How Do I Pay for All This? I Must Come Clean

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today's video is sponsored by Simply Safe welcome back to outdoors with the Morgans first thing on the agenda this afternoon I need to go down to The Wood Yard and get some firewood for the Brio fire pit we have some family coming over this evening we'll probably do some burgers or steaks and I don't have any more wood up here if you've never owned a smokeless fire pit like a Brio or a solo stove there's something you need to keep in mind everybody that has one loves them and you know who else loves them people that sell firewood like myself because they go through the wood they burn hot clean and fast but that does make it very nice to cook over I'm just going to grab a little out of this Bay of the Woodshed sometimes uh what I like to do I'll just fire up that Split Force and kind of re-split some of this bigger stuff that way I can get it to uh you know get hot coals ready to cook a lot quicker starting off with uh some smaller firewood [Music] okay foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] check this piece out right here I don't know if you can see it on camera oh yeah curly Cherry right there see the waves in it feel them too [Music] I want to share something with you I saw a truck an old Ford today on the internet uh I'm not even sure what year it was and let's just say it was a little bit nicer than mine matter of fact it was absolutely beautiful probably the nicest one that I've ever seen and it had a price tag to go with it there's this company I think it's called velocity Restorations and they do old broncos old High boys all sorts of old cars and you know obviously a complete frame off restoration they put new engines in them new suspensions some Creature Comforts in them but this truck if I can find a picture I want to show you this truck they start at 299 thousand dollars I'm sure they sell some probably not a lot but uh they're nice I mean they're the nicest that I have ever seen Melissa do you want to tell them uh what your dog did to me Axel's learning you know we all make mistakes and he he chewed up chewed up Mike's license and his debit card so I don't know you know there's always a silver lining things like this what is it the 40 bucks I had to do to order the new driver's license hmm Maybe just I'll find it I I don't know what would possess him to do that and it wasn't even together he chewed up the license and you weren't here and Eva found it and we were like how did he get it he got off your desk he's obsessed with finding things on your desk yeah and um so I'm like okay luckily he didn't eat it he just chews holes all through it and carries it around and that's when I found the debit card I was like axel and I like caught him over and I'm like sit and he drops it and I'm like I'm I think I'm more disappointed than you are I heard she would never do something like that I mean he would have when he was younger yeah in fact he looks at it totally with this expression on his face like what is wrong with you and I don't know I'm a little confused right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] before the family comes over tonight for dinner but I don't think it recorded any of that so we'll see all right daughter Eva's gonna help me we're gonna walk out this shooting range part of the trail I was out here shooting the other day and you'll have to check that video out on Morgan's off the leash that's my video my YouTube channel and we have a Golden Boy a Henry Golden Boy we're shooting I had trouble seeing this target so we're gonna spray paint this is um can you see this it says it's fast drying and drip free that's what I need so have even do that I'm just gonna wipe off cobwebs or whatever but there you go yeah I might not understand yeah stand over here [Music] I think that's good yeah maybe a little bit more though yeah good job that's good Perfect all right can you see that I can see it much better maybe I should get the Henry Golden Boy out and you can shoot with me evil maybe I will [Music] much easier to see that was part of my problem but I think I might get it out again and shoot and uh maybe Eva will shoot my dad my parents are coming over so maybe my dad and who knows get the whole family shooting earlier I mentioned that today's video was sponsored by simply safe and I want to thank them for sponsoring today's video if you've watched our channel for a while you know I take security very very seriously and our Simply Safe system is the key component to our security plan there's no safe like SimpliSafe summertime is a great time to focus on home security because let's face it we're not home as much and we vacation more during the summer months Sim Simply Safe has 24 7 live guard protection help stop crime in real time 24 7 live guard protection is exclusive to SimpliSafe professional monitoring agents can see and speak live to Intruders in your home stopping them in their tracks their new Smart Alarm indoor camera provides immediate Intruder deterrence and can deter Intruders with built-in siren and live two-way agent audio it costs less than a dollar a day which is less than half of traditional home security Brands no long-term contracts or hidden fees you can start or stop at any time and another great thing about SimpliSafe it was a breeze to install I had the entire system up and running in a single evening and it has been glitch free for going on three years now plus you can do it all yourself and you don't have to set up a service appointment you don't have strangers coming to your home bottom line is this we love our Simply Safe security system if we didn't I wouldn't be here talking to you about it today save 20 on your Simply Safe security system when you sign up for a fast protect plan and get your first month free visit Morgan's to customize yours all right the uh family just rolled out a little bit ago I figured I'd come out here in the woods and do a little something on the clearing project here boys this thing sound good listeners [Music] so right over here yeah somewhere somewhere in here this is like as far as I'm gonna go so I need to take these three down right here this little Cherry right here that's kind of sketchy it's uh it's been dead for a long time and it's just kind of resting up there in that why of that Maple so I have to be kind of careful with this one you don't you don't want them to like break off drop straight down and fall back on the machine foreign [Music] thank