do i really sell all this stuff? | Goodwill thrift with us | Pull shipping | Vintage booth restock

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hey everyone welcome into the channel it's Karen lavender clothesline if you're new here I'm a full-time eBay reseller I also create content here on YouTube to share with you what I'm buying and selling in thrift stores and flea markets and auction houses in yard sales anywhere where I can shop to find things to flip for a profit so you can always follow me on Instagram under ler clothes line and that's usually where I report back on what kind of items I'm finding in the wild and what kind of prices those items are bringing all right recently a couple of days ago I received a very flattering email it was eBay asking if I would like to be a speaker at eBay open 2024 that they would fly me out to California and just film a little bit about my experience and ask me to do a little bit of a sharing on how I organize my inventory which I don't know if I'm going to do that I probably won't but very very flattered that they asked me thank you eBay for the invitation I'm not quite sure what the dates are this year I would be filming in August I think they said they would fly me out for about a week and put me up in a hotel and everything all right so that was pretty exciting here at lavender clothes line I'll get back to if I'm going to do that of course I'd want to meet everybody that is going to eBay open if it's a live situation sometimes they just do virtual I'm not quite sure what's happening this year all right but today today is Tuesday it is $2 Tuesday we're going to hit Goodwill this is the Goodwill Route 30 and what else is going on I got to go to the Butcher and get some meat which has nothing to do with anything real life and I have to get my eye exam today my yearly ey exam so much excitement around here all right hit that like And subscribe button let's get in the car let's go see what we can find to flip for a profit on eBay let me start this video by saying I'm not exactly sure what is going on but the store is packed and the shelves are packed okay is this princess house there's the title of my video is this princess house I'm going to put a few of these in my cart you guys know I still don't know glass I'll never know glass which one shall we pick I'm going to take this one and this one I think the regular shaped ones what I call the column candlestick holders are not really worth anything and the ones I put in my card are probably just glass but I thought this shape was really interesting so I'm going to have to Google image these and I think this might be princess house I don't know all right we're just going to have a fun time today we're just going to look at what's on the shelves and see what we can find like I said a ton of people were lined up when I got here this morning and I got here quite early before the doors opened all right this is made in China I almost like that it's got a little bit of Schmutz on the bottom H that's interesting all right today is $2 Tuesday it is blue tag so I have to remember that we always love these gold wood drapery Rings now the wood ones do well too the dark better than the light in my experience but we do love the gold ones $1.99 that's a good deal I should be able to pull I'm going to say $12 out of this so putting those in the cart I can't believe the amount of people that just rushed in the door it was really like you had to be really careful not to get knocked into it was crazy all right I've sold these bookends before unfortunately this Onyx is cracked right here and here so we'll leave those Behind These don't bring a lot unless they're really big all right going to give you all my thoughts today it's a little scary do like this dish it almost looks like a handkerchief it's kind of pretty all right right now my car is packed with items to go to the booth not sure if you guys want to see going to the booth all right I'm leaving those right Sarah Sarah Fisher Okay Sarah why'd you give your cats up I have never seen these before I don't know if they're newer they have the appearance of being newer $3.99 the Bel on the back is newer and it's a paper felt what I call a paper felt meaning it's not really a piece of cloth that would be $8 yeah I think I'm going to wait on that I don't think the quality is there all right the artwork is now on this aisle a little more organized than it is so that is good to see I go around this person do we see anything up here I don't see any original artwork you guys really seem to like the love birds little miniature um painting that I picked up that is on auction right now and I don't remember what I started the auction at but I think that is up to $80 which just blows my mind now in everybody's defense it is adorable it is a hand-done I believe it's oil if my memory serves me correct I don't have the listing in front of me and it's two love birds sitting on a branch super Ro R Mantic and really glad to see that a couple of you are very interested in it let's go around so most of the Shoppers that came in the door good morning