Can You Farm 1,000,000 Cookies in 100 Minecraft Days?

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I'm a cookie God you are the cookie Army French basically makes me your dad huh and currently there are over four million of you so if each one of you ate two cookies that would mean I would need over 8 million cookies to feed all of my children or in Minecraft terms 2 314 double chests yeah uh let me let me go grab some milk with that um beer back so today I will be attempting to craft as many cookies as possible in just 100 days in Hardcore Minecraft alright so we're starting first in the village and these two are already making out um let's grab some food because I need to eat oh wait this is wheat we already one step into the crafting cookies all we need is cocoa beans that is an amazing start Wow Let's also grab some wood and to craft some tools well you might be wondering why did I craft myself a hoe well this tool is very important for this challenge because the craft cookies we're gonna need as much wheat as possible and luckily this entire Village was stacked with Hay all we need left is some cocoa beans and little did I know it was right around the corner oh I see Vines and jungle oh my God okay we found a jungle bomb right beside the village we found cocoa bean we found a cocoa bean oh yeah let's craft ourselves our very first cookies yeah that is the start only eight million more cookies to go oh no this is gonna be an extremely fun challenge though I'm pretty excited so let's go around collecting as many cocoa beans as I can and that makes us almost four stacks of cookies already but that's not all it also led me into a jungle biome it's not that big but um it it'll do that's been the next two days mining to get brand new armor and upgrade my tools and while I mine let me tell you guys what I need to do in this video to make unlimited cookies I can obviously build a simple wheat farm and cocoa bean Farm but eventually I'm gonna automate them I can also get cookies from villagers so I need to build a villager breeder a trading Hall and a raid farm and also a place to store 8 million cookies this is gonna be exciting that was a pretty successful mining trip I got a bunch of redstone for the future Automatic Farms we're gonna build and a ton of diamonds but now since we're above the surface let's collect some more cocoa beans and some jungle wood all right we got a bunch of coco beans and jungle logs to build our first cookie Farm now we just need to find a nice area to build this so I spent a few minutes searching around for a nice area that has grass and is flat so we can start building massive farms and a massive storage area for all of our cookies and eventually I settled on this it's flat there's a lot of grass and it's green once I remove all of these trees we're gonna have a pretty flat area which has a lot of room for all of the farms and chests there's also a village nearby so I can start a raid anytime I want but before we do anything let's set up our first cocoa bean farm and wheat farm right over here foreign there we go I don't have quite enough seat to finish up this Farm but it's something now let's craft a bunch of chests place them down and this is the start of the cookie storage area all right now let's Harvest all of the cocoa beans that are fully grown and replant all three stacks just so we're being as efficient as possible there we go a weak Farm is still kind of looking sad um to make it grow faster I'm gonna need a lot of bone meal which means I need a lot of Bones that's why I'm gonna build myself a mob font bruh so let's collect a bunch of wood to build this super high up in the air and at the same time I'm clearing out this area so I'm killing two birds with one stone efficiency I also cleared out a lot of grass leaving me with a bunch of extra seeds to allow me to fill up this entire Farm oh yeah but now let's take all of this wood and build a moth farm right in the middle of the ocean and red really high up there we go the simple moth Farm should Supply me with unlimited bones allowing me to bowl me all the wheat for cookies okay it seems like the mob farm is working just outside of the mob farm itself there's so many mobs on the platform okay let's land in the water let's swim back oh look at my little water stream and let's go to bed god oh god I didn't even look at you leave me alone oh my God oh now I need to place ladders to get all the way up there yeah this is gonna be so fun and we made it and it's already working pretty well all I need are bones so I don't care about any of you guys please go away and I got 12 bones that makes us 36 bone meal but you guys might be thinking I'm already on day seven and we only have 232 cookies that doesn't seem like a lot and you're right it's not but trust me the cookie growth will be exponential from here on now it's gonna start off slow but once we get some Automatic Farms growing and everything that we need we're gonna have eight million cookies in no time all right I got 56 bones and that makes me just over three stacks of bone meal so now I can finally bone meal this wheat and harvest it and let's Harvest all the cocoa beans these grow insanely fast and all that will craft me seven stacks of cookies and 24. yeah let's add that to the collection the first thing I want to change is this cocoa bean Farm even though we get so much from this it's a little hard to harvest since they're all like separated on these pillars so let's remove it I'm thinking of just having a simple jungle wall log wall yeah that was that was partially English um it's not as as efficient as the