Dr. Phil EXPOSES Wannabe Soundcloud Rapper

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No doubt in my mind that I'm going to be successful on a scale that Hollywood has not seen in a very long time the best ever. (????) They'll remember my name forever. It will happen I promise, so I get to live that every day knowing and that drives me. I'm a dreamer, But the dreams are always visions, (yeah ok) so I'm a visionary more than I'm a dreamer. And that's great But without any life structure set checkpoints or goals of what you're working towards creatively or business-wise. You're putting yourself in this position where Dr. Phil just has to wake you up. And his vision has led him to a life on the streets with no job no money. No ID and no roof over his head. Dr. Phil, not even sugarcoating it in the slightest (lmaooo truuuuuu) We'll meet 20-year old Nick Cammarata an ex hockey player who dropped out of college to pursue his dream of making it in the LA music scene. With no money, no connections, no directions, no business plans, and no life structures just a recipe for disaster What are you thinking? But, yeah, what's up guys? This is Atozy here and today we're back with a new video and this one's obviously a bit of a train wreck. Dr Phil never fails at finding people that are completely out there to put them on blast for the entire nation to see. So let's just get into this. What originally made me want to come out to California is a very rare gift for words and a rare passion for people. (......what man?) How ya doing boss profiling, and I'm a very motivated person. So I realize that my soul's purpose aligned very well with the Hollywood aspect and I and I came out here to be an artist (obviously) And influence positivity and hopefully make something of myself. I love how in the visual edits the Dr Phil editor just edited everything to contradict what this man is saying, I have a very rare gift for words That's something you prove. If you say it, you sound like a moron. I have a rare passion for people what? When is that been rare? I feel like all people pretty much have a passion for people. People love people, like our society has just built off a networking and socializing. I'm a very motivated person then they show them smoking THC so THC does affect people differently, but in most cases, definitely if you're smoking an indica strain or a hybrid it's not gonna motivate you it can become creative as fuck on it, but the majority of people including myself cannot work under the influence of THC most professionals and students. You need to know how to separate it from work and free time. It's similar to the fact that you shouldn't be drinking beer while working. I mean a few people can do it, but it's definitely not recommended. And to strengthen my point in the next clip, he's just sitting on the beach doing nothing productive. Alright, the Hollywood aspect is partying spending money chilling and having a good time. No shit, your soul aligns with it who wouldn't want to constantly chill and have a good time. But you have to balance and work as well or helps you literally end up homeless. I came out here to be an artist and influence positivity and hopefully make something out of myself How are you going to make something out of yourself? That's my first question Like what are you doing to make something out of yourself? Freestyle rapping on the street in North Hollywood is not gonna do much for you Unless you're like the one lucky person out of like 300 million people So the odds are definitely not in your favor making it that way You need to start building an image and you need a job or a sponsor to pay for some studio time Because getting over that first bump as an artist is fucking hard the music industry is possibly one of the toughest industries in the world to make it it you really need to either be Extremely lucky or work very smart to make it or maybe even both imlivukujgbhbMAZE izlygabraDAZE kind of music Um into primarily is on a freestyle artist Which is it's when you're layering your metaphors in a way, that sounds really cool and cohesive Grab some I'll lock it hot in my pocket million-dollar dreams on the docket Um needs help My means of transportation was my thumb and I went to my parents and I said ma dad I got to go to, California I have to leave tonight. My dad laughed at me so hard he was on the floor crying (good lol) He says you're not going to California said you're crazy And my mom was telling me to go get out go see your therapist twice a week Like any other normal person would say to you honestly Have you saved up money and set up a clear plan for you to follow like goals to work towards? Like cool you want to go from point A to point B But how do you get from point A to point B you need to set up a bunch of checkpoints? Between point A and point B to get there and then maybe people would actually not treat you like you're insane It's all about how you sell it like fucking running away from home and just living homeless out in LA. What the fuck? I'm very impulsive I didn't have any money man. I didn't have a phone. I didn't have a car I was blessed once I got God on my side to get me through now here ever since was trying to manifest the street I've been living on the street when I first got out here I did have a little bit of money saved up for my college funds. I dropped out of college I'm fortunate that I got all that money taken from me. Including my wallet my identification cards and Social Security so that sent me into this pattern of not being able to get on my feet and get my together well, I've been homeless the last three months. Yeah ahead to cement not staying in a hostel no hotels We're truly living in an episode of black mirror like this man is just boss from Far Cry 3 He's lost it he is the definition of insanity. I sleep on the street on the beach in people's houses People don't think I'm homeless man people have me over to party. You can't get a cab your place to stay. Okay? They don't know full you. Don't let him know I mean I would be horrified if this man came to my house like he is the worst of Hollywood and he's not even from Hollywood It's obvious he just uses people like tools for him to continue living his lifestyle and I guess just Blazing up on the beach and there's nothing