This Makes Me Want to TEAR DOWN MY HOUSE!

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welcome back to outdoors with the Morgans it's uh 6 30 a.m on Independence Day and we're gonna start things off with a deal that I can't pass up kind of a foggy rainy morning but we're on our way to Sheets which is uh definitely our favorite convenience store because today and today only they are selling gasoline for a dollar 76.6 per gallon to celebrate Independence Day very nice of them actually this guy even brought his uh beautiful GTX out in the rain for the deal but yeah all grades of gasoline 177.6 now the crazy thing is there's almost 700 sheets locations and they're doing it at every one of them today I just stopped at Lowe's to pick up a few things we're gonna work inside the building until the weather straightens up a bit all right we're back at the house here I'll show you what I got going on in here a few uh remnants of Eva's graduation party but I'll show you one of the smart things that I did I look at all these outlets right here 20 of them and they're on two different circuits so I can do all my charging of all my DeWalt stuff I'm not set up yet but uh this gives me all kind of options but over here in the game room I just started last night staying in some more of this tongue and groove I'm working on this closet right here this won't take too long at all putting insulation in here I just picked some more up at Lowe's just because the bathroom's on the other side and I'll insulate this wall as well in the kitchen yeah this won't be too bad all I have to cut around here is uh clean out down there at the bottom need to make a hole for all this this is for the uh for the TVs and the speakers that are mounted throughout the building and one Outlet up there there's going to be the amp and everything that uh controls the sound will be somewhere right in this corner here I think then I'll need to figure out what I'm going to do for a a door on here I don't want like a regular closet door I may build something make it look like a barn door or something we'll have to see something that I wanted to mention that may be helpful for any of you that may be planning on building something now keep in mind I am by no means a construction expert or Heating and Cooling expert but I just want to tell you what has worked out very very well for us now we have thick walls in this building and it's insulated well now we didn't do the spray foam insulation it cost a little bit more that's not really why we didn't use it I thought it may seal things up too much I don't know but we have thick walls and we did the blown in insulation in the Attic and this building it's unbelievable as far as Heating and Cooling I mentioned this past winter this Regency wood stove I wouldn't have believed it but it heats the entire building I didn't even use the fan later on in the winter I found that it doesn't really make much difference if I use the fan or not we didn't have a cold winter but we did have a few cold spells you know a week or two here or there this did a phenomenal job and as far as cooling goes we've got this Mr Cool mini split 36 000 BTU and I was planning on putting one in the garage on the other side don't even need it we've had a good test the last couple days 85 maybe even 88 degrees but super humid out and it stays so nice in this building just with that Mr Cool unit and that's the big one I don't know if I mentioned 36 000 BTU phenomenal job there is no comparison at all when it comes to Heating and Cooling comparing this building with our house our house is a disaster I made a lot of mistakes uh when we built it I didn't know any better but first of all it's like a raised Ranch so it's kind of difficult to keep cool in the summertime the air conditioner runs quite a bit I put skylights on the one side in both the living room and the kitchen I would never do that again you could probably get those blinds for them or something like that that would help but you know some rooms in the house are cool some are warm in the winter it's vice versa and I could just never get it right I mean it's not horrible but compared to this building uh this is the way to go here thick walls plenty of blown-in in insulation up top I don't know what what you know what it is it makes this so efficient but uh it's incredible it really is one wood stove and the Mr Cool unit and I have radiant floor heat in here that I haven't even hooked up yet we'll get it hooked up for this winter but uh I don't know if I should have should have even done that to tell you the truth uh it'll be nice when the concrete's warm but the stove warms everything up as well so I don't know so many people said you know they swear by the radiant floor heat and I'm sure it's great don't get me wrong but I don't know the wood stove and the Mr cool I'm pretty pleased with the other thing that I really like as well about the wood stove and the mini split it's so simple that's all there is to it this is my entire heating and cooling system right here and right there that's it plus with the Mr Cool you know that makes heat as well I haven't tried that out but you know I'm thinking on those days in the fall when it's uh you know 30 degrees in the morning and gets up to 60 or 70 in the afternoon you may use this a little bit instead of starting a fire I don't know I really like the fire but that gives us another option as well but yeah very simple not a lot to it I also think this uh big paddle fan will help as well in the winter time I noticed this past winter when I was working in here and you know I was up on a ladder you could definitely tell uh it was a lot warmer closer to the ceiling it's about 11 feet 6 inches or 11 feet 8 inches from the floor to the ceiling so pretty tall but so far I like this fan Melissa bought that online you can change the speeds you can do everything right off the remote and plus I have a switch on the wall as well but anyway we better get back to work actually start work I haven't done much yet get a little more light in here all right so I got a couple more 16 Footers all ready to go they just have to dry and then I got four more pre-stained it's not going to take that much more tongue and groove to finish these uh 16 Footers that go a long way after building this place here and how efficient it