THIS is the MOST IMPORTANT THING in Putting, Mike MALASKA on Be Better Golf

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it looks like if I hit that ball over that little spot and I look it looks like it's gonna miss the hole to the left looks like I would go right about here thanks for clicking the video I'm back here at superstition mountain with my flask at air elbow there Mike okay there we go alright Mike so so a couple years ago just with my cell phone at the very end of the day we did a video about putting that probably like but there were some missing elements to that to totally complete the picture and then there are some things to maybe add additionally to that and I wanted to get in a bit better production value when it comes to putting what's the most crucial thing you know I've studied putting almost as much as I've studied full swing because through my career I was a good lag putter I made most of my three footers but from say 3 feet to 15-20 feet relative to the other guys I didn't make nearly as many putts close everybody used to say well you've got a great stroke you know everything's good I don't know maybe you miss read him no I read the putts right so what was what was the problem well in my opinion the most important part of cutting is your ability to see line correctly your ability to see line overrides what your stroke does or doesn't do because your ability or inability to see line is what directs what your gonna do with the putter see your eyes perceive your brain receives your body reacts so what your eyes see is is the task or the target line better be the right one which most people have never practiced it the line they see isn't right which I would that's what's happened to me my whole career they fixed me supposedly well-intended but where they moved me made line not look right so that under pressure I wouldn't trust what I was looking at so I would get right to the ball and you did you know I call it the vomit zone you know you get right here and you can just feel that little uneasiness just enough to miss hit it just enough where you're on the edge instead of in the hole so what is that so your stroke can be really good if you don't see line correctly you're not going to make a lot of putts so the thing that I've heard a lot is that you can have lots of different things about your putting stroke but the main everybody should be holding a ball above their eyes let it go and it should hit the ball wear it wear big your eyes should be directly over the line wrong true or false what do you think well that couldn't be worse okay then so I mean that's gonna be poison for some fantasy that's going to be in one of my top 10 worst fundamentals in the history of golf get your eyes directly over the line that you're putting on Yeah right hardly anybody on tour is there they're anywhere from a quarter inch to nine inches inside the line and and anywhere from a half inch to nine inches to the left to the right of the ball and I'm gonna put this exactly face on to you because as I think in the other video one thing that wasn't coming across was not only the in and out of of how far you stand from it but also the the depth to going this way yeah it's interesting so right now what I have here and this is how I kind of figured this out and it wasn't me believe me that night there really isn't anything I've figured out it's been whether it's golf swing or pudding or whatever it's been somebody has shown me something and most of its been from people outside of golf that has okay that's why this works so this was a developmental ophthalmologist that helps me with this and he came out and here's what he asked his are you a good putter I said well I putt well but I don't make as many as I should were you ever really good I said we I was really good why was a kid do you have the putter you used to use I said yeah he goes get it and meet me out at the golf course so I come out and this was the first thing he did to me so he took it a string and he put a string over the top of the ball straight to this hole on a dead straight putt which this one is yeah and then what he did is he put see I put a little tee in the ground right here which if the center of that string goes over the center of the ball right over that spot it goes right straight into the hole mm-hmm so you know that's on line and then he tapped that down so it wouldn't affect the role of the ball the center of that ball goes over that the center of that and that's a straight putt the ball is going in the hole yeah has an interest so that is a perfect secondary target so then here's what he asked me he said okay now what I want you to do is I want you to get set up to the ball now at the time at the time he was doing this I had been trapped into my entire professional career what you just did yeah now it wasn't necessarily they didn't tell me that that ball from the bridge of my nose had to hit the ball but it had to hit right on the target line like a continuation continuation so I had learned I would set up for hours I go okay that's for my eyes need to be now the problem when I come up here and I set my eyes like over the over that line and I look at that ball and I look at that spot it looks like if the ball hit that spot it looks like I would go right about here I'm gonna put this right where your eyes are if I put my eyes directly over that it looks like if I hit that ball over that little spot and I look it looks like it's gonna miss the hole to the left mm-hmm so