Jalapeno Popper Sausage - Homemade Sausage Recipe

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welcome back to my channel i'm joe with smoking joe's plate bbq so two of my favorite foods to enjoy during a football game are jalapeno poppers and a good sausage well on today's video i'm going to combine them both and make a jalapeno popper sausage stay tuned [Music] all right so before i get started on this video i do want to thank two people for the inspiration behind this video the first one is eric from two guys in the cooler we were talking about three weeks ago and he mentioned he was thinking about making a jalapeno popper sausage and i thought that would be a great idea so eric thanks for the inspiration behind it and i also want to thank bradley from chuck's bbq he actually already made a jalapeno popper sausage video mine's going to be a little bit different i hope you like it all right let's go over the ingredients to our jalapeno parfait sausage i am starting with 14 pounds of pork four pounds of brisket trim which is a total of 18 pounds 102 grams of salt 40 grams of black pepper 40 grams of paprika 25 grams of cayenne pepper 20 grams of cumin 30 grams of turmeric 30 grams of garlic powder 25 grams of onion powder i also used four eight ounce boxes which is four boxes of cream cheese now the trick to this cheese is to freeze it and try to slice it now it might crumble on you but trust me it's the best way to do it because it's just hard to slice refrigerated cream cheese i'm also using two pounds of roasted jalapenos and then three pounds of cooked bacon stay tuned all right so here's my 14 pounds of pork and also my four pounds of brisket trimming i often get asked what i save all the brisket trimmings for well this is what i save them for when i make sausage okay so now these pork shoulders still have the bone in so i'm going to take the bones out and also cut the pork in the chunks that fit down the throat of my grinder so i'm going to cut these up and de-bone them and i'll bring you guys right back all right let's roast our jalapenos get them rinsed off i'm outside of my yoder flat top just spread them out grab your grill gun light it up char them up all right so that took about five minutes grab yourself a plastic ziploc bag and throw your jalapenos in there and let them sweat we'll see you guys inside all right so i've got the pork cut up and also our brisket trimmings are in here and by the way that was a wagyu brisket look at the marbling on that so this is going to be extra special sausage so i've got my roasted jalapenos right here now i did leave the seeds in there that's optional you can take the seeds out if you want so i'm going to go ahead and add our seasonings alright we're going to give this a good mix all right we've got all of our seasonings mixed in there with our jalapenos i'm going to set up my grinder and i'll bring you guys right back all right so i've got the grinder set up and i've got the hopper already loaded and as you can see i did have the attachments inside my freezer just to keep everything nice and cold so let's start this baby up [Music] all right i've got the meat ground up now it's time to add our bacon they're gonna have three pounds of bacon so i'm just going to break this up into small pieces mix it all in there i want some big pieces of bacon in the sausage okay so it's okay if you have a big piece in there they don't have to be all tiny and this was thick cut bacon okay [Music] all right so i've got our bacon in chunks not even bits okay this is a lot of bacon and i'd like to bite into a nice piece of bacon in my jalapeno popper sausage so at this point just going to mix it up the last thing that we're going to add is a cream cheese i'll show you guys that here in a little bit so this is only 18 pounds of meat i'm used to making batches of 25 30 pounds so i'm just going to mix this by hand and by the way i did add a few ice cubes down to the grinder just to push out that extra meat a little pro tip for you guys so i may not have to add that much water to the mixture here look at that jalapeno distribution that is perfect all right so i'm just going to add a little bit of water probably one cup i did add about eight ice cubes so just factor that in probably half a cup of water plus this one cup that i added now keep on mixing that's feeling really nice and tacky right there all right so i've got the sausage mixture all nice and tacky so here's our cream cheese and again i froze it and then cut it into these cubes some are small some are big and that's okay [Applause] again this was four boxes of philadelphia cream cheese so i'm just gonna mix this in [Music] all right that feels really good right there i've got the protein extraction that i want let's check it out i gotta tell this is really nice and sticky this is perfect