Create Effortless Power By Slowing Down Your Golf Swing (Golf Drill)

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isn't it every golfer's dream to have a silky smooth golf swing that hits the golf ball a long way Fred Couples Ernie L's both come to mind both effortless powerful looking golf swings well in this golf swing lesson I'm going to give you a golf swing tip on how you can hit the golf ball longer with both your irons and hand driver by slowing down your golf swing how you might be thinking let me explain if you want to hit the golf ball further then you have to be aware that you have to get all the power out to the end of the golf club the club head end now that might sound obvious but I see so many golfers on a daily basis not doing this right and what I mean by slowing down your golf swing to hit the golf ball further the part of the go swing that I'm talking about is your hands and your hands speed in the go swing your hands are going to be moving at a different speed throughout and ideally we want at the start your goal swing to start fast then they slow down then they speed up and then they slow down back to impact and let me show you this I've got my bag towel here watch this I'm going to roll it up a little bit like you used to do when you you're younger and you had that annoying sibling you want to give him a good whip on the leg to get them away from you roll a towel up do this yourself kchen towel bag tow whatever it might be I'm going to move my hand as fast as I can towards this camera and see if I get any Whip or crack nothing nothing nothing and that is moving my hand as fast as I can towards that camera now if I start to apply some brakes I go as fast as I can towards this camera apply some brakes slow my hand down and then start to put it back towards me that's where I'm going to get the energy out towards the end of this towel and get that whip who my sibling does not want to be near me now and I got this movement going on yeah you get away you annoying sister so that slowing down of my hand putting the brakes on and then pulling that energy back pushes all that energy out towards the end of the towel in that example and that's what you need in your gol swing to to get that energy out towards that club head to speed up your Club head speed and hit that gol ball further again with both irons and driver so how do we do it this relates to so many golf videos that I do and it starts from the start too many golfers start too St IC so with long hitters of the golf ball they're moving their hands fast at the start of their swing like I said a moment ago whereas golfers that I see day-to-day basis standard go over the golf ball dead static and then they take the club head back really slow then they get fast at the top and then they're all out of syn can't slow the club head down at the right time and that's where they lose their Club head speed and power longer hitters of the golf ball they're moving that club headed fast at the start of their swing they're getting ready they're moving around on the spot they're athletic I've talked about this so much before in my golf uh videos before and if you're a regular viewer you'll know that so getting athletic ready to start to take that club bed fast at the start of your back swing to then slow your hands down at the top of your swing and then you're going to speed them up you want your maximum h hand speed to be around this area arm parallel to the floor or sha parallel to the floor this sort of bracket this sort of window and you would have seen the split hand drill that Rory maoy does hands one at the top of the grip one at the bottom of the grip swing to the top and try and bend that shaft as much as you can as you get to that area of that fastest hand speed do it with driver you'll get loads more More Bounce in the shaft that's the sequence that we want to get and now we need to learn how to put on the brakes once we've sped up our hand speed on this down swing to this important area how do we now slow it down to get that speed out to the club Ed that is now how you're using the ground and pushing against the ground to slow those hands down think about it if I'm running another Direction I want to change dire Direction I am going to push in the ground hard to then move the opposite way and that is the same as the GOL swing as I'm swinging down with my fast hand speed all of a sudden I'm now going to put the brakes on and you'll see this loads especially with my driver swing my driver swing is 115 120 on a good day miles hour Club head speed and you think I if my club head's swinging at 12 20 M hour and it's swinging through I've Got to Now slow it down otherwise I'm going to let go of it I've got to slow that club down and start pulling back on it and once I've got my hand speed up to its maximum speed here now I'm going to start applying the brakes and that is pushing in the ground with my lead foot I'm push in the ground that starts to push back that now slows my hands down and puts the the energy out towards the end of that club and there's where you get your highest Club Ed speed and then after that I'm going to keep on slowing it down people who don't pushing the ground properly are going to be leaking power and those potential distances that you want to be hitting great feeling for both of these things the fast hands down to sort of parallel to the floor and starting to apply the brakes up to the top fast hands and pushing the ground at the same time so you're kind of squatting into the ground with fast hands get that feeling push down fast hands push down fast hands push down fast hands and then once you've done a few of those swing through with that feeling as well and there you'll start to see how my head starts to move backwards as I'm hitting this golf ball to start slowing my hand speed down to get that energy out towards the end of the club head if you want to start measuring these sorts of things there's loads of devices out there now that measure hand speeds you've got mobile apps as well that are doing it you've got watches that are doing it go and see what your hand speeds are where you get to your Peak hand speed and then if you're slowing it down fast enough by the time you're at impact honestly your transform how far you hit the golf ball with these sorts of feelings slower hand speeds means more distance let me know in the comments is hand speed something that you've ever thought about in your goal swing is it something that you've ever tried to change in your goal swing I'm not going to say that this is easy it definitely isn't easy to change this but if you do like I said you're going to increase that club head speed and start hitting that golf ball a lot further I'd love to know your thoughts in the comments down below and if you're enjoying the videos and the content make sure you're hitting that big red subscribe button hitting the thumbs up as it helps the channel and turn your Bell on so you get notified of when I upload all my new videos thanks all for watching I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Coach Lockey
Views: 302,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to play golf, how to hit a golf ball, golf swing basics, golf, coach lockey, channel, tips, drills, instruction, lessons, easy swing tips, easy swing drills, easy golf swing, downswing golf drills, backswing golf tips, effortless golf swing, driver swing tips, learn to strike your irons, chipping and pitching tips, improve driver strike, practice golf, how to practice golf, get better at golf, good golf practice, golf practice drills, be a good golfer, Golf reviews, golf tip
Id: ssn59xGBhSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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