This megachurch pastor is dangerous

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I’m not religious by any means, but if I had to pick who I thought was the devil incarnate, it’s this man. Look at those eyes

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 91 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HandRailSuicide1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The faces this guy makes are beyond insane. How can anyone look at this guy and go "Yup, this is my spiritual advisor"?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 70 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/__Hello_my_name_is__ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He's an absolute demon

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/excusemeforliving πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I didn't believe in God, but now I at least know there is a Satan.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dnepe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Obligatory Ken Copeland speaking in Tongues mixed with Island Vibes:

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lled224 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love Kenneth's bible with EVERY line highlighted.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ExtraTerritorialArk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Based on the question in title, the same reason its legal to sell products that are dangerous and or medical "Chinese" bullshit medicine that doesn't work. Or chiropractors are allowed to do anything at all.

Because they are designed to skirt the law by not telling you directly to do it or put a disclaimer on the product.

They don't call them Doctors, just chiropractors or some other wacko name to make you think what they do is legit, when medically shown to be complete bullshit.

Ear candles, complete bullshit. But they can because they don't specifically say they work.

Cupping on people, again complete bullshit "chinese" medical stuff, but they can tell you what they think its doing, but can't tell you its actually doing it.

Homopathic medicine is big one, always that disclaimer "Not proven" blah blah on back so can peddle the snake oil.

I mean look at company Boiron, they make homopathic medicine and they net over $57million pounds a year for products that don't even work!

Like most things, the laws are made in favor of money that right. I mean even walmart puts ear candles and homopathic medicine in the same section as legit medicine. Putting homeopathic childrens medicine next to real medicine should be a crime and walmart should be ashamed of itself.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Spankyzerker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Gus does well in his takedown, there should be no sense of taking somebody like this seriously.

