This Video Just Ruined ASMR..

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oh look at him oh is he just laying there being a little cutie well he's had a long day of going to the vet today he's just completely pooped so you know the generic instagram clickbait where people are putting like eyeliner in their eye and then like photoshopping their eyes solid red or just taking a big bite out of like some makeup well yeah i found the non-clickbait version of that [Music] yeah this is youtube in 2019 so that was extremely unexpected the first time i saw that and uh let me just drop a quick disclaimer here don't do anything dumb you see in this video and then normally you would see like oh these are paid professionals don't try this at home see these are paid idiots don't be an idiot at home just don't be an idiot in general please so i don't know if you could tell or not but i i do not really like asmr at all i mean not to offend any of you who like asmr it's just not my thing and i've never really paid too much attention to the genre since it really came out but what recently brought my attention back to asmr is the countless amount of videos where asmr channels are just doing the absolute most like the examples i'm going to show you in this video today asmr people it's time to tone it down a few hundred notches [Music] did you get the attention that you're begging for like did you okay wait actually i'm giving her attention right now okay you got your attention please stop consuming this stuff wow [Music] part of me thinks that we're witnessing a mental breakdown right now actually i think this is a mental breakdown [Music] why this is too much for me and it needs to stop like right now i'm assuming that she has taken the time to clean out all of this makeup and then kind of like refill it with stuff that's edible that looks like makeup that's what i'm banking on here but still this needs to stop right now like this in general is not good to show a younger child i see it's age rated on youtube but like on instagram and stuff like that i don't think it's age rated kids should not be seeing this so as i said previously um don't do that real or fake don't do that so we're just getting started here we have a bunch more videos to go through so uh next video i'm not sure if i can do this i mean aren't these metal [Music] i mean there's a first time for everything okay i get these are solely made with the purpose of getting clicks like i understand the makeup eating girl was most likely not eating real makeup and i obviously get this girl is not eating a real rusty tool because i mean you can't even do that but that's beside the point my real question is here why have we resorted to this faking to eat rusty tools asmr uploaded to youtube she has to be younger than 15. yeah i think she does like a disclaimer and everything but still it's just like whack it's definitely for clicks though like i saw a video of hers where she was like eating my louboutins and like uh when you click on it you can tell that it's like a made of cake or like what's that material called it's edible though you can tell when you click on it but like in the thumbnail you can't tell yeah it's just so uncomfortable to watch i mean like they know they're milking this intense discomfort to get these views but ooh they're getting clicks so i mean good for them but um why this way i can't ah no it's a security camera honestly we love a theatrical queen does anyone remember the show home improvement i feel like this is what like tool time would be in 2019 tool time in 2019 would be this tim allen would not approve of this tool time asmr tool time asmr with a 13 year old child yes instead of like using the tools she's nibbling on them girl if you think you're actually gnawing on some rustic tools that your boss was gonna kill you you are gonna kill you like i hope you have that tetanus shot up to date this one again okay [Music] thanks i hate it i absolutely hate it so does he don't eat deodorant please you made me like gag on myself to the point where i woke my dog enough enough enough enough please enough please don't start eating deodorant in 2019 please stop eating deodorant have you ever licked deodorant no why why would i ever lick deodorant just no way it tastes like no like haven't you heard like you have never had one of those weird annoying friends who's like bro you have you ever eaten deodorant and you're like nah i have it oh wait i guess i'm that weird annoying friend right now but like i don't hang around lunatics normally but like one time someone said like it's terrible to lick deodorant no actually i think it's like i think what happened to me was like i accidentally got deodorant in my mouth and then i had a discussion with like my friend about like oh have you ever accidentally gotten deer in your mouth but it's the worst thing ever because obviously deodorants meant to be drying and your mouth is meant to be like moist so if you get deodorant in your mouth it's the worst sensation ever you should go do it do it for the video do it for the gram do for the vine don't ever eat deodorant [Music] yeah thanks i hate it this is awful next video so in today's video i got some glass [Music] i'm starting to realize the really