pillars because I'm missing a bunch of sides but it's gonna be a lot easier to harvest and cocoa beans already grow so fast so I think we're good on the cocoa bean Supply the main problem is the wheat oh my God where'd you come from so let's craft a bunch of hoes and let's start expanding this wheat farm we gotta make it massive the supply enough wheat to keep up with the cocoa bean farm that way we can always craft enough cookies and eventually I'm gonna transport a villager from that Village over here and build an automatic wheat farm for now though let's take the remaining pieces of wheat I have and let's craft some more cookies but to speed this entire process up I'm gonna need a lot more resources like diamonds so let's actually spend a few days mining all right okay I think I collected enough Redstone and diamonds but we also need some obsidian to make an enchantment table all right that should be enough for at least one enchantment table and while we're gone it seems like all our cocoa beans have grown and most of our wheat so let's Harvest all of it again and that leaves me to move a ton of more cocoa beans than wheat all right you guys know what that means yes give me all that don't mind if I do and the Sun is setting so uh that's just you want one of your beds okay now that's awkward I can't even sleep oh there we go let's also collect some sugar cane so I can craft some books there is a shipwreck over here so it could provide me with some pretty good loot let's go C and oh diamonds and some iron not bad and oh bear treasure okay let's go on a quick treasure hunt it seems like it's buried right around here we're getting closer and oh there we go please oh my God that is a lot of stuff well that was a pretty successful day of exploring and all the hay bales I got got me a ton of wheat I started crafting some cookies and just a quick break don't you guys ever want to eat unlimited cookies for life well thanks to today's sponsor I can because this video is sponsored by honkai star rail honkai star rail is a free to play cross-platform RPG game that allows you to play with all of your friends on mobile or PC you can also meet new friends explore incredible looking worlds and increase their combat power to defeat and overcome powerful enemies Hawkeye star rail is an RPG game set in a Fantastical sci-fi Universe there are dozens of characters to choose from and if that's not enough you can even customize your own builds and strategies to defeat enemies and to make yourself look even cooler all these characters have super epic weapons like look at some of these swords on these characters if only Minecraft had those creepers will stand no chance and to make this game even more interesting you can find treasure chests solve puzzles or even go into combat with orbital cannons to ice walls or a full-fledged Army so go download Hawkeye Starr rail with the link below in the description and you will get yourself 50 free stellar JS using the code Below download honkai Star rail now eventually I finally filled up an entire double chest of cookies making our total 3832 cookies already but my entire Wheat Farm is almost done growing so let's just Harvest it and see how much we get well that wasn't as much wheat as I hoped to get all right maybe we just gotta stick to raiding Villages but since we have enough materials for enchantment table I can finally start enchanting ah efficiency one I totally forgot you need bookshelves I am stupid ah so I went around the world collecting some sugarcane and let's build a farm right in the middle of the ocean next up on the list I want to build a villager breeder that way we're gonna have unlimited villagers to work the wheat farm for me don't worry I'll I'll treat them well but one problem I'm pretty low on materials so I spent the rest of the day chopping down all of the trees and clearing the area while I do that you guys might have been wondering why is my durability all fixed in maxed out well while I was filming the world corrupted and I lost all access to the world I was pretty stressed out and I was trying to fix it for the past two hours and I finally did but I had to spawn back my items you can watch the behind the scenes of my second channel for a better explanation but I hope you guys understand now let's take all the wood and turn them into slabs let's build a giant Bridge all the way to my Island and we'll use this to transfer all the villagers over there I'm so stupid I literally could have just used the boat to transport them over here yeah I'm gonna do that I'm so dumb and now it's been a little dock where I can drop off all the villagers with boats and now this will prevent them from escaping alright let's go join some villagers and let's just say I struggled a little bit where are you going what no we oh chill where where where is this guy gonna do the 10 mile long hike all the way back to his village bruh okay I finally managed to get three villagers here that was a pain if you want to watch me struggle go to BTS now let's talk building a villager breeder right over here foreign [Music] ER it looks kind of confusing but the villagers will be here Bayes will fall into this hole and then once they grow up they'll be in this little water pool and if it plays a button right here a minecart will shoot out and bring me a free villager let's find out my carrots that I grew with some bone meal get in your new home now the other guys and now once they have enough carrots they should start making some babies and we have unlimited villagers all right while we wait for these villagers to have some fun times and beds both