This asshole's shtick is being like that old, grizzled shaman of a Christian zealot that old folks knew when they were young, a kind of spiritual eccentric that would pray away illness. And Gus is right, it's fucking horrible.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JohnDivney πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Kinda crazy how his hands and more wrinkled than his's almost like he's had a little work know...for Jesus.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ComfortableProperty9 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] Hey Oh back at the desk already what the who would have known I'm ready to serve up some content YUM mm-hmm Mamma Mia that's a good piece of content again we are saving on tape and just going with the clip hey gang we're back here at the desk today to talk about something really important coincidentally this is the desk where I filmed the Gus and Eddie podcast these days and some Quarantine new episodes every Monday and bonus episodes dropping soon please subscribe guys it's no secret the world is on fire right now there's a bunch of bad people as a bunch of dumb people there's a bunch of good people though too so thanks for being one of the good ones and sticking around today I want to talk about somebody that you might have seen in the news recently or in years past h-3 touched on him a little bit in the coronavirus video that they did and I've seen a lot of clips of this dude floating around lately the person in question is pastor Kenneth Copeland of Kenneth Copeland ministries he's a megachurch pastor with a net worth of over seven hundred and sixty million dollars the dude's ballin in it definitely what Christ would have wanted pastor Copeland has been in the news recently in a number of ways first of all I'm sure you saw that viral clip I know I was okay but there's no pun intended you get a saying I'm sure you saw that viral clip floating around of the pastor that was saying put your hands on the television he'll watch I hands up there with the wet slimy little pee soaked fingers coming at you too low television set there he was trying to pray the coronavirus away I'm it was a hilarious clip it's really stupid but here's the thing if you are watching this YouTube video right now I think it's pretty safe to say you're a younger person now listen we get it we young people we look at these idiot megachurch pastors and stuff that are going on TV saying you can pray the corona away trying to heal folks through the television set we know that that's ridiculous but there's just a lot of people in our population right now that sadly don't know that that's ridiculous and I'm sure many of you have been trying to have conversations with your parents or your grandparents in the last few weeks and honestly I think I speak for a lot of younger folks when we say that there just are a lot of older people that are not taking this global health situation seriously and are honestly trying to just brush away any sort of fears or concerns now I'm not talking about my parents they're not consuming this Kenneth Copeland stuff there taking the situation seriously but a lot of people's parents aren't and I think it's important for us to understand where they're getting their information from the people that they're choosing to watch and how they are instructed by these figures to go out and live their lives so today I did you all the favor of having to sit through a to our news broadcast given by one of these mega church pastors so you can really truly understand how absolutely miss informative irresponsible and insane these kind of people are obey the way just like every credible news station we got to start with a little prayer first my Heavenly Father Lord we just submit this time with you Lord everything that's said Holy Spirit guide us so in case you couldn't tell that's pastor Kenneth Copeland on the right there looking like he just died in this chair also now as we get into the rest of the broadcast you're probably going to notice that the pacing of this whole video is maybe gonna seem a little slower and laborious and it's because pastor Copeland leaves in such long uncomfortable brain-melting pauses in what he's trying to say that I really wanted to just leave a lot of those pauses in so you can see for yourself just how actually crazy this dude is all right well let's keep it right over though brother Copeland take us away here thank you James out there there's one that I want to show you something now this this is on the back a Clorox cleaning solution look at that human coronavirus influenza A - hey hey guys I love up his co-anchors stands up like a kid presenting in front of the class it's awful it's a very weak strain of flu it is so weak that the symptoms are so light that they something that had it didn't even know it well they just haven't found the way to knock that thing in the head yet you come on guys to the thousands of people already infected to the millions that are projected to get infected come on man this thing's been around for a long time we just they found a way to knock it in the head yeah I was love the line of logic that like all of the world scientists are going around right now like how do we what oh where do we fix this thing and then little mr. Texas nobody down here just goes it's all in the back of the Clorox like what are we gonna do just cram Clorox rags down our throat this doesn't solve it you don't understand now don't read god oh just those mouth throat swallows this ins may be on the sound guy but whoever is my can up pastor Copeland always puts the mic so close to his throat and during the whole broadcast you just hear so many examples of just these nasty as old man mouth noises also you can tell us pastor Copeland is progressively starting to lose his grip on reality he will often just interject completely nonsensical Christian phrases like glory to God and amen hallelujah just whenever he needs a time to think he'll just glory to God the Israelis number one we've all heard what they're saying about you know the the mask only protects other people from you right not the Israeli mask not the Israeli mask let's hear about the Israeli mask it'll kill the virus it'll kill every virus comes through the mask because they they have they have woven a a very natural ingredient that kills all viruses okay so he hasn't said anything it's got a natural ingredient that kills all viruses that go through it I mean it just sounds like you're crazy Facebook uncle that sends you a link from like liberty freedom truth gun edu gov I mean this not what what is this thing all right let's watch some more misinformation fear is a