This is why you should play Far Cry 6

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[Music] well just found the intro to my video right there far cry 6 you can literally have a wiener dog named after a sausage that should be enough to abide by the game right now i shouldn't have to say anymore a wiener dog named chorizo [Music] far cry 6 comes out on october 7th 2021 and before i go any further i just want to say thank you very much to ubisoft for sponsoring this video and thank you for giving me a hands-on demo with the game and if you're not convinced at this point let me give you a few other reasons you should check out the game resolver weapons this one's simple you just craft a bunch of [ __ ] together and you create death machines what's not to like there's an urban setting in the game now which is pretty new for far cry because there's so many forests in every other one there's also a fully voiced protagonist and not to mention a dog named after a sausage co-op will also be available in far cry 6 you know if you want to get together with your friend and literally pet wiener dogs together like i said october 7 2021 the link in the description to pre-order and play far cry 6 go check it out all right that's enough for me enjoy my shenanigans i experienced while playing the game are you guys okay that was crazy you good wait where are you going stop right now let's go shots oh i see what's happening oh still alive he's good this isn't my quarrel you guys figure it out what's up oh did you just throw a grenade at my car oh that's a grenade right in the car oh holy [ __ ] i gotta get the hell out of here this is not my fight i'm out sorry guys gotta go excuse me sorry all right that guy's dead do you need help it looks like you need help i'll help and my job is done time to go oh wait hold on poor god damn it now i'm in it sorry oh not really though how's it going man i didn't think i could do that i didn't think i could stab like that wait where's the person oh i appeared to have just murdered three people for no reason i got no reward for oh crabs hello my friends oh my god welcome to far cry oh well matt's not gonna be happy about that one but it's okay there's so many more crabs it's good man of the horse i don't like people on horses this looks bad okay what the [ __ ] [Music] wait a minute where are the baseball bats sorry i okay i was actually looking over to the oh god i was looking over to the right oh okay oh my god is that a mountain lion or well mountain lions probably don't exist here is that it where are you going come back aren't you supposed to be like an apex predator or something hey little guy come on oh no i think i think my car's stuck okay i might need to call some extra help here there you are little buddy hey i'm glad you're here yeah let's push this car out of the way i called you for a reason i had access to an alligator or a crocodile whatever it is but i figured you'd be more effective you know you got wheels going on in the back we gotta push that you're [ __ ] useless ow it just sounds like i'm punching the car how did i get this stuck so quick oh accidentally got in all right you know what can you get in the car with me surely you could get in the car oh almost i swear 90 of this video is me getting this unstuck let's go hey little sausage man can you get in this car tell me you could get in this car hey i gotta be honest can't find a way to get you in this car so it looks like you're walking i i'm sorry i know that's kind of mean seeing as you already have two legs but you got wheels maybe i'll strap like a firework to you and you'll go even faster good to be in the car again all right hey don't lay down we got places to go get ready to run because i'm not i'm not gonna wait for you all right i need you to meet me at the coordinates i gave you okay we're headed there we're going on a little field trip all right ah all right what kind of controls we got in this bad boy counter measure what is that was that me we got a follow road feature oh what is this a tesla okay all right didn't know we were that impressive with our technology here everybody just relax just going through the checkpoint don't look at me i'm not looking at you don't freak out why what have i done i'm just driving relax bro i'm on the way did you just throw a grenade at me see what i don't okay this is kind of peaceful actually i might just do this for a while i'm gonna ask for some directions really quick gentlemen or ladies gentlemen and lady why'd you run so okay i guess nervous uh first of all do you know where my dog is i uh i tried to put him in the car thank you for not questioning the mounted gun by the way i appreciate it it just came with the car and i bought it off ebay don't ask too many questions about it it's it's okay anyway i'm trying to uh get to uh i don't know where i am actually i actually don't have a destination i'm just looking for an excuse to get my a gun and kill you i'll be honest right now oh hey little buddy hey you made it nope come here why are you running away i'm sorry i made you walk you're fast look at all the crabs oh my god that's so many crabs holy [ __ ] what's going on ah what the [ __ ] is that what are these things get him get him chorizo get him oh my god he's actually attacking him wait are you really gonna take this fight or you just look at this is so oh my god they you made them run away oh this is the best game ever yeah i'm just gonna keep you around 24 7. oh my god you're adorable what is that that looks