Woods no More! Calling it done, For Now

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] with the Morgans before we get started I need to tell you a little story and show you something that I just love check this out I had a problem and we discovered a solution this is one of the cameras that I use I have a couple of these GoPro that's the 11. this is the DJI wireless mic they work fantastic this little case right here works as a charger the microphones they fit right in there the receiver goes in there here's the receiver on the side of the camera now there is a weak link to this setup and that is the cold shoe I think that's what they call it I don't know why but a cold shoe that mounts the receiver to the camera and this is the one that came with it okay I kind of have it push back together but it's broken I don't know if you can see that but the receiver slides on this piece in this piece slides onto the camera but it's broken okay it just kind of comes apart so I thought you know what I need to get some of those so I looked online I couldn't find any so I told Levi I said hey can you see if you can find some of these online and he was having trouble finding them you would think something as fragile as this you know you could buy them by the Dozen but we couldn't find them until Levi went to Etsy of all places I think it was my first purchase ever on Etsy and some guy makes these and they came in a four pack and they actually worked better than the originals so he's 3D print sees and I love stuff like this because the guy was probably going through the same thing I was and he's like well heck I can just 3D print one of those and then he's like I could probably show him so now we sell him out of his house but they weren't good so I've got this one and three spares I love stuff like that where someone discovers a need and they come up with a solution and now he's probably running a little side business making them and shipping them all over the place but you know what I don't love is a toothache can you see the side of my face is all swollen up I gotta tell you a story uh so a while back I broke a tooth on the bottom towards the back on popcorn like a popcorn seed and I thought it was just like the corner of the tooth and it wasn't bothering me at all so like most men I didn't do anything about it because it didn't hurt well it started to bother me you know when you drink cold drinks and things like that so I went to the dentist and they checked it out and they said yeah you have to get a root canal and uh not the end of the world I don't like going to the dentist but I'm not afraid of getting a root canal and so we had that scheduled and she said there's a little bit of infection in the tooth and to uh take some antibiotics she called in the prescription and I was supposed to take them to get the infection out before I had the root canal done I said okay well the next day the tooth felt fine like no problem at all and I don't like taking anything just because right so I didn't take the antibiotics and so we're getting closer to when the root canal was supposed to be done and the other day that tooth started hurting bad okay so I'm like wow better take the antibiotics now which I did and uh the next morning which was today this whole side of my face I slept on that side last night down here in the bottom because it's the lower tooth in the back my cheek was all swelled up it's a lot better now than it was this morning and it doesn't hurt anymore uh but yeah I should have taken them before so now I gotta wait a few more days before I can get the root canal it's just the whole thing that's the problem I slept too I sleep on my side on that side of my head man I woke up this morning it was way bigger than what it is now but it uh feeling better but I got to get it taken care of but anyway just wanted to explain that why there's a big thing here but anyway enough about that we need to focus on a little clearing project here the end is near I still have a lot of work to do but I think between this afternoon this evening and maybe tomorrow if it doesn't rain I should have this pretty well knocked out but I love how the center just burns right out of this now all I need to do is get on the excavator grab this stuff put it back in the middle and this will all go away so I mentioned the other day that it's a lot of work clearing land like this uh I probably don't even have an acre done probably have about 45 maybe even 50 hours wrapped up in this little section right here but that's digging all the stumps burning all the brush some of that includes cutting a bunch of firewood but it is very time consuming and uh I'm gonna hop in the machine tell you a story about something I saw the other day so the other day I was on the internet and I went to this tractor Forum I don't I don't visit that site very often it's a real big Forum though there's thousands of people always commenting on there and one guy in particular he mentioned that he bought 300 acres of property and he wanted to clear 150 acres and what was he going to need to do that but he didn't you know he didn't show any pictures he didn't describe what the trees were like what the terrain was so you don't know if it was like just an overgrown field that maybe you could take care of with a forestry mower or something like that or if it was Big Woods or he had no idea well even though you had no idea there's like 75 comments from people explaining how to do it and you know I always say I don't care what anybody does or says but I'm reading through this stuff and I'm like these people they don't realize like how much work is involved in uh in clearing land and what it costs now some of the people were spot on they're like sounds like you need you know a professional clearing crew and I think they're probably right