weird asmr videos is mainly just these two channels i think they're the ones who are pumping out the most click bait content like eating makeup or eating deodorant or eating glass like yeah is even going on it's like a whole new form of click bait because it's like you see it in your feed and you're like what the so obviously you click it so i'm assuming the click rate on these videos are insane don't eat glass don't eat it because this is just like sugar this is so tony glass glass it's not my fault i think this is actually hands down the best disclaimer i've ever heard imagine taking your girl to a wine tasting at a vineyard and then she just starts eating glass and she just follows it up but i'm getting a flowery aroma hint of cinnamon a little bit of wood oak to be precise mouth is just covered in blood just like okay she's got like a t-shirt on this is like cute but psycho okay i think we just found the best one this one's so good guys freaking damn it come on come on come on is he gonna do it damn that was real is it gonna do it breaks into your house asmr yeah man it's just so relaxing to land listen to the sounds of 2013 pewdiepie breaking into your house yeah okay i could definitely just listen to this and unwind after a hard day of work this one i just needed one amazing work on this one honestly amazing work on this one it feels pretty real good job yeah what else is there next video asmr to help you sleep i beat you till your unconscious again i guess this is a follow-up video they're starting to get pretty good now like maybe this one is my favorite at this point 10 points to gryffindor for creativity on this one congrats i think that's the whitest thing you've ever said thank you as a white male i'm honored to hear that compliment hannah thank you another type of asmr i just came across is uh a weird and interesting to say the least it's bullying asmr which is definitely interesting um i straight up don't understand this one your face kept beating up my hands this one has to be like to the point where people click on it because it's funny and satire i don't think people relax and unwind to someone bullying them no hate at all who is watching this and relaxing honestly okay do you want to hear my hot take on like my perspectives what if like you got a lot of like real life like you know like you're in debt you're like late on the rent like all this stuff and you're like damn i remember when i had like high school middle school problems when i had a bully like that was like the easy stuff so then you put on an asmr and you're like pretend that's your only problem is the girl bullying you you're like uh back to the easy day okay so isn't asmr the point like of relaxation yeah i think so your logic here is oh i'm miserable let me go back to a place where i was still miserable but less miserable is that your logic here let's well it's like i'm just trying to reach and understand i think it's for the meme but like honestly i hope it's for the meme because i do not understand how anyone can relax to this like either that or i am completely missing the point maybe it's her charisma i think it's her charisma that's endearing yeah i feel terrified between this one pewdiepie breaking into my house asmr whack girl eating deodorant and other makeup yeah i've had enough of the whack asmr videos oh and of course i can't forget the asmr video where i was getting beaten unconscious to sleep i mean what is wrong with the asmr world this this all needs to get cranked down a few notches maybe he's just doing you a favor that guy who made that video he also has a video he's like i pranked myself by uh wasting 18 years of my life at school only to become nothing i was like okay [Music] please stand all right um but on that note um i'm gonna end today's video if you enjoyed the video please drop a like on it if you're new here i welcome you to my channel it will be awesome if you subscribe also guys don't do anything in this video don't repeat anything i mean sure you can beat your phone if you really want to or you can make an edit of 2013 pewdiepie breaking into your house feel free to do that just don't eat any wax definitely not rustic tools makeup or deodorant or glass yeah definitely not glass so yeah i think we covered everything there and if you want to follow me outside of youtube you can find me as aditosi on instagram and twitter links will be down in the description down below if you want to follow my adorable sleeping puppy over there it's gary the puppy on instagram or gary the puppy on youtube links to him will also be down in the description down below but on that note i'll see you guys next video peace [Music] [Music] all these sites been traveling in my suitcase i packed like i got my plans
Channel: Atozy
Views: 460,663
Rating: 4.8710017 out of 5
Keywords: ASMR, sleep, sleep asmr, ASMR MUST BE STOPPED, ASMR NOW HAS TO STOP, Comedy, cringe, ASMR TO HELP YOU SLEEP, Asmr has gone too far, Gibi ASMR, Pelagea ASMR, Life with MaK, ASMR glow, tapping, tingles, atozy, satire, asmr 1 hr, THIS VIDEO RUINED ASMR FOREVER, THIS VIDEO RUINED ASMR, triggers, relaxation, asmr tapping
Id: _OvCxfGL2Nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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