spirit and that spirit is the devil and he is the spirit of death you listen to me all right now Kenneth is gonna start telling you guys to stop being scared because it's bad and God doesn't like that the moment the death messenger came the moment how did he deal with this what what did he do he immediately turn it should stop the fear hmm stop it right now mmm believed his co-host seemed actually scared of him dude during this whole two hour broadcast Kenneth keeps yelling at the other guys and they just keep going okay all right like Kenneth is obviously the dude that like created this whole thing and you can tell that everyone else around him is just kind of like it's kind of waiting for this guy to eat out of here but until then we got to kind of put up with his weird [ __ ] the whole time and she will be made whole you stop that fear right now stop that fear believe she will be late oh now you stop that fear step cut it out stop that fear right now you stop that fear right now look at me look in my eyes no cut it out right now just just cut it out man come on dude what are you doing dude this doesn't solve the virus this is ridiculous fear of this virus quit forget about Corona it's another form the flu you forget about Corona it's another form of them this is not the form of the flu you remember when the flu came around last year you think they shut down the NBA I don't think so guy this is different but and the thing of it is healthy people from what I'm understanding are not dying from this right it's it's elderly people that are already sick immune compromised yeah that kind of thing well wait a minute what did he just say healthy people are not dying from this it's only the elderly and the immune compromised so pretty much your entire [ __ ] demographic who else do you think is watching Kenneth Copeland ministries it's old dying people that is your whole demographic you're telling your whole viewer base you don't need to worry about this all the person that needs worry about this is every single person watching this broadcast now let me repeat myself again fear is sin you get that it's not okay can you imagine during a time like this turning to you're very impressionable desperate audience who's looking for answers and guidance and saying hey you Christians at home you know how God loves you if you are afraid of your well-being of your financial situation of your friends family your entire community that is a sin against God and He will punish you what an evil evil thing to tell such impressionable people Jesus is my blood brother sir yes sir fear just has to take a hike brother I just can't look away from this man because I don't understand like how his brain is working right now he'll just keep throwing in these random crinkly face smiles and these midnight glasses big eyes there are people out there right now so tormented they're buying up everything inside borrowing money to buy a toilet paper I mean come on man amen I don't know what toilet paper has to do with this bar I can't imagine working in Kenneth's presence all the time cuz he'll go from rat oh we're taking this seriously aren't we boy I encourage you to sit down and watch a full length of this broadcast for yourself because it really does feel like his co-anchors are either so sick of his [ __ ] or they're just completely embarrassed and intimidated and afraid by his presence the dude is all over the place but you do stupid things when you're being Munez you make ignoramus decisions and you're asking for the bars yeah because you've got faith you're asking because you're attracting it yeah you've got faith in it faith in it Wow fear is a magnet to sickness and disease hey how do you like that not only is Kenneth saying hey if you're afraid of the virus you are sinning and God is disappointed in you but he's also saying if you're afraid your body is gonna get sick way quicker you're tormenting these poor people can my guy well I don't know what I'm gonna do my goodness this whole thing don't affect the business we're not gonna get anything China and I'm not gonna be able to solve Oh God I'm gonna lose my car yeah yeah you probably will and I'll tell you you cars in danger it may not be in danger from this but you're in a good position to wreck it right that's right look at Kenneth's like yep well you probably will lose your car keep in mind this is the same guy that just about a week ago told his audience hey don't you dare stop tithing don't you dare stop donating to the church during this time he's like I don't care if you need to run down there and stick it under the door you keep sending your money in this is a man that is worth seven hundred and sixty million dollars minimum by the way this is a dude that has multiple private jets an enormous estate in Texas yeah we've got pastors that are already saying don't come to church we'll just do it over video I want you in my church right if we have to pass out thermometers what the hell you in my church if we have to pass out thermometers that's not how this works you [ __ ] maniac if we find one with a fever list let's get him here right there if we find one with a fever let's get him healed right there what is this hoodoo voodoo witchcraft [ __ ] these are people's actual lives you're playing with Kenneth what if you don't get it big deal what if you do get it big deal what a [ __ ] sociopath dude hmm again his co-anchors you can't even tell if they disagree with him because look at these huge silences afterwards they're just kind of thinking of going oh okay like have some [ __ ] balls guys stand up for yourself I love this next part Kenneth is talking about how one time he got the flu and he talks about all the symptoms and like just a cartoon wait check it out flu gotta hold me all the symptoms last year all the symptoms of it came on me I'm just sitting there on that front row and all the symptoms came out started chilling I just start smiling and brother Jerry was preaching nod and I just started smiling you can't put it on me you [ __ ] creepy weird look at this guy's face it's just stretched out like late it's over his little Christian devil bones No and I'm sitting there chilling all over and the more I chilled bigamous my oh god can you imagine if you were this other guest pastor and you look down in the front row and Kenneth Copeland is there breaking out in a fever sweat pouring down his face and he just does he think he can smile away a sickness let's check it out boys and I just sit there and thank you very much praise God hallelujah glory to God hallelujah about 15 minutes ago all right we were right Ken it just said that he smiled and prayed away sickness within 15 minutes