I’m Keeping THIS Technique Around! | Chuds BBQ

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what's going on everybody welcome back to Chuck's Barbecue my name is Brother Robinson and today I'm going to show you how I made this beautiful delicious Smoky plump amazing andouille sausage coming up nice new chud Grill thermometer this is some and what I got here is a couple of chunks of some boneless Boston butt perfect for making sausage nice and fatty especially this one a lot of intramuscular fat and it's got a fat cap on it should work out lovely and as always I'm just going to cube this up to make proper size chunks to fit into the meat grinder although I'm tempted to just make a pork steak real quick because that looks really good but of course any kind of meat will work and Dewey is typically a pork sausage and this is definitely the easiest way to go about it just kind of relying on the general fat ratio of a pork butt but if you want to be real scientific about it you could just get some lean pork and some pork fat back and dial in a perfect 80 20 70 30 whatever it is you're looking for although this is feeling a little damp Pat it dry and just like that we've got four pounds of cubed up pork but ready to go in the freezer but because andouille is typically known as a really coarse ground sausage we're also going to bust out some pork belly foreign enough I'm going to take some strips off the end here and then we're going to cube up this pork belly into whatever size chunks we like so basically what I'm going to do is send all that pork butt through the grinder and then have that be studded with these little cubes of pork belly so we have pork studded with chunks of pork should give us a really unique texture some wonderful flavor and just be amazing beautiful so this is a five pound batch I'm doing four pounds of ground to one pound of chunky studdage hope that nickname doesn't stick and we should end up with a beautiful nice coarse yet still plump and tightly bound and dewy sausage and there we have it four pounds of pork butt nice and Cubed up and one pound of pork belly diced up ready to go so into the freezer this goes to cool down to make sure we get a nice clean grind spices for our andouille include some kosher salt some pink curing salt number one some cayenne and a lot of people will stop right here keep it super basic but I'm gonna take a slightly different approach and basically add my own ingredients to make my own cajun spice mix including some black pepper some celery seed dry mustard oregano some ground Thyme and some paprika oh yeah and just make sure everything is nice and plump I'm gonna go in with some milk powder as our binder beautiful oh and simply enough through the grinder we go I'm using the 10 millimeter coarse die today as I typically do for making sausages [Music] and I'm also going to send through a bunch of some fresh garlic right at the end [Applause] beautiful you know the drill from here folks we're gonna go in with our spice mix and give that a nice little mixy mixy make sure all that garlic is evenly distributed make sure all these spices are going where they need to go smells so good and then we're going to go in with all of our cubed up pork belly make sure that's getting evenly dispersed and once everything starts getting really tough to work with we're going to go in with our liquid which is of course just some water today probably should have thrown a beer in there maybe some stock but I think this is going to be just fine now we're going to mix this up until everything is nice and tacky [Music] and on we go with some standard sized hog casings I was considering doing the thicker version with some beef middles but honestly I prefer the normal size sausage links so that's what we're going with today I'm getting tired this is a big boy how are you doing tie it off snip the tip and now we case away just trying to get these nice and plump folks you know the drill you've seen me do this a million times by now but I am going to make these longer than usual thinking about that long just because that's what I feel like doing but as always I like to go link by link because I can really control the plumpness of the casing and if I feel a weak part coming up I can avoid it but most importantly by doing it this way I can ensure that there's no air pockets in there so I won't have to go through and prick my sausage afterwards and when you're doing a small batch like this is a five pound batch you might as well take your time make sure they're all the exact same length perfectly cased give it a nice twist Arena and just do the best you can yoink I'm gonna case these in lengths of four just so they can hang up a little bit easier because they're pretty long and I have not built a cold smoker yet even a full go around one more time make sure they are nice and plump give them the old twist Shuffle and there we go some nice big beautiful wieners and now we repeat all right y'all and just like that these beautiful nice lengthy girthy and Deweys are done we got four big links and then one baby little C Link at the end I'll hang this up as well this will be a little tester for probing so we don't mess up any of these behemoths but what I'm going to do now is hang these up in my fridge overnight that's going to let the Cure do its work let all the spices hydrate and they're going to be uncovered so that's also going to help dry out the skin meaning these casings will be nice and snappy they'll probably change color a little bit so I'll check back with y'all tomorrow 24 hours later these anduis are looking fantastic I did pull them out and let a fan blow over them for about an hour earlier just to help those casings dry out even more because they were still looking a little bit wet and that really helped change the color to this darker tone but the only problem is when they were hanging I made them too long or cased them too tight so two of them busted right here because the curve hasn't tried to straighten out snap the casing but the rest of them are fine so I think we're gonna be A-Okay but now we need to smoke them and to do that we're gonna bust out this little guy the old Cold Smoker I've used this thing plenty of times before we're just gonna fill this contraption up with some saw dust this is some hickory sawdust if we just light it right on this side and it'll burn like a spiral all the way around and