Which is Better? Firewood Bagger or Bundler

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so welcome back to outdoors with the Morgans I got back from West Virginia late last night so this morning I got everything put away and unloaded I even cleaned up the truck and I even vacuumed the inside I was pulling the deck over trailer with the LX box blade grapple bucket had a bunch of stuff in the bed of the truck nothing real heavy but the mileage wasn't real great 10.8 miles per gallon which I didn't think that was very good but a lot of guys that have trucks like this with the Duramax they claim the mileage will improve I only have about 3 000 miles on it so far but we'll have to see yeah 10.8 that's not that great I've seen a few comments from people saying why I even care about fuel mileage the truck costs so much money it's pretty much irrelevant I don't really look at it that way you know 10.8 miles per gallon over 200 000 miles uh diesel fuel around here is about 425 a gallon you're looking at about 78 000 worth of diesel fuel in 200 000 miles now if you got let's say four miles per gallon better than that like say 14.8 miles per gallon you're looking at a total cost of fifty seven thousand dollars worth of fuel which is uh over 2 twenty thousand dollar savings over two hundred thousand miles so hopefully we get that mileage to go up a little bit I haven't towed anything with the Ford yet I'm gonna put a few more miles on it actually a bunch more miles on it before we do uh it's right at a hundred and one miles so we'll run it around here local for a week or two and then hook onto a trailer take it to West Virginia and see how it does yeah so basically over 200 000 miles every mile per gallon is a difference of about sixty six hundred dollars all right this morning uh we're gonna bundle up and bag up some firewood I thought this would be a good opportunity to show the difference between a firewood bundler like so and a firewood bagger like this if you're a firewood seller I'm about to tell you something that you already know and that is smaller quantities of firewood are where it's at as far as making money with some added labor like you know taking the time to split the wood a little bit smaller and some packaging whether it be with a bagger or a bundling machine you know you can turn a quart of firewood from you know around here it's about 300 to 350 dollars into about seven hundred dollars worth of wood if you sell it in small quantities now both of these are set up for one cubic foot bundles now around here mostly what you see in stores uh the firewood bundles are 0.75 so both of these will make a pretty good Jag of firewood this one uses shrink wrap this one uses a bag now the advantage here I would say has to go to the wb120 just for the fact that a roll of shrink wrap I figured it out once it comes out to just under 10 cents per bundle is what this shrink wrap costs okay 10 cents we'll call it where the bags for the wool fridge they are about 70 cents a piece I believe but the bags are reusable and they're actually they're pretty nice you know what I mean it's a nice uh presentation of the product 70 cents 10 cents but these look a little bit nicer a lot nicer in my opinion now as far as uh cost for each setup definite advantage on the Wolf Ridge as you see it right here just under 600 dollars the wb120 I'm not sure what current pricing is uh probably a little over two thousand dollars for this unit let's make a couple bundles and uh you know you can decide if you're in the market for one which one you would like better now I'm not going to rush around or anything we'll go to nice uh average pace here see how long it takes to make each bundle this is a mix of uh cherry Red Oak and probably a little bit of maple mixed in here as well [Music] foreign seconds actually I should do that again and stop the stopwatch after I get it on the pallet let's do that [Music] oh okay foreign one minute 11 seconds all right let's try the Wolf Ridge bagger [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] let's do another one [Music] foreign foreign [Music] one more [Music] together one minute eight seconds all right so I think it's safe to say they take just about the same amount of time to package up the firewood I was faster with the wb120 although keep in mind I've used this a bunch more than I've used the one from Wolf Ridge we just got this one not too long ago you know if somebody else doing it they may be a little bit quicker with this than they are with that they're relatively close but like I said initial investment definitely more expensive than this however the bags 70 cents versus 10 cents uh the other thing is the bags are kind of loose not that that matters or anything like that these are nice tight bundles I'm saying it's the same amount of wood but this will take up just a little bit more space if you're putting them on pallets these are all just you know things to think about it's uh more of a personal preference in my opinion obviously a Wolf Ridge advantage that I forgot about since I'm right here beside the building you need power to run this one so if you don't have power your wood yard and you don't want to run power to it or run a generator just a bundle firewood maybe the bagger is the way to go for you either way you're going to make money on small quantities of firewood I'll put links for both of these in the description in a pin comment as well if you're in the