The Best Putting Tip Ever! (No Joke - Try It)

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oriented. To become a phenomenal putter you've got to stop thinking about your stroke. Okay,   that's the worst thing you could possibly  do. You have to be thinking about the target.   That is it ... target, target, target and this  drill will get you thinking about the target.   So back when I was apprenticing, you know, I'd be working in the pro shop and people would come into   the pro shop and tell me they're about to go play. But you know what have you got any putting tips?   You know my putting's not really very good, so I used to show them this drill right here. This   little tip, okay, they'd go out and do this they'd  go play their round of golf and no joke a 100% of   everyone I told them about this drill came back in and said: "oh my god. I can't believe how good I   was putting." This tip works unbelievably well and you're gonna think, I'm crazy having you do this.   Try it. I don't say this is the best putting  tip ever. If it's not the best putting tip ever.   Hopefully Rory will watch this, because I think he needs some work on his putting. All right, so   here's the concept. Again, we've got to get target oriented. The target is this hole right here.   The problem when people are putting is they keep thinking about their stroke? Oh boy, I gotta take   it straight back and straight through. Oh,  I got to take it on a perfect arc. Oh boy,   you know it doesn't. All this stuff forget  it. Again, we're gonna be target oriented.   So I call this the "wiggle drill" and again  you're gonna think I'm crazy in a second, but   once you try it you'll putt unbelievably well. So we're gonna go like this. We're going to purposely   wiggle our putter and then hit the putt. Okay wiggle then hit it. You can go outside, you can go   inside. It doesn't matter I'll, show you from top down in a second here, but we're going to wiggle   the putter and then hit the  putt. Wiggle and then putt. Okay,   you would think if I had to take it on a perfect arc, or straight back and straight through   there's no way these balls would be able to go online. You're supposed to take it on a perfect   arc aren't you? I just made that one, the other one was pretty darn close. Okay, so wiggle it   and then hit the putt. Oh, there's another one.   Why this works is, when you wiggle you have to then be thinking about the target to move   the putter towards the target. Like I said, to become a phenomenal putter or a great putter,   you need to be target oriented, and that's exactly what this drill does. You sit here, I'm telling   you, you sit here, think about the perfect arc, perfect stroke, all that stuff and that's going   to be the worst thing you could possibly do all right and that's what a lot of these Pros do.   You know when you start seeing them messing around with their putter and everything?   That's the worst thing they could do. They're thinking about their stroke. Gotta think about   the target. You think about the target then you will be phenomenal. So what I'd like you to do   now? You understand it, I'm going to show it to you from top down. Okay, when you see it, then I   need you to go out to the green. Give me 25 putts different distances. Doesn't matter, you know,   I'd be doing longer ones. These are probably, well one, two, three, four, five, six, seven eight!   You know these are long putts. So you know I wouldn't be sitting there hitting three footers. I   guess you could I've never really tried that, but you know a decent length. Putt so hit 25 of them   and then go play and no joke you will putt unbelievably well. After you do, leave your   comment right below this tip, because I'm going to prove to everyone that this is the best putting   tip ever. So, let's take a look at my top down view because you know I say: wiggle it and people   don't seem to understand what I'm saying so and don't get me wrong. I'm not doing something   specific here. I'm just wiggling it wherever I want to wiggle it. Okay, so let's take a look at   that now. All right, so here I am, this is what I'm doing. Okay, there's no exact way to wiggle   it. You can go outside and wiggle you can go inside and wiggle. You can do both doesn't matter   so right here, wiggle and then hit your putt okay. So maybe try one outside and then do it again on   the inside. So like this ... wiggle and then hit your putt, you're not trying to go straight back   and straight through, which is the worst thing you could possibly do, or on a slight arc. The club   will arc all on its own when you're, not thinking about it. Okay, this drill is not designed to work   on a perfect stroke. It's designed to get you to wiggle it and then think about the target   on the way through all right. So that's what I'm talking about about wiggling it. It's not a   perfect thing. It's wiggling anywhere! I don't care on the way through the only way you're   going to get that putter to not hit that ball sideways is, if you're thinking of moving that   putter towards that target. How do you become a great putter? You become target oriented,   and that's exactly what this drill is going to do. Okay, so give that a try. Place your comments   below after you've tried it, and you've putted incredibly well using the best putting tip ever.
Channel: Paul Wilson Golf
Views: 640,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best putting tip, putting tips, putting, how to putt, golf putting tips, golf putting, golf putting technique, golf putting lessons, putting drills, putting stroke, putting technique, putting golf, golf putting lesson, best putting lesson, golf putting drills, putting drill, putting training aids, putting training aids golf, how to putt in golf, how to make more putts, paul wilson golf, golf putting tip, golf putting drill
Id: atYm04-YLkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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