Millionaire Preacher Gets Called Out

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our favorite preacher we talk about this guy previously he bought a airplane for himself a jet it's like I'm not just an airplane it's like a luxury the private jet stream yeah it's like a 60 million dollar jet he called he says I don't fly coach because it's a tube full of demons you refer to coach people as the little demons in a tube so that's why he needed a luxury I'm with him on that oh boy so he was recently ambushed by Inside Edition they caught him out and his Escalade outside what looks like his winger his plane I don't know what the hell it is but here they go they get him good and it's it's it's a fascinating look how are you sir we just like to ask you about why you don't want to fly commercial why have you said that you won't fly commercial you said that it's like getting into a tube with a bunch of demons listen to me just sing not the people and this creeps me out his eyes in his gaze cause he's got like a demonic gaze I don't have to stop 65% of what I'm doing that's really you think it hears mouths why is your mouth so how much money did you pay for Tyler Perry's Gulfstream jet for example well for example that's really none of your business but the business of your donors this is so sharp I paid me off guard here oh oh so it's a long vid so I've time-stamped some of my favorite moments for your enjoyment but there's something so unsettling about this man's demeanor and face and he started creep creep here he responds to again getting to calling coach passengers demons back to the comment you said that you don't like to fly commercial because you don't want to get into a tube with a bunch of demons do you really believe that human beings are demons no I do not and don't you ever say I did well or what we wrestle not wise I don't like people that go from wrath to smiling that quick are not angelic no only a movie he's literally a villain he's literally a Batman villain he looks like Charles Manson there you have it we wrestled not he does this throughout the video he just got this whole thing I don't know why people buy it but he goes he does what this has said we wrestle not with demons we wrestle not with other dudes that are that's gay he's anti-gay principalities and powers can you explain what you meant and don't you ever say I did his eyes are special not with flesh and blood but principalities and powers sorry can you explain what you got a response just just explain because it's really simple you said we didn't want to get into a tube with a bunch of demons what did you mean the well let me ask you do you think that people that fly commercial or demons give me a chance to talk to eat heart I'll explain there's nothing but its meaning a calling old girl sweetheart like that also bro hey you know this is a 12-minute clip and he's standing on the step of his Escalade the whole time I think he likes the vantage point yeah we wrestle not with other dudes penises why our choir why are Christians so offended by gay dudes you know let's not go there I just don't get it like not just well religious people in general or just not down with dudes sucking dick like that in general is one of the worst things that could ever imagine as a dude with his dick in a mouth does it really bobble there's a lot of things though you don't I mean like it says don't eat don't eat pork it says also is the gay thing in the Old Testament because they don't really care about that one you know also they say this guy says in this video everything is possible through Christ sucking man's dick as possible through Christ yet a little thing it's a spiritual thing it doesn't have anything to do with people people I love people Jesus loves people I eat people people I love people in alcohol do you think that's a good place for a preacher to be and prepare to go preach to a lot of people when somebody in there is dragging some woman down an aisle it made me so mad to see that on television I wanted to punch the guy out myself [Music] yeah he's talking about in he's talking about like this United [ __ ] but he wanted to punch the guy out himself that doesn't happen every flight no you saw it on television yeah you weren't even there can you imagine me a preacher being around people drinking and a tube with David's so you just don't like to be around the sinful people or the the hurtful people is that what you're saying to people baby no baby he's struggling we continue on he asks her yes she asked do you use your private jet for to lit to visit your luxury homes because he says well I need the jet to you know doom do my work mm-hm and so she asks you ever use your private jets to go visit your vacation homes for example yes okay again getting back to the comment you said that you don't like to fly commercial because you don't want to get into a tube with a bunch of demons do you really believe that human beings are demons no I do not oh and don't you say I did yeah I wanted to get that and then finally we've got should preachers live a life of luxury the final question she keeps it really aggressive but in there really like non aggressive way she's strong and confident and persistent but she doesn't come off as like I'm your enemy and like right because sometimes they when you come off like that the other person will just shut down and not even engage with you but he is engaging somehow she avoids like condescending or she's just ask him you know I just want to know about the to the demon with the tubes are standing then about what you do and prosperity preaching so the final question is this to those critics that say that a preacher should not be living a life of luxury what is your response to that they're wrong yeah maybe just like Jesus thought that it's a misunderstanding listen to his justification Bible that if you go into the Old Covenant it's like two didn't have you thought about this more I think the Jewish is like making it up on the spot broke I love you saying that Jewish people appreciate money more than they believe in wealth people would find that offensive doesn't everyone want to be rich I don't understand this Jewish Bible the Bible says Jews are [ __ ] greedy grubby uh you know God and trustworthy racks covenant with God not it's not the Jewish blessing it's the Abrahamic blessing how'd I get excited talking about it because I loved it and I started out deep in debt with Nana's has a cult which is you know store the night anyway he is the night you say that it's biblical and that that there's a foundation in the Bible for that and close it with this I I had to learn this like I said from the Bible and from my spiritual mentor Oral Roberts and I learned it from him working with him and then we became he was close friends until he died and and he took the same heat for briefing God would prosper you that I've taken over the years and Abraham was very very wealthy man Galatians chapter 3 if you belong to Christ then are you Abraham's seed and heirs according everyone and he promised was great wealth the Bible also says that it's more difficult for a rich man to get into heaven than it is for a camel to get through the eye of a needle correctness to the scripture but he said all things are possible with God we got a sound like that that's his that's his trump card he also said so again he's like yes he said this but I can I can do it what's like in Magic the Gathering Dan when you do like a card that reverses the counterspell yeah he does the counterspell but that's what I'm saying like you can say that you know homosexuality is a sin but you can counter spell it with all things are possible through God you know counterspell [ __ ] we got to grab that sound but I love the scripture but he said all things are possible with God all things are possible with God I wish you would have followed up with okay preacher so does that mean that you can suck a dick right now would you like to prove that's possible I have a penis would you like to suck it all things are possible through God he's I got him and [ __ ] he said if you studied the Greek behind that it's trusting in well that's enough of this white walking creep [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 1,087,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila, megachurch, megachurch preacher, megachurch pastor, preacher with private jet, private plane, private jet, private plane preacher, pastor with private jet, millionaire preacher, rich preacher
Id: 5VaJzKOcWoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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