of our Farms have grown pretty significantly so let's do another Harvest Time [Music] Over the Rainbow Dancing in the Dark oh yeah full inventory bam and we can even craft some more another eight stacks and another little bit which makes us a total of 2784 cookies we just crafted and if you add that to a running total that makes us 6 616 cookies I'm out of breath let's go check out my villager progress no babies okay they probably don't have enough carrots in their inventory and I really need to speed up this process because villagers are the key opponent to making unlimited cookies because with them we can make some automatic wheat Farms so I don't need to plant seeds it can make me Iron Golem farms and they also made me raid Farms now get me unlimited emeralds I trade with villagers for cookies so let's craft a diamond sword oh my God I got the diamond achievement no way let's grab my very few lapis and let's enchant please I need ah cam we got looting actually what am I doing I'm breaking one let's go that's exactly what I wanted life is good but spend the rest of the day grinding the mob farm try to get some more bones and it seems like all my sugar cane has grown which is awesome that leaves me with just under two stacks of sugarcane making me the same amount of paper that was a really dumb thing to even figure out it's just a one-to-one craft well using these bones let's turn them into bone meal and uh bone meal all of these carrots okay I'm gonna Harvest it for them because they're being really slow take the carrots and make babies okay that was kind of aggressive please make babies guys thanks okay while we wait for villager babies let's collect some cowies so let's craft some fences let's grab some wheat and let's take them home come to me Daddy's ah look how romantic this is just me and four cows that are about to be farmed and slaughtered for the rest of their lives walking down the sunset what a beauty all right come inside the fence and stay now that we have cows that means we gotta use more wheat to breed these guys and that's losing on potential cookies but I think it'll be worth this since cocoa beans are still outpacing the wheat growth we really gotta expand our Wheat Farm bam just uh don't ask me where I got the dirt from uh we don't care about the Savannah Biome that's boring but yeah we double the size of our Wheat Farm I just really don't want to harvest all of this so please have a baby oh there's two heads we got we got another villager okay that's a good sign we know that the farm is working oh my God we got the baby guy in there too so I spend the rest of the day AFK the Villager breeder I try to get as many villagers as possible hold up no way these guys are making love now yeah that's not a part of the deal the babies aren't supposed to this is there's three okay okay now what is going on here why is everybody looking that way yeah I'm gonna leave them be um whatever brings me more villagers I guess oh God by using those villagers we can turn all of these manual wheat Farms into automatic wheat Farms which is amazing the only problem is the cocoa bean Farm isn't really automatic yet so let's tear this entire thing down and let's redesign it so let's start by putting four Pistons up like this oh that's five let's just delete that bottom one and count 12 across and four more Pistons over here here yeah let's just build out a little platform with some slabs now let's place down the logs where the Pistons are at there we go we just need to connect all of this with a button um okay that pushes the bottom two if I put it up here it will activate these two what if I put Redstone there okay now if I put rest on here oh my God I'm a genius I never click this it should push it all yes let's grab my cocoa beans and let's plant them on the jungle wood let's just give it a test if I click this oh yeah I don't even need to break the cocoa beans anymore yeah let's build a few more automatic cocoa bean Farms [Music] all right I ended up crafting three automatical green farms and honestly that's probably good enough for the entire video I'm not sure but are we Farmers looking pretty good we're gonna need a lot more weeds so uh let's go through the paint again [Music] and why does that really piss me off it's just one yellow Dot and a DOT of green I yeah that that boils my blood but harvesting that got me seven Stacks in 46 weeks which isn't that much but let's craft some cookies anyways that brings the total to 8592 cookies which is only two and a half double chests honestly I thought we would have more cookies by day 25 but we don't but like I said earlier once we get a bunch more villagers we can start automating a lot of things so since these villagers are really important I'm gonna AFK this for a few days actually this is quality content all right that should have been like five days I'm on day 30 now now that we have a bunch of villagers we can start automating some things first thing I need to automate are these wheat Farms which means I need to build a giant rail system underneath the farming land to collect all the wheat which means I'm gonna need a lot of iron so the first steps is to build myself an iron golem Farm let's grab all of my materials [Music] okay that should be everything I need and let's build it near the Villager breeder because I'm too lazy to transport them anywhere else now for the challenging bit I need to transfer two villagers up here please have rails please have rails oh yes 15 and four that's probably not enough but I don't have a lot of iron so uh I can only make 16 more let's build a staircase up let's add some