market for something like this and like I said I think a lot of it's just personal preference initial investment wb120 is going to cost you more you're going to spend a little more on bags I don't know six to one half dozen to another so I just loaded the four-wheeler and the dump trailer because tomorrow bright and early Melissa and I are both going down to the cabin I'm going to be doing some work she's going to help me for a little bit and then she's probably gonna do some exploring on the four-wheeler while I do more work at least that's what the plan is I have a rental skid loader coming tomorrow an svl 75 and we're going to continue to get ready for the shower house and I have a load of stone coming around noon we should have everything pretty much on grade by then and I'm sure a lot of you are wondering why am I renting a skid loader now that I have a one ton pickup truck why don't I take my own mine weighs 13 000 pounds my DeckOver trailer is uh 10 000 GVW just slightly under that it's a very very heavy skid loader so for a couple hundred bucks uh it'll be well worth it to get one down there finish moving that big brush pile if you didn't see that video the other day and we need to move some dirt move some Stone should be a pretty good day so Melissa just came out to join us the other reason we're going down is uh yesterday we had people texting and calling and I'm always checking the weather she's not but they got some really bad storms down there there I think everything's okay but there are some tornado warnings heavy rain all kind of stuff but I checked with Nick down at the rental yard and I think the weather today down there is the same as it is here yeah you know the sun was up yeah the wind makes all the difference in the world it's been pretty Breezy he said it's cool down there though yeah but even on our local news which we're two and a half hours forward north of Pittsburgh and that's that's our local news they were even saying like deep Cricket like they had video of it and it was just like this yeah the nastiest red is spot I'm like they it looked like the cabin was painted red it was right there so it was yeah hopefully we'll take some chainsaws just in case we have to do so I thought you were going to say we'll take some pictures I'm like yeah you'll see it in the video yeah but yes that's playing tomorrow I told them before you came out you're gonna do some exploring I am I wasn't sure if you showed that so I was gonna say yeah I'll be busy I'll have to give you a map so you don't end up in Maryland I know right I'll be bailing you out of jail or something oh boy I'm not calling you huh I'll call one of our subscribers oh the other thing I did I want to show you with the uh dump trailer here Archie you want to show them I lowered my drop hitch one inch and what do you think Axel he's gonna check it out too but the trailer sits yeah better right right it was kind of pitched up a little bit here in the front and uh yeah I think that's the ticket right there oh one other thing we got to tell them about Booneville yeah we're going to be in Booneville what The Woodsman field days so all right I checked the dates the 18th and 19th that's coming right up uh that'll be Friday and Saturday Booneville New York it's a really good show and we will be at the wood Miser booth on the 18th from 10 to 2 and we will be at the steel booth on Saturday from 10 to 2. that's the plan for now if anything changes we'll let you know but we'll definitely be there Friday and Saturday Booneville New York we met a lot of people there last yeah was it last year we were there last year yeah yeah and then bunion will be coming up right after that look at the leaves are starting to fall ah this time of year on these cherry trees you get these little yellow leaves and that's always the first once again we got a ways to go but it is the first sign it's August yeah but we're almost in the middle of August all right next week all right it'll be great because I like fall and winter I'll help you fall one last thing we just picked the uh Ford up from the shop already no nothing wasn't wrong with it I'll uh I'll show you what we did here we didn't do it but we went to uh Ziebart did you see this yet no it's got the Rhino Lining it's very nice rhino plasty they did a really nice job yeah they did look at those lines how do you do that like a shrinky date yeah it looks good remember this what shrinky dinks I do not there are these plastic things that you would put in the oven like you could make them like like you don't remember them no okay no idea maybe I'm crazy but yeah looks good but anyway I think that's it for today's video I appreciate y'all being here anything you'd like to add Melissa yeah thanks so much we'll catch you on the next one bye
Channel: Outdoors With The Morgans
Views: 56,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firewood, country living, tractors, sawmill, woodmizer, jeep, ford bronco, wranglerstar, wild wonderful off grid, best chainsaw, stihl, husqvarna, polaris, kubota, john deere, zero turn mower, cabin in the woods, off grid, entrepreneur, make money, farm, garden, how to build, diy, lawn care, side jobs, f 150, ford, yanmar, tym, ls tractors, land plane, cabin living, excavating, small business, excavator, skid loader, dozer, tree felling, chainsaw sharpening
Id: muQYRjNiVb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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