This Vlog Mom Profits off her Kids’ Puberty...

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we're now in June of 2020 so cute that Bon Jovi because whoa we're halfway there we really are just living on a prayer in 2020 but hey twenty twenty point five is coming in about a few weeks so I'll be in that year y'all can be in 2020 I'll be living in twenty twenty point five so maybe in like two weeks they finally drop a patch for this broken year twenty twenty so far has been a decade crammed into six months and boys have been awful but do you know what else is awful child neglect that was an eight-year level segue but let's go with it a couple days ago reported on the chaos and insanity with a previous vlog channel that was on YouTube known as the Stoffer life I say previous because they actually went on and deleted their YouTube channel after everything that happened but in today's video I'm gonna be talking about a different family vlog channel which is arguably equally as bad that's right another family vlog channel has found itself on a whole lot of heat rightfully so I say that because after doing research for this video I genuinely feel mentally drained and I feel so bad for these kids because what's happening to them is up there there's no other way to say it and the channel I'm talking about today is known as eight passengers it's a pretty similar format to most family vlog channels where it's like ran by the mother and the father is kind of in the background who be like kinda helps here and there it's just your standard exploiting our kids for YouTube ad revenue formula Ruby or the mother has posted countless clips onto this eight passengers channel where you can just clearly see that the kids are deeply uncomfortable with what's being posted she talks about sensitive personal and private topics about her kids and she just launches it out in front of millions of people to see including obviously like the people the kids go to school with there's even a clip where the mother is having a personal conversation with one of her daughters and the daughter to ask do we have to have this conversation on camera the mother then just posted that clip and didn't even edit out the fact that the daughter was like can we not film this would just an awful clicked a title and thumbnail and everything and unfortunately the childhood trauma does not stop there at all not even close not with this channel that's for sure you're about to find out how much more subs they just throw out for millions of people to see daily and there's a lot of parts that I won't even be covering in this video because there's so much so be aware I'm only scratching the surface of what this channel posts in this video today I'm just gonna start off with the extreme manner that Ruby or the mother punishes their children publicly when they misbehave apparently their oldest son was in big trouble for pranking their youngest son by waking them up early saying they're going to Disneyland and they had to pack all this stuff once the younger brother had everything packed up and was ready to go to Disneyland he explained everything was a joke so that instance happened and then apparently another instance happened with the same older brother prank the younger brother by leaving him hanging from a basketball hoop for a couple minutes allegedly these were the actions that led the parents to punishing the older son for all of this and while I would think a fitting punishment for that would be I don't know no video games that night or maybe he's not allowed to go play with his friends that weekend but know now that they claimed that this was immature and irresponsible of him so they sent him to this troubled teens youth camp out of state because of that this camp is actually here in Arizona and it's called Anasazi he spent many months there and after I did some research on this camp I found out it's actually a very harsh if you look at some of the reviews from it it's very alarming the son slept outside on the ground the entire time he was there at the wilderness camp and as I said previously he was there for months he was like what is my packing list like what do you pack to go on a wilderness camp I don't know I've never done this before and so I'm like let me find out we'll find out that guy says oh you don't need to bring anything except 36 pair of underwear when Chad heard of usik I really am going to go live in the desert under whatever we decided it was best to clue you guys in on what's been going on a little bit with Chad and why Ruby and I are in a hotel room right now oh my god I love the aesthetic of abusing your children I personally cannot fathom how someone can justify themselves taking away a basic need from their child Abed and like have the audacity to post it out for millions of people to see in Ruby leave some audacity for the rest of us how would removing Abed help someone that's troubled I can't think of a single case where removing a bed would fix someone from being troubled I feel like that would make them even more troubled by not having one of the basic essentials you need in life maybe send him to counseling for an hour after school every day I feel like that is way better than removing his bed oh my goodness and understandably the parents received backlash from sending their son to this camp so here's their response to that backlash we got accused of child abuse when we sent Chad to Anasazi guess what the first thing that they did was take a bed away they don't have beds so Chad slept on the hard ground for months and it's you know it's run by psychologists and therapists and if not having a bed was psychologically damaging then they wouldn't they wouldn't have suggested that and I think most of the people who are upset are actually children like teenagers yikes this is just tough on so many levels and then to make matters worse when the kid finally got home from this camp they still didn't even give him a bed to sleep on I think they only allowed him to sleep on a beanbag this mom really thinks she's the queen of teaching her kids valuable lessons god these kids are gonna drop videos exposing their mother when they finally move out of this hell house Abbey are you crying are you guys crying get in your boats we're not done yet you girls are doing great I'm proud of you you can't get out right here that we have to go back I used to do this kind of stuff all the time and my girls they need a little bit tougher skin this is gonna be good for them I love her her kids are just sobbing in the background as she's just casually vlogging herself with a selfie stick here okay and that's not even the only thing for some reason this mother thinks it's okay to starve her five-year-old daughter so for context of that her youngest is I don't know five or six years old and I guess the mother expects the five or six-year-old to pack their lunch every day before they go to school which it's a little young to start doing at five or six but okay so one morning the mother asks her youngest daughter if she's packed her lunch and I guess the girl says yes so later on that day the teacher actually texts the mother saying the kid forgot her lunch and if she could swing by the school with lunch you know the girl doesn't have to go the entire day at school without eating lunch you would think a normal mother who has the ability to go to school and drop off the lunch would do so yeah but no apparently it became the perfect time for a life lesson for this five-year-old girl this happens quite often when you're having raising children because I know that her teacher is uncomfortable with her being hungry and not having a lunch and it would ease her discomfort if I came to the school with a lunch but I I responded and just said Eve is responsible for making her lunches in the morning and she actually told me she did pack a lunch so the natural outcome is she's just going to need to be hungry and hopefully hopefully nobody gives her food and nobody steps in and gives her a lunch yeah totally same I really hope my child is starving at school right now imagine if someone gave her food that would make me like so annoyed this is [ __ ] up this is this is absolutely [ __ ] sidenote can a 5 or 6 year old even learn a life lesson with that I don't know that's what I was thinking - is she gonna remember it as take more responsibility or I should take responsibility for my actions and my forgetfulness I would she really remember it like that yeah I'm not sure if she could like take this experiences Oh learn my lesson got to make sure I pack my lunch every day it's more like the daughter would randomly flashback to this moment be like oh yeah my mom was literally a psychopath when I was growing up and there's so many other disgusting and very questionable parenting moments on this channel in this video I honestly just scratched the surface I just really hope that these parents can see that their parenting strategies can be genuine and harmful for their children also exploring your children for you too bad grab the newbies up no matter how you look at it but anyway let me know in the comments down below what you think of all this if you're new here I welcome you to my channel it'll be awesome you subscribed if you want to follow me outside of YouTube you can find me as the tozi on Instagram or Twitter links to be down in description down below I switched the name on how I pronounce this channel pretty much weekly just with you guys so I enjoy all the comments I'll talk to you guys the next video [Music] no father I just need my credit gonna go far need to change my settings the stars on my feet touch heaven I'm a headfirst [ __ ] I'm ready for a second
Channel: Atozy
Views: 452,996
Rating: 4.960146 out of 5
Keywords: 8 passengers, vlog family, vlog, commentary, satire, atozy
Id: WwwmnvysFbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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