powered rails and normal rails hopefully that's enough to launch these fat villagers up here and please I ran out nice okay okay let's give it a try let's click this and oh my god it works it just joins the Villager he's a little too big though stay I'll push you up myself get up you chunky oh now I gotta steal some rails and put it over on this side oh my God I'm really struggling with materials right now okay get up to your new home and give me that mine cart let's do the same thing for another villager hello there bruh this guy this guy is really big I can't even stop him what they're just phasing through me stay [Music] here we go now let's just destroy all this I'll do that later I'm too lazy let's continue on this aren't going to farm it's pretty simple but first I need these two guys to make some babies let's give them some potatoes now we just gotta wait for three babies to pop out of thin air freshen and watch them huh I'll give you guys some privacy all right more AFK they're already doing the good deed okay it's been two days please oh yeah we got five villagers okay all right now we can start working on the collection system let's put a chest here with a bunch of Hoppers this is where all the iron will go and let's cover all of them up for safety and let's build a three high wall all right let's put two signs here and then two like this oh not there right here and now this is where the lava will go and water will go right here the aragons will fall yeah push into this corner and burn look at this happy family sleeping all together little do they know I'm using all of them all right let's go to bed and let's AFK this iron farm it only works during the day so that's AFK right underneath the farm and let's wait for like an hour and see how much iron we get okay it's day 39 about to be day 40. I had a few problems with the iron golem spawning down here I fixed it during BTS but I feel like I don't have a lot stacking 40. in five days that's that's okay I'll take it though I don't need a mine so I mean I just saved myself a lot of time using this iron I can turn all of it into rails and I can turn these wheat Farms into automatic wheat Farms I do need some more gold to craft some power rails because I only have four so I spend the rest of the day mining for gold yeah let's grab all the gold and hopefully this will make me enough powered rails uh yeah that'll work let's start building the automatic refund right beside the manual Wheat Farm foreign so basically everything is done all I need is a glowstone block and some course to make comparators so let's grab my obsidian let's just build it randomly in this little pit let's head to the nether okay uh right in front of quartz perfect let's grab as much as I can because I'm gonna make a bunch of Automatic Farms oh bro who made me beat you with a shovel you're gonna die to a shovel or you dot to yourself I think and let's grab some glowstone oh God that was a little dangerous yay as I do more dangerous stuff oh how do I get down no choice YOLO go back home go back home all right let's put a comparator a block a torch another block and just like that and that'll activate the rails now jump into here put a glowstone block and then some trap doors and this will prevent the villagers from crafting bread with the wheat we start farming hopefully this is all I need all right we got a bunch of villagers here let's connect a rail to this and bring it all the way home there we go let's join a villager oh I don't have a minecart in there where did it go bruh better be a hard worker we're gonna need a lot oh my God what what did I just witness Albert just phased through the floor and started riding the track down below what what did I just witness that was the most random thing ever let's put a block here to be safe and let's hope Riley over here doesn't die stay on that block please okay if I just break this and let no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay we're good while we wait for this guy to produce us some wheat let's build a few more of these automatic wheat Farms [Music] and let's see if they're working yet um okay I Got Dirt somehow yeah I'll probably take a walk for these guys to start making some wheat well let's Harvest all of this by hand since it's all grown up I'm talking to the weed like their children off to college [Music] so harvesting all this weed took me an entire day and a half which got me this much wheat which means we need way more cocoa beans luckily I have this thing over here that makes my life pretty easy I just click this select all the cocoa beans and now for the painful process of replanting them oh my God that was so uncalled for like I didn't even hit them and Bam now let's start crafting some cookies and while I'm doing this drop some guesses in the comments Below on how many cookies you think I'm gonna finish with at the end of the video and with all the cookies I just crafted that makes the total to 15 760 cookies which is only four double chests of cookies this is a lot harder than I thought so I think we move on to phase three of cookie crafting um which is gonna be villager trading so we all know you can trade emeralds for random things with villagers and for a farming villager if you get them to level 3 which is the journeyman you can then trade emeralds for cookies and this could possibly increase our cookie output by a ton so the next steps is to build a villager trading Hall and a raid Farm to get unlimited Emerald let's carve out a frame on the floor and this will be where the villagers and zombies will go all right let's grab some wood and let's use it to