This Burger is Worth All The Hype! | Chuds BBQ

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what's going on everybody welcome back to John's Barbecue my name is Bradley Robinson and today I'm going to show you how I made these beautiful delicious smashy cheesy amazing Oklahoma Onion Burgers on homemade brioche buns coming up this is some meat package and what I got here is an absolutely beautiful chuck roast pick this up at my local HEB and the reason it was vac seals is because whenever I see a cut that looks like this I have to pick it up so I picked this up a while ago it's been in my freezer and I think it's gonna make for some absolutely outstanding Burgers so we're gonna go ahead and get this cut up oh God just look at the marbling on that just like any other burger or sausage making video we want to cube this up so it'll chill down really quick and also fit into the meat grinder a little bit easier so nothing gets clogged up and I've also got some brisket trim this is from a brisket I trimmed up yesterday so we're gonna throw all of this in there as well get a nice brisket and Chuck blend but as always when making Burgers you can do whatever you like you do just brisket just Chuck you could throw some sirloin or some short rib in there and I even here they sell pre-ground meat at the grocery store I'll have to look into that beautiful into the freezer this goes going with the five millimeter die today [Music] another meat is nice and cold through the grinder we go [Applause] beautiful grind on that nice and pebbly and quite a lovely fat content I must add now at this point I'm going to go through and I'm going to give this a little bit of a Need Just A Gentle mixing and that's just going to release some of the myosin which really is going to help bind this stuff together because we don't want the beef to be too crumbly otherwise it'll come apart when we're trying to make burgers at the end so just a gentle mixing it's all you really need I can feel it tacking up already but again definitely not to the same level you would for a meatloaf or a sausage or something like that maybe one minute of kneading and as you can see it's already starting to stick together which is going to give us some Better Burgers in the end and still nowhere near as tough as store-bought ground beef so perfect little Burger ball I'm going to weigh these out in three ounce and six ounce balls that way we can have some double Smash Burgers and one thick Patty see which one is better and just like that we've got ourselves meatball Mountain next up let's make some buns make it a slightly different dough today starting with some warm milk some sugar eggs and our yeast and give that a quick mix to break up the eggs followed by some all-purpose flour some kosher salt and a little bit of dough conditioner and just let that come together and this dough should be much shaggier than a normal dough at this point because it's got a really low hydration rate because we're making brioche so what I did is I dropped the liquid content to make up for all the extra butter that's going to be going in here which is in fact The Next Step so I'm going to start with a chunk of this throw it in there and then periodically throw all this butter in while it needs and slowly but surely it should start coming together once all your butter is added we're gonna let this knead for a very long time it's already been about 10 minutes and it's just now starting to come together I was really worried for a minute there but with all that extra butter in there it takes a while for that gluten to develop so just be patient and just like that finally this dough is looking very nice beautiful nice Supple very buttery dough I'm gonna form this into a ball and into a grease Bowl it goes to double in size for the next hour or so and after a lovely rise out it comes Boop beautiful stuff just gonna punch the air out of this and we're going to divide it into little dough balls weighing about 100 grams each and just like every other bun we're gonna tuck it all underneath all the seams going on bottom and give it the old roll beautiful not gonna lie folks I've never made brioche before and I don't think I'm doing it right and I'm definitely taking some shortcuts so we're gonna see how these come out it is a much different dough than what I'm used to a little bit greasy it's as if it's mostly butter or something just going to Pat these down a little bit so they're a little more disc like and a little less ball like but other than that now we're gonna let these rise for another 45 minutes to an hour after these have puffed up and are looking absolutely beautiful we're gonna hit these with a quick little egg wash this is one egg one egg yolk and a splash of water just to add some nice color and Sheen to these buns and now into a 350 degree oven these go for probably about 20 minutes looking good and of course fresh out of the oven we're gonna hit these with a little bit of some melted butter because I'm pretty sure these buns need some more butter in them definitely didn't get as tall as I was expecting these to get but I think it'll still work out just fine so now I'm going to pop these onto a wire rack and let them cool our buns are ready our burgers are ready so all there's left to do is prepare our onions and get to cooking but first I'm getting a little bit thirsty this video is brought to you by still Austin as you may know I've recently taken an interest in starting a bourbon collection and one of the first bottles to hit the Shelf was of course still Austin because they are the closest Distillery to my house located on Saint Elmo