you [Music] all right I got a good plan for these three at least I think I do I dug pretty much all the way around them I'm still gonna have to push on it a little bit but they should go over relatively easy I'm gonna push on this Maple right here that one goes straight up and when it starts to fall it's going to hit that one that's bent way over it'll take it down and the Cherry that's dead and falling apart will fall right with them so as soon as it starts to go I'll just kind of swing out of the way this way and everything should land somewhere is right in there [Music] [Music] [Music] well it doesn't always uh work out as planned but that time it did all right well I've been dragging my feet long enough uh it's time to get to the meat and potatoes of today's video I was debating on even talking about this it's not a big deal and and what I'm going to tell you I think most of you already know this but apparently some do not but the truth of the matter is I am a YouTuber that sells firewood I'm not a firewood guy that does YouTube now sometime between when I started this channel and today that switched I don't know exactly when that was a couple years ago for sure but you know I get comments sometime there's no way selling firewood could pay for all this equipment or whatever uh I do YouTube that's how I make my money we have multiple sources of income and firewood is just one of those things I just love cutting firewood I do I always have and I've told this story before but firewood paid for many Christmases when we first got married and it was good extra money and we did it that way for years and then about six years ago I guess I started this YouTube channel and one of my first videos was right over there in the woods about 100 yards cutting firewood the first few videos I don't think I ever even said anything and it was just kind of a montage of pictures and and things from some trips that we took but it was probably video five or six where I think I actually said something and the first real video was cutting firewood and I want to show you a picture from about six maybe even seven years ago of what The Wood Yard looked like back then so that was the hunt man down there in The Wood Yard there wasn't much down there a matter of fact there wasn't anything down there except my little husky splitter and Hunter used to help me split firewood and we have him do other things and I wish I could have him help me now but the problem is he just doesn't well there's two reasons actually number one uh it's hard to show him how to lift correctly I'm no expert at it but he just goes and goes and it doesn't matter how big something is he'll try to pick it up we used to come out here on the side by side and gather up wood and if you had a bunch of rounds laying there you better hope they fit in the back of the side by side because he would get mad and try to load every single piece in the back but I'm always kind of afraid he's going to hurt himself you know the way he just he'd just go he's a worker and I tried for a long time to kind of show him you know how to lift and do things but I just afraid it like drop something on his foot or hurt his back and and he's tough as Nails he is but uh I do I wish I could get him to help me more but it's probably just not a good idea so uh he does other things believe me he does a lot of other work but anyway that was The Wood Yard six or seven years ago and as you can tell a lot has changed since since then and it has changed because of YouTube and so like I said at some point over the last couple years I went from a guy selling firewood that does YouTube to the other way around YouTube is my career and uh it's the best job I ever had and it's not for everyone it's a ton of work a lot of people think it's easy you just saw I just make videos and put them up but if you're going into it thinking hey I'm gonna make a living at this someday or I just want to make money at it you're never gonna last because the first two three years you work 40 50 hours a week and you really don't make anything our Channel grew very very slowly it did Eva posted that video the other day and I mentioned it in our in one of ours and she got like 12 000 subscribers it took me over a year to get to a thousand subscribers and uh all our videos early on you know it'd be a couple hundred views three 400 and then it'd be a thousand five thousand ten thousand now we average probably around I don't know a hundred thousand views of video and we're not the biggest Channel by any stretch of the imagination but at some point over the last couple years it allowed me to do this full time and uh I'm thrilled I am it's it's the best job I ever had I I plan on continuing to keep doing it at some point I'll slow down you know maybe like a video a week a longer video a better video you know like one real good one a week that I don't know when that's gonna be we'll just have to see what happens my plans uh change all the time as you can tell if you've been watching our Channel but you know as far as what pays for everything around here uh one it was a lot of years of work before YouTube and then plus YouTube and like today's video is a sponsored video that helps pay for this stuff and a lot of people say not a lot but a few will say I wish things were the way when you started or something I couldn't do that I would be bored to tears doing the same videos with the same equipment over and over again and the channel would just be dead you know what I mean you would have it just wouldn't grow at all and if you're gonna do it you might as well keep growing the channel and excuse me I like adding new things changing things and new projects and and things like that to kind of keep going once I get to a point where there is none of that that's when I'll just stop YouTube when I kind of quit doing stuff you know what I mean but yeah if you don't evolve and grow and and change uh it's just gonna die and like I said I would be bored to tears doing the same videos over and over again uh it's just not a recipe for success or anything that I would want to do I'm just not into that at all so to answer people's questions the one that say some guy the other day I mean he was a real Dick Tracy he was like there's no way that you know selling firewood pays for this stuff and I'm like I thought you knew that you make money on YouTube you know what I mean but apparently not everybody does uh yeah I don't know now back to the firewood thing uh we still sell firewood a lot more than we used