build some walls to separate the villagers all right right underneath here is where the zombie will go and those just infect the villagers now we just need some sticky pistons which I don't have um we're gonna have to somehow get some slime balls and it'll be a lot easier if I have looting three of my sword so I spent a little while getting a level 30 enchantment table to get looting three on my sword yeah looting three all right now that we have looting three let's go find myself a uh what's it called let me thank you let me swamp yeah yeah I found another real close by um also hearing a lot of fire um that's not a good sign oh God oh my God I didn't cause this it was not me yeah I'm just gonna come over here and steal off the wheat thank you for your services Village and I'm out oh my God there's another Village over there these guys are so Advanced they built a house on top of a house these guys are living in 2040 oh my god oh jackpot yeah give me all that hey oh it was my oh now it's not as exciting give me all that hey yay oh my God finally finally finally we found a swamp that took so so long it's not that big of a swamp biome but it'll do my first slime please give me more then okay I got three there's two big boys two big balls okay I'm getting ganged up upon right now um please die please all right we got a bunch of baby slimes oh my God I already have like 40. oh my God I have 57 slime already well that's more than enough but since we're here let's just grind some more balls since we're already here and we might need it for later okay I think two stocks is way more than enough so now let's craft some sticky pistons bam and let's place the sticky pistons right here and every single little pod now let's craft some trap doors and let's place them on top of the Pistons now for that Redstone and now let's start transporting the villagers into their new dungeon [Music] okay I got all the villagers in here I could start trading with them now but since the Sun is setting I think I'm gonna bring a zombie into here and if I right click this level lever it'll bring those on bring the Villager down and then they can infect them and I can cure them and they can have one trade one Emerald Dollar Tree yeah I think you guys know what I'm trying to say for now I did add some Fletchers and some Librarians that way I can just use some sticks and paper to get emeralds luckily for me I already have a sugar cane Farm which works pretty well but something even better is bamboo this would get me a ton of sticks and let's just plant these anywhere like right over here that works I couldn't find any more bamboo so it was literally there's only one like bamboo thing in that entire jungle so yeah and also accidentally uh went to bed it's just a habit so I couldn't get a zombie in there so in the meantime I'm just gonna fix some of these trades because this guy like doesn't have paper while away for the next day and let's also check out my automatic wheat farm please it's still one wheat this is not going that well I spent so much time building these and there's nothing bro well let's go through the pain again and do this manually anything for the cookies and let's start crafting some cookies and that brings our total to 19856 cookies honestly I feel like I'm doing pretty bad am I doing something wrong maybe doing all that manual stuff isn't the way and maybe villager trading is the way um I'm not really quite sure but let's give it a try let's start building a raid Farm to get unlimited emeralds to trade let's grab all the materials required all right I got all the materials I need I think and now let's start building it needs to be in the middle of the ocean and over 200 blocks high okay now let's place a lava bucket down and it'll go all the way down into the ocean this will make my life easier so I don't need to build all the blocks now we just gotta wait so uh how's your day going it would be pretty cool if you uh click that subscribe button yeah oh yeah it finally hit the bottom okay now we gotta do this pretty quick we gotta remove this one this lava and the second I could see the block I gotta put some water down wait a second um okay I think I messed up the block burned I'm so stupid I'm using wood quickly improvising craft a Sandstone block let's redo that it's going it's going water and it should make cobblestone all the way down I'll do some glass and build something like this bam oh ah now let's place a few signs right here which will hold a lava source bam oh wait this might burn oh God why did I decide to use wood hey I got some Cobblestone here we go now let's grab my water back and put it in this dispenser and this is basically where all of the raid guys will spawn and die all right now let's do a little bit of redstone no I took the water away I can't get back up bro I guess I gotta break this in collect all the sand again so I can build back up okay I'm falling back up and let's place the rest of this torch right here now let's Bridge all the way to the dispenser like this and place down some Redstone to the torch I need to place an observer here now I need to do it 11 more times below it and let's just continue building because I have no idea what I'm doing dude give me torches let me breathe I gotta sign maybe that'll work better actually kind of scared me okay there we go [Music] and the raid Farm should be done all I need to do is get the bad Omen effect and all those weird looking dudes will spawn up there hopefully all right but before I start using this raid Farm over there I'm gonna need sweeping Edge on my sword or else I might die so let's craft