because it's just kind of smoldering we'll get plenty of smoke but very little Heat giving us a true cold smoke and this thing lasts a solid 20 hours so into the mini tread box we go 24 hours later these sausages are coming off the pit and looking absolutely beautiful I must say clearly we can see the color has changed quite a bit looking nice and Smoky feeling nice and dry got a certain amount of stiffness to them but smelling great looking great I Gotta See this is my favorite kind of sausage to make just because they just seem so much more professional looking and commercially made than any other type of sausage you know what I mean show up to someone's house with a couple of these and say you made them whoo pretty cool and I'm sorry I didn't go into too much detail on the smoking process so if you want to see a little bit more about that cold smoking contraption you can check out my video all about how to cold smoke sausages or any of my snack stick videos I go into a lot of detail there but fact of the matter is these are fully cured fully dried looking great smelling great but they are still not cooked so we need to bring these up to an internal temperature of about 150 degrees let's fire up the pit foreign and straight because it reminds me of that pesky little snake in my boot and I'm the pit we go they rocked this pit around 250 275 just trying to bring these up to Temp and again you don't need to smoke these because they've already been nicely smoked but uh this is a barbecue Channel after all but you can easily slice these up toss them in a pan throw them in your oven do whatever you got to do but I'm only cooking a few of them right now because I gotta save the rest for making gumbo so it shouldn't take long just gonna cook these through warm them up get them nice and hot and nice and plump and just like that off the pit these come and I must say these are definitely some of the snappiest bounciest most plump firm sausages I've made in quite some time they really have a certain amount of just uh strength to them beautiful stuff nice and toasty nice and Glitz and he didn't pop a casing we also got this weird one over here this is my little temp tester right there a little sacrificial link so that one got a little wrinkly because as soon as I poked it it shot out a geyser or fat so so I always want to have a little guy to test but I think it's time to slice on in and see how these things came out shall we start with the old J hook over here beautiful stuff definitely looking nice and juicy got some beautiful stuttage in there nice coarse texture you can see it in all these slices looking real nice but of course we got to get the cross section very firm sausage and there it is folks nice and juicy beautiful coarse studded job there that pork belly looks nicely rendered too I must add literally dripping oh I gotta dive in I mean what's not to like here folks nice and Smoky nice and plump little bit a kick beautiful pork belly stuttage oh I'm ready well folks I think we might as well just kick this off with a snap test am I right oh so juicy that is a phenomenal sausage and I just gotta say I love how this is just so plump gotta love that coarse texture in there from the pork belly too by the way those pork belly chunks rendered out really well I was worried it'd be kind of like chewing on unrendered pieces of fat but not the case very juicy and just look at how tight the casing is on that sausage too it's unbelievable it's from the drying process and the Long Cold smoke everything really got condensed kind of like charcuterie in fact if you wanted to this would be a great sausage to just slice super thin throw that on your pizza tell you what two bites in and I'm definitely making this again tell you what wow so flavorful oh that big chunk flavor Wise It's Perfectly balanced it's got a little bit of Spice from the Cayenne but all in all it's very pleasant not overbearing by any means it's nice and Smoky but not too smoky salt level is perfect everything is just perfectly balanced so just a genuinely very flavorful sausage the casing is unbelievably Snappy it's almost crispy I'm telling you if you've never done a true cold smoke on your sausages you have to give this a try it is unbelievable it's night and day difference from your regular links if I ever opened up my own barbecue joint this is what I would say cell because it is so good so good oh I can do this all day I probably will the only thing I would change about this sausage is I would add way more pork belly stuttage in there I would double that I'd probably go 50 50 if not more now that I know that the pork belly just renders down perfectly I would go way heavier on that because it's a super interesting texture very tasty stuff oh come on just look at it folks all right folks without further Ado I think it's time for the official taste test absolutely fantastic and dewy sausage I highly recommend giving this recipe a try it's a pretty basic sausage but it's got some fun unique techniques in there that really make this sausage completely different and in my opinion much better than most of the other sausages I've made on this channel and I know it takes a long time to make this kind of a sausage with the Cure and the cold smoke and the air dry and all that kind of stuff but once I was done casing there was no more than five minutes at a time put in of active work and I highly recommend giving it a try very soon but all that being said if you enjoyed this video let me know by hitting that subscribe button let YouTube know by dropping a like on this video if you could just give me a try for yourself be sure to tag me on Instagram chuds barbecue I'd love to see what y'all are cooking big shout out to all the patreon members thank you for supporting team Chad and allow me to keep making all these videos and until the next time I see you please go cook something outside peace
Channel: Chuds BBQ
Views: 73,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andouile, andouille sausage, sausage, sausage making, pork butt, brisket, ribs, smoked sausage, cajun, creole, Louisiana, mardi gras, smoked meat, how to make andouille, andouille for beginners, texas, texas bbq, barbecue, bbq, chud, meat, beef, chicken recipe, pork sausage recipe, offset smoker, cold smoke
Id: fcJrd5NlKkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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