what I would end up doing in my stroke is I take the putter back and I'd get right here and that that line look left so what would I do I'd push it just a little bit so we would start right Center and catch the lip and spin out there's no matter how much you trust it you had that little creeping down in your head cee-trust that's a very funny word right okay so Trust is based on success and your subconscious tends to believe what it sees remember I said your eyes perceive your brain receives your body reacts so if you're standing over this ball and you track that line and that doesn't look right when you get right here your subconscious is gonna try to help you because it wants to it wants to keep you from harm right so it makes a little teeny correction well that little teeny correction if you've studied putting a half a degree or a degree off face here at that distance you missed the hole so it doesn't take much yeah so his question was do you have your old putter I said yeah he's just go get it it was an old bullseye it was four degrees or three degrees flat where did I stand right here where my eyes now well let me see Mike if I if I take a ball where you are I'm going to drop a ball right from in between your eyes yeah you're considerably on the inside and end back here okay so this is where I stood when I was a kid well when I stand here all of a sudden that ball going over that spot that spot looks like it's in line with the hole now as soon as I made this adjustment it was I just about to turn 50 going to the Senior Tour school that particular year I I could I should have made the tour I finished like eight you know I finished second in the first qualifying won the second qualifying and I was in third place or fourth place going into the sixth round of the finals of the tour school senior tour school that's the hardest tour to make yeah not a lot of spots what happened to me was by putting my swing was better I had some understanding like that but this as soon as I moved away from the ball and I allowed myself to put my eyes where it looked right for me and putt from there I started making putts because then as I hit a putt the line looked right so I could commit to it my whole career I spent with my eyes up here putting on chalk lines and no strings and all that the chalk line actually looked like it was banned when I would stand here that it didn't look straight it looked like it had a curve in yeah you stand and I've seen I've seen that before you stand back here and you're like good good yeah these ten over here and you're like why is it going that way yeah it looks yeah okay so so here's the other thing I learned from this so the ability to see line is critical so if you look at all the best putters they're always they they do what they call adjusting I asked Jack what's golf he says golf's a game of emotion and adjustments so when Jack putts what does he do he picks a spot now he gets up there and he goes like this here's Jack's putting stroke and then he goes like this and he sets the putter in and he looks now if that's he knows that spots right and because that's his whole task is to hit it over the spot but if he looks and the spot doesn't look right what does he do he muff he moves a tux's chin moves around until the spot goes like that okay so show that to the camera here until the spot you know he's looking at the ball now if he's looking at the ball in the spots here and he's trying to putt at you he's not going so he adjusts his eyes until this happens where the ball in the spot and the target light and as soon as that happens hits an over his spot game over right right because at that point if he hits it over his spot in his mind he made the putt so you're standing here and you go okay I know that spots right so you come up here and what I do now was with with everybody is the first thing you said is your eyes right so where do my eyes have to be for that spot to look right there that spot looks perfect now once I've identified what that is now I set the putter in then I set my body up to fit then all I do is boom hit the ball over that spot or if we took the line I aim the line I know the lines correct mm-hmm so when I come up here before I ever put the putter in now some guys make practice strokes which is fine but you'll see Tour players that make practice strokes they then go like this they'll go what do they do it well the putter they're there they're getting their eyes where the line looks right and as soon as the line looks perfect right there now I set the putter in then I set my body up to fit and then what am i doing roll the line right now that was a perfect putt that actually broke a little to the right but I couldn't hit that any better yeah you're you're also a couple inches off a perfectly straight right from my point is everything lined up the line look good and so I could commit to the line and then I just roll the line if I hit that putt right there in my mind I made it the hole it doesn't matter because I saw the line correctly I rolled the ball that's it that's a good putt whether it goes in or not is not relevant if going in is the only measure of success for a 10 foot putt or a 30-foot putt you're gonna have very small amount of success to feed from but if just rolling rolling it end over end over your spot is the measure of success you can do that in ninety plus percentage I will see in these four players if they stand up in two balls like this and they line the ball most all of them use the line now so if