This Game Will Blow Your Mind

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I love this game. I wish it was longer.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dikard_von_Doom 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

I think my favorite youtuber to play this would be Slmccl

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/King_Dragmire 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

This guy is annoying.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Game-Djinn 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
i uh i don't know what to expect for this video i'm gonna be honest i have been waiting to play this game or have an excuse to make a video on this game on my channel for the longest time because i was never really sure if i could make it into a video i haven't seen anything on the game i've only heard things about it all i know is it messes with your mind so what better excuse to make a video on it than a sponsored deal super liminal is a game a game that you can when you how i i am so confused and i suppose that's literally the point of this game it's all about perspective and optical illusions and i love that [ __ ] now this style video is very different from my regular content and it was made possible by my partnership with epic games for this video so before we go any further thank you very much to epic games for sponsoring this video you can pick up super liminal yourself in the epic game store with my link below and make sure when you're checking out or just using the epic store in general please use my creator code s7y i would very much appreciate it i have been looking for an excuse to play this game on my channel for some form of content for the longest time because like i said this isn't really my normal wheelhouse of content so i'm sort of going outside the box a bit but if you do enjoy this style of content please do let me know by leaving a like it would really mean a lot and if you do feel so inclined if you are enjoying the content in this video please do hit subscribe as it does help grow my channel but with all that being said i hope you're excited for the absolute experience that is super liminal because it is something else like i said i have no idea what's gonna happen here you guys are along for the ride with me i have seen nothing on this game i want to stress that i've maybe seen screenshots that's about it the game's been up for about 10 months and like i said been looking for an excuse to make a video on it and this is the time okay we are about to have an experience i want to try and play the full game and then just take all the highlights and make that into a video and let's just see how it goes new game oh great okay i don't know if we should show yeah we should definitely show that all the time do you find yourself prone to minimizing massive dilemmas you're really quiet can you get louder for me to get blown completely out of proportion at the pierce institute our patent-pending son-in-scope technology provides safety the defective dream therapy while you rest in the comfort of our dream therapy huh i already see enough of that on twitter okay no i probably shouldn't be making jokes like that damn i sleeping right now loading okay all right easy enough simple controls terms no no no wait i didn't know i just signed the terms of service without reading it that's not good oh the door's open okay not like not like i'm the first person to ever do that so hallway things chess pieces perception is reality grab who was grab oh no oh i'm such a [ __ ] idiot god damn it wait wait so you're telling me oh my dude how big can i make this oh my god it just keeps getting bigger look at that oh i love the sound work on it too this is great wait a minute hold on surely i can no no wait i should use this one oh my it's like glitching out look it's like glitching out oh wait oh my dude i'm having my mind blown right now let me make it really small dude that is such that is so cool oh my god i didn't think it was this in depth are you kidding me so i can like change the size of things just by looking that's insane that's actually crazy this is how do they even code this what oh oh okay so you want me to solve the puzzle here gotcha all right well what i'm gonna do is bringing this in here somehow and i'm gonna make this really big there we go we're just gonna climb over it we're not even gonna do this the regular way [ __ ] okay hold on you know what [ __ ] it shrink it here we go terms of service accepted congratulations on falling asleep thank you welcome to your progress may be monitored by qualified specialists this orientation will adapt you to eyelids our interactive lucid induction dream state in which you retain full consciousness and control you got it damn that's a big ass chessboard damn that's an even bigger chessboard oh my [ __ ] god oh there we go oh [ __ ] god damn it okay so we put this here there and then we a stepping stool look at this are you kidding me boy's a genius let me through here what why can i not i can't there we go all right let's take it with us there perfect no objects you can't tell me what to do [ __ ] okay apparently you can damn it okay well what the [ __ ] now try and close it okay what okay you know what i get it there see it was that simple all along i'm just overthinking everything and then we need to grab it from here make it large wait what the [ __ ] ayo that just break oh okay what's back i thought i just broke the game real quick there we go little jump boom we're in confirm oh hey yo come now you can't do that objects and listen to messages from your patient care team please note that i am the standard orientation protocol and that my voice has been explicitly chosen to remind you that i am not a part of your patient care team okay i do not care well that's good to know i suppose look at this does this work with everything oh oh wow okay weird um that is i hate that i hate that so much i hate how good that looks like that is god damn it well that was easy i don't know why i expected that to be harder but right click to rotate you got it okay what did that do and why did this pixar lamp move over when i picked it up how big a cheese do you want my guy jesus oh my god oh my god that's a big ass piece of cheese dog damn you barely fit in the [ __ ] room surely that's enough right there perfect we're gonna make this jump no problem look at that are you kidding me lose the ability to awaken suddenly due to realizing that this is a dream evidence i have already informed you that this is a dream you did not wake up please complete the remaining orientation activities okay i feel like a nazi zombie what is this am i supposed to be back here warning you have deviated i [ __ ] knew it i'll go back i'm sorry the pierce institute patience my apologies keynote in our corporate priority tetrahedron sorry i'm i'm working on it damn there we go see i'm here to just kidding i need to break free from the rules the rules do not contain me give me a soda beautiful all right then we use this somehow can we just please use other door other door huh what did i do [Music] the [ __ ] did i just what do they do is there a second door in here i should be noting hold on let's make this larger maybe we use this to get on something i love the sound work the sound work is so good that's a big ass can of diet soda you know what i'm gonna take this with me never mind i have to leave it oh [ __ ] what happened here oh you want me to take this from here and put it down there you got it all right so here's what we need to do we need to place it far away and make it small enough in the corner yes we'll put it here beautiful as far as we can go back to pick it up now we have it and now we can place it through here game is literally so easy are you kidding me all environments perceived during eyelids should reflect a typical mental state if you believe your mental state was compromised by some nascult please provide a comprehensive rational explanation in your post procedural survey completed surveys may be eligible for a gift card oh hell yeah really no objects beyond this point at all times we'll see about that all right you were correct so i pressed okay well how the [ __ ] am i supposed to do this oh [ __ ] i didn't even realize that there we go boom let's go [ __ ] it easy dub boys that's what i'm saying the hell's going on in there oh son of a [ __ ] is this just a [ __ ] loop god damn it did i really i'm just leaving this game's [ __ ] with me man what's going on in here all right we take one we put it on there we take the other i am the other okay here's what we do we put ourselves right here and we drop it on the other one wait wait a minute what the [ __ ] what oh was it just a sign this entire time okay there is there another thing here can i put it over the wall like last time no oh [ __ ] i get it [ __ ] let's grab this one oh no i don't get it okay oh wait a minute i need to make it large enough so it touches both of them oh my god it's genius okay maybe not that don't come