The LAST Putting Lesson You Will EVER Need || 7 TIPS

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couple of the specifics today about the setup and some of the things i look for and how to practice putting properly okay all right here we go the arc of your stroke is not created in your stroke intentionally it's your hands that travel straight back and because the putter is at an extension from your hands even with the hands traveling straight back the putter naturally arcs but the biggest thing is understanding the hips staying right in line with the ankles we don't want any sit back there but the big ones the putter in the forearms being a direct extension of one another the ability to anchor and have those elbows into the body now watch this guys i'm not gonna go to the side of my body on the seams of my shirt because now my hands have to get overactive and they're jammed they're in front of my body so this elbow is really in the front of my body here splitting the difference between my sternum the center of my body and the seam on my shirt the side right on the side front does that make sense now what's really important to understand is part of tiger's success you know and having that one-handed drill and i know he always says he's working on his release but it's the stability you get from having your arms rotated in the right spot and having that elbow really connected to the body that controls the path of the stroke and even can control the face angle and under pressure that really stabilizes the stroke okay but back to the hand positioning and being where it is if i were to have the right length putter first have the elbows in the right spot and tilt over the balls of my feet the right way well my eyes would be directly over the ball my hands would be if i let them just hang directly underneath my shoulders here's the big key if my hands are outside the person is going to really be swinging around them if the hands are in a lot of times the putter will actually kind of sometimes even push out there's really nowhere to go right so what i like to have my my students understand is when the hands hang freely underneath your body and you have that connection of the arm to the body the path really gets to become a lot straighter a lot longer okay so so first things first for you get the putter direct extension of your arms anchor to the right spot my mentor todd sones one of the best putting instructors in my opinion the best putting instructor ever ever he really helped me understand a simple phrase he used to call rotate tuck and tilt which was absolutely incredible hands out rotate them in tuck and then tilt now watch you'd always have a step forward over the balls of our feet to tilt until the putter hits the ground and that really keeps the hips over the ankles the hands under the shoulders eyes over the ball see you do that beautiful right there so kev get behind him right away right there you'll see the hands are hanging freely under the shoulders he has the space he needs to here he's a little more out over the golf ball playing golf underneath him and not around him that stroke is going to get a lot better you know understanding the setup is big but having checkpoints for it are even more important in my opinion because you know you need something to be able to remain consistent big thing here we go i'm set up the right way there's obviously the old school way of having the ball up here dropping the ball i just like picking the putter up like this right to my right eye and i can see the shaft line right down in line with the ball perfect the next one are my hands truly under my shoulders let gravity take over oh or how about too close like you would have been what would happen oh okay okay that's that's a big one so we have eyes over ball we have hands under shoulders and we always have our hip joint over our ankle so there are three lines you can draw one line there one line from hands down to shoulders and the other eye line down the ball and that's what we do let's do that hey you want to hear something even cooler that todd stone's taught me really cool top of the wrist crease down to the toes is a perfect straight line what do you notice that's a squared the horizontal from the toes to the ball that's b squared a perfect right triangle so if you find out the distance of that and that what does it give you the perfect putter length c squared i never thought i'd be using the pythagorean theorem again in my life but a squared plus b squared equals c squared and maybe we'll get todd on on to collaborate with him on our youtube channel and we'll show you the cool device that todd has to fit putters that gets you in the right position every time okay we have the eye line we have the hands just hanging now interestingly enough we've seen nicholas we've seen briny baird and a guy on tour we've seen some stances my whole point is that are not square what what is that but guess what's a constant shoulder alignment shoulders are the train track of the putting stroke now if you had to ask me what do i prefer slightly open feet to kind of engage the putt fine everything you do bowling everything you know is facing the target so a little bit opens fine i like to have my players as square as possible because i do believe it paints nice parallel lines that makes it very easy to stroke it down that line every time okay not gonna hate on anybody for having a little bit of a the left foot staggered you know an inch back not a problem okay but i don't like to see it too much the big thing is that shoulders are aligned so here's the thing what an easy way to check shoulder alignment it's my favorite checkpoint right here brian stark was doing this every single putt the entire us amateur this year at um oakmont made it all the way to the elite eight here we go i'm gonna say my shoulders are very closed i want to find out let the hands hang oh how about if they're open or how about this square very cool right now from the face on view ball position nose and sternum are the top of your pendulum okay now ideally in a putt we would be hitting slightly up on it with a delofted face being a tennis player why top spin on the ball you got it buddy you said it right away well having the ball just ahead of center one inch would mean if i put the grip right in line with my zipper and held it straight down and had the ball left of that that would be the right ball position just one inch ahead of center now what i like to do for my players is i like to then take the butt of the club and look how small this is and just press it a tiny bit over the top of the golf ball what did that do it took it took that three degrees or four degrees that the putter has of loft it negated it and then the most important thing we understand in a stroke we don't change our wrist crease there's none of this happening okay it just stays look at this look at my wrist they stay firm and constant that helps me to have that putter slightly delofted the ball position helps me slightly hit up on it without having to try to back up and hit it up on it okay so checkpoints once again eyes over ball hands directly under shoulders shoulders being square we have the hips always over the ankles face on with the stance hey we've seen kenny perry we've seen jonathan bird there's many many many different wits there not a problem i like it to be outside the feet to the outsides of the shoulders is typically where i like my players okay but really just making sure the butt of the club after it's pressed forward if the ball position is one inch forward and the butt of the club is on top of the ball the butt of the club should be one inch left of your zipper there's our checkpoints you know what's cool you knock those out every single day you then get over it knowing that those things are in line you've set up to truly do everything you possibly can with your setup to hit that ball as solid as you can and get it running as fast as possible and as truly as possible look at the hands and the putter direct extension of one other hands are under his shoulders eyes over the ball he looks a little bit more over the ball and he's been making everything what was just talked about there is absolute gold for those looking to put better um and and really putting yourself on the path of the least amount of manipulation in your setup everything that we do with the setup really really sets our players up to have a stroke that gets it online often and really the glue to that stroke then becomes just the rhythm we have a full swing master class that easily highlights our checkpoints for the for the setup and the swing that full swing master class has been just incredible for our students i mean people around the world have been writing us telling us they've been shaving shots off their game and it's like they're it's like their dictionary or their glossary i should say for for golf um which is incredible we're gonna make a full we're gonna make a putting master class and a short game master class and and uh it's gonna be awesome
Channel: Porzak Golf
Views: 542,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: putting training aids, putting training aids golf, putting training aids pros use, best putting training aids, putting, putt, putting aids, Porzak, Porzak Golf, How to putt, How to putt straight, Straight Putt No Matter What, how to read the green in golf, putting training aid, How to pick proper putter length, Putter set up, How to set up for putter, The LAST Putting Lesson You Will EVER Need || 7 TIPS, Putting Set Up, putting tips, hole more putts, golf putting technique
Id: oUBLtw6Ft2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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