good morning most of the Shoppers that came in the door went right to clothing a lot of big clothing resellers and they send bulk out of the country so um that is just their business model they buy they buy um bulk and they send it to I think it's Haiti all right $2.99 this is a wall pocket basket does have a little bit of damage right here and it's off kilter it looks like it was crushed I'm going to leave this one I do like my baskets to be in very good shape unless there's always a caveat right unless it's something really uh rare and special all right we're going to leave that not seeing anything yet oh chickens do we love a good chicken yes we do $2.99 I don't love this one though oh my word how funny is this that is so funny it's contemporary but a good laugh look at this sweet little dish I think it's the turquoise border that I especially love this is sweet no marking why is this not marked that's really nicely done I know I think I'm got to put that in the cart yeah I really like that all right so we still have to look up the candle holders I'm thinking these are going to be a no this one's a single so that's on the fence definitely yes to the curtain rings or drapery rings and yes to the dish let's go down the dishes aisle shall we I don't really want to I don't my dishes so much I just don't like shipping Big Lots of dishes okay here's a bowl I always talk about these that I feel like when shabby chic had hit its Heyday these did well that tied into that aesthetic and if you don't know what shabish Chic is it is the Rachel Ashwell line Rachel Ashwell is a home designer I once got to go to her um flagship store in Manhattan gorgeous and she did a big line for Target um so my whole point was that type of aesthetic would have fit into her line so they did well for a while but now that trend has cooled okay top shelf this is a bean pot yeah you could see it was originally sold for $4.99 which doesn't always mean it wouldn't sell for good money sometimes vintage things you know back in the day would have sold for less money and now it's desirable that's not one of them this looks like Certified International okay I just spotted this gold tray on the bottom shelf now in reality I would love if this was like porcelain or it was a really fine metal it's not it's plastic and there is The Telltale sticker China food not safe $2.99 but you know the aesthetic is really good I think people might want this the only thing that I'm not crazy about is that the base of it or the the main part of it you can see squares the pattern of how they laid down the paper but you know what for $2.99 I am really on the fence about this should I take that I don't know if people would want plastic it looks like an antique tray and like I said I don't know if the camera is going to pick this up but see the squares of the way the the paper was applied this is paper under resin most likely I think that's going to kill it because people would want this to look like a true you know antique gold tray so we're going to put that one back but that was close okay we're going to take a look on the glass aisle for the second one of these candlesticks while I'm looking I did do a Google image search this seller is reporting that this is Historia double candlestick holder and she is asking 47 for the two so I'm going to look at solds so theoria double candlestick holders some of them bring $10 and some of them can bring 50 for two o here's one for $80 it brought $80 in other words it sold for $80 that is interesting that's not the one I have but that is good to know so again I don't see the one that I have in the cart but we're going to look for the second one because that is a good sign and I don't think fistor is marked in this situation I don't know if it ever is okay I'm not seeing candlestick holders candle holders candlestick holders I don't know are they both the same thing after all these years I still go back and forth all right I don't see another one I might pick up the single I'll have to take a look again of what it goes for oh this pedestal is a pretty this is Pressed Glass $4.99 kind of sweet H you know me with the glass not a big faned this coal scuttle is that what this is called I think this is genuinely Al this has all the proper signs of being Al what I am in a conundrum about is this decal that was applied it could be that this was the original decal and it has worn off it does look like it might have been painted after mark Market at some point I don't know those are all guesses I think it's for coal that's my only for sure thing all right it is only $3.99 ah am I putting this in the [Laughter] cart sure I am oh I'm really on the fence about this decal why can't the decal be good don't know if somebody would want that they'd have to paint over it I would think this side the bottom decal the big decal is in better shape and this one has I think it's just disintegrated over time I think the athetic is good though yeah I'm going to put this in the cart all right we picked up a few things when you weren't looking where were you did you stop to get a drink let's take a look at what