Ford Super Duty vs GMC HD, Through The Eyes Of A Teen

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welcome to my second YouTube video so today I'm going to be comparing both of my parents new trucks so we have the Ford and then we have the GNC So eventually my parents are going to get rid of one of these trucks to trade in for a new dump truck and I think my opinion is pretty important so I'm going to go through all different aspects of each truck such as the ride looks comfort and more and hopefully I'll be able to pick a favorite truck and hopefully in my opinion we'll play a role in this decision but I have this written done so I don't mess up we have the 2023 Ford F350 Lariat in Rapid red and then we have the 2023 GMC 3500 at4 and Forest metallic so the GMC has a 6.6 liter Duramax and 445 horsepower and the Ford has a 6.7 liter Power Stroke and 475 horsepower so as I said this is me comparing it so I don't know what that means really that doesn't matter much to me in my decision making so we're going to look more into the other fun things to me things that actually matter to me and then we'll make my decision okay as I said before I'm not really paying attention to things like gas mileage stuff like that I know that is very important in buying a car but my dad's been over all that stuff probably today I'm going to be over things that matter to me when looking at a car and since we already had both of these cars I might as well play a role in which we keep so to start off let's go for looks as soon as my Dad pulled in with this GMC I loved it I think it's so cool the lights on top the like red Accents in it the color I love it just looks like like if you see this pull in I think the person driving it is the coolest person ever and if my dad opens the door I'd be like oh but like I'd boost up his cool points for driving that truck so everything is just so big like it just looks like like a cool person drives that truck okay doing this video is really hard but most of these things definitely have names that I don't know the names for them but so we're going to come up with names for them so the exterior looks for the Ford I just think the red Pops at you too much if you like attention this truck is perfect for you especially with the long bed this truck's a lot to take in I think the long bed is probably my least favorite part of this which my dad was so excited for that and I told him I didn't like the long bed but my opinion didn't matter there and then this on the front I'm sure it's for something useful probably there's a point there but I think it makes it look like the truck has braces I don't like it it looks weird the front of the cars the grills is that what they're called we're gonna call them the girls the GMC's looks much better the lights on the trucks I do like the Ford lights better between the headlights the lights on the mirror and the lights on the top I just think the forward looks better okay let's look at the tires on these so this is the GMC they're nice tires but when you look at this Ford the all black it just looks tough I like the tires on the Ford much better I'm loving the all black compared to the silver and red just not doing it for me so these are both of the trucks the GMC as I said I think is going to have to do it for the looks for me just love the color the hood of it the grill whatever it's called looks amazing the Ford does look really good though like right here it looks good the bed doesn't look too long the color Pops at you maybe a little too much the beautiful tires and then there's that long bed okay guys it's time to hop in the GMC so that's my favorite feature the running board comes down although that could be inconvenient at certain times as what if I get in the car really quick and the running board's not down or what if you get out of the car too quick you could fall you'd put your foot down it's not there that could be dangerous that could be a hazard okay now we'll actually get in okay guys we are now in the truck the seat is rather comfortable the buttons are easy to operate it just moves in and out the back of the seat can like puff in or out I don't really know what that's foreign cars but some people like it whoa the bottom of the seat can move up and down and then like this part of the seat can move back and forth this is great the seat buttons are very nice see my Jeep use pool little leather and it moves back and forth that's the only feature you really have you can pull leather down here to move it front and back I wish my g-pad buttons like this it's great so in here we have the black interior with some brown features I would rather all black just from you personally I think all black would look better but nothing real is nice there's a lot of buttons it's kind of overwhelming I don't know what any of them do but we'll figure it out okay here is the back of the GMC those brown accents again aren't doing it for me just me personally but very big seats very spacious and if you're in the middle seat huge seat there's no like hump that your feet are on I hate back seats like that lots of room I'm always in the back whenever my parents are driving so lots of space for me to lay down and sleep okay now you guys in the back of the car with me so there's two cup holders here which is awesome for Backseat passengers there's heated seats if you're in the middle seat you don't get a heated seat that stinks but then there's also two air vents and then they have all sorts of different Chargers so they have the new Apple charger if you have that