it'll feel like you're putting a pee into a giant bucket another thing you can also do even if you're at home it's a great drill and just flip the tee peg over stand it up on its other end like that and you can still put to a horrible manky tee and improve your putting even when you're at home
Channel: Rick Shiels Golf
Views: 1,774,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Golf, Golf Tips, Golf Advice, How to play better golf, Rick Shiels PGA, Rick Shiels golf, review club lesson, Golf lessons, Manchester, Rick Shiels PGA Golf Coach, Online golf, facebook golf, twitter golf, rickshielspga, rickshielsgolf, tiger, woods, Rory Mcilroy, Stop slicing, stop hooking, how to play golf, improve ball striking, stop shanks, reduce handicap, become a better golfer, Golf balls, Titleist, Callaway, Taylor Made, Ping
Id: PaEk_usPQ5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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