I grabbed of a new cart 20 me Team Borax $4.99 it is a genuinely old tin I will comp this I don't expect to be keeping this I would think that number one these were probably in very big Supply and number two there is a chance it is a reproduction so for $5 I know people collect tins but unless it's a super rare great tin I don't think generally tins go for a lot what did steal my heart look at this picture this is just a reproduction I know and you guys don't want me putting my fingers on the print do not worry my fingers have no oil left in them after all of these years of working all right there is the signature but it's printed on but look how sweet that is Goodwill wants .99 that is more than fair oh is that cute love that totally love that that is a keeper I'm not even comping it all right we have some Star Wars stuff going on and Roger is not with me right now he is where is is he he's at his other job delivering Cabinetry he might show up later uh but for Star Wars at how much is this do we see a price there it is $3.99 I might grab it we also have these figures and I don't know what these were too but these I can Google image so at $1.99 I will do that for the three here is some just like board prints so it's like a let me see if I can do this it's a wood board on the back let me do it better so I can show it to you a wood board look at that 299 does appear to be older yeah I think that's genuinely old no it's not antique it's not 100 years old but this is really cute oh it has printing on it I could read the printing Kaplan 1994 so it's not that is that a four not that old hm do I want those $19.94 94 is vintage that's crazy I do like these but $3 a piece that would be $9 for the three I'd have to sell those for 25 on eBay huh it's cute but I don't think I'm keeping these I think the buyin price is too high all right so that's what the cart is looking like two maybe and the rest yeses and let's keep going bed this on the Shelf I don't know if I missed this the first time around this is a woven wicker shelf look at the beauty of this $4.99 oh this is a find I love this that is a definite yes gorgeous look at the somebody wo all of that that is crazy that is crazy I've heard wicker like this is always hand done I don't know about this I'm thinking this has to be machine done okay so there are the hooks there definitely a wall hanging very happy find $4.99 I have no idea what this is going to go for but if I had to guess this has got to be at least 50 so I'm going to put this in my coal scuttle bucket is that what that's even called leave a comment down below if you know what this Co bucket is called Scuttle shuttle shuttle bucket something like that feeling really good about that I'm trying to run comps a little at a time so I don't get left with a big pile in my cart uh having to run comps and this is Arthur Kaplan how I know that is I read the fine print on the side and here they are here what they sold for most of them bring under $10 it seems I don't see anything exactly like what I have found I'm looking are the Kaplan some of the bigger pieces the artwork you know the prince seems like they can bring good stuff they have the dogs playing poker uh a little Bambi type big eyed fawn deer that only brought well best offer accepted $12 so I feel pretty safe in putting these back I'm going to leave these for somebody else okay so I turned the aisle to come down this this row this aisle and look what is on the Shelf Adora rich dark chocolate calcium supplement they are just selling more and more food and you know have to say it's almost tenting do I want a little rich dark chocolate snack in Goodwill I do 525 no I am not buying this it is sealed so I guess they can sell food so if anybody wants foil wrapped chocolats that are calcium supplement you know it's good for you we're here in Goodwill on Route 30 they're here come get them I have to say I was tempted for a hot second for a little while what is this what goes in the middle there I guess a little cup so you can put dip in it I have never seen that for a quick second I almost thought it was a deviled EG tray but that would be very skinny deviled EGS that's not a devil egg tray okay we are on the I'm just going to call it kitchen aisle I don't know why I always have a need to name the aisles I always want you guys to know what to expect but is it ever that way in Goodwill well it's not there a cover to a canister that has a crack I always like to tell you guys where we're at and what we're doing but it's Goodwill so a lot of times that doesn't work out correctly all right but we are on the napsack suitcase briefcase luggage aisle not really seeing anything Cody c o di for a second I thought it said Coogi that was exciting for a minute do you guys know Coogi I think my favorite Coogi find was a sweater that I found in this location so this is Route 30 again in Lancaster Pennsylvania I found a Coogi sweater well just standing there talking to Roger and I think I looked over his shoulder and I saw it and I just I immediately was like a magnet to it and I couldn't grab it quick enough and that sweater sold