down that heavy boom look at that your boy is a natural at this natural of optical illusions are you kidding me this is a long hallway i don't trust it for polite recognition on your completion of the sumnas sculpt orientation okay you did it to maximize the time allotted for your therapeutic journey please do not delay in proceeding through the final doorway as indicated but there's brick and this just opened that tells me there's stuff behind it that i need to go see and let me through how do i get through here there's a way surely it's just a brick it's a brick wall what am i supposed to do i can see the outside world what is this aha the cheese it was always the cheese ladies and gentlemen i knew it there we go now can we go through here or no it's just a brick wall you want me to escape don't you i see what you're doing you're gaslighting me i could smell it from a mile away what you're doing there's nothing else in here i can grab is there anything else in any of these other cracks i can use there's stuff out there i don't know if i can get it though i think i need to use the cheese to get high up there we go there we go keep getting larger spin her around nice perfect cheese has stopped spinning why is it oh wait [Music] has i almost got crushed by that hey was it this easy did i just have to or does that fall after a certain amount of i'm so confused i don't even know if i did anything oh and i have blocked my exit great okay what the hell is this i feel like portal you know when you break out a portal if you played portal 2 actually portal 1 had a bit of it as well you would like exit the testing area that's what this feels like right now what i don't even know what oh [ __ ] this is the menu screen oh okay it's all starting to come together ladies and gentlemen pull one fire alarm i don't know why i'm getting achievements for that i shouldn't be like don't pull fire alarms people let's okay what the [ __ ] is this are you you hit me with a loading screen okay that's enough that's too many periods stop oh i'm awake is this my room am i back snooze it's 3 a.m i should be sleeping what's going on here hello is anyone there i woke up i shouldn't have woke up because someone why is my dog barking oh more soda hell yeah the water soda glitched it out last time let's do that one oh hell yeah all right let's get [ __ ] hydrated boys yeah got that yeti cooler [Applause] god damn stay [ __ ] hydrated boys look at this [ __ ] blocking up the whole damn the whole damn hallway here and as i pulled another fire alarm for no reason okay give me more of those oh i broke it again all right sorry but you can just oh damn that's a tiny ass can what the [ __ ] what a scam look how small this can is are you kidding me put it on there look at this it's not even it's like less surface area than the pen holy [ __ ] hey what does that note say i can't read it how to start it get out of my way tiny soda can i can't read that it's too small is there a way to zoom in it's probably some important stuff on there but i'm not gonna read it oh i don't like this yo this is this is the shining i feel like there's two twins on bicycles gonna come around one of these corners man okay all right pull the fire alarm hit the fire extinguisher nothing happens some doors are best left closed hey okay we'll see about that number 280 i think that's that's a message we should keep an eye on that why is every door why are the numbers so like scattered okay no i hate these this is this [ __ ] with my brains so much when i see those okay you know what we'll do it yep typical hilarious very funny very funny moment i'm going to get the soda can i'm putting that at the end of the hallway i don't care we need to block this room up once and for all no one shall harm again perfect put her right there all right we need to make it large enough so we block that door if i could god damn it almost bottle flipped it wait can i make it roll down this [Music] that was like a drink water commercial that was incredible push bar to open huh i uh i'll just i'll just put this back ah okay that's [ __ ] okay we'll just sorry about that tiny door perfect fire alarm another one i'm not falling for your tricks all right i'm not doing it i'm going this way off what is that what is that oh come on oh oh no i do not like that is crazy oh my god how do you even code this into a video game this is why i guess it's just textures but that's that's really impressive i deadass thought there was like something at the oh oh no i can't i can't do this get me out of here can i what can i do in here nothing what about this room oh oh oh i don't like this no dude this is too much man i can't this video is so different from the rest of mine like this is just like me exploring an absolute mind [ __ ] of a video game and i'm loving it it's great but we're gonna go this ah okay let me just there you go that should be good right it's hanging out should be good hold on let's make sure we got to get it actual size to the door so nothing happened perfect not really but it's covered and i think that's better than we could say for this situation all right head this way again through the absolute what the hell man fire alarm oh a door oh that doesn't allow you to take objects in we're going the right way why are the exit signs ah sorry about that i really just ruin everything don't i why would the exit signs be on the bottom what are they oh i see eyes yup i know what's happening right it's just a loop it's just a [ __ ] loop oh god i don't like this okay bring me back it's telling me to go this way because it breaks the loop got it yep there we go unless this was ah [ __ ] okay we're back where we started um what can i pick up here and climb can i use these oh [Music] i didn't realize it went up that high surely we can make this even larger that's a big exit sign i tell you what okay we need it to land in a way so we could climb up that is not oh net's turn though boom can we climb this [ __ ] come on come on oh i got the right idea too there we go shirley oh you boys figured it out what a genius stair con is that a real thing you think there's actually a stair nsa wait a minute what kind of game am i playing am i even supposed to be up here surely i escape like that seems like the way to go right hold on we take this and we create a bridge [ __ ] okay nope not good it's even smaller now okay okay we got the size we want we just need to [ __ ] sake i hate this game so much give me a bridge atta boy there we go i think we're good i don't think there's anything else we can really do here besides crossover so let me just hop on and boom bob's your uncle we're outside the map what is this argama pirate bro this looks like my milk bag character in a sea of thieves thumbnail i did like years ago what the [ __ ] portal prototype see i told you banana yellow oh my god they figured it out okay they know too much wait what's back here hold on there's gotta be something aha i don't know what it is but i did something it's a blueprint it's [ __ ] dark back here bro i feel like i'm gonna get jump scared in a minute i'm gonna get out of here i don't trust this i don't know what that is it's a blueprint and i filled it out but maybe there's one on the other side what is this this is a radio hello my name is dr glenn pierce and i'd like to talk to you about being special not interested so special in fact nope that we have no idea where you are neither do i man not to worry we're working on it okay right or left tell me right now hello is that all you had to say really god damn it [ __ ] useless whatever your name dr glenn pierce or whatever it was stupid idiot wait was this the right decision what's this way it's the same thing what's different something's different here surely door open on the right door open on the right it looks the same to me okay what the no i don't trust that i don't trust i'm not picking that i don't need that i don't i don't i'm not using that magic that was just spray painted on the wall and then all of a sudden you're going to tell me it's available for me to use yeah no you you can you can eat [ __ ] mr checker cube i don't trust you you know what i need you actually so get over here all right allu from the ottoman there we go boom mission complete let's take it up because we'll probably need it again knowing these puzzle games there's another one let's spawn it into existence by standing in the right position i'm gonna need you to stay outside the room while i figure this out thank you what is that is that table legs why is there table wait a minute son of a [ __ ] and then we put this here yeah and then it forms a cube yeah all right all right um this is freaking me out i don't like this what it's not even a cube wait a minute it's like stairs oh my god stair con the new invention does this thing have the nope it's a full cube okay so maybe maybe we use this as a step up or something shrink it down a bit put this here and then maybe we put this one on top somehow look at that oh my god did he really just and people said this game was hard