This Mom Feeds Kids RoadkiII

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Rancha7 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2018 đź—«︎ replies
here we go for roadkill here we go looks pretty fresh my plan for the rabbit roadkill is to make some nice things for my family they're joking right I don't think so who makes nice things out of a deceased animal they find on the side of the road Wow well what is up guys this is Jose here today and welcome back to a brand new video and today we're probably going to meet one of the cheapest families in America and sadly see what they're actually gonna do with that roadkill but let's just get into this hi my name is Vicky Smith and I'm an extreme cheapskate here's my husband John he's a butcher we have 10 children live still live at home I've always just been in cheapskate and the more kids I have the cheaper I've got why are you having more kids then it's the 21st century not the 19 you don't need a bunch of kids for some workforce all right John it might be time to cut the cord I mean your swimmers are so efficient it looks like it's causing some budgeting problems for your family this is a living room and it's pretty bare we don't want to go in debt for furniture so what you see is what we got I'm not an interior designer but I'm pretty sure there's plenty of cheap ways to make your living room not look like literal depression it's driving everybody crazy because we don't have a phone here we used to spend about a hundred and twenty a month on our phone bill and that's just if I need to get ahold of somebody I just walk over to the library it's less than a block away okay so what's their plan of emergency like oh yeah someone's just breaking into her house oh let me just you know walk on over to the library oh gosh golly I really hope the library is open yes because someone's breaking into our house we don't have a phone I can't call 9-1-1 so I mean I guess just kind of walk down the block to the library it's only it's only half a block away you know for your library card play your slippers on be safe I will I'm just gonna entertain the person robbing us if you don't mind that's completely fine for me if this was a real situation I'll be really annoyed at you if you were entertaining a person robbing her house damn good cupboard know that honestly who would actually rob their house there's nothing there like what would they steal a chair maybe the table all of my children have always weren't hand-me-downs but every little girl wants new clothes so Raya is no exception to the rule mom what do you need I mean there's an empty closet there all these soupy she's complaining about not having clothes there's a dress that's horrible looking it's like for a four-year-old you try it on there's nothing wrong with used clothing she just dressed her daughter like some creepy girl from a horror film what should we do should I burn it I know Soraya's 13 she's very self-conscious about making sure she's not different from the rest of the girls yes see she feels that difference a lot [Music] right off of that they have the judgmental a bratty friend to come over I mean that this actually feels scripted so what you're wearing oh you know the 7th graders have the illest roasts in town ooh got'em Becky slay Queen I don't even know what her name is I'm just assuming she's a Becky I've Airy really give my kids money to go shopping if I were to just give them $20 that takes me totally out of the picture um so can I go shopping with Ally tell you what why don't I go with you guys and then we can figure out how much you really need when we get there okay all right I refuse to spend big bucks on clothes it doesn't seem like you spend big bucks on anything how do people live their lives this miserably like who takes the time to micromanage everything I mean just give your daughter $20 to go shopping you know once in a while like it doesn't have to be often like you put your daughter and a dress so old it's probably been haunted by like five different ghost girls and meanwhile Becky's over here judging absolutely everything this is just insane I don't mind taking Suraiya and Ally to the local flea market to look for clothes this looks like stuff my grandma would wear hmm get in Becky that's cause it's so ugly no one wore it that's something your mom I can't care okay we get the point Becky now can we continue we get it you're rich Becky we did it Becky you're rich and wealthy like yellow yeah I avoid buying anything new if I can get it used I'd much rather pay 75% off or less yeah okay that's that's a fair statement yes but like acting this extreme is just Allan a ting the hell out of your child I mean like none of these angsty 13 year olds are gonna want to hang around your child if it's this weird every time they hang around your child find anything yeah Thanks so display okay so I need all these I want for these shoes and how much your shoes oh this shirt it's only two dollars two dollars is a lot at a garage sale it would be like 25 cents where'd you get a shirt for 25 cents well you do individual shirts go for lower than two dollars in America how Lisa I mean maybe if you handle the hell out of some person on a yard sale that just needs to get rid of it anyway maybe you can get it for 25 cents but no one's making a profit selling a shirt for 25 cents ah I want to make sure how much you like it I like it well let's see 2 4 6 8 10 yeah okay $10 that's half of what she originally wanted I don't think so that's too much does the mom just not have a job like I can't imagine why they can't get their daughters $10 worth of clothes winter closet looks like this but maybe you should close the baby factory a little bit earlier you cannot pay for the bare essentials for your kids being you know food proper food and clothing and it's not even like the daughter is