so i'm just gonna make myself a little patty fry it up and see how we did all right so that sausage patty is fantastic a ton of flavor and a little spicy just the way i like it but one thing that i forgot and it's a crucial mistake if i would have forgotten is to add my pink curing salt okay so i'm adding three and a quarter teaspoons of the pink curing salt so i'm going to distribute this and mix it really well and the only reason i'm adding the pink salt or the curing salt is because i'm going to cold smoke these sausages okay so i'm going to mix this up really well right so i've got the curing salt mixed in there and one thing that i noticed is that the cream cheese is crumbling apart okay so i've got these really small pieces of cream cheese but i think we'll be okay okay let me get my stuffer ready and case up these sausages all right so i've got the meat inside the stuffer and one thing that i wanted to show you is that cream cheese kind of crumbled in the smaller pieces which i'm okay with because it's distributed a little bit more evenly throughout the entire sauce mixture so let me load up my stuffing container [Music] all right just like that [Music] alright so the next step is just to grab your casings now i did pre-rinse these in warm water just to remove the excess salt because i do store them in salt find the end stick two of your fingers in there just like that pick up some of that water all right wet your horn a little bit slide your casing on just like this all right tie a knot at the end just like that and one thing i like to do is just add some ice on your tray keeps everything ice cold let's get to stuffing all right i'm gonna get all these casings stuffed up and i'll bring you guys right back all right so i've got about six of these wheels and i do have a little bit of air pockets so i'm just going to use my sausage picker and get rid of those air pockets [Music] all right you guys have seen me do this about a thousand times i do have my pan marked at six and a half inches so i measure it out six and a half inches pinch six and a half inches and then i like to twirl okay and twirl until your casing is nice and stiff just like that i'll show you a couple more six and a half pinch six and a half pinch [Music] and twirl okay really easy stuff all right i'm going to twist the rest of these sausages and i'll bring you guys right back all right so i've got all of the sausages twisted up and you can see some of the cream cheese through that casing and it's still freaking me out that that cream cheese kind of crumbled and turned into smaller pieces again i don't know what cream cheese is made out of but it was kind of weird to see it do that but you can see pieces of the cream cheese throughout several of the pieces of the sausage so i know that we've got enough cream cheese in the sausage so i've got my yoder frontier has been warming up at 140 degrees let's head outside all right so we're outside of my yoda frontiersman and i do have it running at 140 degrees so i'm on the right side of my frontiersman top shelf and i am not going to separate these links only because the casings aren't dry enough so this is one of the things that you'll have to do instead of separating my sausages like i normally do just smoke them in the wheel that you have that sausage wheel just separate them a little bit get that smoke all the way around the sausage make sure none of them are touching all right let me load up the other side and i'll bring you guys right back okay i've got these sausages loaded up again the pit is running at 140 degrees it's gonna smoke at 140 for a couple of hours after two hours i'm going to crank up the temperature to 175 where it's going to run for two hours then i'm going to crank up the temperature to 225 and i'm looking for internal temperature of 155 degrees i'll bring you guys back as i pull them off stay tuned all right so the total cook time has been four hours again the first two hours were at 140 degrees and the second two hours were at 175 i was going to ramp up the smoker to 225 degrees but i didn't have to i'm already sitting at 155 degrees internal and look at the color of these sausages right here so i've got my ice bath right here on my smoker but look at that and they're not very hot okay so you can see the cream cheese in there the jalapenos so i'm just gonna put them in my ice bath and cool them off stop that cooking process look at that color all right so at this point i'm just gonna let the sausages cool off in this ice bath i'm gonna drain the water pot them in my fridge tomorrow evening we're gonna have some of these for dinner stay tuned all right so it's the very next day i've got my yoder y640 pellet smoker running at 275 degrees i am using jealous devil pellets so let's go ahead and start cooking these sausages again 275 degrees these