Minecraft but I have 1,000,000 Netherite!

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I'm gonna become another white millionaire but getting netherwhite isn't so easy especially super netherrite so let's begin by finding our first bit of ancient debris okay so step one is to get another right in-game where are we need the following items on the screen so we're gonna get in that portal and get that big old tree right there and so we need a diamond pickaxe first let's fight a cave oh I think we may have found a cave and to get down let's real quick make this okay could have been a better way to do that but we got cold iron now we mined it all this just was amazing to breathe that's another one in your crap by the way so we also need some gold oh it is Yo okay hold on so while I cook this let me put this in the furnace put the two colon 10 iron in let's see if we get anything from this for the portal all right not bad going powder don't worry guys I'm doing this just so I can become another right millionaire real quick one Golden Apple thank you very much and that's pretty much it all right let's break it and let's get some more iron all right what do we got six iron now we get one iron pickaxe in a very important bucket oh and gold we need this for the netherite ink it because we need two gold ingots and two inch debris I might be wrong with that it might be more than that yep just check that's four all right so now gold and diamonds okay this should be all the gold we need and now we just need three diamonds one oh two okay just one more another spotter okay I would not mind some more gunpowder oh three iron free gold and no gun powder oh good though I had to find Diamonds oh and that's the last diamond we need let's grab that real quick thank you and finally combine the ancient debris with one diamond pickaxe we need to Flint and we got it there we go one foot seal one Diamond paychecks not enough gunpowder but I know a place this is what we need all right now looking for the treasures I am looking for literally just TNT that's the best way to find netherrite right that let's real quick behind all this TNT and I feel like we could get more oh bones more bones some gun powder though more gunpowder nice all right let's see if we can find any more well I'll probably head back to the portal oh wait we might be able to find something there I do not find these often hold on okay there's not gonna be another right in here but it could give us something good for it and it's decent more bones sure and the best part is we can also get some arrows let's real quick rob you arrows there and arrows there that's enough for two deadly engines all right let's keep looking yep we found another one oh it's merged but Let's Fall In All right so uh again ahead all the way down break that and more Teensy again that UPS us to 17. now we can definitely find a lot another oh 18 actually oh and that's really good too okay and that's really good too what the heck is going on and Diamond's nice and a lot more gunpowder let's real quick get some sand there we go 21 TNT that's all we need now back to the portal and here we are okay so I just needs that piece of obsidian let's grab that also I couldn't described that gold block and some break you know me put that down and does this work oh it works nice before we go let me grab that real quick all this worked for one another right game let's go okay now that we're in we actually gotta go all the way down oh gosh it might be a bad idea yeah okay we're good we're good we're good nice all right don't mind me we're gonna head all the way down to White level nine down we go and let's dig straight down okay yep never take straight down with another this is an off one yeah off one damn let me get a golden apple just in case there we go why level nine and so now it's time for a flint steel and TNT this is how we're gonna get all the ancient debris we need so we just put the TNT right there by the TNT and open the butts don't kill me now we run to repeat many times oh I mean sure we found the first engine to breathe let's go so we need four of these and so now back here all we do is put this here hook it up and while that cooks let's pull this up come on find some more find some more it wasn't too late yes that's two out of four done let's grab that and now we have our first step right scrap all right guys the TNT is working it was a good investment let's get blown stuff up round two let's go blow that up it might as well do another one this way oh without another one that's three done what about over here no okay one more to go I'm gonna make this one a little bit fun watch this that could have been bad okay they should be good one two three four five six seven eight fashion work and now this should find maybe some nether right go on TNT oh it's more control and we made a big hole and another way and we found the last one okay there we go that's gonna make four inches debris and we might finally be done here all right let's put that in and we go finally that zero at the bottom left is gonna go to one well we gotta make it one million okay so finally for another right scrap and four Golding gifts and we can make our first another right ingots which when we right click it adds to our wallet all right let's right click that and we finally have one yes hold on we got another right store item hold on can we buy something let's right click this oh I'm being teleported oh and here we are welcome guys to the netherwise store where we can buy a lot of stuff for example we could buy another right totem hey another right Temple literally another right ravager but at one million we can get the netherite castle right now we can only afford a splash potion of netherrite what does this do oh I bought it turns moves to netherite can only be used once