Moving a dozer and shipping container

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What do you have there buddy? Want me to throw that? What you got there, buddy? I’m going to go buy this dozer right now. I actually looked at it a year ago. Maybe it was two years ago, and I made a deal with the guy. Was a great deal. And then the guy backed out of the deal. So now he just called me. He's like, Oh, you still want that dozer? And I was like, Yeah, I do. So I kind of dropped what I'm doing. I'm getting out there kind of as fast as I can. Infested with tadpoles more tadpoles in this thing than water Blue, what do you think Need a net to catch them So this hill. I'm having an issue with the gravel being loose and trucks kind of spinning, going up it and just loosing it up. So I'm going to try tracking on it for a bit and see if I can break up the gravel a little smaller, like where blue is Once the gravel gets small enough, it kind of packs. But this stuff here, it's just loose. It's definitely getting it smaller. A roller would be better for this. I got this new dog tracker. I don't know about it yet. Was a rock. And now it's, broken Broken rocks are what you want the trackpad hit right there I mean, this is what I like. It's gravel I should almost sprinkled dirt on here Listen to how quiet it is is it bad if these are full of grass? Why is this in here? this came out the other line. Look at that. Look what came out of it. That probably all of it Lesson learned, when disconnecting one of these trailers. Make sure you do that. Come on Blue Get in You can do that. Ohh, come on Yeah. Good boy. Cody, there is a bunny or something under that container. Come Can you show us how you get in? Get in there. Come on You going to make me pick you up? All right Look at this little guy. Hey. Look how small you are Blue, that's what you need, right? a little dog friend like that. When you got those groundhogs cornered Could he go in groundhog hole and catch them? and chase out a groundhog? If he wasn't like such a lap dog. Is is that what he's bred to do? What is he? Dachshund, they are bred to go down badger holes and fight badgers Really? These guys all the time. They're trying to get little animals that are under stuff. And this guy had probably fit. Yeah. Yeah. To get them out. If you see if you look on YouTube there's dachshund videos where they are, they're like train them to hunt rats I saw that one guy he had a whole bunch of dogs, big dogs, little dogs and he had minks. Those videos are nuts there's always rabbits and stuff going in these and my dogs are always trying to get them but they can't get in there. But, but that guy. could go in there Blue, that's what you need is a little dog like that I kind of spun out in the loose rock here. Not terrible, but that is a lot of weight This runs good Would you rather run this? Sure. You are used to this, right? Thats a better angle Short too. I'm going to bring a longer bolt All right. Well, that looks pretty good there. It came with that nice workbench. Got to set that up What do you think guys? All right, so that went pretty good moving that. So I put this down by my rock crusher just to kind of keep rock crusher stuff in it instead of running up to the other container all the time for stuff. All right, well, let's go work on the next project. Right, guys? What do you think?
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 789,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OjfgT0R-WRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 31sec (2491 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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