for $600 that was my most favorite uh coif fine not the probably highest but it was all in pests it was beautiful so Coogi is a name that I do very well with sweaters the jeans are just okay some of the more embellished heavily embroidered jeans I do really well with this is a nice bucket moving on all right very lightweight oh it's rusted somebody did plant stuff in it okay so whenever I get ready to check out I always go through the cart to make sure I have comped and the value of things I never want to bring things home just cuz they're pretty or cuz I'm going to put a lot of work into listing them or bringing them to the booth these candlestick holders are Imperial Glass and it seems that they don't sell for much I'm going to show you what I found on my phone so here is one being sold for $6 I don't even know if this sold vintage Imperial Glass Ohio so those I'm going to put back on the Shelf now I won't leave them here because this is not the glass shelf um this one I'm still going to hold on to this is ftor and I only found the one I really wish I had the second but I figured maybe somebody would need a replacement and I'm only paying $4 so I figured I should be able to flip this for about 12 I could be wrong this dish again no marking I don't even care I love it I'm buying it $2.99 that's rare that I don't just you know here I'm saying check comps check comps but once in a while I just know what will sell the cat picture absolutely yes still going with the drapery ring the coal bucket and the shelf that is all we have today so it's definitely not four cartloads every time I come but I did want to just show you how I do pair down sometimes because when you get home with this stuff you don't want to feel The Angst of not wanting to list it like this is so manageable now today I'll probably go on to two more thrift stores and then I have my ey appointment I check up and what else and the butcher so I don't want to come home with a big mountain of stuff I don't want to list all right so again we are in Lancaster Goodwill Route 30 in Lancaster Pennsylvania hit that like And subscribe button and as always go out and get what's yours good morning everyone welcome into the channel it's Karen lavender clothes line as you can tell we are down in my basement we're getting ready to pull shipping this morning it is Thursday morning and we have had a really busy week as usual Roger and I are just about to head out for vacation on Monday and uh sales have been really good so this morning being Thursday I'm pulling about 18 sales I think since yesterday so we're just going to get started I'm going to show you what is selling many of these items you guys have watched me pick up in videos that I create when I go thrifting or yard sailing or wherever I happen to pick up items to sell on eBay I'm a full-time eBay reseller that means I go out and find items to flip for a profit I've been doing this about 12 years full-time and still having a good time but is a ton of work let me tell you but I do enjoy it much better than a regular job all right let's get started not too much chitchat today hopefully and um you can never tell with me let's get into the first item the first item is the little vintage miniature love Bird's original art and I see it through the plastic film this is where I keep all of my framed art and here it is here this thing is so sweet this is an original I believe this is oil yes you can see the sheen to it oil on canvas I had to turn it around look at the age of that frame beautiful so I picked this up at old factory antiques where Roger and I have a booth now we didn't pick this up in our booth we are selling in our booth but I often buy from the other vendors adorable really really sweet two little love birds sitting on a reed or a little grass or something and this sold for $83 all right the next item I think I'm just going to go through the hard Goods so I can stay in one area instead of running around like a crazy person like I normally do next item is the iridescent gold decorative glass this is all of my glass here and this is like an oyster dish beautiful all in like purples and Golds just gorgeous sold for $15 I think I picked this up at Roots flea market you do lose track when you buy on this level I am buying hundreds and hundreds of items every month and selling hundreds and hundreds of items so this stuff is constantly revolving rotating it's not the same stuff so for those of you who might be mistaken and think I'm just hoarding nope all of this comes in and goes out and makes a very good profit all right the next thing up three mudpie sheep farm tea towels $18 and and where did I get these I think again at the flea market no I might have picked these up at the Pottstown Goodwill grand opening for those of you who saw that that was an excellent video in fact that video is number one I think right now uh I filled two carts very quickly at a grand opening of a Goodwill that's probably about an hour and 15 minutes from us so here they are I'm the black sheep of the family and proud of it look how cute those are I really like those uh $18 all right