oh so maybe we need a lot of mobs so in total we need 25 nether white maybe 25 miles I'm good hold on right here we're gonna make a hole it's gonna be a nice three by three hole and for this whole we're gonna get all these bulbs right here first let me get some wheat and carrots all right wheat carrots that was pretty easy and now let's go get some mobs all right come with me my friends straight this way Loki I could just throw a potion right now because there's only one another right so they at least could be one we should be good all right come in here let's get you guys in the hole all right that should be six and we got our first mobs let's get the rest all right we got all our mobs and now that we just throw the potion here we go oh they're all dead right now to mind them oh we can mine them oh we got five another way I think it's because they were all smushed together so from all this we get 36 netherway ingots let me add all that to the wallet and no we actually have some netherway not a million yet though but that's the first one done and now we can get either the netherite totem or the netherite seeds let me check out the other eye totem okay we got that and die for ingots huh I just like hold this what does it mean die hold on I have a plan okay so do I just fall to my death oh we got a bunch of netheroids yo that gives me the idea hold on let me find some lava this is what we need okay so if we just jump in here would this work no we get we get resistance okay 51 should be enough on the bright side we can now afford the netherrite seeds and let's see what these guys do must be planted in the worst possible conditions lava darkness and nether okay let me go get some lava then all right let's grab one two three and back to the portal and back to another we go okay so we're in the Nether and we need Darkness now I guess yet again we'll go all the way down hopefully not dive to that there we go and let's find some Darkness all right this should be a good spot but first let me remove all the fire now we should be good and I guess do I just like place up here oh it's growing yo oh my gosh what did we just grow oh my goodness that is or another right tree I guess we can get more ancient debris let's actually explore inside of it though and head up wait what the heck is this oh yo wait there's a big one hello oh he trades five apples for an apple key it says Ah so maybe the next door is locked I'm gonna do this apples right there hold on I have a little bit of an idea this might work right here let's get one bow and so if I shoot this do we get the Apple we do yo okay that looks great all right let me real quick grab the first Apple another apple right here thank you very much and so he needs like 5. where would the recipe oh well there's another one that's gonna be number three I see number four right there and where would number five be maybe behind this painting I feel like this painting has something behind it oh I was right yes hidden painting one last Apple nice and now Mr piglet here you go let's get one apple key and so I assume there's something up there I can't unlock all right let's make the jumps and do I want to check what's behind that painting right here I feel like there could be something nope that's normal painting oh it is locked all right nice let's keep going up then next level what do we have here hello oh he seems happy collection hand over the Apple pieces oh even more apples what is up with these guys and apples okay it looks like there's a chest right here that's gonna be one apple piece I'm bitten by who knows who but sure a little bit dirty but no worries oh and a hidden Apple piece right here all right that's two let's need one more which I think is just right here right oh wow yeah that was easy all right Mr piglet there you go three Apple pieces do you like that oh we get a big netheroy apple right just eat this and from that we now have 76 another white that's a w all right before we go I'm not gonna take another one because that's gonna be a lot of cooking instead we're gonna you know just borrow this real quick don't mind me and now that we're down here let's right click this and we're back up next we have the netherrite Sheep because we can't get the right advancement which looks like to be a challenge all right got the sheep and what does this guy do use diamonds so I just slice them down that's a sheep oh another way Jeep oh wait do we see her put on oh it doesn't work what about Diamond shears will this work oh Diamond shears and so oh we can cheer him for another whites oh and it's unlimited yes the Netherland sheep give him a name in the comments down below because he's the greatest sheep of all time oh wow we're actually getting good work done here all right we're about to hit 100 and that's 100 that's another right sheep stay right there okay and so now with the 100 right we can get the next one which is the netherrite advancement what's across from here you have to write rocket and that's right Mac okay all right well let's get that advanced done and right click for adventure okay I mean it's another right challenge so hopefully it's easy all right well it's a challenge oh challenge the ultimate raid it just set us to one heart oh no okay okay this is not good okay before they come real quick let's make one iron sword oh gosh it's definitely a time for a shield oh here they come all right we can't lose the raid guys one heart literally one heart are you serious what is this why am I doing it with one horse oh gosh oh gosh I'm gosh oh gosh okay okay this is going great so far it's only one round or multiple gosh oh gosh okay only one Raider remaining honestly not going too bad okay last guy get that done do me once thank you oh he has Multi Shot my goodness I'm gonna use after my advantage oh there's more rounds