if there's any sized trees at all on the property there were people saying you know find a a Logging company and you could trade them you know trade them the timber for digging out all the stumps and cleaning up all the brush that's never going to happen I mean if you know of a company that does something like that let me know quick because they'll be out of business very soon this value in trees there's no doubt about it but everything that you do every time you touch it from cutting it off the stump to hauling it to sawing it to drying it everything adds to it and as far as just trees in the woods they got to be pretty special and have a lot of them to be worth something but yeah 150 acres I'm like even at the pace that I'm moving at right here which you know I come out here at my leisure but I've got a skid loader a big one a mini excavator decent sized one you're 50 hours in an acre you're looking at uh 100 and half a year like 40 hours a week taking at least six months it'd take longer than that just dealing with all the stumps and everything I think that's why I don't visit the forums too often get going we're gonna go over the other side here and dig some big stumps out oh yeah she's burning up the middle [Music] pretty soon I'm going to be out of fuel for that fire [Music] so this is the stump that I'm after right now uh Big Maple I am not a fan of the maple stumps at all they take a little bit of time we'll move this tree out of the way come in here and I'm just gonna dig all around it before I even uh before I even pull on it [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] that one was uh that was pretty stubborn right there that took some time that took longer than the big red oak stump I did the other day a big hole here to fill in [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] things are shaping up pretty well I got most of the roots and the debris out of there it needs grated up tracked in where those real big stumps were sometimes the tricky part is getting the topsoil to stay on top because some of those holes are so deep you're bringing up some Shale or some clay and you want that in the bottom and the topsoil back on top but I have a big pile of debris right there what I'll do tomorrow is kind of reach in there at the excavator and just pull Roots out that's why I put it right there I can grab them out of there swing it right into the fire I'll get some soil out of there and then what's left we'll go to my stump pile but I had a a little breakdown I guess you could say no big deal but I busted a hydraulic line actually I think a fitting on the skid loader happened probably when I was uh raking you're pulling all that debris back with you this is the cylinder for the uh quick hitch and right underneath there yeah there's where it broke off right there it'll be an easy fix I'll take that out this line right here goes down take this plate off here and there's a steel line right here so the hose is probably only uh three feet long yeah I think that's what happened I jammed to stick up in there and broke that off I'm okay as long as I don't try uh taking the grapple off because if I hit that button in there there's gonna be a lot of oil come out of there thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] got a new hose made brand new everything it's beared no expense [Music] actually it wasn't my choice they don't like to uh they won't actually like crimp new fittings on an old hose someone probably got sued at one point or another 42 bucks foreign I was having a little bit of trouble getting this hose holder on so I lifted the boom up tilted it out some and I can get to it a lot easier but that is one of the many benefits right there of having a door that folds up most skid loaders the door opens out you can't lift the boom up at all and uh it just wouldn't work all right I think I'm good to go I'm going to climb back into cab and uh work it a few times up and down back and forth make sure nothing's pinching or binding and that there's no leaks foreign so this button right here is for the hydraulic quick coupler I'm going to work it a couple times make sure there's no leaks Ah that's the other thing I didn't factor in I think I'm okay though I gotta check something here yeah so what I should do is loosen that holder on that side and give it just a little bit more room because when you open that up that cylinder extends that way pulling it kind of tight I'm glad I caught that wouldn't that have stunk replace one hose bust them both as soon as I run it [Music] that'll do her [Music] [Music] good to go all right I am back out here in the woods this evening and uh it's a beautiful night right now but I just checked the weather and it looks like in about an hour and a half or two hours we're gonna get a strong line of storms that pass through so I'm gonna get as much done as I can in the next hour or two and then I'm going to take the excavator and the skid loader I think Melissa's gonna come out in a bit she can take it back and we're going to kind of uh wrap this up out here for now and then all of our Focus well not all of it but a lot of our Focus will be on the cabin in West Virginia getting ready for the shower house and a whole bunch of other stuff down there but yeah I got this looking pretty good out here I'm pretty happy with it uh I'll be able to expand later on but uh getting things shaped up what I'd like to do before it rains is get uh what's left of that burn pile back on the hot coals I've got seven or eight stumps laying around get them down to the stump pile and once I do that I'll put the bucket on the skid loader and kind of grade this up so when it does rain real hard uh we don't have any water holes plus there's one other thing I'd like to do I'm going to show you this down here before I get started so when I come back