next up we're going to skip the porcelain handle knobs because I have to hunt a little bit for those a handcarved wood dwarf gnome so this is all of the wood over here and I see him right here he's got such a cute expression a little bit shy a little bit impish adorable handcarved and he sold for $23 we're going to put him on the table next up is an antique uh figurine that I believe is made out of calf hair and it's sold for $19.99 we're going to go into this bin here this is generally where I keep the smaller toys I do have larger toys on this shelving unit here so we're going to pull this out this should be right on top because I just listed this the other day here he is here so you can tell the age on this little pony p and he is all made out of fur and I think his tail is horse hair so very sweet and where did I get him I think I bought him yeah I'm going to say potown again I lose track guys totally lose track I got to watch my own videos all right next up is the Polish pottery and that's sold for $44 Pottery is generally over here this is really ston wear I should call it and I think because we're a little crowded here I put it in this section with the finer dishes yep I see it we're going to scoot through the clothing racks as you can tell I did not even remove the plastic from the racks today cuz I have a really busy day today and wherever I can cut Corners I do let's pull this bowl out this bowl is made in Poland handmade and I don't know how to pronounce the writing on this it has a couple of words see this here unicat I guess we say J and then there's a word c h y EA I'm not even sure but I have picked these up before these sell for very good money and this one sold for $44 just beautiful let let's bring this one in the light let's take two seconds look at the print on that is that not gorgeous so pretty when I find things like this in the thrift store I don't have to say oh who's making this you can see the quality and look at all of that painting that is all hand done just amazing all right I told myself I wouldn't chitchat too much let's go on to the next item the next item is a Hallmark ornament we might have a second one sold I'm going to check on that quickly all right so it is we have the 2003 uh Snowman's Land and the Hallmark Keepsake welcome friends so we're going to grab both of those let's bring the phone with us and go down to where I keep the Hallmark ornaments and we'll find those now most times I am inventorying My Hallmark ornaments in other words I am marking them with an inventory letter or number you guys know me I don't do that a lot I separate and organize my items by the type of item like this is going to have all the bed skirts and Ruffles this is going to have the quilts and pillows I have quite a few quilts bins but the hmark ornaments because they're so similar I do assign them an inventory number to make sure I am shipping out the correct ornament let's pull this bin down and find the two ornaments that sold all right we popped the lid on this bin we are looking for inventory Y and inventory number 27 this is it right here Snowman's Land and you can see I have the little sticker there and I see inventory why it's going to be this one so see how you could get these mixed up because most of my hmark ornaments are still in the original box a lot of them new I wouldn't want to grab the wrong thing I want to make sure that I shipped out the correct thing nothing worse than shipping out the wrong item all right if that ever happens I would just if the item has sold for a lot of money I would send a return label if it's sold for a few dollars and I've shipped the wrong item I just let the buyer keep the incorrect item and I ship out the correct one I eat the cost that's just part of doing business on this level when you get to a level where you're shipping out thousands of items every year you really have to cut corners and know what makes sense to just eat a little bit of cost when you make a mistake and what um what you can send a return label for all right so there's the two ornaments morning good morning how are you I'm good this is my husband Roger for those of you new to the channel do you want me to plug in the light for you we have extra lighting here I just sit on the [Music] stairs is that a little better that's better okay thank you how many items are you pulling this morning uh not too bad 15 not too B 15 oh my word found one already look at that 14 to go let's keep going and see what is next on the list all right so the same buyer that bought the Hallmark ornament their Welcome Friends also bought two two other items a blue Partridge print bird vase and a green picture vase so most likely those are going to be here I have green and blue up top I'm going to look there but I'm also going to scan quickly to see if it might be somewhere else all right I think it's going to be up top up all theone oh no I saw a green handle I thought that might have been it let's hop up top and see if it is up here here's the green picture here I'm going to bring this down so you can see this a little bit better so this is the first item