like a nice car oh my god i want that all right perfect sorry oh look at this baby oh my god um let me test it little durability test hold on um let's hit it with the uh let's hit it with the machete pretty good pretty good just a solid scratch it'll buff right out don't worry about that do you see it chorizo look at it it's so beautiful all right back on the road headed to wherever it takes i just ran over some crabs sorry matt oh checkpoint oh boy okay that is a lot of bullet holes this is dangerous where's my dog chorizo i need you if they come back around tell them you were driving okay all right good boy you stay there i'm gonna go hide nice work chorizo good work oh you're great your everything about you is fantastic are you [ __ ] why would you have the spikes out you [ __ ] bro i swear [Music] do you fix the wheels oh beautiful let's get out of here oh [ __ ] oh god no get out of the way he's dead his helmet went flying son of a [ __ ] i keep forgetting about oh his helmet grenade you [ __ ] oh that's the passenger side that's another grenade get out drive oh my [ __ ] man on a horse sorry oh no oh this is bad he's still alive okay we gotta take this on foot why do you have a rocket launcher for this situation what are you gonna do with that what was that no seriously what is that back to driving casually no problems in the world just chilling going on my phone hold on wait a minute this isn't safe oh we're taking a right apparently letting the tesla do what it wants oh it wants me to get a photo hey how's it going man with flamethrower don't worry about me just on the phone driving oh this is a great spot for a photo all right let's stop it right here oh this is beautiful we're scanning the car apparently i'll okay oh get in the shot yes beautiful beautiful oh yeah it's like i'm playing for a horse in the background extra points on that one for sure look at this and you thought this video was gonna all all be all about murder look at us taking pictures of dogs take a picture of cars taking pictures of horses taking take wait where's that guy hold on taking pictures of dudes with flamethrowers watch it i'm a journalist don't worry it's fine i'm just taking photos for the press it's all good just relax just gonna get a close-up a real i'm sorry i'm sorry okay all right now i'm pissed off i can't take photos here i can't show my dog oh hey how's it going dog i can't do anything so we're going scorcher chorizo okay yeah you seem like you're good for that let's do it what's up you sons of [ __ ] [Music] it's me your worst enemy i don't know what this does we're gonna find out oh my wait a minute why i didn't mean to do that there then sorry about that man on a horse a tank wait a minute tell me i can steal the tank oh my wait a minute yo i don't know if i signed up for this exactly how do i get in this is too much i'm panicking oh oh no hey yo wait a minute chill out i'm not your enemy they are oh [ __ ] oh my god they are just okay hold on maybe i'll intervene here this is too much i just hit a friendly i'm so sorry this is chaos oh he just exploded in front of me is everyone okay are we good look at you splashing through puddles during all this chaos i gotta respect it come here come here little rascal god you're adorable all right i'm gonna be backing up here chorizo so if you're behind me i see you just don't run over what are you doing wait a minute did i just see what i thought i saw on my mini-map oh my god i did ah here we go perfect what's going on over here ah people are dying lady do you need like a ride out of here chorizo see to her wounds thank you all right yeah that's what i'm talking about this is what vacation's all about little bit of murder here and there and then you know just riding a [ __ ] jet ski like there's no problems at all in the world look at this oh my god that is a killer mustache i must say sir sorry i was just like sir sir i would like to compliment you on your mustache that thing is a thing of beauty just being honest i really like it and you know i would love to come on your boat actually relax relax it's all good there we go hey oh everyone's getting in the water it's a water party mustache man get on i didn't even know this thing had a horn look at that get on don't you want to ride with this don't look at me like all right that's it i've had enough of you i'm so sorry look at all those chickens oh gentlemen would you like a ride what are you gonna do with that you're gonna shoot me with that come on grow up you got two innocent civilians right here and you're dropping bombs again actually i'm starting to doubt the fact that you won't use that against me just holy what the oh what's going on here you got a breakdown huh i can fix this don't worry about it just like to do casual work on the side like to be a nice person fix up people's car okay you need to calm down or else i'm just i'm undoing everything i just did for you i'm doing i you need to relax are you intimidated yet oh watch out for the tractor it's gonna get you before i do just kidding i kinda wanna drive this hey hey you're the taxi guy hey wait a minute ow what the [ __ ] you broke my fingers [ __ ] that's it i'm going to get that [ __ ] tractor where'd you go you son of a [ __ ] oh my god how is he oh jesus i'm sorry damn hey have you seen a man with a tractor perhaps why does no one talk to me in this game [ __ ] hold on i sorry i missed again there we go hit you on that one but i don't have any left okay all right i'm sorry hey yo that's my car what