Riders Republic is the game of your childhood dreams

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/generaluke3 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
this game riders republic is literally the game of your childhood dreams or at least mine and before i go any further i just want to say that this video is sponsored by ubisoft so thank you very much to them for sponsoring this video now a bit about the game riders republic is a massive multiplayer playground that includes extreme sports such as mountain biking skiing snowboarding wing suiting some rocket propelled jetpack thing that makes you feel like tony stark and my personal favorite ragdolling y'all see that dinosaur run into the tree holy [ __ ] now i know that's not an actual sport but holy [ __ ] is it funny like i knew i was gonna like this game when i was doing the introduction tutorial thing and some random guy just flew into my screen and hit the ground at mach 5. all right you've unlocked some cool new events you can see the picture more later because first what the [ __ ] what was that and there was also this other time where i was just people watching and suddenly someone just said i'm going back to my home planet i have been sitting here for five minutes watching these people constantly wipe out and it has been the best thing i've done all day where are you going what the [ __ ] look at him go holy [ __ ] along with the free roam that this game thrives on there are also plenty of different modes you could play including races and trick competitions and it doesn't even stop at that at one point i was delivering pizzas and i had no idea what was going on i think it's safe to say that this game has a little bit of everything for everyone ryder's republic is out now on pc ps5 xbox series x and s stadia plus the ps4 and xbox one make sure you click the link in the description for more information on the game if you want to check it out for yourself but with all that being said i hope you guys do enjoy the video going forward if you do enjoy it please do leave a like on it i would very much appreciate it that if you are new to the channel or find yourself coming back on the regular please do hit subscribe if you haven't already but yeah thank you so much for watching the video in the first place and i hope you enjoy it so as you can tell so far this game is nothing but just ambient sounds of people falling over and dying constantly around you 24 7. and honestly i don't care you know i couldn't care less about it and i actually enjoy it what is this thing all about exclamation mark okay it's a mission we're doing it fair enough all right no problem let's show these people how to play this game huh oh it's like parkour oh [ __ ] okay hold on wait wait no no get back nice i'll take it honestly oh no what have i done attempt number two it's all all right cool trick unnecessary i just keep dying i gotta you know what i've never done one of these before okay i've only done the introduction and that only included a little bit all right you know i only got the basics you know you got your snowboarding your mountain biking your road biking you're dying on the side of a cliff because i suck at this look at this flawless from this point out look at this look at this look at this oh god oh quick jump okay i'll take it as long as i don't miss the checkpoint i'm good i can fall as much as i want nice and easy nice and easy there you go yeah this can't stop me you think this is difficult look at this full speed the boy has so much confidence already holy [ __ ] all right not good at my nuts up the tree what what am i an owl what are you what do you mean up the tree wait a minute oh god why am i doing this i didn't sign up for this oh big jump and another one oh send it quick little loop i hit a hay bale it's all good oh [ __ ] easy no oh oh god okay uh somebody call the fire marshal please the next thing i knew i was scaling a mountain there's really no context in between me and here from the last point in this video but you just gotta accept it okay you know i was dangling off the edge and now i'm suddenly on the side of a mountain that's okay what can i spawn snowmobile yeah because uh this makes a lot of sense all right let's do it just out for a nice little ride you know oh jesus that guy was going fast my god slow down you're almost right oh oh lord oh they're not good oh [ __ ] okay we're fine oh lord we're good on a road bike not shouldn't be doing this not good oh lord like look at the map these are all players are you kidding me this it looks like it looks like ants look it's not even just that part look you just go anywhere look how many people are snowboarding or skiing right now what the heck oh my god it's like wow it's like a whole colony of humans it's incredible what the [ __ ] is this what have i just discovered ice cream come get your ice cream everybody before the ice cream man [ __ ] dies which is right now oh lord he's dead okay oh he's still alive still kicking now he's [ __ ] dead jesus oh my god my ice cream my life's work wait a minute mass race what is that i want to do that [ __ ] all right here comes the first round hey oh wait a minute so it's okay it's a literal mass rate that is a lot of people and there's two people with bunny hats one person wearing no clothes surely not a good i really like it's cold as hell out here what is wrong you're gonna get hypothermia all right see you at the finish line idiots holy [ __ ] there's so many people oh god oh my god what the [ __ ] hey i just got bumped off that was [ __ ] oh we switched okay we have rocket skis now all right i'm about it excuse me sorry oh lord okay don't crash me you got it i'm getting bumped by everybody this is not cool i'm coming for first place [ __ ] here i come oh no i hit the revine button [ __ ] oh god it's okay you got it you got it you got it nice [Music] this guy's going backwards for some reason see you later idiot oh my god i'm going so goddamn fast if you like ricky bobby why are you going backwards that first place