this strip glaze is gorgeous look at the variation of the colors so pretty all right so that's sold that's going to go out with this order and then we have a blue it's like an Asian vas H where would I have put this I have no idea it's probably going to be with Blues up here yeah I see it all right we are really selling quite a bit of pottery from the top shelf lots of spaces so that's a great problem to have cuz that means it's good to buy all the pottery in the stores here is the little vase I will put on the screen the screenshot of the sold because it's going to take too much time to go into it to see what the order has sold for I think uh I could probably look quickly 3788 for the three all right so I think that that is all of the hard goods for this morning we're going to do clothing oh no I forgot 16 vintage porcelain handles and knobs blue floral uh $36 I love picking up Furniture Hardware whether it be hinges or knobs if it's in good condition I grab them because they're so expensive in the store here they are here these are vintage look at that vintage floral pattern so pretty and when you go to replace your cabinet knobs and for all the people doing DIY furniture makeovers upcycling when they change out the handles and knobs a lot of people are looking for the vintage ones to match the style of what they're doing and a lot of people get to the store and realize how expensive a handle or Knob can be if you have even gone to Home Depot one dresser handle can be like $10 so if you need eight of them it's just crazy much better to buy on eBay so that is the story there I do sell quite a bit of hardware for furniture pieces all right what are we up to I am scrolling through my phone I think we are on to clothing now it looks like yep the Nike sneakers $71 so those are going to be most likely on the sneaker rack hopefully I do have a little bit of overage of sneakers that wound up on the boot side but we are going going to look for here they are here so let's bring these in the light now these are pre-owned most of the shoes I have are pre-owned I do have a few new pairs but this is what they look like I do not ship them out in this plastic bag I just use the plastic bags uh to keep the shoes clean the clothing that's packed in plastic bags I do ship it out because it's all folded down with tissue paper but here are the sneakers here $71 and they are going out the door all right we have a skirt Banana Republic size eight it is a khaki beige linen so that's going to be in skirts look at this I didn't even turn on lights I am rushing this morning let's turn this light on okay I just probably turned on that light right in your eyes all right so size eight is a medium and this skirt is a solid but it's not a dark so we are looking for medium skirts Denim and solid colors let's pull that in there I'm going to pop this one into the light okay this is the skirt right here beautiful it's like a khaki beige linen like I said and it is all packed in its bag with tissue paper I have always packed my clothing with tissue paper I think it's just a nicer presentation that one sold for 1361 all right so we have the sneakers the skirt the art next is a White House Black Market woman's stripe top a Dress Barn Sparkle t-shirt and three pairs of pants all going to the same buyer so I'm not going to bore you with showing you pulling those you know what it looks like pulling clothing I'm just going to gather them and I will tell you what the five items sold for all right so I found the five items for this order it's a multiple order when I receive a multiple order I wait to have everything packed up and print the label see what the label costs me and then I go in and refund my buyer if there's any overage to send invoices is just too much at this level so most of my buyers know that I'm always happy to refund the overage if they paid overage at the time of shipping out so we have a pair of soft surroundings leggings that's the first item two pairs of Spanx leggings going out and in that same order the um White House Black Market top and it's a striped knit top and the last thing is the Dress Barn um jeweled Sparkle t-shirt all right so those are those four items that all came to something I'm not 14418 plus shipping and like I said I'm always happy to refund the shipping when I ship out all right I think that might be it of what we're going to pull I'm going to quickly go through my phone oh let's pull two more it's a multiple purchase again NorthFace woman's hoodie in Gray and who what wear Target uh ruffle top 42.98 for the two items we're going to pull the top first it's a medium print go over to Tops here are the medium prints this is a very heavy bin I can see it so what I do a lot of times if I have a bin on the floor I just slide it and do that to save on my arms all right let's find the who what wear shirt it is a red print lots of lots of blouses here pretty easy to spot once I start digging who what we size medium so that's the first item and the second item was a gray North Face hoodie that might actually still be on the rack I don't know how long it's a size large