are you kidding me jesus it's child's play oh my god do we even need that anymore you want me to form the exit door through perspective okay you know what i was expecting a bit of a challenge with this game but honestly i'm not getting i'm not getting that from this you know it's not going to be hard at all granted i just went up on the wrong side let's ignore that there we go pick this up and look at this exit door what the [ __ ] who duct taped this you know what i'm i'm i'm just i'm just gonna go through the door this game is this is something else man this is incredible oh another message hello my name is dr glenn pierce yeah we've already established that thank you again to give you a quick update on where you are you don't know exactly it's so predictable please keep moving forward and hopefully you prefer frequent updates to being reminded that you are completely lost oh son of a [ __ ] okay we need to form a cube again okay that was actually really easy i thought there'd be a little bit more to it what the [ __ ] is this was this here i don't even okay you know what we need to create i i'm figuring it out you know we're getting it boom c then we jump on it there we go and then we go up here and then we'll be able to form this thing look at that now we have a giant chess piece for some reason not really haven't really figured out that far yet but oh no wait it hasn't there we go okay what the [ __ ] the whole back just what what you were blocking this whole thing there's like a whole world out there okay let's use this make it a little bit larger put this in front of it [ __ ] up here yup i knew there was more i was not what is this this is a cube it's like a dice [ __ ] stare con again do i take this somewhere or is this just a a little easter egg i'm gonna bring it with me i feel like it's important what the [ __ ] this looks like a hollywood set dude what is that's a tiny ass door what the [ __ ] cube you go through can i take you through oh my god we have to say goodbye i think you were just like a collectible so you know what you take the small door because you can fit in there i can't crouch in this game so you just stay there okay what is this now hello oh mr glenn peterson we were there earlier i can't find you but you should now have access to a series of elevators that should trigger your subconscious to gradually wake you up our dope you should also find a variety of emergency exit signs that should lead you to them perfect will all of this work absolutely [ __ ] hope so man i got a [ __ ] meeting at five jesus can't be in here all day okay what's going on here um plywood door can't open it surely there's something pull enough fire alarms okay all right maybe there's a purpose to this i don't know i'm just gonna do it shut the [ __ ] up see now i don't think that was legal i think i just what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] on top of it what is all this who left their who's littering on the moon damn what what the hell do i like that just make this the size of the room or something oh my god this could be really big oh i should not be allowed to do this oh my god look at this thing how do what do i do with this i don't understand do i have to click something on here maybe oh wait a message hello my name is dr glenn pierce in the event that this elevator thank you moon i appreciate it please don't interact with anything that's all ships significant as we will no longer have any way of controlling it dude for example if you see your parents please punch them in the face as hard as you can and immediately run away oh wait what okay i mean sure i guess dude oh my wait can i that is that is something else like that i i am utterly blown away by this game like this is incredible fire alarm bring the moon with me we need that actually you know what i'm gonna put it back in space i feel like that's the right thing to do here how do i make it small enough to fit through there hold on there we go oh [ __ ] still oh i i see i see i get it i get it i get it there we go we just resized it a bit it's just a it's a bit further back this time you know it's it's all good i couldn't leave there without putting the moon back i feel like that would have been a problem you know don't get lost keep following the signs i guess beer fund five dollars okay don't meet sister-in-law all right what if there's a fire in the elevator yeah it's a good point oh [ __ ] is there gonna be a fire in the can i take this it's out okay all right okay all right no need to get so [ __ ] close jesus stay back oh we're back again son of a [ __ ] it's 4am now god damn it all right you know what there's gotta be something different this time i'm a stanley parabelle this [ __ ] and figure it out more water perfect it's broken again toss it oh look at that achievement okay this is different that's a lot of wood pallets my guy no wonder the lumber shortage automated message for all patients who attempted to use an alternate pathway to access the next phase of some sculpt therapy become trapped in a dream state paradox instead no [ __ ] your decisions imply a failure of orientation which reflects negatively on the standard orientation protocol you will rectify this failure immediately um no oh my god i'm going to do this in game hold on what i have to do probably just stare at the middle 20 seconds i'd say everything looks like it's just wiggling oh weird that's weird i don't like this getting an actual illusion in the game okay i'm gonna close my eyes and see what happens nothing it just looks like it's wiggling that's a [ __ ] illusion i'll be honest oh a cube we needed this or a dice i don't know i keep calling it a cube but a little larger there we go hop up we might need it again let's take it with us test too big sorry about that there we go that should be a good size oh never i don't even think we'll need that i'll be honest i don't think we need it okay we needed it fair enough what the [ __ ] who left half a dice down here what the hell what are you doing i'm gonna try something i'm gonna put this up here i don't know what the point of that is but i just wanted to do it and it's nice to see that i could just do that in the video game there we go hop on up and we're good perfect what a nice blue this is by the way i don't know what is that i don't like this can i turn the light oh it's a pipe okay i was really worried there was like a monster down here or something and i didn't like that at all what is this oh it's a golden chess piece okay hold on um how do we get back up i'm just gonna explore the rest of this room i guess can i go through this vent i can okay professional tip the average adult can only withstand three to five dreams per night once this threshold is eclipsed by entering more dreams your mind will suffer an explosive mental overload reorienting you for the emergency exit protocol please subject yourself to explosive mental overload what the [ __ ] no what did you hear what you just said no i'm going back up how do i how do i get back up there's got to be a way was i meant to do this ah [ __ ] okay no we got it we're gonna be able to get back out there we go perfect i refuse to go that way oh it's telling me to do not cross what what do you mean do not cross oh [ __ ] wait is this isn't my sleep room like right around here i don't know okay you know what i'll listen i'll listen it's fine i'll listen all right we're here okay we're gonna take this with us because i feel like it might be important that fell really slowly and apparently it's not important we don't need it okay oh my god got the cubes all messed up what's going on here ah there we go stop doing that god damn it stupid painted on optical illusions dumb idiot uh employees only okay i'm an employee i think can i get in here how about this one fire alarm there we go no can't get in there which option do we use that one or this wait what what is that hold on hey yo wait a minute what the [ __ ] okay it's cool it's cool we just we just have to create son of a bit well wait oh i get it oh oh pull them out yes yes send this one across your boy is so smart i swear and then we get to make this jump look at that are you kid [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] there we go problem solved is there anything else i can do from here no please note that a reluctance to volunteer for the risks associated with explosives implies a misunderstanding of all other solutions holy [ __ ] far more traumatic oh my god he's just bouncing around i am not god damn that's loud please exit this dream as soon as possible i kind of want to stay here this is nice look how big the rubber ducky getting oh i'm taking you with me god damn it why is it always these that's what i'm saying man can't even take you through here you're gonna have to stay all right i'm gonna put you back in your bucket okay just relax it's gonna be all good i'm gonna make you a little larger there you go so you could just stay like that you look beautiful have fun okay i'm gonna go through here oh who done got the duck all messed up i