is mine nice oh god wait what are we on now what is this oh did i just hit a speed boost what am i doing this is uh this slowed down a lot i'm not gonna lie you know i'm a little bit disappointed with the lack of speed here maybe if we could pick it up in the next few seconds i'm sure my audience would very much appreciate that and uh no all right okay oh that was the finished [ __ ] all right you know what for my first mass race out of 32 people i'm gonna take fourth no problem i'm completely happy with that that's all good that was intense what the hell that guy is 126 stars oh he's been playing all day i don't play him game's pretty fun wait that's round one of three what do you mean all right into the next round another race brother and we're all wearing the same goddamn outfit this is what i like to see we just look like inmates all right boys good luck to you this one i'm winning 100 see you later ferocious we have a winner no god damn it oh i fell back one position son of a [ __ ] hey look at that we're in third though in total points we're doing pretty well you know we may have come in fourth and fifth but we are leading the pack right now in third place i know that doesn't make much sense but it's making me feel better so deal with it all right here we go it's the last race and i rocket wing hold on i haven't used that can hold wait a minute i've only used that tutorial oh i'm getting nervous all right every time i say i'm gonna come in first i come in like not first so i'm gonna come in last this race guys okay i'm gonna prioritize speed over tricks for this one no jumps just gonna go full speed stop bumping me oh i'm gonna tell your parents mister oh you [ __ ] see what you did don't miss the checkpoints idiots we're going fast we got rocket skates oh no no no no no maybe i might come in last for this one oh [ __ ] oh my god this is so fast oh that guy just died too fast to turn oh again oh i cursed myself 100 percent this is not good wingsuit time go oh my god okay like do you see what i mean by this is literally the game of your childhood like you you dream of this it's like this in tear down i swear i'm in third this is doable through the trees don't hit any let's get some of that boost back changing back okay oh lord all right here we go it's just you smitty you're away from the pet okay jesus how about you hit a turn for once what are you doing oh my god nothing can stop me right now look how far number one is that guy is cracked i think it's the same dude it is the 129 star guy absolutely insane back in the rocket wing oh my god i have a chance oh don't miss it no god damn it go go back back four no down down down there you go okay that thing came out of nowhere all right i think i'm still in third though oh my god oh my lord oh wow okay uh gotta cut in here there we go all right nearly lost it holy [ __ ] that was uh all right and i hit a tree and died great come on praying for second come on at least no way we're beating number one okay we'll take it we are two points off the guy in second i will take it man what an experience holy [ __ ] [Music] careful now boy yep that's what i was warning you about ah you're bumping me oh oh oh oh oh oh man i just saw that guy get eliminated by that rock oh my god that's a big turn oh [ __ ] get out of my way pug first place the green monster will take this w for all the ogres for all the ogres get it did i get it i think i got it i think i got the dub that was really close holy [ __ ] i just wanted one win surely i got first there let's go holy [ __ ] that was really close literally literally hundredths of a second oh my god oh we were all really close there holy [ __ ] what a race you just can't stop the green machine oh my god i have so many nicknames for this character it's insane only two points behind this guy i could do it i could do it this is the last round go for it what is this what hellish hell did you just put us in oh my god okay we're going from snow to desert to land i don't know it looks beautiful though let me tell you boys you see this you see this all this land here we go for all the marbles oh that one looked bad awesome oh yes i'm so glad i turned this way i was gonna follow that other guy here we go on the bikes good luck everyone just kidding i hope you all fall and die but not really you're you seem like nice people whoa look at that guy holy [ __ ] he's spinning fast oh man i don't know how close i'm gonna be able to get on this everyone seems to be pretty good at this one look out this is my place you son of a [ __ ] oh i'm so glad both of you just ate the bullet there oh my god oh did i get second wait did did i get first there hold on wait a minute that guy definitely passed before me are they giving me a pity a pity win here oh come on why'd you hype me up with that you're in first place [ __ ] what was that about screw you announcer what the hell oh i don't know that guy didn't look like he finished too well the one that was in at the top i think i might pull away here congratulations let's go oh by default we tied with another guy son of a [ __ ] well i'm sharing the podium with him but i'm not gonna be happy about it i'll probably blades of glorium and just beat him up off of it but that'll be okay i'm sure no one will have any problem look at your boy right in the middle absolutely terrifying the only one with diversity look at those [ __ ] quads call him quadzilla look at him oh my god absolute animal straight from the forest we picked him out and decided to train him to be the best extreme sports player there has ever been holy [ __ ] that's right your boy just finished first place in a mass race that's right no one cares no one no one honestly no one seems to care at all okay fair enough ladies and gentlemen i have just unlocked a thing i have been oh that was cool i thought we thought oh there it is i really was gonna say i really thought you were gonna eat [ __ ] and then you did ladies and gentlemen i have unlocked the air suit rocket wing flying thing all right let's test it out okay way too