is and how much I like it I'll be honest it makes me want to tear down my house that sounds pretty extreme but uh I'd love to build a big barn dominium type house I would I don't know if that's in the cards right now but maybe at some point we'll do that what happens you know around here where we live and probably where most you live uh people build a house they'll live in it for years and if they want something different they just sell it go buy another house somewhere our problem here and it's a good problem to have is uh we have all this land and we love the land here so just selling the house is not an option but uh maybe something we do someday we'll have to see but yeah makes me want to tear down my house holy smokes I was uh I'm just getting ready to get in the tractor here to uh go down and clean up some fireworks and I had these headphones on and I started to hear something I didn't pay much attention to it it's getting louder and louder and I'm looking around like what is going on I should have taken them off right away I thought our air conditioner was blowing up or something turns out it was that big c17 they're flying around since it's Independence Day and I mean he was low right over the house here right over the building and uh scared the bejeebers out of me there but it was pretty cool [Applause] all right I got uh the fireworks pretty well cleaned up there's still a lot of paper on the ground but I'll wait till things dry up and then I use a combination leaf blower to try to get into a pile and then I'll use the leaf rake and we'll get rid of that I did actually use my uh water pump the other night even though it was real wet there were several that just kind of caught fire after the show and uh I put them out but I tell you there's a lot here that I just put in the burn pit that that we never even lit now they got rained on several times right at the end of the show actually the end of all the music uh we quit lighting fireworks because of the injury if you didn't see that video the other day uh I got whacked in the thigh really hard with a mortar round and so we just kind of shut things down so there's a lot of hot fireworks that I put in the burn pit and you would be amazed uh it's probably rained on them three or four times so far I'm not even gonna burn what's in there for probably a couple more weeks I'll put some slabs in there on top of them but there'll still be a pile of stuff going off in there but like I said I'll cover it all up with some old slabs and things like that before I light it up that one year I swear it was a month you know and it rained a bunch that month I lit up the burn pit and uh they were still going off so they they last a very long time definitely not safe for a fireworks show but uh they must be sealed up pretty well in there or something because you'd think that powder would get saturated and that'd be the end of it but that's not the case but speaking of the leg injury healing up very well uh all the swelling's gone definitely black and blue I'm not limping around anymore and the limp wasn't all bad actually because a few years ago I tore the meniscus in my left knee and it flares up every once in a while then I hurt my right leg with the firework kind of uh balanced things out but uh yeah it's getting better a lot faster than what I thought it would to tell you the truth uh the other night it was swelled up so bad you couldn't even bend your leg you know my knee's fine but uh I put ice on it that first night kind of kept it elevated and that made a world of difference by morning but uh yeah it's not even really sore anymore definitely black and blue though but back to the building here once we're all done uh with the kitchen and everything I'll do a video on you know what the total cost is I'm guessing right now it's going to be somewhere right around 210 000 it's my best guess I don't know what it is for sure when it's all done so that's going to work out to about 65 bucks a square foot and that is no drywall at all I don't like drywall I don't know why maybe because I just don't I was never any good at it but I just I don't like it uh I like this wood metal and concrete is basically everything we used here takes that uh polyurethane a while to dry I mean it's dry to the touch but it's just a little bit tacky and I probably won't use this stuff till tomorrow morning and this needs Poly on it as well even when it's just a little bit tacky I don't like using it uh you know when you're sawing it a little bit of sawdust just seems to want to stick to it better off just wait until it's completely dry yeah anyway between the uh Energy Efficiency of a building like this uh the construction costs and the flexibility that you have like there are no load-bearing walls inside this building you can pretty much do whatever you want between those three things I'm kind of sold on the whole barndominium thing people have been building them for years now a lot of people still aren't familiar with them but if I were to ever build another house it would definitely be like this building right here now I would do a different type of foundation like a poured wall and then build from it instead of just like a pole barn which is basically what this is but uh yeah I'm very very pleased with this I am and like I said it makes me want to tear my house down I'm not sure if that's something we'll do or not Melissa and I've been talking about it and I don't know when that would happen but it's something we've been considering to tell you the truth but anyway I think that's about it for today's video I appreciate you all being here and I will catch you on the next one
Channel: Outdoors With The Morgans
Views: 156,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firewood, country living, tractors, sawmill, woodmizer, jeep, ford bronco, wranglerstar, wild wonderful off grid, best chainsaw, stihl, husqvarna, polaris, kubota, john deere, zero turn mower, cabin in the woods, off grid, entrepreneur, make money, farm, garden, how to build, diy, lawn care, side jobs, f 150, ford, yanmar, tym, ls tractors, land plane, cabin living, excavating, small business, excavator, skid loader, dozer, tree felling, chainsaw sharpening
Id: OoE6QWMleww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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