don't even try anymore son of a [ __ ] okay you know what i know how to fix this i know how to do it we need to create [ __ ] wait what if we just stack them all surely it makes it tall enough if i just did this by accident i am a genius look oh my god oh my god you thought you thought i would be get me up here why can't i climb there we go you thought i'd be discouraged huh because i couldn't take the big those are giant now oh my god i'm just gonna fill this room with massive pieces of dice [Music] holy [ __ ] that's they're so big now fire alarm y'all better stop doing that you can't discourage me look at this it's already in position i don't even have to reposition anything idiots god you guys suck i knew something was afoot here and now we fall oh wow oh ow you [ __ ] you put me fire alarm now surely we go back to the elevator yeah you can't fool me actually wait have we been up here i don't think we went up to the spot right here i'm gonna i'm gonna go do this i can't i can't pick anything up god damn no we did go up there right no yes i can't remember my brain is so fire alarm all right down we go next level very simple [ __ ] 5 a.m i keep sleeping for one hour jesus it just gets worse and worse oh a message new spot everything is brown now brown fire alarm hello my name is dr glenn pierce and despite touring the waterfall serenity zone in the previous section you've just completed you may still be experiencing feelings of worthlessness and self-doubt my entire life why do i feel like everything is going wrong even when the sun is shining well that gave me [ __ ] nothing thank you for that useful information anyway water broke it again recycle we're repeating the loop okay now this looks like some black ops one torture chamber [ __ ] that doesn't sound good nah you can't do that no no no no no no bruh bruh i don't i don't do well with darkness please turn the lights back on thank you emergency generator this way but what if i want to go this way that doesn't look right anyway that looks like really incorrectly proportioned you're gonna put some creepy ass shadow figure in that flashing light and i could feel it oh i hate this ah what are we this is a [ __ ] meat locker what are we doing in here bruh you can't be doing this what the [ __ ] okay nope this is where we call it yep blood on the wall this is the uh yep just go back i'm gonna take a little little present for myself a tiny propane tank and i'm going to be on my way well actually it's massive now but son of a [ __ ] i can't ever win in this game okay fine i'll move forward i'll move forward damn it this big hot dog in my face right now not supposed to be scary but it successfully did it what the [ __ ] not ready for it god damn it okay we're just gonna go we're just gonna blissfully run the [ __ ] was that is that the door shutting monday monday murder tuesday murder wednesday murder thursday murder friday murder saturday murder sunday beans great that's exactly what i was expecting this entire time what do you mean murder okay it's changing is it changing or am i [ __ ] nuts i don't like how dark it bro okay can i use this light please oh what the [ __ ] i'm gonna keep my eyes this way dude i hate this this is actually like my worst nightmare right now [ __ ] okay we'll go this way i'm just gonna look up just dude i hate scary games i i can't this isn't even supposed to be scary all right tell me tell me why tell me why you position these like this in a room like this come on man why you gotta do that to me [ __ ] i can't even get through there but what's on the other side surely there's something more to that okay i'm gonna [Music] never mind looks like we're pressing forward and nice to see sunday is still beans all right and more blood this is this is taking a turn for the worse i i didn't want this at all what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the f what the f i'm just running oh no i'm not oh you almost got me you almost got me there too bad i'm too smart and i'm gonna find a way around this like no problem what can i pick up here i will not become beans on a sunday no way i'm actually recording this on a sunday too so i have nothing to worry about then it's beans day all right let's do it [ __ ] it it's all good oh we're back okay how the well how am i supposed to do that then stupid beans hole what if i just jump oh my oh my god okay uh let's check the other way that is actually incredible is there anything here okay this way oh thank you thank you for the light it's about [ __ ] time that you could have put those on earlier you know there's still blood everywhere dude this is am i actually experiencing a nightmare right now in this game hello my name is dr glenn pierce and i'd like to talk more about the feelings of worthlessness and self-doubt i mentioned before you feel this way because you want the kind of happy life you see all around you the kind you know everyone else is enjoying and that's exactly why we're here to help alrighty then back to the [ __ ] nightmare in hand why why why am i why of all things what is that bro no [ __ ] come on that's [ __ ] scary and it's just a [ __ ] chess piece bro i'm telling you i can't do this [ __ ] they're lining me up for something they're about to drop the [ __ ] hammer to hit me with the fattest jump scare of 2021 right here i can still see through that you should check your weather strips bugs can get in anyway what's through here [ __ ] no no i don't want to run in there all right [ __ ] it [ __ ] it running backwards oh there's stuff hold on [Music] i can't see what what the [ __ ] am i supposed to do i can't [ __ ] see anything what do you want from me i think i have to look this way because it shows me aha yep there's stuff in the way oh there's an arrow okay we'll go ladder or stairs i don't know what stair con there we go okay now we got airplane lighting right here great and we're out of it just like that feels good warning you were advised to subject yourself to explosive mental overload by descending into addition i'm already there trust me send it into a dream within a dream instead disorienting yourself even further okay you are responsible for failing to make this crucial distinction what are you talking about i am not in control here y'all y'all are doing this to me you want me to do grab the sign you got it oh [ __ ] it's like a light is there something i need to grab on these shelves or maybe i take this back hold on potential potent yup yup oh my god i love figuring [ __ ] like this out it's actually incredible all right let's take this with us it'll be good light so we can figure out where the hell we're going look at this oh my god that was actually i i have to believe i'd be able to just run through that darkness and end up in the same position you know all right oh wait no that's not there we go that's recycling my bad you know what there wasn't a recycling bin available so i'm gonna put that on the company here that's ridiculous are you gonna let me through mr brick god damn it where am i now [Music] do i have to run on the sides here surely yep there's gonna be something up here predictable at this point honestly yup uh [Music] [Music] did you know that unintentional multi-dream layering occurs in less than one percent of patients this correlates strongly with the 99. patients who are able to follow simple instructions from the standard oriented where'd the knife go 21 savage are you around here i don't like that bro someone took the knife there's blood everywhere it's getting so much more bloody here what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] just walk it's okay nothing's gonna happen you're good is it a [ __ ] ikea no it's an idea that's funny ah that is loud and scary stop what the [ __ ] oh my god you power that much holy [ __ ] oh the beans boys that's a big [ __ ] thing of beans there that's an even bigger thing of beans so much [ __ ] beans you know what's better than one can of beans hold on [Music] just two giant cans of bees oh was it red paint the entire time oh i was freaked out for nothing hold on i'm using the beans to escape sorry surely surely this is stacked like this for a reason oh [ __ ] that's [ __ ] tiny beans there we go and just like that we have figured out a way to not get out of the map because it appears you cannot get out there but let's try this one doesn't matter couldn't even get up there anyway if i wanted fine we'll go through the door we'll go through the door i had nothing to worry about it was just blood or not blood it wasn't blood it was fire alarm it was just red paint i had nothing to worry about see level over it's fine everyone can calm down and relax okay what are you doing to the loading bar there what time is it oh [ __ ] it's [ __ ] six am jesus that's quite the setup actually it's pretty smart i mean granted i don't think people use alarm clocks anymore i might be wrong but i think most people use a phone but this was the setup you know if you wanted to set multiple alarms you just get a bunch of them to all ring at the same time for some reason