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are you pulling my dead body can you hear your like sloppy face dragon why are you doing this to me my brother no red dead redemption 2 online is literally one of the most chaotic experiences i've ever had on a video game why has nobody played this on youtube i don't understand like you literally just saw a clip of me watching my dead self get dragged through the mud by my friend what more could you want from a video game so i say this and i say this seriously if you want to see more of this game please leave a like on this video right now there is so much untapped potential for content on this i am so excited to do more but with all that being said please enjoy the rest of the video all right everybody just calm turtle there's a turtle i just kicked the turtle i just killed it i may have done something very wrong what have you got there smitty it's a it's a it's an alligator snapping turtle what'd you bring to show-and-tell little guy do you want it hey guys check this out follow me i'm gonna take this dude out all right never mind oh my god is that another horse all right i'm calling [ __ ] no back off let you can't hold a candle to me [ __ ] okay it's literally just a freeze frame of you shooting let's rob this guy it's looking mighty nice wait where am i where am i going you're coming he just stood right behind the horse he's gonna do it again hey i think i'm internally bleeding here we go come on yeah it makes sense you might need a doctor now let's [ __ ] him up all right now he's dead for sure hey john you bastard my hat how dare you i haven't seen my don't do that again all right yeah we're in the turk olympics what a throw oh i can't pick it up you are not mugging me for big notch right now no no sorry i just wanted to punch you in the face that's all all right boys let's get the gang together and go hit up the big city there's a [ __ ] crocodile out here dude wait i got it i got it anyway so that's another hold on i got my knife i'll get him he's just running all right crocodile dundee what the [ __ ] come on [ __ ] you almost had him you almost had him you son of a [ __ ] that's my third horse okay so you guys saw that too it was in my menu and then i come back to this oh no no that's hijacking [ __ ] already oh eli great horse and buggy i've been waiting for this take me oh there we go you're supposed to hold e ah this side seems more comfortable no never mind this one looks better prime reported what did i do you want to go ahead and hold em do you wanna get in the back why am i getting out see why is it doing this now i don't understand i'm getting out i'm getting out relax relax [ __ ] the police jesus christ oh [ __ ] come on come on let's go hold on can you kill the guy i got it i got it i got it hold on come on [Laughter] why am i getting out oh there we go bad drive drive i'm in no i'm out again oh my god oh it's because he's the police i think it's because you're who's that swimming in the water job trying to steal the boats what are you doing i think i might die no why would you die oh shoot me you dumb little [ __ ] i'm not gonna shoot you oh someone else is oh all right i'm killing you i'm pressing charges [Music] jesus christ i'm sorry i'm sorry guys i'm helping you on the train try to catch me with that insane i'm literally at the back of the train off of it behind the train oh my [ __ ] was broken nothing was loaded hold on hold on all right all right all right all right it's too far [Laughter] well no not now john would you like a ride sure not what i meant not what i meant i'll definitely catch it now you son of a [ __ ] uh harder excuse me oh my god oh no we have a two-car we have a two-car pile up on the highway jesus make that for you i got you i got you nope i think i'm just picking you up yup he's dead oh no oh my god where where [Music] yeah is i think you're the one that's got to go that's holster the weapon for this moment but just think about it thousand miles stair he's alive all right you literally disappeared from view and then show up on the train that is the funniest thing i think i have seen in this game i like was convinced you died i was like so convinced he [ __ ] just ate [ __ ] and died hey partner all right although he just did a drive-by nope he said drive by yank wait he's doing drive-by yanks i'm doing drive-by wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it shanks i missed gun shot that didn't have much of a ring to it bro this game trash i'm shooting you my horse you [ __ ] that's it i'm doing nothing to retaliate oh but that guy is that wasn't me i'm a good you like a pig no stop i'm not a pig okay damn i'm sorry oh wait a minute i bought a new shotgun oh yeah test it out on that innocent civilian next to you oh yeah of course oh that one his head's gone okay that worked pretty nice do it to me oh no you look like santa claus cousin thank you oh who's