This Might Be How I Make Sausage From Now on... | Chuds BBQ

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what is going on everybody welcome back to Chad's barbecue my name is Bradley Robinson and today I'm going to show you how many of these beautiful delicious Smoky plump cheesy amazing jalapeno cheddar sausage links made entirely on a pellet grill coming up this is some meat Pat it dry and what I got here is a nice chunk of flat brisket nice little fat cap on there and then some lovely chunks of some pork butt nicely already cubed up for us so simply enough I'm gonna do what I always do and just Cube this beef up to be about the same size as this pork so it fits through the grinder easier and I'm going with a beef and pork sausage today pretty classic but you could always do just pork just beef lamb chicken turkey I've done it all it's all good and you want to get some fattier Cuts like pork belly pork butt brisket because you want to make sure you have enough fat in your sausage so now I'm going to weigh this out to be exactly five pounds and of course your ratio of beef to Pork is completely up to you this one's looking like it's going to be a little bit pork heavy and I'm fine with that and there we go a beautiful mixture of beef and pork nice and fatty so I'm gonna pop this into the freezer for a little bit to get nice and cold and now that I mean it's sufficiently chilled through the grinder we go just get it all loaded up and grind away going through the course die today beautiful and just like every other time I make jalapeno cheese sausage I forgot to send these through while I was sending through the meat but got some big boy jalapenos going in seeds and all this is a lot of jalapenos so we'll see how spicy this is but you never can tell Beauty full we'll send a little bit of meat through to push out any extra jalapeno that's in there smelling real nice as far as spices go for this sausage mix we're gonna bust out the all-new Judd's barbecue sausage starter pack because why not and into a vessel we go and the reason I'm putting it into this core container is because we are in fact going to be adding some pink curing salt that does not come in this this is great for a fresh sausage but if you are going to cure your sausage you simply need to add about six grams of pink caring salt number one and just give that a nice little shake so it's evenly distributed in there we probably could have just gone right into here and mixed it up but this makes me feel a little bit better and in we go give that a nice little mix tell you what folks I'm not ready for summer because the flies come back and I can already tell it's going to be a bad year for flies especially when you're making sausage so bear with me once that is all nicely mixed around a little bit we'll go in with our liquid which today is none other than some Miller Lite 226 grams of the stuff and I haven't put beer in the sausage in a long time and that's because the first time I did it I did it with a really hoppy IPA and it came through a little bit more than I liked kind of tasted like warm beer weird I know but I think with a nice Light pilsner like Miller Lite should work out great add some nice multi notes but we will find out won't we so now I'm going to go through and mix this until everything is nice and tacky looking very nice and of course last but not least we're going in with a whole bunch of cheese this is a full block of Tillamook sharp cheddar and this is a little bit more cheese than I typically add to a sausage because I'm kind of in the mood for a Cheesy sausage so hopefully it's not too much if there is such a thing but no I'm not going with high temp cheddar today just trying to keep things easy but make sure this is evenly distributed looking good and our sausage mix is done [Music] so cheesy so jalapenoally so easy too having to weigh things out by the gram going on with our standard hog casings I believe these are 32-35s I like to send a little water through the casing too to make sure it's a nice and lubed up during this process you know got to be considerate oh off snip the tip and now we case away you can do something a little bit differently today and that is I'm gonna make some ceilings which is something I'm super into lately it's a lot cold where you make one big link and you leave some extra casing on there and you go ahead and tie it off and I really like to do a bunch of knots on these things so they don't come undone and there we go beautiful little ceiling feeling strong we'll do a couple more knots just for good measure because we're going to be hanging these things and we don't want them falling off there we go looking good to me snip that tail end off and now we repeat again I'm going to start with a little bit of leeway over here give that a little twist and just case a nice big cheesy plump little ceiling oh no I popped it it's been a while gonna continue on no don't do that be a professional come on I don't know six eight incher pull off some extra snip that off give it a couple of Twirls to make sure the ends are nice and tight and then just tie it together and basically just do as many knots as you need to to keep these things nice and tight and now we repeat this process and this is a little bit more tedious than your typical sausage