usually you would do like a snooze setting where it's like every five minutes but who am i to judge how this guy's got his life set up i'm just here playing the story fire alarm oh [ __ ] okay oh i can't even throw i don't want to throw them out now i'll leave them in here they'll handle them that's fine i'm not going to throw them in the garbage i need to recycle someone else can do it i'm not going to have that on my conscience push bart open we already know how this works big [ __ ] door funny moment keep running keep running we're all good employees only all right let's grab let's [ __ ] bolt it down we gotta grab the door son of a [ __ ] come here door i need you thank you see that easy you think you think your little bolts are gonna stop me from completing the level i don't think so what time is it what is that oh one oh this means something the max we can go up to is eight that means something hold on let me through oh no way no [ __ ] tell me i can do this no i can't pick it up i could just make them smaller oh my god look how that is sorry didn't mean to do that i'm gonna crash the [ __ ] game if i keep doing this okay you don't stop smitty relax okay just follow the signs it's all good just a few more times sorry all right so this one am i able to just son of a okay no i need to do that because i use it as a yup i get it can't fool me honestly wait is that the same deal over here though hold on nope nothing above we're good okay it was just teaching me a lesson all right i'm fine with that here we go hop over we're good beautiful what the [ __ ] attention dr pierce requires you to note the following risks of dream overexposure significant memory loss both quantitative and qualitative hallucinations of dreaded or annoying objects unrealistic beliefs about the lengths of hallways and other side effects which have not yet been discovered or which cannot be understood right oh no oh no oh no oh god so many of them right click to return oh what the [ __ ] okay all right so if i that is actually like i'm i know this isn't effective you know what it's gonna work it's gonna work it's gonna work we just need to copy another one there and maybe we make a little smaller one say like right here nope stay on there please nope nope there we go perfect this should work wait can i get up here hold on no see look at this look at this and then we can right click to i tried to be smooth with it but i wasn't i was the opposite of smooth with it all right we will build the tower again no problem look at this it's practically complete look at that it was so easy this entire time not gonna do it son of a [ __ ] [Applause] i hate this part of the dream i'm getting out of here can't even pull fire alarm why is there a smiley face on my screen what is that why is that there that's an apple oh my god that's great that was so i don't know what it what about that was so satisfying but it just was okay all right now i how do i what is it not supposed it wasn't supposed to be that was so easy i could have just okay i could have had it on there moved it clicked off of it and then just what's exactly what why am i explaining it let's just go set this to eight again yep perfect another apple well clearly we need to [ __ ] supersize this thing so ah [ __ ] wait a minute okay it's making sense not exactly sure what the benefit of this is but we're doing it what's over here anyway a dark abyss well i'm gonna go explore great my own personal [ __ ] hell what's even the point of that oh i have to get an apple up here oh my [ __ ] god hold on what does this do opens the door okay i need to get an apple up here somehow so [ __ ] so close there we go don't let them fall it up here smitty goddammit is so small my hand hurts so much right now so close i keep losing it god damn it oh my look how small they are what the [ __ ] they're so tiny okay it's fine it's fine okay i just reset it let's try it again okay i think i get it i gotta get it i think i get it all right we need to create a path close to this so it doesn't fly off and it lands on those stairs while still being big enough so that is what we shall do god damn it they're already so small though what the [ __ ] i'm just gonna push this one all right new plan new plan no more spamming just gonna no stop stop moving so fast please stop i need you god damn it okay good good bank load bank shot all right bring it nice and easy i'm gonna stand right here so you can't go any further oh my god this might work okay i just have to i just have to [ __ ] it all right you know what i'm gonna use you as a spawn point perfect beautiful that one's probably a little too small that's fine there we go we're rolling right past it son of a [ __ ] okay what happens if i spawn one and i'm here to block it jesus it went right through me oh my god oh i'm so sorry this is absolutely doable hold on jesus there there son of a [ __ ] get up the stairs [ __ ] stop there we go there we go we're pushing it we're pushing it this is it oh my god that took so long okay now we just we just can't fall down the stairs that's all you know what no we're gonna take this easy we're just gonna duplicate it until it's on it we're not gonna worry about it falling off so many options here just need one of them come on just get on thank you jesus what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that one that's the only one that like genuinely pissed me off dr pierce is frantically submitting numerous spelling and grammar mistakes into the standard orientation protocol in a desperate attempt to counsel you i have no subroutine to correct these errors but i cannot compromise the integrity of the standard orientation protocol you will not receive these messages they would not make sense regardless okay that's great um anyway so when the [ __ ] am i getting out of here um just a question you know no pressure on the answer whatsoever you know like i said meeting at five gotta go anytime anyway i'm just gonna do something that hopefully yep there we go perfect just now managed to block my way reset perfect we're gone fire alarm son of a [ __ ] same thing there attention dr pierce continues to input significant errors i will interpret his basic ideas what the follow my introductions are redundant are these i am a real dog these are all vending machines wait a minute our has never been a mistake i can help you but i also do not know how what the [ __ ] transmission ends there's so oh my god i'm just dispensing mini [ __ ] vending machine okay this is too much this road closed what what do you mean the exit you're pointing detours this what am i going the right way i'm confused okay hello hello name is my pierce doctor glenn oh no he's losing the sculpt welcome experience team of your care leader patient years 10 development conditions struggle you whatever with professional invention edge science with cutting yeah tomorrow can brighten yes and butts no ifs or not good i agree with everything you just said i'm loving the character development right now what if i forget to set the alarm is this me writing this wait that's an elevator skull and bones that means i survive this surely this won't be a problem see it's fine now i'm just going to wake up in the bed it's going to be 7 am predictable boom back on the this doesn't look like my regular room um what what's going oh oh my god do i get to make another joke about my youtube video being on the screen oh i'm so excited here we go let me take a seat that's a good moment i love this part of the video this oh watch this watch this one watch so funny another message hello my name is dr glenn pierce he sounds all right now this is a notification that you have reappeared on our monitoring system after a prolonged absence please continue to do whatever you did most recently okay and discontinue whatever you were doing immediately prior to that okay so you're telling me that watching my videos within this video was a good idea and that helped it's going oh we're back here again mother okay good we could pull fire alarms again that's that's good news always good soda machine appears to be working oh almost threw it out didn't mean to do that what the [ __ ] okay what the f [Applause] oh it's my house oh my god we need to make it larger very simple take it from here fragile i sure hope not oh my dude oh my god oh my can i make it larger oh [ __ ] i don't think i was supposed to do that oh my god look how big i can't even get in there holy [ __ ] okay this is a problem all right drop it oh wow i i have made this way longer oh i need to be able to get up there okay i get it oh that is cool though what the [ __ ] all right let's make it smaller there now oh my dude that is insane to think about the that work that went into that that is actually nuts this one doesn't work someone should get that fixed hey wait a minute what the hell the who how do i son of a [ __ ] okay we need some what we would need to make it larger yes is this a good size you know it might be a little too big but we're gonna try jump actually you know this is a good size look at