The Most Entitled Mukbang Youtuber: Veronica Wang

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so I don't really understood why people love watching someone aggressively and extremely audibly just shovel food down their throats personally seeing and hearing that grosses me out but hey whatever floats your boat a lot of people obviously enjoy the style of content ends way to have this whole sort of mukbang community here on YouTube I haven't really heard too much about the people until well I heard about this one right here this mukbang youtuber by the name of Veronica Wang and Wow she's a special snowflake and it really doesn't take long for anyone to realize that she comes across as extremely entitled and even Oh also Chipotle I like films like them making it I mean sorry Breda boys I filmed them like making my ball no complaints Chipotle three people complain they're like you can't film I'm like where's the policy that says I can't film for a second I thought think I said on his website so I'm like on your website like way on your website you know and he's just like oh no like no we don't have it I'm like okay so then I don't see a sign that says I can't film so I'm gonna film and he just like looked away and then the manager comes and says you know we don't allow people to film I'm like is it your policy and he's like well no I'm like okay so then I can film basic well you know for privacy reasons I'm like I'm off filming your face I'm filming your hands I don't know deploy McDonald's in Canada like not impressed like attitude attitude attitude attitude yeah I can't imagine it being worth fighting someone over some footage in Chipotle I mean is it really worth throwing a fit for this so yeah it's pretty clear that this person has some attitude problems but guess what it's all downhill from here apparently she collaborated with another mukbang youtuber and in the video that they did it was reposted by another channel that makes funny edits that channel is called ship bong and you see shook bong basically they just make the kind of videos of the funny zooms and then random texts of what people are thinking it's basically like a much dank video but for the mukbang community and I don't think they're ever genuinely mean since they're just edited and just changed it up quite a bit obviously it's extremely satire and of course it falls under fair use because of how the entire video is just chopped and zoomed up and like obviously this channel creates their own content through someone else's content in a way so sure maybe this channel doesn't have monetary rights but definitely have rights to keep it up there on YouTube so as I was saying shook bond made one of these edited videos on a collab with Veronica Wang and guess what happened let's just say that Little Miss Veronica Wang over here was not very happy about this video this channel was created on me and Stephanie's video of them saying that Stephanie and I weren't like friends and stuff or like I was being like super evil and like was really greedy with the food and stuff but it was actually the complete opposite like and stuff II said that she's gonna talk about this in one of her videos but I was the one like I bought a bunch of food I paid for all the food I left all the food at Stephanie's house like I was a room one that reminds Stephanie to like offer her fiance food and everyone was saying literally the complete opposite you know if you do nice things without expecting anything back you don't have to list off every decent thing you did come behind are you serious you don't deserve all of this praise just because you bought the food and left some food there and what you even reminded the girl you collab with to feed some of the food to her fee on find your business why are you talking about this in a video what does the general public have anything to do with that oh wow wow you are noble for doing that thank you so much Veronica Wang for reminding whoever you collab with to feed their fiance why are you giving us this information it looks like you're just trying to put yourself on a pedestal over us like come on in reality you could have just not responded and been completely fine or you could have simply responded something like no I was not rude or greedy actually it's that simple right there that's that's it that's all you needed to say instead of to shuffle one list off every semi-decent thing that you did come on but all the other youtubers have messaged me and they've all agreed that this channel had very light-hearted videos for other people but on my videos they went in on me you know it was just completely opposite of what these videos were train and I was like this is hilarious well you know if anyone's gonna be allowed to make fun of me it's gonna be me so basically no one here is allowed to make fun of Veronica Wang that's just the rules apparently she can only poke fun at herself no one can ever critique Veronica Wang obviously this video is light hearted this is so light hearted no one went in here and here's the clip of the video by the way today we are going to be making giant super long stretchy right stuff he's gonna do the honors today of cooking I'm super excited it's good though I like you're like my friend SATA she's like literally like you yeah you guys are the