it's so hard to find cars that have up to date of course a USB plug and then the normal plug which is perfect okay guys we're in the front of the GMC now so as I said before there's a lot of buttons I do like how all the buttons are lined up I don't know what any of these buttons are for but if I knew I think they'd be super fun to use and then we do have the different Outlets again and then normal Outlet which is all super convenient and I do like the setup here the screen isn't surrounded by buttons all over and all the buttons are in the same place which some people may like some people may not and then I do like the two cup holders and this is perfect for extra stuff like I'll have my Chopstick my phone whatever and it takes up a cup holder which isn't always convenient so that's a perfect spot for that stuff a perfect um charger for your phone that you can just put your phone in there and it charges and then also just another compartment for things like chapstick Keys whatever you have okay next we have this section I call this the sunglass holder I have about three pairs of sunglasses in my car and that is a very large space which would be perfect for me and then next my favorite the mirror see it looks like it has lights they aren't on right now and that might be because the car is not on and it's a decent sized mirror I can adjust it however is needed for me to look at myself best then one of the most important things in a car for me is the cup holders because see my water bottle it's kind of it's wider than a normal water bottle and as you can see it has dents all over it because in my car it just rolls around hitting everything else in the car my water bottle does not fit in the normal cup holders in this car although in the compartments I showed you it does lay there it does sit there except this is perfect it does you do have to kind of push it in but it it's not going anywhere it's staying there which is really nice and then there's also I can put my trash in here like I do my straw wrappers my envelopes whatever I have I do clean it out don't worry but there's three different sections and that is perfect for me okay guys as I'm filming this I'm moving around a lot this is if you ever need to crack your back mid break this is a great way to do it laying on this huge console that'll do the job but here we have the start button over here all the way down here there's all this room up here for it but it's all the way down here I'm not a fan of it okay my dad just got home so let's test the horn on this thing [Music] it's kind of okay I actually don't care about the one I just want to be better okay guys this goes for all new cars I think that the buttons need to mean something like they just have little pictures on them like emojis and I don't know what they mean so I could be pressing a button to call 9-1-1 when I just want to like Turn Up the Music maybe it's just me maybe I should read the manual on cars but anyways next is the compartment so it is very large across you could have a whole meal on here have some dinner and then which my dad's gonna tell me not to eat in here but if you wanted to eat in here you could eat all the way on here and then it's very easy to open you press this little button it's really fun it even opens on its own and it's not gonna like close on you because some cars you know you can like hold it open while trying to find something and then there's this fun little like button you press and it turns on and off the little light so the lights automatically on and if you press it it turns off I don't know why you'd want to turn up can you see it look at it okay anyways it is very large in here so in my car my compartment is like two layers so it has a little one that I can keep like a pair of sunglasses some chapstick and then a big one that I keep lotion stuff but this is all in one area so if you aren't an organized person you're most likely going to be digging through here trying to find everything and then we have an AUX plug a USB and then another charger plug in here which is nice except when you're closing it you're going to be closing it on the wires which if you don't care about your cords that's fine then okay I showed you this side of the wheel so now this side of the wheel more buttons a lot to take in but it's very nice looking it looks very cool from the inside it might be hard to learn what the buttons are for but they do look good they look easy to operate and very convenient there's a button for everything you could possibly need okay now we are on the passenger side the GMC so the first thing I'm noticing is the oh shoot handle see usually they're up here so if I'm having a bad driver driving around I'm Gonna Want My Oh shoot handle here because it keeps you firm steady you could use both hands but here you're like pulling yourself to the window pulling yourself to the windshield so I like my oh shoot handle here although if you struggle to get in cars maybe you're short maybe you're old this might be more convenient to pull yourself in next we have the two glove boxes two is a bit extra it's kind of fancy though I like it lots of storage in this car from the huge compartment here to both of these all the space up here there's even a little space here with some sunglasses in there so in here opens upward fancy you can keep sunglasses in here a hairbrush which that might not be very important in my dad's decision of keeping this or not since he doesn't have hair but it's very convenient and then we have this one down here which you keep important