shooting at me merry christmas no advice valve entropy like how do i get out of here oh hey man why are you talking why are you starting [ __ ] why are you starting [ __ ] already okay what the [ __ ] dammit i wish i could sit down the boys are so rowdy we haven't even gotten in the pub yet all right boys we going to the pub yeah we're going let's pop it up okay what's this oh god we can't even get drinks oh wait no we're good we're good yeah we can get this guy let's go get drinks one whiskey please who just threw this they just gave me the whole they gave you the whole bottle though yeah but it's a dollar oh my god i'm getting [ __ ] dirt with the boys i'll tell you what you're the whiskey no no can i play piano move over i want to play piano oh no i need me to do that i didn't mean to do that it's just pretty dangerous with the weapon i'm telling you just kill the whiskey [Music] kill him oh what really let me try to set him on fire let me try and set him up hey yo why you why are you picking up his body wow holy [ __ ] yo it's mozart [Music] i aspire to give this little [ __ ] right here this is insane this guy is the definition of this is fine matt what are you doing why do you have a random oh no i'm spreading it [Music] literal chicken nugget of a man just gets shot [Laughter] hey hey you want to lasso me and tie me up and throw me over the edge guys i got into some new stuff check this out give a [ __ ] what you got i got a i got a bow and arrow i don't care [ __ ] that was cool actually i got a shotgun too bias you want to see me use it on this police officer yeah please end it i don't want to be wanted [Music] just standing there he's just standing in there i'll do it again this is so disturbing horse you can't go in you're not allowed in the pool you cannot tell the horse looking she wants to be in the photo all right son of a [ __ ] all right who's sitting out i look so handsome today i can't alright boys where are you oh there you are [Music] oh wow oh my gosh back there you wanna change up your pose wait what happened i'm changing the pose oh guys what the [ __ ] is this five dollars a photo oh yeah that's what i meant we have become one man on my screen system here as always change expression i don't know look at this little egg [Laughter] god is everybody wave eli [Music] no we all have to do a different one so we all split apart and take the photograph in them okay i'll do i'll do wave i'll do wave i'm doing damn you i'll do something ready three two one go okay did we get it all right wait no i got to take the photo on this one ready that was a practice run on go all right three two one go didn't you didn't take this yeah i got one as well i got i want more i want more i don't have money for this bro i'm out i'm viewing the photo hold on i can't see it team tag me in it so i can see it it's so bad who's this guy oh it's me wait what are you doing though what are you doing to me put him down take him behind the wall stop i can't even attack you because we're too you don't want to watch this trust me stop alone jesus christ do not go back there do not do not go back i kind of want to see what's going on what uh what's going on becky [Music] guys are you gonna do a swanton bomb oh hey guys come to london oh [Music] i missed oh what's going on at the pub okay all right all right leave baldi don't go in there don't don't go in there don't go in there don't go in there oh no why do you get your knife out like that don't worry about it be honest i'm kind of [ __ ] worried about it you're not on the other side of it the other side oh jesus matt please leave them below this is where we're doing josh there's a small there's a small [ __ ] horse you'll see this yeah it's kind of a little one oh why why what is happening he just said devil thank you pulls out a shotgun just lights you up all right 2v2 me and baz versus eli [ __ ] it's so [ __ ] is there [ __ ] i'm just laughing at the situation we're in all right send it eli's got a fat head go i can't see you [ __ ] you're so foggy wait hold on hold on hold on this is big new hat it looks great i think i'd like it better if it was on my head though oh no oh man new hat dlc right where it belongs that's a nice hat one second i lost my hat the wind damn it's windy up here oh [ __ ] [Music]
Channel: SMii7Y
Views: 4,867,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red dead, red dead 2, red dead online, red dead 2 online, red dead gameplay, red dead online gameplay, red dead online funny moments, red dead redemption 2 funny moments, red dead redemption 2 online, red dead redemption 2 gameplay, red dead online blood money, red dead online outfits, red dead online character creation, red dead online smii7y, smii7y, byze, blarg, kryoz, elilikesrice, red dead redemption 2, red dead online update
Id: UKP_SVh75G0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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