Life Of A Spoiled Billionaire’s son *cringe*

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now I was refreshing so this popped up my recommended the other day life of a billionaires son and I could already tell from the thumbnail this is gonna be the most pretentious narcissistic video I'll see this month and guess why I was right who is Bobby what is up guys today we're going to be looking at a BTEC jail varus with daddy's money and see what the YouTube plans of a billionaires son is and I'll definitely be replacing a lot of this music in this video with some happy reality free jingles because every soundtrack used in this video has been claimed by some record label and I'm not about that life you said I'm trying to make that coin no see the difference is I actually don't have a billionaire father or your spoon feeds me and I really enjoy it when you mg doesn't harass me Oh fight him what's their address your life is like a movie and you're the main character why wouldn't you make it the greatest movie you've ever seen your life is a movie and you're the main character so why wouldn't you make the greatest movie you've ever seen any cliche quote would work there Bobby but yeah you are the main character of your life how are you going to make your life the best movie we've all seen just like the quote I feel like this is gonna get really cliche who is Bobby basically a little bit of a misfit [Music] kid who has everything Bobby it likes to live life fast fast cars [Music] beautiful girls wow really does he like fast cars and beautiful women like every other guy in the world what about safe cars and women with good personalities nada doesn't exist in the life of Bobby was his last name Oh No [Music] parties all right so so Bobby is a misfit he likes to live fast he likes fast cars he likes beautiful women and he likes parties Wow he's so different this is literally kriya tyler 2.0 I'm assuming school wasn't for Bobby either he's just the definition of like a mindless consumer and yes so do you realize I do have that on merch but it's funny when it's ironic because most people wearing that would not be a mindless consumer but he's a mindless consumer with someone else's money I just realized of course he's pretentious enough to narrate himself wait is that really him I think so you see the one who's like Bobby likes fast cars yeah it sounds like him because that's him as well can you play it one more time I can't believe that imagine imagine ironically talking about yourself in the third person really claw B likes fast cars and hot ladies who is Bobby what is his life like my life hasn't always been like this I was born in Australia and I was raised by a single mom because my parents were divorced at a very young age my mother has to be the sweetest person I know in the world not having a dad around I misbehaved a lot she always saw me as a perfect child so I got away with a lot more than I should have this meant that I had to move to a lot of different school 10 to be exact I didn't grow up rich and I didn't grow up poor I was fairly average and I didn't know my dad had a lot of money until I turned 15 this is when he sold his company for 300 million dollars this is one of those cliche like hey I was just like you once a part of the time but now my dad's rich as [ __ ] anyway well let's see the rest of this then my life changed forever [Music] I moved to Europe [Music] my dad started getting a lot of nice things we got a villa in San Tropez [Music] and houses a market in London superyacht [Music] private jet with our family name on the town [Applause] see this is why I feel like most overnight multimillionaires go broke within one to two generations cells company 300 million dollars okay if he wants to use that money at least 40% is gone with tax and that's being very generous and then within a few years they blow a minimum of like a hundred billion dollars give it a while he's gonna come back to you two and be like hey guys the life of a broker we know we know when Bobby starts putting mid rolls in his videos that's when you know his father's cut off the tab the houses could be solid investments but the jet and the yacht are completing money pits and then you have the following generation who does not know how to treat the money aka Bobby and he's blowing it so hard I can feel a gust to win from this video and all four internet clout I've always hated how just because someone is born into a family of wealth people automatically label them as a spoiled brat well that's not quite true but in your case yeah that's true yes my dad has a private jet and I love flying in it yes my dad has imagined and cars and I love making videos with them who wouldn't but I have never pretended that those things was something that I earned and I recognize that my dad is the one who worked hard for them okay this is why I have the ambition to work hard enough to achieve a successful life of my own and the stereotype of all rich kids being lazy spoiled and relying on their trust funds you're not breaking any stereotype but go on this is positive if I was gonna survive in this world I needed two things one discipline two friends in high places so I was sent to one of the world's most elite boarding schools called Millfield a school attended by countless athletes bankers CEOs politicians royalty millionaires even the pop star Ella Eyre and then there was me a delinquent rebel outside a misfit but this time I wasn't alone there were many other kids just like me a delinquent a rebel outsider misfit okay Hot Topic calm down he's like the definition of when hot topic and Vineyard Vines collab I just hate when I hear people bragging about being a delinquent and rebel Wow holy you're a man-child yo that's so cool bro we're all being sent there for reform and we weren't about to let that happen we spend the next two years at school bending and breaking the rules in every way shape and form believe me the things that you're not allowed to do are always the most fun all right chill Ferris Bueller okay so your daddy paid $10,000 a semester for you to go to a private boarding school to get reforms learned and become proper and you just piss it away and you're proud of it perform nah I'm not gonna let that happen I'm gonna be a leech for the rest of my life Wow is he like not self-aware and a ho this baby oh my goodness whatever let's continue it was my last straw some of us decided that on my 18th birthday we needed to skip school