papers in here napkins if you're messy lots of room in here and lots of storage okay guys now we're on the back seat again even the floor is very spacious you could sleep down here when the car is not moving but here is more cup holders I do think this has potential I think it could be longer it only goes about halfway to the seat when usually I feel like they go to the end of the seat but there's two cup holders there's some space here you can't have a full course meal here maybe an appetizer and then the compartment in the middle again for maybe some fries whatever you want your phone okay I'm still in the ground I notice I don't know what exactly that's for but there's a button to move the seat around and you just press it and it falls this is a fun game okay so so far for the GMC we have looked at its looks and its comfort so looks I think are winning over the Ford right now for the GMC again I just love how it looks the seats are very spacious very comfortable the only thing I didn't like about the interior looks was those brown accents there's really no reason I don't like this I just wish it was like all black but inside looks amazing it's very comfortable very spacious lots of storage if you have a lot of junk like me and you think you need to bring anything everywhere with you then it is perfect in there I could fit my whole life in there and it is perfect okay guys time to check out the interior of the Ford first of all a fun feature you could have a password on your car I don't know if anyone actually uses that but I think that'd be a fun feature so the interior I absolutely love the like tan and the black it's very different I've never like we've never had a car with this type of interior I think it looks beautiful okay starting off we're gonna look at the door here I love this interior here it's like a stitching it almost has like a denim look to it and then there's like this marbled wood type look also and then the tan which I love again although if you or someone I don't know this might be it too much because there's like six different patterns there's black there's tan there's silver there's like the denim look with stitching and then there's like a wood-ish look so that's a lot right there but I think it all looks really good together and then there's some storage here and there's storage here so sadly my water bottle will not be fitting in either of these cup holders they would fit more of a plastic water bottle but you could fit a lot down here and I think it's very useful okay now we're in the front seat of the Ford Let's test this horn [Music] um I don't remember the GMC horn but I think I meant like the GMC horn better so there's a ton of buttons here on the steering wheel again I don't know what they are there's a lot of buttons over here and this screen is huge wow that screen's huge some of the buttons are a little small if you're old you might not be able to see them like my parents owed but the seat is very comfortable I do really like it hold let me show you the buttons here okay as I said these seats are very comfortable so let's test out these buttons you can move the seat forward or back up or down whoa you can move it like the whole thing and then of course you can move this back and you can move it up and then the little thing that moves the lower part of the back in and out okay so the truck kind of passes the water bottle test my water bottle fits in the like Long Way compartment which is better than my Jeep so it'll do I guess okay so here we have two cup holders uh compartment a charging space for your phone again some more charging ports and then another compartment I do think here might be more spacious than the compartments and cup holders in the GMC and then again this compartment has a very large surface which is very nice so this is the massive screen you can see my reflection in there so we have some buttons up here the air vents and then more buttons which these seem more organized so here we have buttons that go along with like the Music Volume skipping a song the radio whatever you need and then here are more for the air conditioning the air conditioned seats which is a very nice feature in this car and we have the heated seats and whatever you need to do to control the air is in this section of buttons and we have some more buttons over here on the steering wheel has buttons and then the buttons over here again I'm not exactly sure what they're all for but I'm sure they're all very useful okay the dashboard in this is very large and then this is the sunglass holder it's definitely not as big as the one the GMC but it will do okay so now looking at this compartment it's not like the GMC it doesn't go all the way up but once is up it's not falling down on you so this is very large it does come with this tray that sits on top which is really nice just for that stuff you are always grabbing like sunglasses or chapstick or whatever you would like to keep in here and you'll have to dig all through here it is very large in here though it goes down really deep and there's another light in here and there's two charging outlets in there again which is also really nice and then this also has a I don't know if you can see it there's like a little Port here so if you do plug your phone in there the wire can go through this slot and not get closed on unlike the GMC that was something I mentioned earlier okay so while filming I learned a little more so there's these I'm not exactly what they're for they look very fancy they're in both the driver's side and the passenger