out here I'll kind of continue on this direction but this one big Maple that blew down in that Windstorm oh I cut her off the stump the other day and I knew what was going to happen I mean it flopped right back in the hole it's a pretty big maple top of that cherries broke out right there and that's kind of wedged right in there I'd like to try to get that Maple out of there there's a cherry right here another cherry but yeah this is a giant uh root ball and I cut from that side over there because these two cherries you see they were up in the air about this High resting across the root ball so I got her cut off and everything just went plump back in the hole [Music] good [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] laughs [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's trying to go [Music] [Music] [Music] so the inspector just came out to check on things what do you think I don't know how open and bigger it looks yeah did I was telling Melissa last night when I was out here over by the house nice buck I mean I know they're in velvet and they look bigger but it was out past its ears nice high rack at least eight probably a 10 point well I think I think I seen the same Buck like three weeks before that down by my mom's I do yeah the way you described it and yeah seems to be the very same one but it would be great if there were two that were like brothers I know so you know there's a bunch of tiny little bugs they're like little gnats well they're not biting me but I can feel them like landing on me and swarming around me is it just because the dirt's dug up or yeah I think yeah I don't know Melissa you know so the other day you mentioned about Axel chewing up my license yeah there's a lot of comments on that video saying that he's just looking for attention he got attention he did he got a lot of attention that guy maybe he wants to drive maybe he wants to get a driver's license because he got a lot of attention you know kids act up when they want attention tell them what happened today with Eva oh dear Eva had this brilliant idea which was a great idea to take all three dogs to get pop cups and she picked up her friend she took all three dogs picked up her friend her friend sat in the back with two of them Archie sat in front they went and got pup cups they had fun but they also went to Chick-fil-A and Chick-fil-A gave them another dog treat which should have happened and uh she dropped her friend off and she came home and as she was pulling in the driveway Axel threw up in her Jeep poor dog he's getting getting a bad name for himself yeah he he had an empty stomach and he ate some food that he doesn't normally eat oh yeah he never has a pop cup and he never gets a treat from Chick-fil-A yeah but I think Eva learned when Eva came home Levi and I were in the building and uh we came out to see how everything went and she got out of the Jeep and Melissa's standing there she's like Axel threw up and we just like turned around walk back yeah they can't handle it Eva was like I just got my lunch I haven't even if I have to clean that up I'm like fine go eat your lunch I'll clean it up you know that's being a mom yep I just noticed your shirt yeah where'd you get that at the second hand store so maybe one of you'll own this shirt guess what I just bought it for like three dollars so it's one of my favorite movies of all time you're killing me Smalls Sandlot yeah a great movie if you haven't seen it you need to run it or yeah it is probably definitely in the top three of my favorite oh yeah another one I want to see is what about Bob that's a great one too really good movie take a vacation from your problems that line is from that movie yeah when I came out here I said uh it I mean just in the last hour it was not a cloud in the sky I think I got about 45 minutes so what I'm gonna do you have the sidekick out here I'll take the excavator back okay and then I'll come back and get the uh skid loader I'm Gonna Leave the grapple out here kind of grade things up before I leave okay and then uh that'll probably be it out here for a little while at least yeah we're gonna get some storms and all this dirt might be mud Mike oh we'll be out here for it what Mike Morgan does not like mud no I'll bring out the the quad rip around that would be fun [Music] thank you [Music] well that is uh pretty good timing I hear the thunder off in a distance I think it's going to be raining pretty hard here very soon not sure if my fire is going to get going or not but if not we'll get her next time I got that grated up over there where I took out those stumps tracked it in a little bit once I get all this done I'll bring a tractor out here with a rake up any you know roots that are on the surface maybe even hit this all with a land plane I got more work to do but we're calling it good for now like I said our focus is going to be West Virginia because like I always say as soon as the Fourth of July is over you like blink and it's fall but anyway I think that's it for today's video I appreciate you all being here and I will catch you on the next one
Channel: Outdoors With The Morgans
Views: 170,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firewood, country living, tractors, sawmill, woodmizer, jeep, ford bronco, wranglerstar, wild wonderful off grid, best chainsaw, stihl, husqvarna, polaris, kubota, john deere, zero turn mower, cabin in the woods, off grid, entrepreneur, make money, farm, garden, how to build, diy, lawn care, side jobs, f 150, ford, yanmar, tym, ls tractors, land plane, cabin living, excavating, small business, excavator, skid loader, dozer, tree felling, chainsaw sharpening
Id: 4lSYAtsemjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 25sec (2665 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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