to actually but we're also able to give a lot of firewood away to people that need it uh I have several neighbors one that's a widow and uh you guys watching these videos enables us to be able to do this kind of work film it and give this stuff away and uh I think it's just great a lot of different reasons I like doing YouTube number one I enjoy doing it I really do number two I can make a living from here at home on the property whether we be here down in West Virginia number three I like to promote small business and uh small YouTube channels uh I like to kind of help them get up and going uh I didn't have that you know when I started I didn't know anybody you know what I mean I just kind of it was a grind day in day out making videos and just to see what would happen I remember when we got our first check from Google I couldn't believe it you know it was 100 it had to be a hundred dollars before you would get paid and I got a check for like 108 bucks and I was like I didn't know if it was real you know what I mean I get a check from Google I'm like what the heck I showed Melissa she's kind of scratching her head and then the next month it was a little bit more the next month after that that's when we started thinking like this could actually turn into something but like I said if you start out thinking you know oh I want to make a bunch of money on YouTube and quit my job not gonna work it just has to it's a lot of time a lot of effort there's some luck involved and things have changed a lot since when I started doing it I thought I started kind of late but as far as like tractor videos and firewood videos and things like that there are hundreds and probably thousands of channels that do that now you know what I mean the same stuff that I did when I started and back then there probably wasn't as many I'm sure there wasn't as many now uh I even see channels out there now they'll start and they'll start with some of the videos that I started with the same title same video that I did five years ago so if you've noticed over the last year or two I just do videos on what I'm doing occasionally I'll show like a new piece of equipment or something that I may know I'm not an expert on anything but I just kind of do my thing and I don't try to compete with you know channels you know this is how you use a box blade or this is how you do this or or all that kind of stuff I just don't do that anymore and uh I'm kind of happy about it I just like doing what I'm doing if I get a new piece of equipment Absolutely I'll show you what I know about it but uh yeah things just worked out but those are the main reasons I love doing what I do I can make a living at it I can promote small business and big business if I like the products I like doing that as well and uh I like helping smaller channels but I have to know them you know what I mean we get emails all the time from people uh like all the time you know asking you know to collaborate I've never heard of them or I don't know them and you know I have to vet somebody before I'm gonna get involved with them I mean I hate to say that but even before YouTube I was the same way you know what I mean uh so I have to know someone before I do anything like that but I had to pause there I had a uh a big sneeze but the other thing that YouTube has done for us it helped me realize how many people were out there that are into the same things we are and uh you know you meet people at the meetups and things like the Paul Bunyan show or Booneville and and just all the emails and stuff we get in the comments and uh it's pretty cool it really is there's a ton of us out there I had no idea when I first started I know I've told this story before but my first video real video cutting firewood told Melissa what I was doing she thought I was crazy she's like who is gonna watch that I'm like I don't know we'll see turned out about uh a month later I went back and looked at that video and there was like 5 000 views and then I got kind of nervous because I'm at first I didn't care because I didn't think anyone would watch it and I'm like geez I don't want to look like an idiot out here and uh but that passed to I really don't care what I look like anymore I just do what I do some people like it some people don't and that's the way the world works one more thing I might add before I wrap this up uh part of my plan has always been uh you know like an exit strategy for YouTube and I have no idea when that will be I have no idea how long YouTube will be around but I've got ourselves set up now to do things that I know we can make a living at uh and that's been kind of the plan all along whether it be sawing Lumber or Excavating or you know brush hogging for people I'm sorry rotary cutting for people but there's a million different ways that we can make money with the things that we have now and that was all kind of part of the plan as well you never know about YouTube or really any social media for that matter uh we talked about that before with like Ai and things like that we have no idea what things will look like in a few years from now we really don't maybe pretty much the same maybe totally different uh who knows but that's another thing make sure you go to our website and there'll be a pop-up that comes up and you can either close it or just enter your email and that's to get our newsletter which we will send out about twice a month we just sent one not too long ago which if you want to stay in touch if something were to ever happen with YouTube or whatever that will be a way to tell you where we're at or what we're doing and those kind of things but I think that's about it for today's video I appreciate you all being here I also want to thank Simply Safe for sponsoring today's video and uh yeah that's it I'm a YouTuber that sells firewood used to be the other way around
Channel: Outdoors With The Morgans
Views: 191,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firewood, country living, tractors, sawmill, woodmizer, jeep, ford bronco, wranglerstar, wild wonderful off grid, best chainsaw, stihl, husqvarna, polaris, kubota, john deere, zero turn mower, cabin in the woods, off grid, entrepreneur, make money, farm, garden, how to build, diy, lawn care, side jobs, f 150, ford, yanmar, tym, ls tractors, land plane, cabin living, excavating, small business, excavator, skid loader, dozer, tree felling, chainsaw sharpening
Id: cq1ypvRaLt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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