wrong with that in moderation And then in his mind, he's just justifying it by like hyping himself up and freestyling on the street in North Hollywood You need more than the basic ability to freestyle to make it in Hollywood Sometimes I would come up here and to Hollywood and decompress I would just hop over here and just tuck back right in there and I would crash right here Being homeless man. I'm always up at 5:30 6:00 a.m. Every day. That's when the Sun comes up I get a little bit of herb, you know do a wake and bake and just hang out wake up eggs Just wake up and smoke a joint. Oh, yeah or dude. I was always walking. I have so many miles on my feet I cannot even tell you supposed cigarette man. It's a homeless persons best friend out here Suppress your appetite. It keeps you up takes your mind off things I would pay for a cigarette since I've been I just pulling off the street that's survival right there My man's now the fucking Bear Grylls for homeless people. I mean it's been confirmed for years Now that cigarettes have zero health benefits It actually does the opposite surprise surprise But when you hear yourself say you would rather pick Something up from the dirty streets of LA and smoke it rather than go into your nearest Convenience store and buying a pack for $10. It's time to reassess and get a job only once a day. That's all you need I'm four days deep with no food Then I steal and I don't feel sorry about it But I'm hungry I go into the convenience stores and gas stations. My favorite thing to get is the chocolate-covered doughnuts Grab two packs and walk out There's nonprofits and I go there three times a week and walk out with nice threads. You'll fuck this guy really influencing positivity here You have a chance to live a complete normal upper-middle class life in the East but instead you're homeless and only a burden to the people who live in LA and you're proud of It man, I hope you have some serious brain trauma from this honky shit to justify any of this I love the rush of having to survive I Truly realized how keen my survival instinct really is which is a form of genius greater than no other it's called street smarts All right Being a manipulative fuckhead is not being street smart. If this man did not get help. This is gonna catch up to him how Quickly, do you want to learn the street? So you can survive I wanted to learn it right away. So I did curiosity I'm the type of person that will purposely put myself in a Situation just so I can grow positive self-talk is big, you know, the doctor will know this I got one of those waters, please look How much? Alright, it's okay three dollars for a water Welcome to Hollywood. It's expensive there It's a blessing that I was able to live on the streets with these people Blessing because they are some of the smartest people I've ever met You have homeless people right now writing Equations for theoretical physics equations to help the world get better then they're just sitting on the street bro. It's amazing It's a great place to stimulate your creative side So I was blessed to land you I am happier than I have ever been when I was working with money when I had money I get sunshine every day. Thank God for California. I Might look like the all-american boy, but I am NOT the all-american not at all. All Americans are squares. I'm not a square Yeah, you're right. There's nothing straight-up about you You live off a lying manipulating and stealing wouldn't want to have anything to do with you ever The California and ended up homeless on the streets eating out of garbage cans Growing up with Nicolas was pretty typical. He was always a very loving son Very loving brother Nicolas transition into his hockey career at the age of 9 and 10 It was a good good fit for him. I never would describe Nicolas as being content. He was always looking for the next thing The biggest the greatest he was a handful It was like raising six kids in one with Nicolas My husband and I will often talk about what caused this. One of them is Nicolas has had multiple concussions playing hockey Well, hopefully that explains everything or else I mean your kid might be a sociopath how to spot a sociopath superficial charming good intelligence somewhat check absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking Check absence of nervousness and neurotic manifest Jhin's checked unreliability check untruthfulness and in society check blacker remorse and shame check that it quickly Motivated in antisocial behavior check poor judgment and failure to learn by experience Check holy fuck obviously. There's more factors than just this to being a sociopath I'm definitely not a trained psychiatrist, but he's definitely on a mad one a few months ago. I think Nicholas had a second He said that the CIA we're going to get him because he broke the dark internet code and he has three days To live I said Nick. Let me take you to the hospital. You're losing touch with reality and he said no dad You're betraying me. He just walked out the door. He had no ID no money He didn't even bring a fault on another note if he's not mentally insane I would be surprised bring a phone Nicholas has been in Los Angeles for three and a half months So he asked us could we come out for his birthday? Okay, you're okay It's all coming together, it's great a Long time coming He's had a rough couple of months Now it's been great Homelessness is affecting our son in a very negative way. How can a person put his loved ones through this? I'm just desperately trying to understand this Yes, I do know about here and live on the street with me he is in survival mode all the time I will die one day every day has to be better than the last I cannot waste time making money Not out networking with people getting better every single day every single second writing working on my craft. No shit I had imagined that being homeless is one of the most stressful things Anyone can go through kid obviously needs professional help and his parents are just stating the obvious Next senior says that he cut Nick off from getting cash But his mom Jennifer admits to sending Nick small amounts of money since he's been gone and their daughter. Sarah says Nick knows Just how to get what he wants out of his parents. Dr. Phil no mercy, really giving him some tough Love