and go to the south of France to party when we go back the whole school was talking about it and I was asked to leave along with 25 others that week he's now bragging that he got himself and 25 other kids kicked out of a school that costs $10,000 plus a semester ah what a delinquent rebel outsider and misfit he's so quirky and cool like the most unoriginal story ever like kid with daddy's money acts out what what what a teenager wanting to party instead of doing schoolwork I have never heard of that before he's one of a kind also I just realized the things he listed off of things he loves in this video I mean movie of his RL materialistic things so do you want your movie to be a flashy high budget movie or do you want your movie to be a movie with actual substance and a storyline your choice Bobby [Music] I was finally free you were still free in school do people not understand that school is an investment for the future like no you don't really need university as much as previous generations but if you're gonna work as an employee it gives you some major advantages I never limit myself I'm wildly ambitious you don't need to put yourself inside a box especially in this day and age but like most kids I still had no idea what I wanted to do with my life three things my dad's always said you need for success first an idea then a lot of hard work and time third you need some luck so if I was going to create my own world I needed to know how to make money and since he knows how to do that better than anyone I began to work for one of these companies at Abbey Road Studios London it's where the Beatles recorded these two years gave me more knowledge and experience in business than any university could have I don't think he realizes it so he got kicked out of school for partying so he had to go back to his daddy for help and his dad set him up with a job for two years he would not have gotten that job if it wasn't for his dad but it seems like he's taken that for granted now it was time for me to start following my own dreams this was film and fashion Los Angeles California I first moved out here I imagined my life to be like a movie girls sipping cocktails by the swimming pool fast cars through the hills the craziest parties guess what most of it came true he's going out to work he just parties again his new name should just be frat Lord frat Lord is the son of a billionaire I don't know if he's actually a billionaire but I guess we can round off 300 million to a billion dollars no math well he wouldn't know because he was kicked out of school [Music] yes la is crazy so it was very easy for me to fall into the trap of partying a lot more than I should have been I once met a girl on a night out flew it to a visa with me the next day and married her on a Sunday we divorced a week later weird flex but okay I even dated the queen of partying herself Lindsay Lohan she said lovely go out of all celebrities of course there was a Lindsay Lohan way actually I'm kind of surprised it wasn't bella thorne I feel like they're like the same type of person what if they're actually siblings my channel is now going to become a Bella Thorne conspiracy theory channel because I saw Brandon creating videos for YouTube the idea came to me I was living this crazy life why didn't I pick up a camera and start making movies out of my life ever since I found a love for film I finally knew what I needed to do to make my dreams become a reality so I started a YouTube channel I also partnered with my best friend Brandon to create Candyland productions in order to make a living out of something we love by creating films for brands and artists I'm even going to be creating videos for the legendary musician Julian Pareto since Brandon and I also loved fashion we decided to create our own brand see this is Korea Tyler 2.0 alright so why didn't he create his brand one that represents the kind of kids we are misfits delinquents creatives individuals filmmakers different destructive crazy ragers so that when you wear our clothes it makes you feel like you're conveying a message of who you are anyway I can only hope my story has inspired you to follow your dreams be more creative not care what people think about you think differently so leave a comment and let me know what you think because it means a lot to me to understand how you feel this is so cliche he really is great Tyler 2.0 like I don't think he's self-aware at all my dad's rich so buy my clothes so you can feel like I feel whatever I mean his channels gonna blow up no matter what nothing we can really much do so this is like completely new yeah just this is all pretty new he did release a few vlogs earlier but this is like the official trailer for his channel I'm assuming do people actually do that they're just like show up make a boozy trailer like this is what's gonna happen and people listen that's what creates hilar did and then he did it and then nothing came of it so I'm interested in seeing if something actually comes of this no matter what I mean his channel is definitely gonna get some pretty solid numbers real quick let's just see if he can keep it up his contents not bad at all he's just lacking self-awareness for sure and I don't think I can watch that video without cringing like oh the whole time he's just a floating head oh yeah definitely nice he he is so rich he can just be a floating head he doesn't need his body anymore he's involved he's evolved yes I'm just floating heads I hear now boys don't ask questions of that note the ending today's video if you enjoy the video please drop a like on it if you're new here I welcome you to my channel and the awesome you subscribed and if you want to follow me outside of YouTube you can find me on Instagram and Twitter is added tozi I'll see you guys in the next video peace now you don't really talk too much I've been seeing all these sites and traveling in my suitcase I pack like I got my plans
Channel: Atozy
Views: 1,758,524
Rating: 4.7533302 out of 5
Keywords: satire, bobby misner, LIFE of a BILLIONAIRE'S SON, BILLIONAIRE'S SON, son of a billionaire, life of a billionaire, spoiled rich kids, billionaire, spoiled kids, millionaire, spoiled, sons of indian bilionaires, the spoilt billionaire's daughter, billionaire kids of dubai, most spoiled kid in the world, spoiled rich girl, spoilt, spoiled teen, spoiled child, atozy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2018
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