same person Oh what do you like like Korean Chinese do you like the Korean lately cream where's your do you like the Chinese clean version wall just show you a little don't bring something I really so they're basically just making fun of how she's super annoying come on just I've seen this type of video editing like countless of times before where the editing is done in the way for humour where they just kind of like exaggerated the annoyingness in the original video and it's very obviously heavily edited so it's just an exaggerated edit of a okay video like come on what's wrong with this he's not going in on you at all but apparently ronica thought that was enough to copyright strike this poor channel white like that content was 100% transformative it has all the rights in the world to stay up on YouTube but no Veronica doesn't think that Wow so basically someone made fun of Little Miss princess over here and Little Miss princess over here got butthurt and took down the channel sounds a lot like a linen you hear so basically she struck a video unrightfully that was under fair use and this is her response and if they're gonna blame anyone for that channel getting taken down they needs to blame themselves because they are the reason even though the channel wants to blame me and these other needs Hoover's ultimately the channel should have made more of an effort to stop their subscribers from doing those things or completely switched off the Neriah yeah that's right don't blame her for the unfair copyright strike blame yourself logic I love it even though I can't find it here and it's apparently shook bonds fault that they lost their entire channel and hard work here even though I'm pretty sure that all of their content falls under fair use but hey I can't check because she took down the channel are you serious here like why do you tuber strike people who criticize them chill no question actually what's your question okay so for doing like a strike like that like you said yeah that's for what like what could I strike so you can strike someone if they literally just reuploaded your content or if they're using your content without editing it and then I guess you don't want it to be up there you can strike it but they have to like either unrightfully use through your content on transformative like re-upload or yeah that's pretty much the only use of it say since she doesn't like it she didn't like the video she felt like it was mean right is there anything like no and so in reality if it's slander she can try to sue but it's obviously not theirs yeah it's so I honestly don't know like just take a joke cuz that was a very light-hearted joke honestly like but apparently there's another mukbang channel who is also easily but heard by someone I guess poking fun at them oh it's called sass ASMR or something like that so allegedly Veronica Wang and sass ASMR teamed up to take down this poor channel named ship bonk Wow if that's not a vendetta I have no idea and also the content all of the content that shook bang uploaded it falls under fair use so they unrightfully strike down this poor person's channel and there wasn't anything necessarily bad said about these peoples names like there were no rumors there was no slanderous claims it was literally just someone making a funny edit out of an original video like come on it would literally be like Soulja Boy taking now much Danks video of his interview for slander when in reality it's obviously not of slant it's just poking fun at jokes and he said like come on so some more and I were talking about this she messaged me and she told me cuz she was like Veronica these videos are so unfair you are such a great person they do not have the right to talk about you this way like in the part is that me and Stephanie actually for a second almost stopped being friends because of our subscribers and the funny thing is is this this channel doesn't even bring up the fact that sass already copyrighted claimed a video before I even claimed mine they just completely acted like it was just me so I copyrighted the videos going back I was gonna listen to sass and copyright the videos now it's YouTube's responsibility to see whether or not what's not the responsibility but the way that the copyrights work is YouTube will take a look at it and see whether or not they agree with the coffee right now that's not even remotely true at all like she has no idea what she's talking about here are you serious and that's scary how that big of a channel can have no idea of how the YouTube copyright system even works so YouTube in general just doesn't touch any copyright disputes at all with a 12 foot pole they do that because they don't want to be sued so it's a way of them protecting their own skin and as of right now YouTube's copyright system is heavily in favor of the person that's striking X channel rather than the poor channel that's getting striked against because well actually I don't know the statistics on it because I think there's more legitimate strikes than on legitimate strikes even though we hear about the unlit item it strikes more often but basically if your channel gets strike and then you counter that strike and that person still does not want to take off the strike you basically have to go to court with that person hence why