the hell you are really bro don't die to this little dog come on now you are actually using an ak you just kicked my you kick my dog tractor oh my god it's here hey everything works out for a reason chorizo see you just had to get kicked in the [ __ ] head oh man that looks bad okay we should bring you to a vet all right chorizo stay out of the way okay this is a big machinery here i wouldn't want to hit you with it now this this is livid right here look at this whoa that went flying another one even further the next one oh my god and another one ah there we go yup oh oh it appears my crops have fully grown allow me to handle that well time to harvest now with these plants you got to be very specific you got to make ow they fight back quite a bit god damn these plants are tough this year and there we go see we have to bring it to a certain temperature in order to harvest it oh ignore that okay i love how you try and do everything you can it's fantastic don't you you [ __ ] shoot my dog with a sniper rifle as long as you don't kick him it's fine i'll allow it i'll allow this battle to go until you know you actually do some real damage with your foot see he's got you again oh my teresa you just tanked that oh my god you're an animal look at you he's got you again oh do we count this as a kick oh we're gonna count that nail gun to the head hello is anyone here i don't speak whatever spanish i assume where are you going chorizo what are you doing stop freaking out is that spanish i don't speak it so i don't understand it hello oh oh my god that's a lot of chorizo chorizo stay here damn you're gonna blow our [ __ ] cover are you kidding me all right we gotta talk about this okay can't have you be doing that i think i'm gonna sub you out okay i'm gonna call you right back but i need some extra help for this mission for sure okay we gotta what was that how many was that three three chorizo god this is why this is why okay just trust me on this all right guapo guapo come here come here boy oh there he is hey there guapo what's up big buddy hey wait a minute what the [ __ ] is that hey hey hey hold on hey hold on you're blowing our cover guapo this is exactly what i didn't want maybe they don't know maybe they don't know you're here [Music] do they know oh they know they know go attack get them holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] a grenade oh [ __ ] okay get him nice good work wait what is that oh [ __ ] they're coming in oh man you're going on the outside wait a minute you're gonna go all the way around honestly i respect it get those cardio and get that cardio in look at you beautiful work you got it you got it nice nice right at the neck beautiful work guapo come here yeah there you go you want some meat good boy oh you're actually a great replacement for chorizo i'm not gonna lie you know you're a lot more effective in the in the the killing manner but i gotta admit the cuteness factor is not there for you you know i hope you don't mind me saying that don't take it don't do that i didn't mean it stupid crocodiles never understand you know it's not a personal thing in theory you're adorable but god damn you just scare the [ __ ] out of me every time i just i swear to god you're like why like why why do you look like that stop okay well i feel like this might be a good point then guapo come here you're gonna do the outshort of this video okay ah far cry look what you allow me to do you allow me to feed crocodiles raw pieces of meat i love it it's fantastic thank you so much for checking out this far cry 6 video i do appreciate if you did enjoy it make sure you leave a like and if you are new to the channel or enjoyed the content you saw today make sure you hit subscribe as well as i would very much appreciate that but i'm going to hand it off to future smitty because he can handle the nitty gritty of all the sponsor stuff because it's a lot easier doing it in post than trying to remember it all when i'm playing a game live it's just way easier trust me thank you so much for watching i love you guys thank you for the support on the videos and i'll see you in whatever i upload next cause i never know hey future smitty here hopefully you enjoyed this video of me just petting a wiener dog for majority of it if you're jealous about that you can pre-order the game using the link in description and you play it october 7th 2021 and you can pet as much wiener dog as you want to also just want to give a huge shout out to the folks over at ubisoft again for sponsoring this video i do appreciate it again thank you so much for the hands-on with the game but yeah with all that being said hopefully you did enjoy the video if you did make sure to leave a like on it i'd very much appreciate it if you did enjoy the content you saw in this video or new to the channel and find yourself coming back on the regular please do hit subscribe as it does help grow my channel but yeah anyway thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in whatever i upload next cause i have no idea [Music] you
Channel: SMii7Y
Views: 1,979,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: far cry 6, far cry, far cry 6 gameplay reveal, far cry 6 gameplay, far cry gameplay, far cry 6 game, far cry 6 release date, far cry 6 smii7y, smii7y, smii7y funny moments, far cry funny moments, far cry 6 funny moments, far cry 6 villain, far cry 6 trailer, far cry 6 news
Id: 5AnLx9fNe5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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