side and then the head rest you can move them to like whatever your comfort is and all the way up which is very nice okay now time to look into the back seat again the beautiful interior I love so let's take a deeper look okay so here is the back seat drawers there's a little like Square cup holder here which is nice you could be your phone your air pods chapstick whatever for like road trips people in the back are always losing stuff and then again there's storage here a little cup holder here and two more storage things here so a lot of um storage for anyone in the back which is really nice okay now we're in the back seat the back seats are basically all tan large sheets again very comfortable I do think the back seats in the GMC might be more comfortable although the front seats and the Ford are more comfortable and then here we have two cup holders heated seats again on these two the middle person is not gonna heated seat again and then we have airbags two little charging ports there a plug and then another plug which is really nice so backseat passengers are living in luxury okay so as I mentioned these are the cup holders and all the features in the back which are all super nice all right time for the grand reveal you guys can't see it but this is really disappointing yikes I thought the one the GMC was bad two cup holders that's it and they're in the middle you can't even have your meal all around because your cup holder is taking up the space Also and here is like a fur like a cloth I don't know if I like that it's kind of weird so we might keep this up okay I'm in the passenger side of the Ford now so again the oh shoot handle like in the GMCs here not up here like I like it but up here there is a speaker which is really nice and then we have two glove boxes again like in the GMC and then more space down here for whatever you need but look at this you press the button and it opens which is super awesome because even the driver can just press that button open this and grab something real quick rather than pulling it open and then this glove box again lots of room in there super nice okay so I have the Ford on because look at this sunroof it is huge it goes all the way back and it is like you can work it with a button so we can close it with this button up here or all the buttons for the sunroof so closes just gonna wait patiently and then you can take it back and then you can open the top of the front sunroof and close it and then you can open it up there to look at the beautiful blue skies but the sunroof and the Ford is an amazing feature I do really like it okay I showed you the sunroof as I said I do love that feature although I don't know if there's a way to close it all the way from the buttons I was hitting you can't but I could be wrong but if that is true and you can't close all the way some people may not like that okay so you can't really see the sunroof in the GMC but it only goes through the front half of the cardstock all the way in the back and you do have to open and close it on your own for the shade part so if you have bad shorter Mobility that's going to get to yes so before driving you might want to do some shoulder circles warm up those shoulders so you can let in that beautiful blue skies okay guys so I finished looking at the interior of the Ford and I think the Ford might take the win on the interior the looks of the Interior absolutely beautiful the tan and the black the seats were so comfortable um the big screen has a lot to offer tons of space and storage and lots of charging ports everything you can need and I do think the interior of the Ford is extremely nice and it might take the win compared to the GMC just for the interior though we have to test the drive the exterior the GMC took the win so there's a few more things to look at before making my final decision okay so I have looked at the exterior and I've looked at the interior of both of these trucks the exterior as I said I think the GMC is gonna have to take the win on that I think it just looks so good I do think they are both very nice looking trucks they both look pretty awesome but I think the GMC is going to take the win on the exterior but the interior it's going to the Ford the between the just the looks of the Interior like the tan and the black absolutely beautiful but the comfort of the seats in the Ford was amazing the GMC seats were super comfortable but I do think the back seat of the GMC is more comfortable than the Ford they both have tons of space between like the center console the cup holders the back seat space lots of leg room there's cup holders back there the cup holders in the back seat are nicer in the GMC than they are on the Ford and then also the doors of both of them have tons of storage in there the double glove boxes on both them are super nice features so the interior of both these trucks is absolutely amazing but I think my final decision made it to the Ford because the big screen and the tan in Black just looked so good on the Ford compared to the GMC which was just as amazing okay so now we're gonna look into the bed of the trucks which I feel like there's not much to it but just like accessibility and size maybe we'll look into so let's see there is this little thing if you want to hop up and then the one over here super easy to hop in and grab whatever you need out of there and same here in the front so it lowers on its own so it's not dropping on you which is really nice takes a while oh there's like measurements here if you're like I don't know what you would be