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foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign welcome back to outdoors with the Morgans it is starting to warm up again which I'm not a big fan of but out here in the woods it's pretty nice so I needed some nice bundle firewood because we're out I mean we have plenty but it's not dry it'll be for next year so when that happens I have to get down to the wood shed get some bigger chunks of firewood and bring them to the split 4 splitter and kind of downsize them a little bit this is a nice size right here for bundle firewood I have this splitter out here in the woods because we've been using it out here and I figured since I'm coming out I might as well bring the log arch with me and take a log back to the yard this thing right here handy is a pocket on a shirt doesn't take long at all to hook up and the way I have it rigged right there it's completely suspended off the ground so I'm not digging any mud into the bark or anything like that that's a nice uh Cherry log right there saw log not real big probably 15 16 inches in diameter but has some real nice color to it this will look nice as you can see I just realized something and this was not intentional I promise you that but it seems to be all the blue equipment is out here in the clearing and all the orange equipment is back over there in The Wood Yard I should bring old Bluford out here on the high boy we'll call this the blue yard I have the blue yard and the orange yard [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that is a beautiful thing right there thank you we've had a really good week this week as far as firewood goes I delivered three quarts of wood we split approximately six chords and we also sold some bundle firewood and some smaller quantities but to produce that six cords of firewood I kept track took about 10 hours which is just a little bit more than an hour and a half per chord and that's not just splitting that's cutting getting it to the log splitter and splitting a little over an hour and a half per cord there are several things that help us to be able to do that this skid loader and Top Dog firewood bucket like this week Levi was hauling rounds in from the woods and man this holds a lot of wood doesn't take any time at all to get it to the splitter the 500i chainsaw the excavator to keep all that wood up off the ground when you're cutting it saves your back and also saves your chain I haven't sharpened that chain all week and we cut six cords of wood with it and that's just by having clean wood and the Wolf Ridge splitter uh something else I forgot this Pavilion right here it is really nice to be able to split in the shade I mean here we are at the beginning of August it's getting warm again but there's a nice breeze today you're working in the shade uh barely even break a sweat yeah normally I'm not a big fan of uh cutting and splitting firewood in August but uh this weather isn't going to last forever which leads me to the topic of today's video and that is nothing lasts forever and that's not necessarily A Bad Thing and what I mean is this you know when I was a kid someone's calling me right now here another scammer let's see what they say here hello hello my name is Sarah Wilson how are you good your name's Sam Wilson what can I do for you Sam God bless you sir benefits do you have any care of our dance party uh yeah I have your ZIP code where are you calling from Sam no yesterday and our license agent will provide all these benefits without any cost okay no I mean where are you located at Sam what city throw it out that's not a city that's a state Sam hung up on me didn't know the difference between a city and a state I get those scammer calls all the time hopefully that doesn't last forever either but I forget where I was at I know nothing lasts forever when I was a kid uh you know you knew people that got a job out of high school or maybe out of college or whatever and they would work there for 25 30 35 years whatever and retire and those days are over I was always on kind of a I don't know I stayed at each place about 10 years I worked in Drilling and Blasting for about 25 but the first company was about 10 years and then I did have a period there where I just kind of jumped around wherever there was a big rock job I would just go to work for that construction company but after Drilling and Blasting uh I got into more like heavy Highway construction I worked for a local company for about 10 years I worked in oil and gas for about 10 years and in oil and gas that was a very long time I probably made it through I don't even know four maybe five layoffs two sales and you know nothing stays the same but what I always did no matter where I was working I I was always preparing for what was next because I knew nothing lasts forever uh when I started oil gas I mentioned it several times before I thought I finally made it but I quickly realized that it was a very volatile uh type of employment you never knew what was going to happen there were booms and busts and like I said layoffs and sales all that kind of stuff and on a side note I got to tell you this story when I first got a job in Corporate America I would see these guys and I'm generally speaking here they're not all like this but just generally speaking I would see guys maybe my age at the time which I would have been like 45 years old and uh it'd be like a senior VP of this or that and I got to thinking I'm like man these guys must really be sharp you know what I mean to like move up the ladder that quick and become a vice president and make boatloads of money and then I quickly realized most of them not all but most of them weren't that bright they really