asking for designer it's not even H&M I feel horrible for saying this but it's kind of true like when goodwill is too pricy you're doing something wrong or you've just been dealt the worst possible deck of cards ever so which is your favorite shirt the yellow one okay tell you what why don't we get this one okay I feel so good when I save money I hope so I kicked myself what I could have saved money and I don't so if you don't save money you kick yourself but if you save money your kids are picking themselves because they don't have any clothes to wear all right I mean if this is not a motivation for the kids tick okay get up and get a job I don't know what is so I mean there's not only negatives here but lights big yikes when I have to come up with birthday or Christmas presents we do a lot of homemade Vicki can make gloves and her little hats and things and we can save money by using them for gifts if I have a project that requires real fur and I was to go out and buy that fur from the store it's exorbitantly priced so why oh yeah yeah I love me some tire marks and in my fur coat that's great furs are expensive but if you can find it along the road it can be a lot cheaper it saves me hundreds of dollars something sleppy go hunting just go hunting please don't kill go hunting wow that's a fox and it's kind of weird to go find animals on the side of the road that probably have bugs in them this one's not gonna work I don't need every piece of roadkill on the road you know I need something to use the ball my mission is to find good roadkill on the road and if it's fresh fresh fresh and good I'm a butcher I have no problem whatsoever eating something that's fresh and good what is fresh and good in the word roadkill yeah no nothing yeah that's right absolutely nothing Wow it's not fresh and good it's a deceased animal found on the side of the road how can you serve that to your kids if you had any amount of bacteria and parasites on it and if you take care of that problem what about like tiny glass shards or anything like that what if the animals disease would they even know that like what for example have rabies you can't really tell that without testing it so if they ate that wouldn't they all get rabies and die I don't know just more other story don't eat roadkill kids don't do that that's really messed up and bad this meat is just also a complete different drill yeah car grill you're not funny well if you found my dreams well that's fine was was off on a side road what do you say what do you think it's a pretty good one you guys it's a deceased animal laying on the side of the road how good can it look kill that we found was a bunny looks pretty fresh there's nothing fresh about that finds a dead animal in the side of the road Oh looks pretty fresh you know yeah buddy the pump is still good the lakes are still good and so that was quite a find she'll make something out of it I'm excited to have my neighbors Tammy and Yoshi for dinner tonight we're serving barbecued rabbit and a tossed salad made with flowers that we've gathered so you're serving your guests roadkill with grass and flowers okay yeah that's normal definitely you know Logan Paul is all about being savage see that's sad that's a modern-day savage serving a roadkill and picked flowers for dinner Savage I can't think of anything that's more savage they're modern-day savages Logan Paul is fake compared to these savages it's so fun to be able to walk outside and know what you can pick and put in your salad and it doesn't cost you a cent it's a gourmet salad at a rock-bottom price a gourmet salad for cows not humans flowers and grass is not a gourmet salad and if you want to live cheap start hunting and farming seems cost nothing and then we live in America like trying to find something to hunt with would not be very hard no I mean a problem solved let's see how the guests react to this madness I guess what they can't I've been waiting all day for this there goes Eastern somebody killed Eastern honey terrible I can't eat it like how do these people exist I don't believe this but on the other side I do believe it because I don't believe that someone would make this up how many know how I feel anymore everything is wrong with these people strangely this tastes just like chicken I'm gonna try summer salad there's clover and sage blossom unless a regular thing for you to is to pick Yanks ah I can't do this like why invite people over to literally how the hazardous dinner that dinner could be lethal we use all parts of the rabbit and see that I don't think you missed a thing yeah we're team Wow I just love how it ends like that yeah we're cheap I'm gonna go make myself some food that hasn't been found on the side of the road hopefully if you want to see a similar video to this one I uploaded another cheap family video last week you can find that in the description down below but if you enjoy the video please drop a like on it if you're new here I welcome you to my channel if you also you subscribe we've been growing so fast lately and I thank you guys so much thank you so much for the support we're almost at half a million subscribers which is just completely insane to me on that note I'll see you guys next video hard you Adam now you don't really talk too much [Music] I've been seein all these sites and traveling in my suitcase I pack light I got my plans
Channel: Atozy
Views: 2,035,125
Rating: 4.9196877 out of 5
Keywords: extreme cheapskates, cheapskates, extreme, extreme cheapskates tv show, extreme cheapskates full episodes, extreme cheapskates (tv program), cheapest mom ever, cheapskate, cheapest mom, cheap, cheap mom, extreme couponing, save, mom, reaction, savings, react, tlc, reacting, reality tv, atozy, satire
Id: eBgziBPafq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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