Making a viral Minecraft series with only dirt

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on September 19 2021 I uploaded the video Minecraft if noobs took over the world and let's just say that video single-handedly changed my entire YouTube career and the concept of that was just a world that has been completely turned to dirt and somehow that led to a couple weeks later where this video Hit number three trending on all of YouTube So within about three weeks I had a YouTube channel getting virtually zero views to a channel getting like a million views a day and I think the funniest part about all of that is I never intended on making a series on that Noob video but I'll get to that in a second honestly I think the craziest part about all of this is I had really started posting on YouTube in February just doing story content but nothing like the stories I do now for example my first story was actually about monkeys which I highly encourage you all to watch it was quite an interesting Journey but anyways my YouTube at that point was basically just re-uploads of everything I I posted on Tick Tock so I wasn't really on YouTube primarily but where I started to see some growth on Tick Tock was when I started posting these Modded Survival Story videos I did this series called Tales of the Aether and into the abyss and a couple more of those but I really wasn't doing it for YouTube I was mainly just focused on posting them for tick tock because that was pretty fun at the time and that was just what I was doing so but since these tick tocks did pretty good I managed to get like I think 19 000 subscribers on YouTube Just from people going over from Tick Tock which was honestly at the time crazy to me but so I thought I could just continue that modded series trend on Tick Tock and keep building the YouTube channel that way but one day in April changed everything so what happened on that day in April was Tick Tock just decided to remove me from the face of the Earth and what I mean by that is there came one day where my videos just abruptly stopped getting views and I mean it was like my account just decided to abandon ship after getting tons of views each day and just for context I would post every single day on Tick Tock I would not skip a day so I was on a regular schedule but long story short I posted for all of April all of May and all of June and not a single Tick Tock made it to the for you page so something was really not working there so yeah I posted daily for three months straight and I didn't see any views or followers anymore I think I was actually losing followers at that point and I was like well it was a good run you know I was uh made it pretty far as a Minecraft tick tocker and I basically took a break from everything for a good month and during that month I was like you know maybe I could try making a new tick tock or do completely different stuff I was kind of over the modded series at that point and I saw some other people doing skit Style videos which Side Story one of those people was see what who I would later become great friends with but anyways I was like sure why not I'll just make a new account and I'll make some skits and I'll see what happens so I guess Tick Tock welcomed me back with open arms because my new account got like millions of views on my very first post so I was already back into things but I hadn't returned to YouTube posting yet that was until I thought you know I'm doing these skits on Tick Tock what happens if I just do a longer skit and post it to YouTube so I was like all right that was a great idea so I made Minecraft if creeper holes were never filled now this was the first project I took upon that actually took me a good bit of time just in terms of thinking of the story and building all the stuff in the world and everything like that but that was my first video that see what helped me with and he would always say like that was such a banger idea so I ended up going through with that one and uploading it and ignore what it's at now because obviously that's one of my best performing videos but when I uploaded it you know it was my first time in three to four months posting so I didn't really know what to expect and the video got like a couple thousand views when I uploaded it and I was like and I was like all right right well I worked on that for a while and it flopped a bit but I mean I had a fun time with it and I enjoyed it and I enjoyed the story so you know just moved on but the video after that is when everything changes so I was thinking of new skits for tick tock and I thought of a funny concept like a noob getting mad at me for something so I just kind of expanded on that and I was like all right what is something so stupid it might actually be funny so I found a texture pack that made everything dirt like just every single block was just a dirt texture and I was just going overboard on the noob stereotype so I just decided to make a world where like noobs were in control of everything so that was kind of where my thought process was and I made one skit that was like me getting in trouble for having my door closed and the door was not a door but it was like two trap doors it was like that I was just thinking of something like so stupid but it was like kind of Rage inducing but just I don't know that was the thought process behind that but but after making that I was kind of like whoa this is actually kind of a good World building story like like what would my what would happen if Minecraft was actually like this like noobs took over and and everything was dirt I kind of got like a like a post-apocalyptic sort of feel to it um and it was also beneficial that The Tick Tock I made on it did really good so I was like all right maybe people are into this sort of thing so that inspired me to make the full video which was Minecraft if noobs took over the world and that video was my first video to ever really get noticed on YouTube I think it got like 50 000 views or something in the first couple days so after that I was like all right let's go I think I'm actually doing something right now and but I had no plans of a sequel so I was like all right well why not just continue this series because this video did good and I think that video ended with me getting sent to jail so I was like all right well what better way to continue it than to escape from a dirt prison which I thought was actually an awesome idea it just happened to work out that way because obviously a dirt prison is made out of dirt so you can easily Escape but that was the point and I think right there was kind of my turning point of my YouTube career as it is today because that sequel got I think almost a million views within the first day so I remember just being in my room like what is going on right now like I just uploaded this and it has like a hundred thousand and now 200 000 views and it just kept going and going and I was like well the story must continue right like I can't just end it end it off like this right so I made it in episode three and an episode four which was the final one and then this happened somehow the finale ended up number three trending on all of YouTube and I remember just sitting there like all right this is actually crazy like I thought the things before were crazy but this is like so far the craziest thing that's ever happened so I took a snap here and I only got it when it was like at five but I I did see it hit number three for a brief moment and that was that was definitely a high point in my life but I think the coolest part about it was everyone in the comments was being super supportive and just saying stuff like how great this story was or how cool the storytelling was and before that I didn't really think of myself as being that creative like I just thought the idea was kind of stupid but I just went with it but I mean not that the story was that complex but I mean it was literally just dirt but you know I think it's fun when you can make something super cool and I always try to make it as dramatic as possible and just make something out of something so small which is I mean that's basically what I did for the whole story so um and those videos those four videos just paved the way for me continuing to upload more and more stories and you know basically a year and a half later I'm still doing stories and uh it's been an awesome Journey honestly the noob series could have been the peak of my storytelling I think I should have retired after that I don't know if I'm getting much better than that so uh yeah that's it for this one bye
Channel: Evmo
Views: 15,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WtUkLPP_a84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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