weren't they were just like yes men that uh didn't make any waves and regurgitated whatever their superiors told them and that was one of my key takeaways from Corporate America it really was uh all those higher level guys the majority of them and I can say that for for sure not all of them but the majority of them that I worked near or around were all like that you know just basically yes men they promote them right up the chain but but anyway I always prepared for what was next and it goes back to you know always having a side job and always trying to see what the future brings you never get it right but you could tell in oil and gas when things were going to go south I mean I always knew six months before something was going to happen now when I worked for a small company when I say small in heavy Highway construction they probably had about a hundred 150 employees at most and that was in the busy time of year in the summer I love that because you knew where you stood like you knew when the company was making money because everyone was happy you knew when we were losing money because the owner was pretty upset he was kind of a a hot head in one way but I really like the guy he was a great guy he'd flip out and scream but then had apologized later and you never had to worry about getting fired you know even if you did something really really dumb that cost the company a lot of money uh you could get fired but it just hire you back like the next day it was kind of weird but it but it was kind of cool actually you always knew where you stood and uh if you did your job and you were good at it you knew you had a job as long as the company was in business well that company the owner passed away and uh I knew like I said six months before the owner passed away and then we're getting sold to another company and the day that I met the new owner I knew that company wasn't long for this world and so I started looking around for a job I was starting to prepare for what was next because I knew that wasn't going to last and that's when I got a job in oil and gas and it was not six months later the company was out of business they had a big auction sold everything I'm still kicking myself too because they had a bunch of equipment you know like a lot of equipment big stuff triple seven Rock trucks and and you know huge excavators but they had articulated trucks little dozers big dozers but they had a lot of old d8 dozers and some of these things I mean you know when they get a bunch of hours on them they'd move them right into the shop completely rebuild them and send them back out might be like an old d8h or a k model didn't look the best but completely rebuilt and I find out later I didn't know when they were having the auctions some of those dozers were selling for you know like seven eight thousand dollars and all I would have had to do was talk to one of the mechanics that had worked on him he could have told me that one was just rebuilt that one was that one wasn't stay away from it but I didn't even know the auction was happening but uh boy it'd be pretty nice to have like a nice old d8 Dozer that is the best sounding tractor there is this old I can't remember it's the H or the K model but man they sounded good wish I would have got one but yeah that that's what I want to talk about today and I was curious uh how many of you have worked at a job like the longest you've worked for a job now I'm thinking some of the older guys may have been there a very long time uh but it seems anymore nothing lasts forever even I get comments sometimes from haters you know they'll say oh YouTube isn't going to last forever you better get ready I know YouTube isn't going to last forever I I don't care and uh I'm always preparing for what's next which is one of the things you see down here you know we're cranking out firewood we're sawing Lumber and uh I've mentioned it many times before I'm putting myself and my family in a position where no matter what happens you know like with YouTube or or anything like that we're going to be okay at this point in my life I'm 56 I mean I'm not like retired but it would get kind of lean but I could Coast to the Finish Line if need be you know what I'm saying I think I could Arch come here wow Archie just came back from the groomer look at you all cleaned up huh it's looking good isn't he yeah okay nice and soft all trimmed up yeah which one's next Axel goes next Axel goes next on Monday uh Monday's his birthday but no he goes on Tuesday looking good Archie huh what do you want to do did you eat lunch yet you just say this one yeah don't roll on the ground no all right it's getting late in the evening now and I just loaded up the truck in the trailer and I'm headed to West Virginia first thing tomorrow morning I'll roll out of here probably about 5 a.m and I need to get a bunch of work done down there to get ready for the shower house so the next video expect to see something from the cabin but anyway that's it for today's video appreciate y'all being here catch you on the next one
Channel: Outdoors With The Morgans
Views: 105,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firewood, country living, tractors, sawmill, woodmizer, jeep, ford bronco, wranglerstar, wild wonderful off grid, best chainsaw, stihl, husqvarna, polaris, kubota, john deere, zero turn mower, cabin in the woods, off grid, entrepreneur, make money, farm, garden, how to build, diy, lawn care, side jobs, f 150, ford, yanmar, tym, ls tractors, land plane, cabin living, excavating, small business, excavator, skid loader, dozer, tree felling, chainsaw sharpening
Id: 2kWVp4qI3ZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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