street here in South Austin still Austin whiskey company is a grain to Glass Distillery started in 2015 and their Flagship products include the musician a straight bourbon whiskey also available in Cask strength they've also got some really great gin this is the naturalist and those of you who know me well know that I'm a big fan of gin and they also have the artist straight Rye which is what I am sipping on today and it is probably my favorite of the three and the coolest part about still Austin is their emphasis on sustainability and local sourcing 100 of their corn rye and malted barley is all grown in Texas and then they go one step further and take all the spent grains from the distilling process and give that back to Texas ranchers which they used to feed cattle and all their other animals and I've actually had some meat on the show that was fed still Austin spent grains he feeds all of his cows with the spent grain from still Austin who makes some great bourbons and Gins here in town shout out Jay and I must say it was absolutely fantastic the farmers helped make the whiskey and then the whiskey helps the ranchers grow the beef nothing wrong with that as I mentioned their Distillery is located right here in South Austin right on Saint Elmo and it really is a beautiful place and they've got a super cool setup and their tasting room is open six days a week so you can try the spirits yourself or the unique line of cocktails and not to mention one of my favorite food trucks is located at still Austin shout out Huckleberry Hospitality Gotta Love supporting local cheers again big shout out to still Austin thank you for sponsoring this video and if you all haven't checked out their stuff I highly recommend it you can check out their website and of course on all the social medias just look up still Austin and if you're ever in town I'll meet you at The Distillery thank you still but of course you can't have an onion burger without some onions what I got here is one sweet onion and for my research that is the onion of choice for the Oklahoma onion burger and we need to cut these as thin as possible so it's time to bust out the old fingertip remover the mandolin I'm gonna put this thing on its thinnest setting and just go to town oh yeah enough into it folks beautiful got two onions in here very nice and thin and one thing I like to do is drop them into an ice bath this is going to improve their texture a little bit and also wash away some of that extra harshness that onions can have but more importantly keep them nice and fresh while we get everything else ready to make these burgers oh buttery I gotta say these buns definitely have a bit more denseness to them than my typical buns you can just feel the weight of butter in there and they're kind of flaky almost like a croissant they smell so good though now according to George moats hamburger legend himself an Oklahoma onion burger has five main components bun meat salt cheese and of course our beautiful onions I took these out of the ice bath and I squeezed them through some paper towels get rid of all the extra moisture and they are just nice and fluffy love it so I think it's time to assemble and as far as cheese goes of course we're going with American cheese the only cheese for a burger but I highly recommend trying to find some good stuff this is what I use it's from HEB and it's not individually wrapped and it's just got a much better texture and flavor than anything that's wrapped in Cellophane in my experience I've tried a lot of American cheeses I highly recommend trying to find the best stuff maybe go to the deli counter and if you don't like American cheese please feel free to let me know in the comments down below love that engagement let's make some burgers so as you can see here I got my chud press heated up nice and toasty smoking hot and on we go with our beautiful little patties ooh nice sizzle we're going to top these with a generous amount of some of our thinly sliced onions and smash them down nice hard smash on these folks and because we're cooking so hot this will not take long it's been about a minute open this up got a little onion stickage on top that is A-Okay with me put that back down and this is when I like to season these just easier to eyeball the amount of salt when they're flattened out like this and remember you're seasoning your meat and your onions so go a little heavier than you think and once the onions on the outside I started to caramelize and everything is starting to look good we're seeing some liquid pulling through we're going to go ahead and flip these over oh for a beautiful crust I'm gonna immediately hit these with some cheese and then in classic onion burger fashion we're going to place the Buns right on top and that's just going to really allow all the steam from the burgers and the onions to come up and soften the buns and Infuse them with all of that lovely flavor and after just a few seconds our cheese is nicely melted our buns are nicely steamed and I think it's time to assemble this burger first Burger down second Burger on top and there we have it in all its Glory folks the beautiful onion burger we've got some really dark caramelized onions on the outside we still got some nice soft ones on the inside just a little bit of every stage of onion cook has made it into this burger nice and cheesy beautiful steamed freshly made brioche bun and to make sure this one stays nice and warm while we make the other ones bust out one of these guys a little hamburger bag highly recommend picking some of these up I got these on Amazon and it is such a nice little game changer for