making but I gotta say these look great when they're done and just like that all these beautiful plump little seedlings are looking absolutely gorgeous so now I'm going to park these in the fridge overnight to let that curing salt do its work and we will check back in on these tomorrow one overnight later these sausages are looking absolutely beautiful got these little hooks on there because I hung them up this morning for just a few hours in front of a fan to help really dry out those casings that's why they're looking a little bit darker and nice and dry so all we need to do at this point is throw them on the pit and as a thumbnail or title of this video probably suggests we are in fact cooking these sausages on the pellet grill today that's because that's one of the most common questions I get on a weekly basis is I want to make sausage but my pellet grill only goes down to like 180 degrees is that too hot to cold smoke sausage and the answer is yeah if you're trying to get a true cold smoke on sausage anything above 150 degrees it's going to start to melt the fat and if you do that for three four hours you're gonna start to lose all your fat during the cooking process they're going to cook through too quickly and you're not going to get enough smoke or color on them also pellet grills are pretty finicky when you run them as low as possible because of the auger and whatnot but of course there is always a way around it firing up my old Camp Chef woodwind Pro got these links hanging in there all nice nice as you can see I took out the baffle plate and the bottom racks to leave plenty of room to hang these if we were doing regular links I'd probably keep them linked up in sections of four like I do on the mini tread box they'd probably hang down almost to the bottom but for these ceilings it works out very well none of them are touching nice and suspended looking really nice and as far as smoking these things I'm not going to turn this bad boy on I'm gonna bust out the old smoke tube I'm sure you got one of these if you've got a pellet grill these things are pretty cool just film full of pellets light it on one end burns like a cigar with a nice amount of smoke very little amount of heat and we should get about five six hours of Cold smoke out of this thing so simply enough I'm gonna just pop this on the rack over here and Light It Up I like to wait till it was a little flame dancing with that burnout for a minute and just make sure that this thing is nice and cherried because we don't want to shut this down and have no smoke when we come back in a few hours and once it's been flaming for a second blow that out shut down the lid and let this thing Rock for a nice long time all right folks we're about six hours later and this thing finally stopped puffing smoke and uh I must say this thing worked really well still a little toasty this thing was absolutely full of smoke and as you can tell by the color of these links they're looking nice and red very happy with that I wish I got a shot of this thing when it was full of smoke because this thing really was just bellowing for most of the day but these are looking absolutely perfect very dark nice red so now all we need to do is cook these through we don't actually have to do this right now we could vac seal and freeze these now but I'm going to go ahead and turn this thing on and bring these up to about 150 degrees internal temp that way they're fully cooked just to make things easier whenever we want to pull them out of the fridge or the freezer and fire them up let's fire up the pit a little more anticlimactic with a pellet grill so we're gonna fire this game up to about 200 degrees pretty low because pellet grills tend to run a little hotter also because I don't have the baffle plate in there it's probably going to be a little toastier than it wants to be so once this thing comes up to Temp we'll get these things cooking away get even more smoke on them and make sure they're nice and plump it's been about an hour and a half a little longer than I was expecting but uh you know you could always bump up the temps if you're in a hurry but these things are done feeling nice and plump I just tempt one of them right at 150 degrees internal so off these come and into a nice bath they go and into the ice bath they go this is just going to rapidly cool them down stop that cooking process dead in its track it's going to shrink up those casings nice and tight to the meat and also clean off our weeds although we don't really need them because they are looking beautiful already but this is good practice so we're gonna let these sit for a minute until they're nice and chilled out then we'll dry them off and just like that out of the water bath these come looking nice and plump nice and red very smoky I must say I'm pretty impressed with the amount of color we got on these things feeling very nice and taut looking jalapeno-y and cheesy and of course it gave him a nice little wipe down as they came out of the water because everybody loves a clean weenie folks come on so behind me I've got that pellet grill fired up to about 275 280 degrees we're gonna throw a few of these on there to go through and see how they came out but as for the rest of these guys this is the perfect place to vac seal them up and pop