hoping he realizes how fucked he actually is Part when you be fine, wait a second. So what part of the family will part of the money the entire family, okay So what do you do? I make music and I make millions. That's what period I'm an actor. I'm a philanthropist I'm a visionary in the mystic period Obviously, you're not getting it. No. No, we're not. Okay. Well, then you need to spend more time in meditation and prayer Where is the money because if you were making millions you wouldn't be sitting on dr. Phil right now? Definitely not for this reason, you know, he needs some Jesus or rehab definitely the second one Well, three months ago Jennifer and Nick senior son Nick left home to become a rapper in LA Nick says homelessness has made him stronger and he'll reap the rewards from it for the rest of his life You say you can't believe you threw everything away What did he throw away doing what he did to the family as far as being homeless? Throwing that away like the relationship away you're here We are Here so you didn't throw that away yes if still if you fill thousand jabal, yeah, but you Know listen, I'm a pragmatist. I love why everyone's just nodding because they have no idea what to do This kid has brought their family so far down that they're desperate enough to go on. Dr Phil To show people from all over the world how fuck their son is just so he can get some help That is not how you build an image for a rap career Like how does it even get a job after this like in a way they're helping him get help They're also burying him at the same time and I'm not saying that he has made the best choices But I think he's made some really Irrational choices, but he said I'm shocked at he threw everything away. How was this life working at the time? He left right? It really wasn't for him the kid put his finger on a lot of things made adjustments to added options to live on the streets To follow his own dream his own script and he's done a lot of good for himself Hopefully that he'll be able to look back on and redeem and interpret in a way that will continue to sustain his inspiration I've gone to bed hungry woken up hungry I've lived on the street not a prerequisite to understanding life, but I'm saying You guys are saying you know, there's what a horrible tragedy. This was mean It just seems like such a waste is looking everything you threw away At the time he did it. It's something in him said this is not working for me and Twice I've thought about ending my life. Mm-hmm. I need to get out of here Mm-hmm as the great Kanye West said name me one genius that ain't crazy. Shut the fuck up. Dr Phil started to barely get the Parents to see your side and your rare gift for words almost nulled his efforts and getting them to understand you That's what I have to say about that Yeah, okay you're interrupting There's a way you can kind of grade your paper and look at the thought Irrational thoughts are not based on fact. No, I mean they're they're just opinion. They're not in your best interest They don't move you toward healthy goals. They they generate unhealthy conflict. They sabotage relationships they often put you in harm's way a Substantial percentage of the thoughts decisions and actions you've taken over the last three months or irrational Yes, so that tells me that there are change worthy things go into your behavior and So the question then becomes why you know, why are you? Thinking in that way. So what happened after this? Where is this man now? well I did some research and I found this Nick lived on the streets of LA for four Months while pursuing a career in music and for his 21st birthday Nick asked his parents Jenny and Nicholas senior a pastor at the First Presbyterian Church in Marquette to come out and visit him while on a layover. Jenny emailed the dr Phil show asking for help by the time they landed Paramount Studios was calling her the dr Phil show is sending Nick to the pnp Center in Dallas Their doctors will do brain scans on Nick looking for brain trauma. That could have come from years of playing hockey When I go to Dallas and get all this done, I'm hoping that a lot of it is relatively normal, you know maybe a black, you know, whatever they find in my brain like, oh you had X amount of concussions and then You know get some treatment for that, but that's what I'm hoping comes from it personally just my Behavior being validated well fuck maybe there is some explanation. Why acted like this? I mean, I can't help but kind of feel bad for him I mean I'm assuming he now sees what he became and he wants a doctor's note to prove his insanity and I just found another update on Him. So let's see where he is today. We have an update tonight and a story We brought you a couple of weeks ago, Nick Cammarata a Marquette native trying to make it big in the music industry Recently underwent a brain study in Dallas kim errata said and his parents recently appeared on the dr Phil show concerning Nick's patch for the music business while living homeless on the streets of Los Angeles, dr Phil flew Nick to Texas where he underwent a brain scan which revealed no major problems Cammarata plans on staying and working in Marquette for a few months before he heads back out west I just lost all hope I guess I'll just end the video here like on the video if you enjoyed it But if you're new here Welcome to my channel and be awesome if you subscribed oh and hit that Bell Notification my Instagram and Twitter is out of tozi. You can follow me The links will be down in the description down below but on that note I'll see you guys in the next video where I hopefully won't be given us brain damage
Channel: Atozy
Views: 2,164,439
Rating: 4.4515262 out of 5
Keywords: dr phil rapper, dr phil, rapper, dr phil catch me outside, dr phil sit down or leave, dr phil cash me outside, phil, dr phil full episodes 2017, dr phil full episodes, funny, aspiring rapper dr phil, dr. phil, wannabe danielle bregoli dr phil, rap, comedy, news, reaction, music, dr phil youtube star, dr phil dakota, dr phil danielle, dr phil and friends, danielle bregoli dr phil, dr phil tony, Dr. Phil Embarrasses Wanna Be Soundcloud Rapper, Dr. Phil Embarrasses, satire
Id: zM1mbCcgehs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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