they set the line up and they hit a putt and the line does this the pen wobbles yeah but the ball goes in the hole still they like it they'll they'll go okay I got lucky they're not gonna be ok with that they're going straight to the putting green to figure out why the ball isn't rolling mm-hmm now when people say well the only thing that's important is the ball going in the hole I agree with that however there's some things you have to be constant with to have that happen more often yep one is you better see line correctly because if you're standing over the ball and you track with your eyes and the line you think you have to put on isn't the right one then the only way you make a putt is by miss hitting it if you come up here okay so I got this thing there's a reason I'm wearing this thing so I got this thing on my head and but let me let you leave it on your head and let's do this first yep okay so you know this is right at the ball at the hole is it at it correctly no not really it don't mean the ball needs to go that's that's totally perfect okay come back here is there you would agree that this if that center of the ball goes over the center of that it's going in the hole yeah all right now I'm gonna cover this so you don't know where it is okay now you come up and just take your normal setup yep so once you take your normal setup now track with your eyes aligned straight to the hole and then back to the ball okay okay now when I move my hand is that white spot on that line no it's a little too far to you're screwed yeah see yeah and people say well it's a little off well see a quarter of an inch off here yeah it's about that far off of what I thought off when you get to the hole you're right so that that spots got to look perfect alright so how do i calibrate it to like I saw you moving around to look what does that process look like well when you come up first of all before you ever put the putter in step in with your right foot take the putter out of your right foot and find a spot with your head in your eyes whether it's behind it inside of it whatever it happens to be where that spot looks like it's aimed mm-hmm okay and then once you find it tell me when you find the spot mm-hmm so if the center of the ball goes over the center of that tee I'm making this putt so that's got to look right where is it would use it look good there mmm hold on a second yeah that looks good there now set the Potter in set your body up to fit that's what you're trying to move up to it you're it that'd be about good all right go ahead actually I'm with my feet now huh don't I yeah yeah then I'll roll it over the spot perfect yep right over the tee okay now where'd it you were a lot further away and a lot further behind the ball than you normally are yeah okay hairs would be my deal you better get there and people say well now my putter doesn't fit get another putter okay that'll be more important than getting up if you can't see line correctly the chances that you're going to be consistent with making putts is is very small now there's some good putters on tour that don't see line really well but what do they do they practice for hundreds of hours a week hit and putts right they've learned how to make a compensation and Trust it so there are a few that can do get away with that but the majority can't and the thing about eyes is your eyes change a little every day so your eye is this fluid and when the fluid in your eye changes it changes your depth perception a little bit so you have to be willing to make little adjustments to make so that the optic of your eyes sees the line the same all the time so I trust my eyes more than I trust the position now what I mean by that is I set the line so I know the lines right so this is like now beyond calibration this is like on the course how to do it this is on the course yeah so I know this is a straight putt I aim the line so it's aimed right straight at the hole so now all I'm going to do is I come up here and I actually come in from this angle so it's easy for me to keep the line in play I don't ever get I don't come over here and come in this way so this is just easier for me to come in from here so I come in and the first thing I said is my eyes now right there the line looks good okay then I set the putter then I set my body to fit and then all I do is roll the line and I met I make putts like crazy now because everything is comfortable and everything looks good if somebody's get it feeling comfortable they're seeing the line but it's wobbling what drill do you have for golfers to wear to make it I'll get end-over-end a little bit there's only two things that can make the ball wobble this lots of putting yourself as well on the last peg off oh yeah it's a full game complement of everything like as learner industry many years of golf instruction in playing and so go to moleska golf comm there's a special promo code to get a discount off of an intro to that website through this link which is written in one of these corners thanks button thanks Mike another elbow there well it's see you later thanks bye bye
Views: 1,600,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, be better golf, golf instruction, how to be better at golf, golf tips, how to break 80, mike malaska, golf swing, 3 putt, how to golf, golf for seniors, golf for beginners, putting, pga tour, bebettergolf, how to make more putts
Id: BHu53GYM42o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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