measuring the back of your truck probably something but centimeters and inches that's a really cool feature if you've ever thought of that great idea and then this you press the button step right hop on in there this bed is huge I fit in it all the way I there's even more room this would be great to take in the drive-in if you're a big Drive-In moviegoer get this truck there's some stuff wow there's like plugs back here for like something powerful there's outlets in this thing this is nice and step off that bed is actually really nice I would love to take this truck to the drive-in just because it's huge but and you could charge your phone during the driving movie and close it up that is a nice truck there's outlets for something in there I don't know what that's pretty cool and now we have the bed of the GMC so looks like it has two cameras I don't know what that was for there's like two buttons here I don't know what they're doing I tried to deliver to my own whoa just like hang out here that's probably something cool and there it lowers again very nice does it have a step though I can't tell I don't think it does there's this step over here though wait actually what is it okay guys I don't know what that is there's something in there I think though this little like cup holder type things anyways um there's little things that I don't know what they are it's when have trucks had outlets in them I am in utter shock there's lights back here that's a fun feature this is something I don't know what it is but it looks pretty cool whoa this is great put this down okay I don't know how to put it down well again it's very large I think the four is bigger definitely I would rather take the Ford to the drive-in I don't know what this stick is maybe if you need help getting out in him probably okay so I'm inside the GMC so first the music the volume is great you can adjust like the bass equalizer all that stuff and then also you can adjust like how the music is distributed throughout the car so whether that's more to the driver's side passenger side front of the car back at the car whatever it's really nice feature and then the dash right here it has a lot but it's everything useful you need to know and then your speed and your direction is reflected onto your windshield in front of you so you're not having to look down you can see it at all times when you're driving okay so on the screen there's a lot of different options so there's a hot spot you can call people whoever's phone is connected there's contacts will pop up there's different users in the car also so whenever you get in the car your seat will adjust to whoever is driving however you set it there is Apple carplay which is a really nice feature and then there's the camera which gives you all different views of the truck for parking driving whatever you need and then also there's multiple different apps that you could get that would be useful when driving which is a really nice feature okay guys so I lied about the water bottle tests and the Ford it does fit in this cup holder which is a game changer this just adds the Ford interior 10 more bonus points which is so nice but I'm gonna look into the Ford interior and give you a review okay so the Ford screen has a lot to offer so here we have navigation phone details details of your trip fuel economy off-road Pro Power onboard Zone lighting bed camera which is really cool you can look at all the stuff in the bed and then back to navigation so here's the music screen tells you the temperature in the car temperature outside the time basically everything then you can go to your phone put it on do not disturb your favorites list recent calls you can call people navigation and then your favorites for anything in the car and then different apps also so then the settings feature you can basically control anything in the car to what you would like so the alarm system Windows wipers so wipers for example you can do courtesy wipe rain sensing you can turn that stuff on and off you can adjust the brightness of things all super nice features the locks the mirrors and you can turn anything off that you don't like turn anything on that you would like and it basically has anything and then also personal profiles you can set up for each driver that will be driving this so like me my mom I die can all set up our own thing for our navigation places our phone contacts our seat anything we need there's also the 911 assists mobile apps hotspot valet mode I'm not sure what that is sounds fancy display this is really nice you can either turn the screen all black you can turn it to the home screen which just shows you the time the air and the date which is super nice and you can adjust the brightness of your screen you can make it darker brighter basically you can adjust this whole truck to what you would like which is super nice and you can change that to Bright all super nice features this truck also has the display on the windshield of your speed and direction and it also shows a cute little like show whenever you turn the truck on it says like Ford and all lights up it's pretty nice okay guys so after looking at the interior features of the trucks when they are on they're both absolutely amazing the volume of the music's great you can adjust it however you would like and they both have the reflection on the windshield of your speed when driving which is an awesome feature I think all cars should have but I do think the Ford's going to take the win on this between just the big screen it has so much to offer and it has basically