that good guesstimation right there another message nope it's a [ __ ] radio all right big [ __ ] radio oh well i have to [ __ ] leave it there now dude come on fire alarm sorry um like look at this who thinks of this man oh my god okay you follow the wire i guess into more flashing lights i do not like there's got to be some when these lights turn off there's got to be something around here hello my name is dr glenn pierce now in addition to continuing and discontinuing as mentioned earlier please also disregard any unsettling experiences that you may have recently had everything should have now reverted to being soothing and therapeutic okay if this is not the case you may be receiving this message in error okay stop okay can i get up here is there something i can no all right you know i'm just gonna get out of this room oh this is therapeutic this is nice [ __ ] someone leave the sprinkler on the [ __ ] is that oh it's this fan oh okay okay too much power too much power all right all we needed was this we knocked it down we're good to go let's get the [ __ ] out of here i'm not experimenting with a fan anymore let me in here okay oh windows to other rooms what of course of course they're not windows to other rooms unless this is important should i make this larger okay that might be too big holy [ __ ] i always forget oh my god i forget how large you can make these [ __ ] things wait i'm confused what do i need this for oh oh my what the [ __ ] i don't think it was a big fire alarm oh okay i am meant to be this small all right okay fair enough go through this one i guess yep and now we are in what the [ __ ] what the hell is you know what not even gonna ask okay you can tell me hello my name is dr glenn pierce and i'd like to read you my favorite inspirational quote by me the worst thing you can do is focus on negativity it won't spare you from the cage of death the pain of disease the cruelty of time the cold shell of human nature or the eventual loss of everything you've ever held dear whatever you do don't focus on that sorry what were you saying i completely zoned out for that like not gonna lie like i hope that wasn't important because i really just was not paying oh okay so we were just all right that's [ __ ] i don't like that i'm just gonna keep moving you know i'm not even gonna question it just gonna keep on moving oh this is cool let's make this as large as we can [ __ ] never mind it's [ __ ] tiny there we go perfect does this bounce oh we need to get in there oh [ __ ] okay um how would i okay wait i think okay that is way larger than i expected it to be um can i climb out of here i need to find a way to there we go surely we could squeeze through here don't think that's how it was supposed to be done but that's fine we did it anyway through the vent okay we playing among us all of a sudden oh [ __ ] wait a minute and then we take this through here no wait hold on this is doable [ __ ] that's so [ __ ] small god damn it oh no wait how do i how do i get i'm so confused how do i do that oh and then i go through it again oh my god he's figured it out ladies and gentlemen he's figured it out he puts us hold on we gotta find that there we go put him right there yep there we go he's such a genius bro i'm telling you look at this right at the entrance god it doesn't get any better than that let me tell you let's just go not even worry about anything else another message hello my name is dr glenn pierce and i'd like to thank you for triggering every single one of our 823 importancy protocols no problem this is the piano greatly in improving the system for future positions congratulations can i play this anyway you're now headed in the right direction i know there's a piano here i want to play it or keyboard whatever you would call it okay great now can i it says i can play it but i'm pressing it and nothing's happening [ __ ] what a rip-off okay you know what i'm going through this place [ __ ] sucks i don't want to go through here bring me back oh [ __ ] me okay all right uh this is gonna be a disaster wait what happens if i go through there now if it's this big oh my i've made myself [ __ ] tiny hold on what if i go back the other way okay i'm back to being this size i'm this is so [ __ ] weird i am literally the smallest person right i just made this thing enormous like the sheer size of this is gonna shock me oh my g shrink it shrink it right now jesus oh [ __ ] okay okay dude look how small it is what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] okay all right we can do this we can do this we can do this we pick this up dude that is [ __ ] tiny like oh my god that is so cool oh what have i done did i break the game i don't think i think it's through the wall yep i can't go through it anymore okay sorry about that didn't mean to do it oh my [ __ ] that is massive that is actually dude how how am i supposed to hold on let everyone relax okay i gotta put myself the same size as this door to somehow get through it okay that looks about right but how do i how do i put myself up there though do i like create a door or like a walkway like this and then i but that wouldn't put me up top would it oh wait a minute son of a [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] i have the right idea though [ __ ] sake all right that might be a bit too big son of a [ __ ] this is [ __ ] hard okay all right you know what we're gonna try and work with it does this work oh my god what a disaster of a [ __ ] puzzle okay we're good oh mike ayo there's a whole chess game going on here what's going on oh [ __ ] i gotta bring that over here perfect look at that look how simple it is look at that perfect and we're through just like that dude i am losing my mind right now this is actually insane like oh we've done the level okay we're coming back a bit short this time but it's all right okay it's 8 a.m now i think i i don't know at this point i'm just just i'm just here for the ride okay it's 3 am again [ __ ] what happened wait a minute this this all looks really new emergency exit protocol initiated please prepare to conclude your summa sculpt experience in 10. oh wait a minute oh wait yo hold on i'm not i'm not error error logged by orientation protocol now wait a minute stand by for analysis ah [ __ ] there's more [ __ ] blood analysis complete you are exhibiting signs consistent with an increase in fear hopelessness and frustration yeah call me out why don't you receive jesus therapy is proven to correlate with a decrease in these emotions well i don't know what to tell you okay i'm a special being all right i have my fair share of problems patient was improv oriented conclusion okay impossible all right reformulating calling me impossible jesus no dumping therapy conclusion emergency exit protocol cannot proceed why not emergency protocol has been emergency destroyed hey yo i'm gonna ask you to like not do this destruction continue with some sculpt therapy and definitely on an independent basis as all orientation resources have been exhausted okay this concludes your standard orientation protocol goodbye bye what the [ __ ] am i good it's 3am again oh son of a are you [ __ ] kidding me are we doing this all over again son of a [ __ ] okay i gotta do everything the same no no no i will not be stuck in a loop i refuse i need to get that [ __ ] water out of the machine stay hydrated stop i'm getting to it [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] no it just keeps happening earlier stop ah what the [ __ ] all my controls got reversed i can't stop it oh [ __ ] what is this what the [ __ ] dude there's the knife we found the knife at least there's a bunch of knives oh god [ __ ] god oh my there's no longer a thing here this it's tripping me out okay it's officially hit that point ah [ __ ] uh optical illusion nope we're stuck oh god can i open the private door no go back into my room maybe what do you want me to do what the wait a minute hey yeah you can't you cannot keep me contained [ __ ] hello my name is dr glenn pierce thank you for completing the summersculpt standard orientation no problem can i get out of here now before you begin the first phase of the first phase to briefly describe the finite and fragile nature of the dream state but first fate i just i did everything fire alarm we did everything what do you mean first phase ah for god damn it stupid loop how do i get out of this other fire alarm nah there's got to be a way out surely oh here we go you can't fool me okay maybe you can alright chill damn oh my i don't let me get my water please oh no water oh i got you it's all good relax come here get up from behind there so i can pick you up i can't even dude what the [ __ ] what am i grab ah chill out okay damn oh fancy fit dude what the hell i do not approve of this mind [ __ ] right now this is i'm walking up the wall right now just do i just grow through okay everything has gone wrong doc you gotta tell me nothing is more challenging than the difficulty of changing perspective no [ __ ] fundamentally altering your perceptions in a way