another sword and let's pray again a first try please please please please please please Ah that's a good sword though okay let's enchant to get oh five enchantments from one enchantment what that's that's awesome that's awesome that's awesome so now we'll just need to find a raid Tower somewhere I do know that there are a few Villages around so let's search around that oh yeah okay so now I just need to kill the captain dude the guy with a flag on his head is the Big Daddy not home guess he isn't home let's kill all of these guys finally finally one of those ugly dudes spawn holy I killed like a hundred of his family just for the Big Daddy to come give me your bad Omen so let's quickly build over to my RAID Farm okay the raid is happening I need to get on top of it before the bar fills up go go go get up get up get up get up I need to be up there before the bar fills up oh my God this is gonna be close okay it's gone um I need to go up here oh my God it's working all of them are spawning up there which is amazing so once it seems like all of them have spawned all I need to do is flick this lever and the water should turn on and they'll fall right over here and I can just kill them with my sweeping Edge okay we got the bad Omen effect already which is great that means we can restart the raid and this is insane XP yeah I think I killed them all let's turn it off and let's see how many emeralds I get please oh my God we already got 35 emeralds oh I forgot let me get totems too that is very helpful let's jump back down ah start the raid oh god let's swim back up and they're all spawning up there let's turn it on start chopping and I already have an entire stack of emeralds so I spent the next few days grinding this raid Farm to get as many emeralds as possible because I believe this is gonna be the fastest way to get cookies I really hope so okay it's day 73 and I had to end on level 69. I just had to make it perfect but this is how many emeralds I have um yeah it's a lot so let's take all of this and let's start trading for some cookies [Applause] and there we go all of my Farmers have little gold badges which means we can trade forward cookies so a Max tray will get me three stacks and 24 cookies that is not bad so if I keep trading with these guys like this oh make me a bunch of more cookies with a total of 27 Stacks so since I have unlimited emeralds I don't really need these Fletcher guys and these Librarians to get emeralds so I'm gonna break these to remove all of their professions and give them a brand new job which is becoming a farmer I then use all of my emeralds to trade for cookies and that got me all of these which is a total of 4878 more cookies and that gives us a total of over 24 000 Cookies By Day 70 I thought we would have like over a million cookies um this challenge is a lot harder than I thought but I did grab a bunch of hay bales from raiding Villages so let's turn this into wheat let's harvest the cocoa beans and let's craft even more cookies and that's another 4096 cookies which officially makes my total to be over eight double chests I feel like that's a accomplishment I thought I would have a lot more but um yeah so I don't really know what is faster to get cookies the manual farming of Wheat and cocoa beans or going Village to Village stealing hay or using the ray Farm to get unlimited emeralds that trade with a bunch of villagers for cookies because these prices are getting a little expensive so I have a new plan oh well it's basically the same thing as collecting hay from Villages but there's gonna be a lot faster I'm gonna spend the time to reach the end to feed the Ender Dragon and then get an elytra that way I can search for villages much faster and steal a bunch of hay oh yeah I literally just ran right into a blaze that's awesome there we go eight should be good now I just need to get myself some ender pearls which will require a warped forest biome this bridge across this quick oh my God finally [Music] [Music] oh my God oh my God what's up I'm totally not scared at all all right I got everything I need some ender pearls and some blaze rods and let's go defeat the Ender Dragon let's first enchant a bow and oh my God I got Infinity already that makes my life so much easier let's also grab my diamonds and craft some diamond armor and give it a quick enchantment all right let's turn these into some odds of Ender and let's go kill the Ender Dragon over there give it back oh I felt um sorry villager yeah oh still that way I ran for like a thousand blocks already all right let's dig down oh okay we made it here we go okay let's block this off destroy this and awesome we got two eyes in there let's turn her on what I didn't mean to say like that I don't even know the genders I don't even know the portal is gent okay never mind all right we are in let's quickly destroy all of the what are they called again the crystals I haven't defeated the End Dragon for so long I forgot it's called crystals let's destroy all of the crystals now let's kill the Ender Dragon oh God hooray hey there we go having to feed the dragon in a very long time so this is kind of exciting well let's collect the XP let's head over here and go to the end City dimension thing all right now let's find myself an end City this is my first one uh no end ship I don't think I need anything from it oh this is a big entity but I don't see any ship I don't think that made any sense yes yes finally let's Chuck an ender pearl up there oh that might be a really bad idea please make it oh my oh I just made it oh my God that was scary okay let's go come in here kill this ugly dude