everything that you can customize to your liking as the driver and it's all personalized from the lighting of the screen to your actual lights to alarms basically everything in that truck can be customized to your liking as the driver and I think that's absolutely perfect and I love it okay guys I'm with the old man this might be like the video of him teaching me how to drive because I don't drive trucks very often I'm just gonna film I'm not gonna say you say that yeah I may say something about your job these are seat adjusted can you see don't run through the gate sure he did steering wheel serious I can raise my seat too you want to swing a little wide because they're a little longer than the Jeep am I in my Lane I can't tell yeah pretty much are you sure yep okay let's see how this turn signal sounds I can put up with it I just don't feel comfortable driving trucks just not used to it the hoods are very long and I can't tell if I'm in my lane or not I do like the speedometer on the windshield yeah that's called a heads up display you're really leaning forward there the steering will get something oh the heated steering wheel yeah yeah oh I remember it well I watched this car coming up around his turn get over my way so how's the ride Eva it's good yeah I mean this is a one ton pickup truck so I mean it's a pretty very stiff suspension to haul heavy weight so it does ride really nice for being a one ton what's the little green car that popped up on my side so the little green car on the heads up display what that is uh it tells you you're a safe distance from the car in front of you so like if you're on uh the interstate green is good if it gets yellow it kind of means you're getting a little bit close to that car in front of you but it has a radar that's shooting out ahead of you there bouncing off that car yeah you're getting a little more comfortable you're sitting back in your seat now not hunched up over the wheel as much you sit up there pretty high but you sit up high in the Jeep as well yeah yeah no I'd let that car go out and probably the next one because you got to swing this tight turn oh my gosh there's so many cars wave them on it's scared to drive before yeah the Ford's almost two feet longer why do they both have it up here well it is kind of nice up there because it saves you should be able to go here it tells us both our seat belts are on oh boy remember it's about two feet longer not quite two feet and it says the speed limit the GMC does that too I think yeah in the heads up display you mean yeah a rock kicks up so the 2020 they're both 2023s but just so you know the 2024 uh GMCs and Chevys have some upgrades more the bigger screen things like that but you're doing a fair comparison because these are both 2023s how about seeing out of this one compared to the GMC is it yeah the hood on this kind of tapers down a little bit we're on the GMC can you tell which one's quieter I really can't this one may be a little cool so what do you think so far Eva it's quieter and I think it might drive smoother and I like that I can actually see I don't feel like the Hood's too long so do you ever think you'd be doing Truck reviews definitely not I think it's pretty cool though because you're putting a set of eyes on this you don't have any like brand loyalty at all and you're just kind of looking at them myself as yourself yep what's it feel like compared to driving like the Jeep wider I think being able to see over the hood in this one doesn't make it feel as wide so the GMC did feel wider and this feels just kind of rigid right yeah all right put the seat all the way back Eva did not know about this feature right here I was born then this thing here I think will lift up I gotta figure that out that'll pop up I think what do you think it's nice little naparoony this part like elevates so you're flat yeah all right I'll let you finish up your video it's got speakers in the headrest too yep 18 speakers total Eva wow you did your research the salesman told me okay so I just got done driving both of the trucks I I'm not super comfortable driving trucks just because I don't do that often and I have a really hard time like seeing over the hood and feeling comfortable with that and like I'm not driving in the wrong lane and I noticed that a lot with the GMC just because the hood is very big and in the Ford the hood kind of goes down which made it much easier to drive but I got super comfortable in both of them and shockingly I felt comfortable driving the Ford for as long as the bed was I was super paranoid going into it but they both Drive super smooth they're very comfortable all the features they have make driving just absolutely perfect so finally I think my final decision is the Ford I didn't expect that going into this because I absolutely love the GMC and I think that's because I love the exterior looks of it I do love the exterior of the Ford a lot too but the interior the comfortability the drive the screen features everything just kind of added up and they were both absolutely amazing trucks and I do think the Ford is my favorite and hopefully we will be keeping the Ford if not I'll be looking so cool pulling up the GMC also but absolutely amazing trucks leave a like on this video subscribe leave a comment which truck is your favorite suggest future videos for me and enjoy thanks for watching
Channel: Eva Morgan
Views: 90,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ct54YxnbR7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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