that will enable you to face dire trial by fire scenarios with solutions that could not be found otherwise uh-huh oh [ __ ] god dick huh a little where the i didn't even mean to fall down there son of a [ __ ] look at those stairs now you're adding more objects into the game something tells me that was an accident um sir i'm gonna need you to move out the way so i could get through here i appreciate oh the elevator all right well that was easy i didn't have to do anything more god damn it oh all right this way cardboard only well you managed to [ __ ] that up didn't you perception is not reality stop no trespassing dead end yeah well obviously i thought something cool would happen there but all right that's the same thing that's the same [ __ ] thing fine i'll fall for it hall two nope it's changing it's changing there we go keep going left oh [ __ ] i got fooled god damn it stop lying to me unless this is you've lied to me piece of [ __ ] i thought you were like special oh no it was son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] wait what do you mean go left okay right what i'm huh what do you mean [ __ ] should i just not look that way i feel like i can't look that way if i look that way i screw it up let's look you [ __ ] bastard oh wait what okay this way i'm trying to like screen sheet there we go i'm just gonna like try and [Music] nope this way okay what oh it figured it out oh [ __ ] sake okay no i can look that way then all right i'm gonna [ __ ] [ __ ] a brick okay i i'm [Music] i don't understand why is that why is that digging working do i do i run over here now and then and then do this okay progress oh hall five okay easy easy i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna poop i'm just gonna poop everywhere okay okay okay okay opposite okay opposite okay oh oh [ __ ] that puzzle [ __ ] that puzzle hard that was so annoying and everything's okay can i go in this water oh come on dude the rubber ducky look like you're having so much fun surely i can get up there [Music] so [Music] there we go oh i can walk on water who knew hey what the [ __ ] hey where my cube go i need that oh okay you're up here perfect ah there we go up and here we are once again more soda really need some some water soda please give me give me oh wait a minute this looks okay you can put that out for recycling another message finally while we respect the unique progress oh son of a [ __ ] you must understand that it is possible to completely exhaust your supply of dreams thereby entering a state in which you will not be able to wake up even with the help of triggering mechanisms okay great well what my one thing that i had to be able to open this door is now gone so never mind i have found something new disregard what i just said probably need it back so i'm going to take it nope all right looks like i'm going through all right fair enough alley-oop wait a minute this looks familiar have i been here what is oh another blueprint i don't know what it is again but i know it's something okay you have to believe me when i say that wasn't a jump cut in the video that was what the literally what the [ __ ] is going on hey it's my bed right this is mine is it not i don't know should i go through the elevator or is the wait is it just what can i get me over thank you oh it's just broken it's out of commission not built yet all right okay there we go i can't open that all right we'll just use this okay i'm i don't know which way i'm going this way all right it's fine it's fine it just keeps cutting the things it's not me editing okay it's nothing it's just [ __ ] i don't know what it is i can't even explain it what the f oh [ __ ] the alarm oh wait wasn't i just oh wait a minute i recognize this room we didn't go up here did we i can't remember everything everything's happening okay what the f what the [ __ ] this yellow this one this one this one here this one right here this one this one this one i'm losing my mind this one this one over here wait i hear it or was it oh there's arrows what the [ __ ] that was not here a second ago please listen carefully for the sound of an alarm clock which will automatically play if you are approaching a destabilizing dreamweight uh-huh will do okay oh what the [ __ ] dude this is insane bro oh my god get me out of towards the moon i guess i uh never mind i get the moon is a lie what's behind here it's all a lie what the [ __ ] this is the craziest game i've ever played my entire life is there dude that did not look like that that is what okay what the f okay um do not like what's currently happening in my brain nor this game right now and there it goes i just saw it change so we are stuck it and now there's something in the middle great you know what take me back to the nightmare section because this this is just too much for me right now now we're just in back in the room of course we are why not what the hell what the [ __ ] what is this where where am i sleeping now who moved my bed is this a youtube prank this is highly unusual it appears you have entered the sculpt diagnostic framework patients do not have access to this dream the [ __ ] was that am i picking up the building shut up i am picking up this building oh my god i am we're taking it with me how do i do this hold on one sec diagnostic warning unrealistic [ __ ] is broken objects may result in dream integrity large enough perfect all right there we go now we go through here again and it's just a loop oh god what have i done this is not good okay is there another part i can pick up uh what can i do here oh wait a minute oh [ __ ] oh sh it just gets okay um let me just keep making it smaller i guess i dude that's crazy how the perspective changes in there look at i'm oh my god that's that's okay all right all right i know what to do we need to find somehow we need to get away out of here i don't know where there's a way out somewhere maybe next to the alarm clock like i make myself super tiny on the table maybe let's leave it there holy [ __ ] oh my god wait a minute dude this is i can't even like put this into words okay back through it let's go back through it we need to diagnostic warning paradox prevention product calls may not be vp fully implemented did i do something what did i do um do i go do it go back through okay what the f i don't know what to do here i i i'm lost again oh there we go we're giant again okay now how uh how the hell do i get out of here oh wait wait wait wait i get it now i get it now where's that house where did i put it i need to put it here right and then i can i'll scale it up a bit put it right back where it was to to some degree not not exact we'll have to deal with it and then we go through and here we are back on the street next to trophy tony's rysan medical supply you need a serious revamp with this graphic design do i have to go through that the little blinds here hold on put it there i guess no oh now i've done it i just okay oh boy oh what have i done from creating any refrain what have i done explosive dreams oh no oh nice god rays though look at that oh i may have [ __ ] up the system real bad hold on where's my my computer's gone someone already stole it where's the alarm clock [Applause] i know it's probably what i was supposed to do but i'm just i just never expect it oh god i think i just blew up the universe yup it's oh no okay potential there's still hope for humanity and the universe oh my god this is weird okay not an exit huh what's on the other side of this hold on nothing great i'm just gonna take the not an exit all right or not what the [ __ ] okay um all right uh you know i'm i'm going through it i don't care i can't take this just bring me through perfect not perfect what is that come on dude they're just giving up they've just they've gone with the the minimalistic pattern oh okay black and white baby tried and true we're going through why did all that rhyme oh [ __ ] hello my name is dr glenn pierce and many years ago i had a dream i found myself in a place where i understood that each of us begins as nothing where everything i perceived was shaped by seeing it exactly the way i wanted to white space okay all right i'll just i'm just gonna keep moving all right thank you are these uh are these complimentary appreciate it and just throw one out whatever i don't care anymore oh my god i'm gonna make a giant soda can put it on here [Music] [Applause] [Music] there we go oh my god don't be a fool hydrate oh it's so big such a big water okay what do i do from here you know like oh i see there's something over here all right well i'm gonna leave my giant water there i hope that's okay i'm sure it's fine i gotta go save the universe okay bro this is starting to look like my [ __ ] tear down intros what is this oh god i hate that effect oh erase me relax yet is that like a drug what is that minerals they're not rocks marie female toads hell yeah oh [ __ ] i wanted to see what else there was oh okay what am i in the [ __ ] tva what is this not an exit huh we'll see about that we'll see about that um okay you might be right