oh gosh okay oh here they come oh gosh oh gosh I don't like these guys yes we got him here they come again how's it going thank you for the Multi Shot let's get that guy down I'm actually pretty good at this by the way we're on a dance floor which I assume is for later but nice okay last round guys oh it's this one okay I'm gonna play the smart guys let me just multi-shot them and then we should be good oh we got yes so far so good two down and two Raiders remaining let me Emoji water bucket I hate being at one heart oh gosh oh gosh this guy's a quick draw okay we're going in shoot once there we go no there's one more round the villagers are fine for now I forgot I had an iron golem all right here comes round two let me hide okay this is going pretty good okay we got him cave this should be one hit go um what are you doing this guy's useless do they have quick tour or something or something all right sorry about this buddy we're gonna need it's down and with that big donut that's gonna be hero of the village oh they're dropping down the rights yes that makes so much sense now that's a 131 netherway and there's so much more oh my gosh like they're all dropping it oh no let me grab all I can oh this guy right here dropped a ton hey 176 and now with 176 another right he gets let's go buy something else all right that's answered actually pretty difficult next up we can now afford Ivory deathrite YouTuber or a portal pickaxe I mean I feel like a pickaxe might be useful let's grab that and right click for magic let me go down in a cave real quick and see what this does and by the way I got my hearts back and I guess right here should work oh what does that do oh it's Mining and bringing out netherway and that gives a good bit oh wait so it just keeps giving him another way I literally can just Spam it oh my goodness this isn't not a million million is but this is gonna help us buy a lot of stuff all right back to the shop all right I'm back gonna have a lot of money we can literally afford another right music disc which I think is for the party thing but let's get another YouTube Super Why not what even is another right YouTuber right click an Overworld with an envelope where the heck do I do this maybe right here okay do we just place it down oh is that it the dunk tank another way dunk YouTuber Edition so I gotta message someone give me one second by no guy boys welcome brother hey Master what do you have me doing today this is a little bit weird all I need you to do is just sit there we have a netherite dunk tank and I'm just gonna try it out here we go good luck and sorry if you get hurt you there hello oh oh oh did we mine him now I'm so sorry does this give God oh my yes it does amazing thank you for a shout out to Florence and thanks to him we can go back in the store and next up we got the Heather White Temple for 500. all right let's see what this does maybe we can place it like right here oh oh my goodness that's not the right block okay well we have a lot another right and do not enter I'm gonna enter probably will I just click the button button doesn't work I don't think oh maybe I just fall in where the heck am I okay fine the treasure yes we don't have any other choice let's go inside and see if we can find it looks like at the start we have a little bit of a maze I'm getting pretty decent at these oh wait we have a good path right here oh and there we go okay next up we have a little bit of law park or no worries temples apart pretty decent and now what the heck is this oh wait it's like a little bad thing so if I go on the wrong pressure plate I probably die so let's follow the pattern at the top this is actually kind of cool okay we can go here we can go straight for a little bit and straight this way oh gosh oh gosh okay okay we got this let's go and we're good okay that was a bit of a weird one and now is this just a big old staircase oh wait what the heck is going on what the [ __ ] is that nope nope nope I am not dealing with that thing all right lots of coats on the very front he's kind of adorable but it's a boulder I think let's go no it's uh jumping nice okay oh wait go go no no no no no did nothing happen oh my gosh it's imagine nothing from the temple and in total we now have 2500. good to be back what do we have next we did the temple and now it's the Army in a box summon soldiers did we just like throw them right here oh oh my goodness destroying the village I am so sorry guys I was supposed to stop the rain look at which one oh my Mama we're about to hit 10K they're going forever well that's gonna be enough for the next now that we've completed this side the right egg what the heck is the netherway egg it's 1 349 right wait make a nest build a nest for the egg maybe some Abels will do I guess all right let's grab these and now right here let's go ahead and start setting up for another white Nest hey all right so this should be good right here we have just enough for a little like full thing here we go the nether rock kind of works and so do I just put the egg in the middle oh and it's loving it now it needs heat find a way to eat the egg up do I have lava I do have lava maybe we can put little lava Pockets right there put another one right here there we go and finally we'll put one right here all right it's not good enough heat oh it's happy open up crack the egg and maybe an anvil I can make one okay hold on let's real quick get one of these going there we go one Anvil and so we gotta crack it by going all the way up I guess and then dropping it on the egg what the heck is going on okay this should be good one crack tag coming one up here we go oh and it's up it's an can I write it I can write it oh my goodness this is amazing okay hold on wait does it do anything when I right click oh wait I'm firing stuff guys um I just got so much