Golf Putting Consistency Simplified: Learn How to Putt with These 3 Easy Steps

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I'm going to show you how to seriously improve your putting it's not complicated this is the art of simple Golf and I'm going to show you to be consistent to be repeatable and confident on the greens is way easier than you think every single one of you can become a better putter when you do this obviously there are so many variables when it comes to putting the course you're play The Greens the speed the slopes your age the length of putter so many things we can't always control but there's a couple of things we can do to ensure that we can execute our consistent stroke every time cuz you need to remember every putt is straight think about it for a second all you're tasked with when you have a putter in your hand is to start it on the line that you want at the pace that you want green reading that's a whole ball of wax but your only task that you can control is to start that putt on a straight line and this is how you're going to do it so I'm actually putting on the prime putt mat right this is actually a wonderful thing you can get for home obviously you can just do this on the carpet but this has a really nice true roll to it a nice speed and it's got some fabulous features with the style of the cups and the back stop to you know stop any Wayward hard putts it works really well now of course there's different grips we've got right hand below left left hand below right we've got the claw you got the pencil you got various grips I'm not talking about any of that I don't care about that all I want us to go through are some key checkpoints that you can rehearse that you can ingrain that you can repeat so when you go out on a golf course you have the necessary skills that you can repeat to execute the straight putt that you have chosen which is the goal right because we want to try and hit straight putts that's what we can control to do that we need a repeat repeatable stroke to have a repeatable stroke we need to have a repeatable setup and I'm going to show you some very important simple keys that you can practice at home to start dialing in that repetition all right so let's go on with it now the first tip shoes this might seem a little bit odd but the difference that putting on your carpet at home or whatever in your bare feet or flipflops or different shoes to you normally play in creates a variable a slight different difference in feel of what how we're interacting with the ground it plays more of a factor than I would say most people realize so even when you're just messing at home for a few minutes practicing your putting hopefully doing this wear your golf shoes as long as you don't tread mud through the house you should be all right and there's no spikes on the shoes obviously I don't have here but first tip get the right shoes on okay the next key that I want to talk about is not so much the specifity to say you've got to do it this particular way but what we want to try and find is a nice comfortable posture and balance all right what we're trying to do is not hinge at the waist too much we are just allowing ourselves to stay kind of neutral in the pelvis and just allow ourselves to bend from the thoracic spine a little bit here so we're not feeling too rigid or tight around the core CU we want our arms to hang naturally okay now this is where a bit of putting fitting comes in making sure you've got the the right length putter cuz you might find that when you hang naturally your putter might be too short and you've got to go down here and then suddenly that feels like a manipulation all we're trying to do is make sure that we get into a good comfortable position as far as weight distribution I would generally suggest about 60% on the front side almost feeling like you've got a bit more of a straight kind of firm left side here or lead side obviously if you're going that way it's going to feel like the left arm the left leg and this side is kind of a bit more solid all right and the only action that we're going to think about when I'm talking today is really just drawing this right shoulder back okay working from there and then pulling through with the left it's just it's not a tilting it's not a rocking it's a slight rotation but that is assisted by having a better setup if we're hanging back here we can tend to do this or we see a lot of Putters when when people are a bit too bent over for example right what's going to happen is they end up sort of steering it this way we don't want that either so having a nice balanced position left and right forwards and backwards we want stability so find your balance point let those arms hang okay that's going to give you a pretty good measure of where we need to be as far as posture goes all right at least on a basic level let's get on the next one grab yourself some tape or something to Mark the floor with hopefully isn't a Sharpie I'm going to say this word a lot but it's about repetition all of this is about repeatability and the more we repeat it in training the more we're going to repeat it automatically subconsciously cuz what we're trying to get away from is the the shuffling around trying to find the different placements because you'll be amazed that even a change in distance from the ball let's say I'm about a putter head away from the the ball here from my feet so I'm crouched over my head is way past it okay that's going to create a very different stroke rather than if I was to stand further away almost like a bit like a full shot okay I'm exaggerating here but you you know what I mean right so it's about like that and then we're kind of trying to lift it up or we flip through all sorts of stuff we want the distance that the ball is from our setup to be the same every time as much as we can make it how do we do that with our friend the tape so what you're going to do is take your feet and you're going to get into your setup position so you're going to take some tape and I'm going to put it over each foot here what that's going to do is show me where I'm going to place my feet right so that that's where my feet are that's my stance width about shoulder width uh away and I'm going to find my sort of balance point from here but I'm going to make sure that my tippy toes are always on the edge of that tape okay I'm not aiming for a particular hole here but we're just trying to make sure we get this correct but where does the ball go we get our setup we're going to make sure as a general guide you'll see from this way it's always pretty much going to be a standard grip length away that's a very good little measure and you can also drop the ball like from your ey line here and what we want to do is see where that lands and that was just on the edge of the putter grip which was kind of where it should be but I want the ball to be just a little bit on the outside of that why because that's going to help the arc stroke a little bit more rather than rocking backwards and forwards this way it's going to create more of an arc encouragement so we now place the ball just outside of the grip here okay just