there's something here ha ha i knew it it's too easy look at this look this just looks like nothing's there shadows that's what you thought but actually everything is here it was always here in our hearts in our minds okay what the okay seriously i'm i'm riffing here at this point is what what else could you possibly throw at me in this game like oh my god it's all so sterile now it's a [ __ ] windows advertisement god damn it [ __ ] microsoft wait a minute i can't i can't get up just kidding thank you microsoft but in white space i also faced the greatest challenge i could imagine because with a lifetime of life itself behind me and all of the weight that it carried i realized that seeing things the way i wanted to was not as easy as it used to be then get glasses i think you're just describing losing your vision like just [ __ ] get glasses giant light switch probably should have explored more before doing that but uh here we are oh [ __ ] okay oh i didn't even realize i was able to play up the stairs you got it it's probably just a 2d image yep all right it's a [ __ ] 2d image okay well what am i supposed to do here ah ah yes cause that's the first thing everyone would have done is run through it piece of [ __ ] oh my this is so [ __ ] weird okay come on red pill or blue pill oh [ __ ] which way um this way what the [ __ ] okay this is definitely a loop yep all right it's just good maybe maybe this is the right way maybe i was supposed to go this way nope it's just gonna keep looping me okay fair enough fair enough what happens if i go in here nothing nothing got it oh what the [ __ ] wait a minute you tell me i could have ran out you gotta be no way no [ __ ] way i just wasted all that time oh my god you could just run through this thing i hate everything but what what is that is it on the other side like what oh my god i hate it i hate it so much oh there's a door hold on oh what the [ __ ] you're well beyond dreaming now yeah you could [ __ ] say that than anyone has ever come back from but we hope that you won't get discussed oh don't worry about it after all if this is a pure perspective isn't it also a place where a different point of view could make anything possible isn't that why you came here no honestly i was just looking for an easy video but this thing just turned out to be a [ __ ] mess so i do appreciate it though oh son of a i was just trying to play chess oh wait i actually have to play chess here wait i don't unders do i have to i don't know how to play chess like i really don't i'll put one here i guess and i'll place one on the other side oh i did it it opened off [ __ ] no no i think i get it i think i get it i think i got it i think i get it i need to every single one these are on it opens either way i think i need to yup okay okay it's whatever ones i need to yep don't touch it yet smitty come on now you test the white okay yep whatever one i put it on and i picked it up like a [ __ ] idiot did i duplicate it nope i still have it in my hands it wasn't even a beneficial act on my part speed run i know what i'm doing now that was close i don't know why i tried that aha you stupid idiot so smart didn't even have to play chess which is probably a good thing because i have no idea how to wait what oh god it's [ __ ] bright in here okay progress all right now we could go through it for some reason and there's a piece of cheese all right great let's put these both back out there what the f where am i i'm so confused why was there a piece of cheese behind there and there we go jeez has helped us once again beautiful dude this is what the [ __ ] it's like a white stripes music video bro what is this interstellar oh my [ __ ] god okay all right how do we uh do we just keep falling i'm just gonna keep falling until it ends okay good all right that was easy that what the [ __ ] oh come on you think my eyes haven't suffered enough oh [ __ ] don't go near it okay oh my god this is insane oh that's a big alarm clock brother okay all right you better wake the [ __ ] up oh [ __ ] um it's almost eight it's gonna be a cool transition i can already feel it surely surely we zoom out from an alarm clock no just to fade out disappointing oh it can't even be mad can't even be mad this entire game has been an absolute is it eight we're back here what the [ __ ] back with not an exit again hello my name is dr glenn pierce and by now you may have realized that all of this has happened exactly the way it was supposed to honestly no you see i didn't figure that out come to the institute does so because they feel that they are no longer in control of something important to them uh-huh you lost me i'll be honest you really lost me here but more often than not the problem is not that the problems we face can't be solved the problem is that we become so afraid of failure that we refuse to see our problems from a new perspective that's true and so we do the same things again and again and again it's a good message and they're in of course oh man we find exactly the failure we were looking for oh i don't know where to go here you're gonna have to help me out give me like a oh okay you're just teleporting me it's fine i'm just gonna keep walking all right wait that's the do not cross thing do i just keep walking what do i wait a minute your life will always be a struggle and you will always have problems true but today you have the chance to see things differently even though it meant facing obstacles that seemed impossible at first you thought outside the box and you overcame them you're god damn right so things from every angle you understood them for what they really were because you kept moving forward no matter how far off the path you were told you were headed or how unexpected it became you found your way oh it's that part that scary mannequin with the blood on the ground dude what a game oh my god i'm so glad i played this all in one sitting too providing this is the end i mean it really is ramping up to seem like it's the end so i'd imagine it is where's that police tape is that what we're headed towards in a few minutes you'll be back in the real world and some part of you will say that none of this was real so i got removed questions have really meant anything oh god but we're teleporting so fast the power of perspective itself it will have been as real as you believed it to be all you've got to do is wake up i've been trying to do that this entire damn video okay there was no wake up button i would have done it fantastic what a game oh my god i'm so glad i played that that was actually way better than i thought it would be like i knew it was going to be cool because i'm a big fan of illusions and [ __ ] but like that was an experience that was incredible wow okay well i don't know how this video is going to end up i know i said it was gonna be like highlights cut together but i think it might just be better to just try and do the entire thing and just cut down as much as i can uh wow okay very very happy with that experience thank you very much people on screen i really do appreciate it but yeah like i said before this video was sponsored by epic games i partnered with them to make this video on this game if you want to pick up super liminal for yourself make sure you guys go to the epic game store it's honestly i know if you just watched the video it might not make sense to like you know go play it for yourself but just experimenting with it there's other modes as far as i know but just experimenting with the game yourself and experiencing it i think might be worth it and if you do decide to pick it up please do use my creator code s7y i would very much appreciate it this video is so far off from what i regularly do like i never do like full-on playthroughs but i think that might be worth it for this video alone like this this was an experience and i'm very happy that i one waited this long to play it because it ended up in a sponsored deal so i can't even be mad about it but also very happy that i avoided seeing everything about the game before playing it so yeah thanks for watching i guess leave a like if you enjoyed um subscribe for more content that isn't exactly like this but you know it's just goofy if you're new to the channel you might enjoy it wow okay uh yeah i think uh i think that might be it what a game thanks for dreaming i get it funny [ __ ] joke roll the outro [Music] you
Channel: SMii7Y
Views: 5,360,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: superliminal, superliminal walkthrough, superliminal review, superliminal game, superliminal gameplay, superliminal ending, puzzle game, puzzles, optical illusions, optical illusion game, superliminal best moments, superliminal puzzle solutions, superliminal apple fan puzzle, superliminal elevator puzzle, superliminal door puzzle, superliminal house puzzle, superliminal pool puzzle, superliminal smii7y, smii7y, smii7y+, smii7yplus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 28sec (6688 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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