net right what the heck it makes things [Music] up there because we gotta buy some more stuff don't leave me that go back to the nest thank you all right and we are back and it's gonna be hard to beat the right egg my goodness but next up we have the netherite music disc for the music area we found earlier dance party gather the pigs cows and zombies on the Dance Floor zombies okay so this is the dance floor and we put the disc in there so let me get some weight and stuff just so we can get the mobs all right come with me my friends we're going straight over there and starting the music okay so will these guys dance when they get there comment here oh so that's three out of 20 and we're already making deathrite from it nice we love some copyright free music there we go even more another way thank you very much now let's get some more mobs let's go come on come on we're all dancing wait did the Sheep dance I don't think I was supposed to bring sheep and they're Cal's dance too not the cheap though sorry guys got a lot more pigs though and cows come here pigs I think this might be enough come on and yes yes oh there's another one will ever need oh my goodness dance battle between the pigs and the cows let me know who you guys got one I think the pigs are dominating this honestly but let's go dancing and now with almost 15 000 never right let's go back to the store so with 15 000 we can definitely buy the netherrite Buddy back with this guy if you're lonely oh we got a little friend now okay we definitely gotta give this guy a name he's gonna go great with the dragon over there but all right buddy buddy look oh it's a little gold guy how's it going does he do anything do I punch him I assume he fights for me so I want to give him a name in the comments down below and he's with us now all right not the best purchase but next up we have the netherite valky so what does this do hidden vault find the treasure hidden in the shop uh is there like a trap door somewhere hold on oh wait there's a key right here I didn't see this earlier another right here required all right do I just go in oh the heck I don't even know this is here all right let's go down the staircase and so is this like elaborate avoid guards and find secret chests oh there is guard okay he's going that way real quick let me go up chest right here one back another one what does this give me oh my gosh okay that is 8025. let me run over here Hide here another oh gosh he has his back turn let's wait till he comes back that's my chance let's go oh okay and we're good all right let's go down next War better not be any guards in here avoid the guards and try and Trust so we have both guards guard traps oh gosh okay can't touch the pressure plates for now I don't think we see anyone another bag of another one let me grab that real quick we're about to head 10K again but now we should be fine only one bag in here though unless there's another one oh gosh another test there we go and now what is this find another way around oh God not break the glass okay uh it looks like this way oh we gotta do one of these oh we gotta do real quick is plays one crafting table and get our trap door all right let's crawl okay they are right under me please do not see me it is made of pure gloss but it's all good don't mind me Jazz like the story I'm taking a quick swim through the glass tubes well I don't think they look up so we should be fine oh my gosh wait that's so many of them at that door this was the best route oh are we jumping straight down oh gosh please don't see me gosh okay let's take these guys out another way but he did not come with me hey couple hits let's get you guys out of the way and now we should be good oh my goodness bags of netherwhite in every single chest in all the diamond blocks and gold blocks whoever need okay I'm not gonna grab everything because I can always come back here at simply in the store but in total we are gonna probably have like what 12 both bags are never right that might be almost all of them that's going to be 11. and with all these oh yeah 15 000 otherwise that's a new record not a million yet though but we can always do this and get some more teeth now you were making your way out let's go back to the store all right so that is the Vault done and now we're on to this wall which is starting to get a little bit really expensive and the right cake the heck does this dude I even afford the next one oh no I can't this better give me some good amount that's what I eat okay that's all I gotta do just eat I mean that should be easy enough gotta make sure to get my Hunger down there we go and so do I just eat oh nice okay so do I just place this guy down oh it's our own ravager guy oh and he breaks up okay we're gonna watch another guy from this okay all right everywhere we break just instantly becomes another way and this is actually a pretty good mode of transportation I think honestly that should be enough for the next thing and let's head back to the store oh we did not get enough I have a plan then all we gotta do then is just buy another right cake place it down and now we got 25k now let's get the right Spyglass the heck is this Find the Mark where is the mark though maybe up here find it oh we found it I think this is it over here hold on so if we go up here oh there's a chest down here does this have a clue find me at and it's an exact coordinates okay we're on like a lot of goose chase right now all right let's go out there then that is straight this way oh and I think this might be it right here all right another right Spyglass let's take you all the way up we go and so inside what do we have here oh there's just inside blow it up huh oh my gosh wait TNT and but still sure all right I will be pulling this up then why am I blowing up this Random House who knows let's fall back oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh right here and do it right oh my it's another way treasure thing insane amount s and we have 43 000 now after this let's see how much it goes let's go 50 000 nether whites 20 times more of this and we can finally be another white millionaire but for now let's go ahead and buy the next thing to the netherride store we go and so oh wait this one is in this is interesting the neverwhite doubler wait so if I have 40 000 I could double or nothing right now did we do this this might be a really bad idea guys oh gosh all right I'm gonna try it once and if it works it works here we go one one plus ten wait that's ten that's it all right let's try this one more time and please be good double yes 120k wait that was more than double that was Triple huh I'm not even gonna question it but nice now we can go ahead and get the final two which is the net right rocket and the netherrite Met let's start with the rocket oh okay it looks like a basic rocket I'm gonna come back for your Castle but maybe we can put it up here all right so what does this guy do I just put it down oh that is huge hatch up and fuel the rocket you got some soul soil this work let me do what I can real quick it's gonna be another rocket so you know that this should be fine I mean it's it's heated up so another one should be the perfect amount let's pop that up real quick and how do I feel the rocket oh maybe we need lava okay I got the buckets one second luckily we have level right here that's one two and number three so we go down here we're gonna put the lava here I'm gonna head all the way up and let's pull the fuel okay it's shaking we're going up oh what was that explosion are we in space Oh The Villages some good deeds okay did we teleport oh where the heck are we is this space let me go down real quick it's like a Mars desert Planet oh there's villagers you have the right villagers oh wait so a desert another right Planet nice okay how do I help here and how do I get another right this villager what can I do decorate the inside of the house okay so this house is there any decorations I can grab we're gonna do like a chair there chair there we could do a diamond block TV thing uh there we go okay this guy looks nice how's it sound oh and another right explore explore North and Destroy wait it's aliens I gotta destroyed one sec there's one more villager over here I gotta help let me do that before going to destroy or whatever oh fix the root for reward okay we can die easily hold on don't from my planets I bring dirts and we're gonna use dirt to make your roof why dirt we don't want to have many other blocks so that should work beautiful dirt road for a nice another White House oh and he takes it nice okay so we gotta head north straight this way and the heck is that oh there's like little alien houses here okay one of these guys appear why are they just looking at me like that they're adorable all right time to destroy them okay they're coming oh my gosh okay okay okay how's it going guys how's it going okay all right gonna be a mess oh wait they're hitting each other going multi shots okay almost halfway there okay this is actually going pretty good crossbow please don't break soon nice and now it's just these guys a couple more get this Pillager Captain out of the way or I guess alien captain and we're done okay of course it's a Roger where's my another one we can have them oh this guy looks so evil my goodness let's stick to the boat a couple more hits I better get a lot another ride from this and oh no wait ran out of arrows oh gosh okay let's just get a combo and we're done yes 25 000 death right just like that I think we're good here let's go back to the store okay it is good to be back and we can't afford that just yet but the final item we can get which might be really good for us is the netherlight Mac all right let me just put this guy down right here oh and it's definitely a Big Mac like inside of them how do I get a million netherrite from this though do I press button oh my gosh wait did we just get 25 feet okay you know what goodbye Village otherwise my goodness we have a Vermillion that's right that happened in like 10 seconds what the heck oh we got laser two and the laser also because it's not right yo why did I not buy this when I had 19k this is amazing well no one two million otherwise we can get the final netherway Castle let's pick that up and so I'm gonna guess this is huge let me find a good spot for it all right that should be a good spot do I just throw it oh there it goes wait where's it going oh my that is a big old thing let's go find the entrance here we are guys complete the parkour okay just straight to it looks like a Super Mario esque Parkour thing the pals are gonna be here all right let's just go through here get a little bit fun of a parkour that was pretty easy and now avoid the plants wait what oh oh okay killer plants nice nice let's not get hit by those oh gosh okay that was barely missed we just gotta get to the end okay come on another way keep me covered let's get to the very end that's done now choose the right pipe they all lead somewhere I'm gonna go with my favorite color and it's not green but it's blue today maybe blue or maybe they're all right and it's an Android browser let me get the note I told him ready wait do we just like in the game do we just hit him in hold on wait did we just hit him in oh bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 559,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft but i have 1000000 netherite, minecraft but i have 1 million netherite, 1 million netherite, netherite, minecraft netherite, minecraft netherite farm, nether
Id: dUti5OZ82NM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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