The Self-Proclaimed "Hillbilly Cheapskate" | Extreme Cheapskates

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] if I can get something for free I'd rather do that any time than shovel out a dollar my family and I are so cheap that we all share one type of water a day we don't have cooties we're never that dirty it just makes sense to use the same water I'm melody rose and I'm a hillbilly cheapskate my wife is always working and trying to save money and shrink our budget to save money on water and electricity we use cold water is the whole family it takes a bath my husband will take a bath that I do that back then Ronnie and sex is a lot of money sometimes I actually do want to take my own shower here and there can't really do much because my parents like to save water I think that how much water a bathtub uses I bet there's probably about 20 25 gallons four of us that's a hundred gallons a day I mean think about how stupid is that I ration our champagne and body wash I just pour mention oh that's enough for a month we run out everybody's had like so everybody's really good about rationing by rationing her families use of soap and shampoo melody manages to keep bottles for over six months in fact she's found a way to save on almost all of their household supplies I don't buy toilet paper I use newspapers that we give free in town take that one sheet [Music] use it and then you put it into this bag and when this bag is full we take it out and burn it but this one used it I don't want to waste it I've had people say here let me buy your roll of toilet paper it's not that I can't buy a roll of toilet paper I don't need to we don't need it now sometimes I've come in here I got boys in the family they don't always have replaced newspapers I'm insulated this window with newspapers keeps the light out helps with heating and cooling and saves me if I'm on the toilet and I need something I can just lift this window and there's me some more toilet paper we try to keep our electric bill as low as possible by making sure the lights are not being used we do have electricity hey it's on that's it I'm not gonna waste any more I we have electricity in this house I don't use it I use a lantern I'm not gonna run up no $100 electric bill that to me sometimes makes me have a heart attack there are some people in our family like my daughter my mother-in-law who thinks our cheapskate ways are a little out there I hope so I can wash a laundry basket full of dirty clothes as fast as a electric washing machine we just want the smells in the dirt out looks like I don't soap out of it squeeze out the red one the very ones clean out again don't you give me another shirt in here he's better than a wringer washer he has the muscles and the strength to do it and he always s over the smaller space no matter what I asked him to do it smells good that's what I like about it we've been doing this at least three years it's something we enjoy doing as a family and it gets us out doing something together there was no reason to waste their money on the other staff by doing her laundry outside melody saved herself $2,000 on a washing machine and she also uses her backyard to save on the cost of another appliance we had a small chest freezer that went out and instead of just floating away we just well we come up with the idea of burying it in the ground we got some eggs this here is some home butcher Pig apple pie moonshine the great thing about this refrigerator it doesn't cost a dime to run this you get a hundred degrees outside the fishes in the Sun that's no good you have to keep it in the shape but the ground keeps it at about a 55 degrees inside the meat well we'll keep it in there no more than a week kids being unwashed they will last probably a month or more oh I definitely see why some people see her behaviour as over the top but I don't care about being normal I think my parents are a little obsessed with being cheapskates starting out we weren't quite as extreme which we are now after wall just became a challenge and say hey let's see how much we could save this week and we just kind of made it a game and it just barrel rolled from their most extreme thing I ever did to save on medical cost or any kind of cost like that is I removed my own teeth if I have a cavity I just take a little chisel and a hammer and I sit there and ship it and chip it and chip it until I can knock it out every once I've been known to taking the whack it really hard get knocked out for a minute you come to and you finish thanks to all of her cost-saving measures melody and her family goodbye on just $1,000 a month but her expenses are about to double with a visit from her daughter son-in-law and their three kids she's getting CEM to visit with us for two weeks I am super excited to see my new grandchild but that's five more people than I'm used to that's five more people using our electricity five more people using our water five more mouths to feed I don't know where they're gonna sleep is just a huge deal we have a 72 foot trailer and I would say half of it is closed off we all share a bedroom we only utilize this one the rest of the house we've blocked off to save on heating and cooling was a four of us sleeping here on this king-sized bed what i'ma saves a lot on heating bills cuz we have the body heat but we don't mind cuddling we're just that kind of families we call up and in here and just gotta sleep in that I do have two other bedrooms but I am not willing to to use that part of my house I'm not going to do that we're gonna have to figure out another place for her to sleep this not going to cost us any money melody Rose sticks to a monthly budget of $1,000 for her family of four it's more than enough money but adding any further expenses could throw off her finances entirely my daughter called and she's coming to stay for two weeks that's five more people using our electricity five more people using our water five more mouths to feed I've got to use the same amount that I always do I do have two other bedrooms but I am not willing to to use that part of my house I'm setting up this tent for me and my family to sleep in my daughter and her husband and kids can sleep in the house we've done this before so it's not a big deal a family I weave flipping kids pretty much before our trailer got set up it's kind of old news to us a lot of people would have found a rental house or or some like that while they're waiting people were asking like oh my gosh she lives in a tent for three months these are the same people who go pay to stay at a resort give me a dollar bill and let me burn it for you home sweet home for the next two weeks my daughter's lifestyle is very different from ours once she moved away she moved off to a city and she's she's wasteful we used cold water but my daughter has to have hot water so we're gonna have to figure a way to heat it and I'm not gonna let us turn on the hot water heater honey we've got to find out a horse trough okay Randy it's not gonna take a bath in our bathroom altar and you know how honey after four visits you know how she here it is but it has a big hole in the bottom probably line this with plastic just right out here okay great I really think we need to do is boil some water on a campfire so I'm not using my electricity for my style [Music] buddy hey guys he's pressed crickets to hold them grandma Phineas hi me my mom are nothing alike I'm like a city girl she is a country girl you want to see what were Stan's they don't use lights in the house they use lanterns for goodness sakes for two weeks we would never go that far to save a dollar I got a big surprise for you I know how you love taking hot baths and stuff we got you a nice hot bath outside for y'all take we've been boiling water see we're trying to accommodate you where you'll be happy yeah see he'll like it they weren't always that extreme they used to like just do little stuff but all of a sudden it kind of got extreme it's just kind of like almost a contest to see how much money they can save that'll keep it going the whole time for you there's a pot any more hot water you just dip it out dip it up in there boil it you can have hot water for the next two weeks she knew what she was to give him in for but she said she's coming for two weeks hey mom what are we eating squirrel Devlin's boy shot a couple squirrels earlier so squirrel dublin's frog legs - they got some frogs mice last plum ports fancy French restaurants you gotta be happy I can't wait I don't want to turn that big one look up party then look girl are you gonna be sick look at that him like squirrel dumplings that's a boy after criminals on a heart these are your baby as a guinea pig guinea pig well you gotta try like sometime sounds kinda good I highly doubt my parents will ever change their cheapskate ways now that they've adapted to it I don't think there's a limit at all to how far I'll go to save money
Channel: TLC
Views: 6,838,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tlc, tlc shows, tlc full episodes, extreme cheapskates, extreme cheapskates full episodes, cheap, cheap people, expenses, money, saving money, savings, budgeting, haggling, haggler, cheap price, cheapskate family, free samples, free food, cheapskate hillbilly, hillbilly, cheapskate melody
Id: bxUP3FzVbpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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