are only gonna take about 30 minutes just laying them on the top rack just wipe them off with a rag just get them nice and clean get the grill marks off of them all right so the sausage is going to cook for about 30 minutes let's go inside and show you how i vacuum seal these stay tuned all right so i'm going to show you how i separate the sausages and then wipe them down and then vacuum seal them just so you guys can see that process so i've got a whole link here and what i do is i take some scissors and cut it really close to the sausage but leave some of the twist on the sausage okay and what will happen you'll have a little nipple stick out like this what you want to do is just cut that down because that's going to be hard to chew so i clip that off okay get it really close to the sausage itself okay just like that so see this one's a pretty long center piece right here cut it close to the sausage you're gonna end up with a nice little nipple right here just trim that off just like that okay the next step is you will have some grill marks from your smoker on the sausage just wipe them down okay that'll come off i'm using some paper towels some damp paper towels there you go see how that's nice and clean that's what you want right there so i'm going to clip all of these and wipe them down it'll bring you guys right back all right so let's vacuum seal these babies i've got my meat chamber vac right here so i'm just gonna grab four of these sausages and i like to place them in there just side by side and i put four per pack okay just like that so there's three on the bottom and one on the top just lay your vacuum sealer bag over the ceiling unit right here lower it down and it starts automatically okay so what the vacuum chamber is doing right now is it's counting down from 30 down to zero it's building a vacuum inside the chamber itself once it hits to zero it vacuums it real quick and then it's gonna seal it for 2.5 seconds and you can control the amount of vacuum time and also the amount of ceiling time so check this out it happens really quick that's how fast it happens and watch this [Music] look at that i gotta tell you it doesn't get any easier than that that's exactly what you want i'm really happy with my meat chamber vac if you guys are interested in one of these and you're serious about sausage making or vacuum sealing check out the links below i'm going to finish off the rest of these and i'll bring you guys right back all right so the jalapeno popper sausages are ready i took them to an internal temperature of 160 degrees and they are ready again you can see some of that cream cheese on the surface there so let's slice into this bad boy right here see how we did oh yeah look at that got some cheese some jalapeno in there nice and juicy look at that look at that juice just coming out of there nice and cheesy as well oh yeah let's give these bad boys a try all right let's give this jalapeno popper sausage a try and see how we did and look at that cream cheese in there that fat is just dripping from this sausage too so here we go holy smokes these sausages are delicious you know it's got a little bit of heat coming from the jalapeno and you can definitely taste that cream cheese and the bacon that's in this sausage check it out all right let's check the snappiness here we go [Music] it's there and last but not least you know i've got to have myself a texas taco check it out all right so this jalapeno popper sausage is definitely on the top three maybe even the top two sausages that i've ever made this is absolutely delicious you know i'm still puzzled on what happened to that frozen cream cheese when i mix it in with a sausage mixture it kind of broke apart on me almost fell apart but you know what it works look at that we have cream cheese throughout the entire sausage which is absolutely perfect i hope you guys enjoyed this jalapeno popper video if this is your first time to my channel do me a favor hit that subscribe button and if you enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up until next time joe with smoking joe's play barbecue see [Music] get
Channel: Smokin' Joe's Pit BBQ
Views: 117,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jalapeno popper sausage, jalapeno poppers, jalapeno, recipe, bacon, sausage, how to, food, bbq, how to make jalapeno poppers, jalapenos, spicy, cream cheese, cooking, jalapeño (food), food (tv genre), traeger, stuffed jalapenos, party food, easy, yummy, delicious, cook, kitchen, buzzfeed, tasty, dinner, lunch, easy jalapeno recipes, armadillo eggs, smoked armadillo eggs, how to make armadillo eggs, bacon wrapped, how to cook, recipes, savory, cheesy, appetizer, keto, Poppers, smokin joes pit bbq, yoder
Id: t_B42RmSmpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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