massive YouTube channels and massive corporations who already have a massive budget to even go to court with obviously they're at a massive advantage here because some poor like university student or someone who's doing YouTube as like for fun as a hobby obviously they're not gonna have the budget to go to court so they're gonna have to take the out when people like Veronica Wang completely miss uses her power on YouTube and just stomping on the little guy here like are you serious people are throwing throwing the words like lis go around or oligo around and the fact of the matter is is that if you look at all the popular tea spilled channels they completely redo the content so it did I do anything illegal no our other youtubers right now staying like some youtubers thing I did illegal and using this to advantage to make get views yes now with that being said everything that happens with this channel getting shut down they should have took extra steps to make sure that they didn't get shut down yeah girl honestly you sound dumb as play right now Stephanie sass me and all of us youtubers who have been put on that channel we are all for each other we all believe that our content was stolen oh really girl okay so apparently the girl who was in the super triggering mean video that Veronica Wang struck down from MOOC bang OH shook bang Stephanie she did not agree with Veronica Wang's method of taking down this video she didn't even think the video was mean at all this is such a mess she basically just made a long comment basically stating that she never really had a problem with the channel shook bang at all I do not regret copyright striking those videos I do not regret standing up for myself and I will not address anybody who is making titles about me from here on out for views because they're shady they're liars and they're painting me to be this horrible person when I do nothing except spread love every single day in my life I spread love to my family I spread love to my friends everyone else honestly seriously and I'm seeing this wholeheartedly tingle than themselves I don't know a man like you're gonna try to twist my around I have been nothing but loving and caring alright well I guess I'm just gonna go [ __ ] myself right now oh that's hot that's hot I thought if these people want to try to go against my copyright infringement they're allowed to but I do have a lawyer and I believe that my claim was truthful and I will fight it to the bitter frickin end so I don't care the thing about channels was like shook bang or tea spill or any of these channels they don't want their real name out there they're not internet personalities or public figures which you are Veronica Wang if you want to make comedic content or just content in general based off of other contents without revealing who you are that's completely fine what's the problem with that again this person was not hiding behind a screen and making mean videos I mean obviously it would be one thing if this video was cruel and hurtful and was spreading a bunch of misinformation but no it was an obvious joke and from what I saw they're just videos that it edited things out of context to poke fun like come on it's just funny if shook bong actually wanted to do this they'd have to reveal themselves as a person show at least some personal information or at least give it to you Veronica Wang which you could misuse and I'd assume that they wouldn't really want to do this it just puts them in a really tough situation and from what I saw they still haven't gotten their channel back I think it was up for a short amount of time but if I search for shuch bong the channels not there there's a bunch of reuploads of this person's video but the channels not there so if there's anything to take from this video don't copyright strike videos that fall under fair use if you're a public figure or online personality learn to take a joke and Veronica Wang get your head out of your to release those strikes please you guys come on Veronica Wang is making it look like booboo the fool over here it's honestly just giving me a headache so yeah on that note I'm going to be ending today's video if you enjoyed the video please drop a like on it if you're new here I welcome you to my channel it'll be awesome you subscribe if you want fall on the outside of YouTube you can find me on Instagram and Twitter as I de tous e links will be down in description down below Veronica Wang relief strikes and claims and all in everything get this channel back up there pull your head out of here stop being an hole come on be a nice person or at least be a decent person that's all for now see you guys next video peace hard you add a lot now you don't really talk too much though I've been seeing all these sites and traveling in my suitcase I pack like I got my plans
Channel: Atozy
Views: 1,590,380
Rating: 4.9353399 out of 5
Keywords: veronica wang pewdiepie, veronica wang, nikocado avocado 2, mukbang pewdiepie, mukbang, stephanie soo asmr, stephanie soo, sas asmr, tea spill, veronica, mukbang drama, beauty guru, jeffree star, james charles, tea, shookbang, shookbang pewdiepie, Mukbang Youtuber, Veronica Wang Mukbang, satire, atozy
Id: xzejYHTRhxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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