woman's hoodie we're gonna look on this rack so I always keep plastic over my clothing even though I really take great care of this basement I'm always cleaning down here I do like to keep everything covered it just keeps everything in good condition when you bring home items like this clothing it items and you are washing them and steaming them and all the things photographing you want your items to stay nice until they sell so you don't want to leave them in a big pile somewhere or you know have them get Dusty by the time they sell all right so hoodies are most likely going to be in sweaters and this was a size large so we're going to look for large as black darks and neutrals probably going to be in this bin here let's pull this bin into the light and I think this might be it yep here it is here again all clean and nice and packed and ready to go and what did I say the two items sold for can't even remember was it 42 something I'll always include screenshots so you guys can take your time and look at what is selling for what price I really feel like that's probably the most helpful thing for other resellers is to not only see what I'm buying in the videos but what I'm actually getting listed and selling that is the whole name of the game I mean we all love to buy but the real purpose of doing all this is to earn a living doing it all right so the top sold for $14.99 and the North Face hoodie $27.99 all right I think we're going to stop there I'm going to get this out this morning um I'm also going to the booth with Roger today we have to pay our rent collect our check and restock I'll probably film a little bit of that thanks so much for hanging out with me love you guys hit that like And subscribe button and as always go out and get what's yours hey where are you going you starting shopping without me don't even think about it co looking at the neighbors looking at the neighbors keeping up with the Joneses all right we are at the booth we just finished restocking we had blank spaces we'll go over the video to see what we sold what did we sell do you know I know an ice cream maker oh yeah the big the wood one right that we found at Shellington I don't even know what we had that marked for there were a couple of spots on the walls but we just brought in such a large amount of new inventory that just going to film it and you guys can see what the booth looks like if you're ever interested in getting a booth now to be truthful we are on the third floor and it is quite hot up here they do have a big fan hopefully somebody will put another fan in because today is what like 85° and we're only in May and it's warm to be truthful so we didn't give that a lot of consideration this is our first time having a booth so you you go along and you learn I don't know maybe next time we'll look for an air conditioned place but the rent for this uh Booth is only 140 which is a great deal we pack it out so this is what it's looking like now some things are selling fairly quickly and other things I've probably had since we started the booth artwork is doing okay I'm G to say it's it's good mirrors sell well but mirrors always sell well I don't know if people just like to have a lot of mirrors in their house to bounce light off of I notic that when I put a mirror in a room it just brightens the room it's not always about you know your own reflection there's that all right so this is what it's looking like a little surprised the hamper hasn't sold I might eventually pull that and actually listed on eBay cuz I think that would do well but this is what the booth is looking like today took about an hour for moving things around there's the rooster do we love a good rooster yes we do I kind of wish we had electricity cuz if we could plug these lamps in I think it would make such a difference but in their defense they have three floors of vendors and if everybody used electricity we would all have to pay truthfully I would probably be willing to pay you know a nominal whatever $20 a month or whatever to help out with electricity all right lots of baskets we have our Planters I've had these for a while I'm asking 200 for the two that's going to be a special buyer with like a Victorian house Franciscan Desert Rose dishes came in um I had those on eBay I pulled them from eBay and put them in the booth I think we're looking pretty good I'm very happy with it and we will see what sells I will try to look back at the video if I have time and let you guys know what has sold but if you're wanting to come shop with us we are down the rabbit hole on the third floor come on a cool day in old factory antiques old is spelled with an e and I will leave the address in the show's notes which you can always find all of the notes our stores our websites in the drop- down menu right under the title of the video all right hit that like And subscribe button and as always go out and get what's yours [Music]
Channel: Lavender Clothesline
Views: 45,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kiNFr-W4OPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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