guys this is a breakthrough if you have kovin 19:00 why don't you just go ahead and smile away it you idiot stop dying hey how do you like this next very responsible part Kenneth is telling his co-anchors and the viewers at home that every believer has the power to heal sickness right in the palms of their hands all you have to do is what Kenneth and every believer has eaten they shall lay hands on the city every believer has ever that's where the church is mystic because they think it's only to a few Kenneth literally is saying you have healing powers on your hands go touch other people go lay hands on other people I know that this sounds may be a little bit holier than thou I guess pun intended definitely there but it makes such sense to us smarter and a lot of the times younger people but but people believe this stuff out there you might have your grandparents or uncles and aunts out here that are looking at this [ __ ] and saying oh well I gotta go touch people okay well I got the believer power in my hand I need to go outside I need to laugh my stuff I can't I can't have fear this is incredibly irresponsible anything wrong with you if you've got any kind of fever even suspecting anything just laugh at it yep just laugh it off laugh it off you stupid idiot so you and I don't how viruses yeah that's right he became the corona virus oh he became yes he was made of curse for us and that thing is a curse of the law and we've been redeemed from the curse of the law okay well on that note with Uncle fuckstick screaming at us through our television sets I think we're gonna stop watching the broadcast for now guys I'm gonna be real with you the clips that I just put together that's not even half of the single to our broadcast the clip I pulled it from has hundreds of thousands of views online just from what I could find out and it's probably got way more on the shitty DirecTV Channel 1455 channel that you're on saw I was watching or whatever the hell I get that you and maybe a lot of other people are tired of hearing about this kind of stuff right now but this is incredibly important and to have figures like Kenneth Copeland you don't trust them but a lot of people do to have those folks out there that are spreading such awful dangerous just just blatantly irresponsible information strictly for their own personal and financial gain it is it is egregious if you are a young person or maybe or even somebody that's reaching the middle age mark maybe you're taking care of older folks maybe you know somebody that regularly consumes content from Kenneth Copeland or Jesse Duplantis or many of the other online mega pastors and stuff like that it is incredibly important of you to be aware of what your loved ones are consuming so that we can all stay together on a central message on a central plan of trying to get this thing out of here work together don't spread the [ __ ] around oh go out to the beach dog don't go sit in the pews right now you can't do that grandma listen your blue boys gonna come and set up the iPad for you he'll fix out your online church services you'll figure it out but you got to stay at home dang it you can't go down to the Rite Aid anymore I don't care if you're reading the newspaper every day have it delivered or God dang it if you're still watching the video at this point I assume that you're probably a regular viewer this channel and I just want to take the opportunity to say thank you I know times are really weird right now and I know a lot of people are scared and I appreciate that you're sticking around and you're choosing to spend your time hopefully indoors watching my stuff for watching Eddie stuff watching the Gus and Eddie podcast watching spend Sabrina everybody we really appreciate it and thank you so much hey listen I got some fun sketches coming up too we're gonna definitely be doing some more desk videos and stuff I'm sure you expect that we're all inside we got small town reviews come in sketches and desk videos a lot of fun stuff please subscribe to the Gus and Eddie podcast and I will see you guys oh look at me la-dee-da I'm outside huh nope wrong idiot I'm inside stupid you stupid idiot I gotta cool down guys this is an aviary I'm gonna be straight up with you right now I usually come and like dick around the knees I just want to be as transparent as possible on premium earbuds thank you Ray Khan for sponsoring this listen I assume most you guys are home right now please stay at home I don't know if you're working on art projects I don't know if you may be doing some working out lifting the biceps I've had this jug of Drano that I've been lifting every day to stay in shape but whatever you're doing stay inside and please buy the essential things that you need first that's obviously the most important but if you're in a position where you've got some side change and you're looking to pick up a new pair of premium earbuds I really vouch for rake on premium earbuds this is a product that I have been using almost every single day for the better part of a year and a half and I really like this product this is their newer model to everyday e25 earbuds I got one of them in my ear right now here's the other one in the case here look how slick that is the battery life on these is really fantastic it has a nice expanded bass range maybe listen to some Conville Enya maybe a little yellow whatever it is they sound fantastic on these earbuds right now if you go click the link in the description down below you can go to buy break on Comm slash Gus that's by Raycom /g us pick up a pair for yourself these start at like half the price of other premium earbuds listen I know I usually get goofy and cheesy with these ad reads I just kind of want to be straight up and as opposed to coming in like a jackass but listen it's sponsored by Ray Khan I like these a lot you want to buy a pair I think you'll like them too so go visit the description down below bye recon comm slash guys alright thanks guys stay safe under me kiss [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,689,728
Rating: 4.9193325 out of 5
Keywords: This megachurch pastor is dangerous, kenneth copeland, megachurch, church coronavirus, gus commentary, gus johnson commentary, kenneth copeland coronavirus, kenneth copeland covid19, gus johnson, gus johnson steve harvey, trending, reddit, gus, gus and eddy, gus and eddy podcast, eddy burback, drew gooden, danny gonzalez, sven, sven johnson, reddit videos, reddit funny, meme, meme playlist, gus chris hansen, kenneth copeland commentary, crazy pastor, churches covid
Id: k6hw0HSQ_G0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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