wait okay anything cool some diamonds um boring and the elytra let's put it on and finally let's head home I just need to find an End Gateway somewhere um yeah bam and I'm home but now that we have an elytra I'm missing two things gunpowder for fireworks and an Unbreaking book for the elytra so first we're working on the Unbreaking book which will be pretty easy just grab some books lapis and start spamming enchantments and out of all of these books I only I'm breaking two bro [Applause] I am and now I need unlimited fireworks I already have the sugarcane farm over here for paper I just need gunpowder and I totally forgot I already have a mob farm up there and I'm way too lazy to build an unlimited creeper farm so all right let's go harvest the sugar cane let's turn it into paper let's grab some fireworks all right I think that's enough and since we're gonna be spending a lot of time exploring the entire world let's make myself a diamond hoe let's enchant it and let's rename it the village Destroyer because I'm gonna be going Village to Village stealing all of their food aha this is the most random Village I've ever seen I'm not seeing a lot of hay bales anywhere oh there's some up here just hidden you must have heard them coming for them hey the next victim I'm sorry guys just has to be done I gotta feed the cookie Army and for the next few days I went Village to Village yanking all the hay bales possible like a straight up villain all right we are on day 87 and I've collected over seven stacks of hay which are probably like 70 stacks of wheat I have no idea yeah hope sweet home we got a ton of hay now with way over a double chest of wheat oh my God now the problem is not having enough cocoa beans yeah this automatic cocoa bean Farm isn't going to be enough so I grabbed all of my jungle and all the cocoa beans to make a giant cocoa bean farm and now we're just gonna wait for all these cocoa beans to grow there's a lot of them but it needs to be enough to supply all of this wee eat yes I need to take some vocal lessons for real for real I sound like a broken recorder but anyways I grabbed all of my emeralds I have left from farming earlier and let's trade with the Villagers for cookies while we wait for the cocoa beans and that's one more double chest of cookies added to the collection increasing our total to over 30 000 and let's just AFK these cocoa beans okay the day's almost over and most of the cocoa beans are fully grown so let's Harvest all of them okay I got a bunch of cocoa beans which should supply enough for all of this wheat I have and let's just start crafting I'm guessing this should double all the cookies I've crafted so far so all the hay bales that I stole from Villages I got me over a double chest of wheat for after me 18 406 416 cookies so if we add that to a running total that would be 51 000 and 170 cookies or just under 15 double chests of cookies that isn't too bad but I feel like the cookie God and the cookie Army could do a lot better and there's only 10 days left in this challenge so what I'm gonna do is collect all of this wheat and not replant it and turn it into some final cookies all right I'm now gonna craft all these in the cookies yet again and for the final 10 days I'm gonna go on a grind and at the very end I'll review the final amount of cookies I have draw some guesses in the comments and wish me luck hello there [Music] [Music] everybody get your jobs yeah foreign day 100 I used up all of my wheat and cocoa bean supplies I could actually craft a little bit more bam every cookie means something and I have a bunch of cookies here that I crafted and some over here so let's grab all of these and move into this new Supply chest full of cookies okay this is the final reveal can you guys guess how many cookies I crafted in the final 10 days well right behind me is exactly how many cookies yup they are all full oh um yeah you know they were just for show but for real the final 10 days I crafted drum roll please 55 862 cookies which is just over 16 double chests of cookies is that more or less than you thought if we add that to the complete total after 100 straight days of grinding I crafted exactly 107 000 and 32 cookies I'm gonna be honest that challenge was a lot harder than I expected I thought it was gonna be so easy to just harvest wheat and cocoa beans trade with a few villagers and just get 8 million cookies just like that and after making every single type of farm villager breeders villager trading Halls raid farms and even going Village to Village stealing hay I only managed to craft a hundred thousand cookies I'm sorry but I left the cookie Army starving maybe I'll attempt this challenge another time but you should try it yourself for 100 days anyways that was a ton of fun everybody spam cookie Army in the comments and make memories of your friends and family goodbye I need to learn this thing
Channel: aCookieGod
Views: 6,889,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acookiegod, a cookie god, a cookie god minecraft, cookie minecraft, minecraft cookie, minecraft cookie god, cookie god, acookiegod series, acookiegod hardcore, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, minecraft, extracookie, 100 days, acookiegod 100 days, i crafted 1000000 cookies in minecraft hardcore, how many cookies can you craft in 100 days?, can you farm 1000000 cookies in 100 minecraft days?, i survived 100 days farming 1000000 cookies in minecraft hardcore
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 20sec (2360 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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