fast am i okay i think i may oh no i'm good goodbye everyone my people need me oh [ __ ] oh let's try that again there we go oh my god this is how you get around quickly look at this [ __ ] oh yeah here we go flying through the trees and i flew too low that's a tree al ground okay just don't hit another tree all right oh god wow i'm really going here he's okay it's all good oh here we go landed right where i wanted to look at this ready i think you're cool on that bike check this out oh my god oh no this is literally everything i've ever wanted from a video game are you kidding me first person look at this holy [ __ ] that was close what happens if i switch to a bike all the way up here oh all right time to get a big ass trick here we go there we go yup rack up the points baby oh yeah can is there even a way to land this i don't even know if that's possible oh god i may have bit off more than i could do here but we're gonna commit and try and land it straighten out straighten out oh no way i got ran over by snowmobile that is that looks like a painful way to die all right surely i fly right through the tiny part of this bridge boost it up okay really god damn it oh this is not gonna end well oh no oh god the sound line it up send it forward here we go oh oh no my winning suit clipped it oh no all right this is the one yeah all right that was sick god this game's incredible i'm telling you get bouncing rider you got it buddy if there's anyone who could do a bunch of bouncing on a cliff it's me holy [ __ ] that's way higher than i thought it was okay hold on wait a minute no no no no hey yo hold up wait a sec time out oh [ __ ] i did the same thing oh god oh my lord oh god what am i doing why am i doing flips oh stop oh vertical takeoff what is that oh my god oh my god that's incredible i didn't even realize i could do that i was too busy flying into the ground at mach 5. oh i could customize all my stuff well of course i'm going to go with the helmet why not face we don't need goggles even though we're flying at like super unrealistic speeds i'm not worried about it this is what a true champion looks like we're stripping down we can't have anything holding us back while on any sort of sport wear look at me an absolute specimen on the tires look i would be afraid like this is terrifying i don't know why i made my character look like this guys i didn't bring the right equipment for this never thought you'd see this before huh a green man sitting on a snowboard in the middle of the desert yeah i know we're gonna ride the wave anyway baby let's do it yeah snowboarding in the desert or would it be sandboarding i don't know oh now this is just awkward um am i on your bike or you on mine are we pull there's two handlebars i'm noticing this is just um um i see you're naked you see i'm naked and you're gone all right well okay goodbye all right i'm gonna switch to a bike bank off this rock it's gonna be cool as [ __ ] are you kidding me the kids are natural that was insane there's a wacky shack daddy event in yosemite where you get to scoot around on a delivery bike okay yo pizza we doing that one what up losers taking bikes my dad has enough money to give me a a jet wing thingy you can't don't even know what it is oh boy and parachute okay alright great i want to ride the pizza bike 30 minutes or less sure enough i could do that um pizza delivery for icy wiener why am i wearing a pando film when i didn't sign up for that oh [ __ ] i'm losing all the pizza why is there a guy speaking spanish in my ear oh they're delivery points i get it okay well i'm a pretty [ __ ] delivery driver if i'm just throwing them off the side like they're newspapers what am i walt from breaking bad come on now show some respect oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] is is that spanish or italian i don't know i don't have an ear for either so i apologize if that was the case oh god is it offensive to assume it's italian cause we're talking about pizza oh no hello pizza i mean guy oh [ __ ] oh boy oh boy oh boy easy easy gotta make that gotta make that landing all right what's this all about avoid all the obstacles to make it down the deadly oh this is just for me i knew they made this one i've already missed it okay all right we'll just um maybe we just you know what maybe we just reset huh how about that maybe i do it in first person let's see it seems a bit easier i could kind of see where i'm going more yeah there we go not even panicked look at that i know exactly where i'm going now jeez look how much easier that was racking up savage the on display there well done god i do not look like a person who just did that you know i just so out of place i can't alright back to my home planet bye everybody hey there just want to pop in at the end of this video and say thank you so much for watching and also thank you very much to ubisoft for sponsoring this video as i previously mentioned before if you are interested in learning more about riders republic the link will be down in the description below please go check it out if you want more info on it ryder's republic is out now on pc ps5 xbox series xns stadia and the ps4 and xbox one but anyway that's gonna do it for me thank you so much for watching the video thank you so much for the support i appreciate it and i will see you in whatever i post next because i never know [Music] you
Channel: SMii7Y
Views: 2,671,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: riders republic, riders republic gameplay, ubisoft riders republic, riders republic beta, riders republic tricks, riders republic review, riders republic free roam, riders republic pc, riders republic pc gameplay, riders republic game, smii7y, smii7y+, smii7yplus, smii7y riders republic, riders republic stunts, riders republic bikes, riders republic snowboard, riders republic mountain biking, riders republic wingsuit, riders republic skiing, riders republic rocket bike
Id: SFqBQ_5dYN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 01 2021
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