going to place it about there and what I have is I can put a little bit of tape there to signify the distance from the ball and automatically I've kind of put the ball in the correct ball placement left and right because if we go too far back that's going to change it if we go too far forward we pretty much want the ball position to be just sort of the ball to be just inside our left eye okay so that's where my left eye would be and that's a little bit too far ahead cuz that can cause us to lift up a little bit too much or not really strike the putter solid so it's going to be moved back just a fraction here okay get rid of the tape for now and what this is doing it's giving me a foundation a reliable Foundation that I now practice my putting with okay I'm now practicing my putting oo little bit too fast but I can keep repeating this setup now obviously on here there's different lengths that I could use you can no matter where you are just work on the same sort of set up checkpoint now an honorable mention here is using a mirror you've seen those training aid mirrors where you can putt through them they are effective because you can see where your eyes are hitting the same time and it also helps another Factor I'm going to show you in a moment but you can use a phone just to help calibrate as well just like the the set it on the camera and see your own reflection but I do prefer just the tape method because it's something you can control a bit more and you're always going to have it on on you even before you play you can work warm up and work out the calibration that you need to set up every time perfectly for you so once we've got these major Keys down all we're going to do is rehearse and ingrain this into our game just keep repeating it till it becomes automatic so no you don't do this on every single putt when you're out on the course or even every single putt you're practicing at home but the more you practice it the more you can calibrate and repeat the same action so let me give you something for your stroke another little checkpoint we can utilize is just ensuring that we have a square setup pretty much square in the legs Square in the chest and square across the shoulders all right just making sure that you're not too skew with because if you approach a lot of putts sort of walking in from a certain direction you're sort of walking down and around your right shoulder can often get way over the top so we're aiming a bit too far left but you might not even realize it so using an alignment stick just to help you know word of the day calibrate to make sure that your setup is neutral and square again that's where it's going to be repeatable I guess I also should mention grip pressure and arm pressure you can hold the putter a lot firmer than perhaps you think it's that old adage of you know hold it like an injured bird or something or like a tube of toothpaste I would prefer you to think of it like a hammer as if you had to hammer something how would you hold it you wouldn't be like gripping it tight no but you also wouldn't be letting it flop around so think of it like a hammer it's the same kind of tension in the arms cuz we're trying to control everything with the chest the thoracic spine and the shoulders rather than the hands okay so the looser the hand if the hands are too loose we we can have too much movement if they're too tight we have too much rigidity so try and find a balance of thinking about a hammer I'm not going to give you a number out of 10 cuz it's all relative to what you think hold the hammer hold the putts the final little tip I'm going to give you is actually just about having a repeatable follow through okay to make sure that you don't chase the putt with your eyes your upper body your head we're not moving too much this way we're not flipping through here we're not creating too many variables again it's not just about distance control it's about strike quality control and when you have a nice Tempo and a repeatable Tempo you're going to hold more puts so what we want to look at is following along from that stronger lead side bit more weight over here letting everything feel a little bit straighter a bit more of a straight line over this way what we're going to do is try and make sure that we finish not much past our lead foot here doesn't have to be precise again this isn't about teaching you to be the world's best putter it's just helping you suck less basically so we're going to try and create this setup and now I'm going to see where my putt finishes okay now there I went a bit too far to where I wanted to and the putt missed left if I exaggerate it a little bit and I stopped the Putt and I sort of jam it that way the face opened and it just caught the right Edge but it was a snatchy putt so we need to be able to repeat with the same kind of cadence the same tempo right shoulder back left shoulder up but I'm trying to hit the same spot here every time and the way we can calibrate it the way we can rehearse and ingrain this is using a bit of tape again so what I'm going to do is just place a bit of tape approximately where I sort of want my putter to end let's say and now I'm just going to give myself that little objective okay I give myself that little objective to make sure that I just stop there hey Presto the putt went in does this stopping point apply to longer putts I hear you ask well yes pretty much if you do have a longer putt you still want to try and finish about here sometimes short it's going to go a little bit longer but what we're talking about is the Cadence because remember you're not always just going to putt that speed you're not going to do that speed if you've got a 40t putt but you're going to do it if you've got a 6t pot we don't necessarily want to do a longer smoother stroke to make it go 30 ft we just want to improve that Cadence with positivity and again if you can still finish more or less the same place every time you are going to have consistency okay doesn't matter if it goes a little bit more ahead it's about your intentions and that reliability so when you create a little station like this and use it frequently even just a couple of minutes a day or a few minutes a week you will be astonished at how much it can help you that's it for now my friends I'm sure that is going to improve your putting consistency dramatically now check out this video because it's going to help you get on the green more often in regulations so those putts won't be for Bogies they might even be for birdes all right thanks for watching I'll see you next time
Channel: The Art of Simple Golf
Views: 366,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, golf tips, the art of simple golf, Alex Fortey, Putting tips, Cameron smith putting technique, stop 3 putting, hole more putts, putting technique, best putting lesson, stop missing short putts, distance control putting, golf advice, how to putt like cam smith open champion, Golf swing, short game, golf lab putter, golf tips to break 90, the art of simple golf for seniors
Id: B3cjCJlHZEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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