them in your fridge pop them in your freezer because they are salted they are cured they are smoked and they are fully cooked through and all those are preservation methods so these are going to last you a very long time in the freezer especially if they're vac sealed and Frozen to other preservation methods I highly recommend making a bunch of these at one time and then keeping them in your freezer for whenever you're having a barbecue party or you just want a weeknight sausage and at this point this is basically what you're going to get at any grocery store if you pick up like a kielbasa or anything that's smoked or already pre-cooked that's exactly what we did here love it oh looking so pretty throw a few of these on shall we gonna go right back on I was gonna put the baffle plates and stuff back in but you know everything's really hot so we'll wait till later and after about 45 minutes off these come looking nice and juicy nice and extremely plump very hot to the touch and they got this little baby guy that's what I was using as my little temperature tester so we're gonna let these cool down for just a wee bit before we go ahead and dive on in go right down the middle so far so good looking nice and dense nice and cheesy nice and juicy got a couple of coins I mean you really can't go wrong with a nice jalapeno cheese sausage folks am I right if you never had one of these you need to seek one out because oh my goodness a little bit of kick a little bit of cheesy gooeyness I mean would you just look at this sausage Mountain folks so cheesy so plump so juicy Smoky red oh I'm ready after seeing these results I am thinking that this might be my new way to cook sausage from here on out because these look absolutely perfect let's see how they taste I mean come on it's cheesy the spice level everything is perfect because we use that chose barbecue sausage starting mix I'll send that one so we know the flavor in the binder and everything is there but smokiness plumpness just the cook in general and just the process very easy and that smoke flavor definitely comes so you can even see a bit of a smoke ring on the exterior of that which is pretty unbelievable because this is a cured sausage after all but it's everything you want a sausage to be I mean just look at it come on SO Snappy nice and cheesy heat level is right where I want it to be you know if Brooke was here she'd say it probably needs a little more kick but you never can tell with those jalapenos Sometimes they come out really hot sometimes they're just mild but adds that peppery flavor that just kind of sits in the background exactly what you want I wish there was someone else here because I am definitely getting a bready note from this from the beer that we added as a liquid like it literally smells like a kolache this smells like freshly baked bread meat sausage it's bizarre but in the best way possible mirror light what can't you do but no sausage video is complete without a snap test so beautiful grind on there oh it's so juicy because I can't stop I'm I'm super pumped that this worked out so well because it just opens up a whole new part of the patio for sausage making but for everyone out there who's got a pellet grill who wants to make sausage this is the method that I recommend very good stuff that being said this method is really only good if you're going to use a pink hearing salt because it's sitting in the danger zone for like six hours so if you're not gonna add pink hearing salt we may have to come up with another method for you or you're just going to get a little less red Smoky links but if you're going for that traditional Central Texas style sausage like these I think this method is a true winner oh but without further Ado I think it's time for the official taste test absolutely incredible Smoky Barbecue jalapeno cheddar sausage links at home using nothing but a pellet cooker you can do this on pretty much any cookie you've got if you have that smoke tube full of pellets you could do this on a Weber kettle you could do this in a cardboard box and then pop them in the oven at the end and get them up to Temp do it on a gas grill do it on your offset it was really a wonderful experiment that I'm glad I did because I'm definitely gonna be implementing this in the future but all that being said if you enjoyed this video let me know by hitting the Subscribe button let YouTube know by dropping a like on this video If you give this recipe a try for yourself be sure to tag me on Instagram at chuds barbecue love to see what y'all are cooking be sure to pick yourself up some chuds barbecue sausage starter mix on my website I highly recommend it big shout out to patreon members thank you for supporting team Channel I'm gonna keep making all these videos and until the next time I see you please go cook something outside please
Channel: Chuds BBQ
Views: 195,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PELLET GRILL, smoked sausage, easiest sausage, old school sausage, kreuz sausage recipe, homemade sausage, sausage making for beginners, chud sausage, jalapeño cheese sausage, cheddar sausage, texas, texas bbq, brisket, ribs, sausage, brisket secrets, barbecue
Id: RcvquEEZujg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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