burgers it's like something you get at a bowling alley just trap all the steam in there all the residual heat will make the Buns even softer and keep it warm from when we're ready and as for Burger number two go down with a little bit of oil we're going for the six ouncer which is a big boy top it tall with some onions we smash one of the beauties of the chud press is all the steam from the onions while this is closed it's getting trapped in there and circulating around helping this thing cook even quicker oh that's a big burger I don't think my buns are big enough for that hmm top bun down first heel on top of that and then I'm gonna put on this little cloche guy to help trap in some steam and I think I'm gonna add a little bit of whiskey in there to help steam this thing up a little bit tell me that's not going to be good folks come on sight of beauty folks I tell you yeah I think I might need a bigger bun if I'm gonna make six ounces or maybe smash it a little less but to be honest I'm not mad about a heavy meat to bread ratio I'll tell you what love it I mean what's not to like here folks ooey gooey cheese freshly made homemade brioche buns some crispy onions Smash Burger beef patties oh I gotta dive in I gotta say folks I'm pretty excited about this one everyone has been talking about the Oklahoma onion burger for so long now it has taken the World by storm and I can start to see why although it's been a minute since I made a cheeseburger without putting a burger sauce or you know at least some mustard on there but let's go ahead and see how this juicy cheesy oniony Behemoth came out shall we that's a fantastic Fantastic Burger all yeah so juicy so cheesy I mean really what's not to like about this folks crispy onions but on the inside they're soft onions that brioche bun is something else very buttery I'm just gonna keep going oh yeah it needs nothing else when I saw the rise of the Oklahoma onion burger I was always thinking yeah that needs some mustard or at least a pickle or something but once you actually eat one it really comes together for a perfect bite I can't explain it it's juicy it's tender it's got that Smash Burger Vibe it's nice and cheesy and the different textures from the different layers of onions being cooked at different times it's just spectacular I get it now The Buttery bun helps damn so good the Char from the onions that hit the flat top right off the bat that got almost burned give it almost like a bacon Vibe really cool no bitterness none of those off flavors that you'd expect from those black onions on the exterior here but all working together is one oh don't know why I doubted it as far as these buns go they are are decadent to say the least they honestly look like croissants almost they're so flaky and they're kind of a pain to make they don't come together as easily and they're a lot more dense than the fluffy ones they usually make and I thought more better more better for this burger but it's a bit heavy so I think if I was gonna make this again I will be sticking with my normal buns that's the way a burger should look folks meat surrounding it like the rings of Saturn well gotta give this a try you know for science oh that's fantastic so meaty definitely nothing wrong with this one but I'd probably stick with a double although I do like that nice Lacy Burger Edge on there oh God I think it just holds it together I really never thought that a burger with this few ingredients could be that much better than the sum of its parts but you know here it is because I can't stop now unfortunately the official taste sister cannot have onions so I'm gonna have to make her a special Patty real quick so I'm just gonna give this the old Hulk smash and just see what happens that got real thin now a lot of people claim that that's what a Smash Burger is supposed to look like with those super Lacy edges and I can agree they're very tasty I mean you can see through that Patty so just know that that is in fact very possible on the chud press but uh you know I like my burgers with a little bit of bite a little bit of meatiness to them but of course that nice hard sear but this is not for me yeah all right Sean that is how to make an absolutely fantastic Oklahoma onion burger on the chud press I highly recommend giving this recipe a try it really is worth the hype and it's definitely a burger that I'm gonna make time and time again and you definitely don't need to make your own scratch made buns and grind your own meat and all that kind of stuff but no matter what you're cooking on I highly recommend giving this recipe a try because it is truly fantastic but all that being said if you enjoyed this video let me know by hitting that subscribe button let YouTube know by dropping a like on this video If you give this recipe a try for yourself be sure to tag me on Instagram at chuds barbecue I'd love to see what you all are cooking big shout out to all the patreon members thank you for supporting team Chad and allowing me to keep making all these videos and until the next time I see you please go cook something outside peace
Channel: Chuds BBQ
Views: 459,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oklahoma onion burger, onion burger, best burger, cheeseburger, burger recipe, perfect burger, smash burger, smashburger, onion smashburger, Oklahoma, texas, texas bbq, barbecue, welding, smoker build, football, superbowl, brisket, wagyu, ribs, sausage, whiskey, bourbon, bourbon burger, Austin, atx, Austin texas, brioche buns recipe, brioche
Id: g-7PRJVVT94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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